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File metadata and controls

261 lines (217 loc) · 11.1 KB

Tiny3D - 3D Model (T3DM)

All data is stored in binary in a chunk-based file.
It starts with a header containing the number of chunks and their offsets followed by the data.


A .t3dm file can be accompanied by one or more streaming-data files (.t3ds).
This file can be compressed and contains data to be streamed in during runtime (e.g. animations).


Offset Type Description
0x00 char[4] Magic (T3M + version)
0x04 u32 Chunk count
0x08 u16 Total vertex count
0x0A u16 Total index count
0x0C u32 First Vertex-chunk index
0x10 u32 First Indices-chunk index
0x14 u32 First Material-chunk index
0x18 u32 String table offset (in bytes)
0x1C void* Block, only set by users
0x20 s16[3] AABB min (model space)
0x26 s16[3] AABB max (model space)
0x2C ChunkOffset[] Chunk offsets/types


Offset Type Description
0x00 char Type (e.g. M)
0x01 u24 Offset relative to file start


After the header the chunks are stored in the order of their offsets.
Chunks are sorted by type and may be aligned.
The first chunk type must be O (Object).

Vertices (V)

Vertex buffer, this is a shared buffer across all model/parts.
This chunk must only appear once.

Offset Type Description
0x00 Vertex[] Vertices, no size is stored


Interleaved data for two vertices.

Offset Type Description
0x00 int16[3] Position A (16.0 fixed point)
0x06 u16 Normal A (5.6.5 packed)
0x08 int16[3] Position B (16.0 fixed point)
0x0E u16 Normal B (5.6.5 packed)
0x10 u32 RGBA A (RGBA8 color)
0x14 u32 RGBA B (RGBA8 color)
0x18 int16[2] UV A (pixel coords)
0x1C int16[2] UV B (pixel coords)

Indices (I)

Index buffer, this is a shared buffer across all model/parts.
This will contain both 8 and 16 bit indices, depending on if used as triangles or triangle strips.
Since 16bit indices are DMA'd by the RSP, they are aligned to 8 bytes.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u8[] / u16[] Local Indices, no size is stored

Material (M)

Material data referenced by Objects.
Directly mapped to the struct T3DMaterial. Objects can have two materials assigned (with two textures), only the first materials CC and draw flags are used.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u64 Color-Combiner
0x08 u64 Other-mode values
0x10 u64 Other-mode mask
0x18 u32 Blend Mode, 0 for none
0x1C u32 T3D Draw flags
0x20 u8
0x21 u8 (FogMode) Fog mode
0x22 u8 Color flags (prim, env, blend)
0x23 u8 (VertexFX) Vertex Effect
0x24 u8[4] Prim-Color
0x28 u8[4] Env-Color
0x2C u8[4] Blend-Color
0x30 u32 Material name (string table offset)
0x34 T3DMaterialTexture Texture A
0x60 T3DMaterialTexture Texture B


Each material has two texture slots, which may or may not be filled with a texture.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u32 Texture reference (offscreen)
0x04 u32 Texture path offset
0x08 u32 Texture hash / ID
0x0C u32 Runtime texture pointer (0)
0x10 u16 Texture width
0x12 u16 Texture height
0x14 T3DMaterialAxis[2] Setting per UV axis


Each texture can have settings for each UV axis (aka tile settings)

Offset Type Description
0x00 f32 Low
0x04 f32 High
0x08 s8 Mask
0x09 s8 Shift
0x0A u8 Mirror
0x0B u8 Clamp


0 - Default (no change applied)
1 - Fog Disabled
2 - Fog Active


0 - None
1 - Spherical

Object (O)

Model data consisting of multiple parts, can exist multiple times in a file.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u32 Name
0x04 u16 Part count
0x06 u16 Triangle count
0x08 u32 Material, chunk index
0x0C void* Block
0x10 u8 visible flag
0x11 u8[3] padding
0x14 s16[3] AABB min (XYZ)
0x1A s16[3] AABB max (XYZ)
0x20 Part[] Parts


Model part data.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u32 Vertex src. offset
0x04 u16 Vertex count
0x06 u16 Vertex dest. offset
0x08 u32 Index offset
0x0A u16 Triangle Index count
0x0C u16 Matrix index, 0xFFFF for none
0x10 u8[4] Strip Index count

Skeleton (S)

Contains a tree of bones, used for skeletal animation.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u16 Bone count
0x04 u16 reserved
0x08 T3DBone[] List of bones


Bone data, each bone references its parent by index.
The list is sorted by index, so index references are guaranteed to be parsed before the bone itself.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u32 Name
0x04 u16 Parent index
0x06 u16 Depth / Level
0x08 f32[3] Scale
0x14 f32[4] Rotation (Quat, XYZW)
0x24 f32[3] Translation

Animation (A)

Contains a single animation with one or more channels.
Each animation then contains a list of keyframe changing the state of a channel.

Offset Type Description
0x00 char* Name, offset into string table
0x04 f32 Duration (seconds)
0x08 u32 Keyframe count
0x0C u16 Quaternion Channel count
0x0E u16 Scalar Channel count
0x10 char* sdata path (offset into string table)
0x14 ChannelMapping[] Maps channel to targets


Array of channels that define the connection to the data to be modified.
They are sorted so that all rotation channels come first.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u16 Target index
0x02 u8 Target Type
0x03 u8 Attribute index (0-2 for x/y/z, 0 for quat.)
0x04 f32 Quantization scale
0x08 f32 Quantization offset

Target Type

0 = Translation
1 = Scale (XYZ)
2 = Scale (uniform)
3 = Rotation (quaternion)

To drive arbitrary values, Translation should be used as a default.


The actual data is stored in the streaming file.
It is referenced by the data-offsets in the page.

To know how large the next keyframe is, the MSB is used to encode size.
0 means scalar (2 data bytes), 1 means rotation (4 data bytes).
The initial KF has always 4 bytes, to have a known start.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u16 Time till next KF in ticks, MSB sets type of next KF
0x01 u16 Channel Index
0x02 u16[] Data, on u16 for scalars, two u16 for rotation

Mesh BVH (B)

Binary tree of bounding boxes, optional.

Offset Type Description
0x00 u32 Base pointer for data (set at runtime)
0x04 u16 Node count
0x06 u16 Data count
0x08 BVHNode[] Nodes
0x?? u16[] Data array


Offset Type Description
0x00 s16[3] AABB min (model space)
0x06 s16[3] AABB max (model space)
0x0C u16 12-MSB index, 4-LSB data count

If the data count is >0, the node is a leaf node and the index points to the data array.
If the data count is 0, the node is an inner node and the index points to the next 2 nodes.

String Table

At the end of the t3dm file, after all chunk data, a string-table is stored.
This contains arbitrary strings used by the model, e.g. texture paths.
Values in there are referenced by a relative offset from the start of the string table.
All strings are zero-terminated.