This is a utility to delete your tweets using python program
credentials.json: This file contains the credentials for accessing the twitter API. Generate the same from your twitter developer account and paste in this file
Format of 'credentials.json' file
"consumer_key": "",
"consumer_key_secret": "",
"bearer_token": "",
"access_token": "",
"access_token_secret": ""
After cloning the project in your local directory, download the required packages using the command:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
After all the required packages are installed, run the program using the following command.
python3 --path P --param M [--count C] [--min N] [--max N] [--hours H] [--days D] [--verbose]
--path P : Path to the 'credentials.json' file on your local system. It is a mandatory argument.
--param M : Method of filtering the tweets. Pass one of the following: ['retweet', 'likes', 'time']. It is also a mandatory argument.
--count C : Number of tweets to be considered while filtering. It is set to 20 by default.
--min N : Minimum threshold of the parameter (retweet/likes). Set to 0 by default.
--max N : Maximum threshold of the parameter (retweet/likes). Set to the maximum value of INT by default.
--hours H : No of hours to go back from the current time for filtering tweets. Set to 0 by default.
--days D : No of days to go back from current time for filtering tweets. Set to 0 by default.
--verbose : Prints the tweets before deleting them.
You can also run the following command for any help about any argument.
python3 -h