This module adds serializers for common Bukkit objects. Check out Adapters and Syntax sections below for more reference.
Requires Java 17 (or higher) and Paper 1.20.1 (or higher).
Library is published to the GitHub Packages Registry and may require additional configuration. You can find more details here.
repositories {
maven { url = ""
credentials {
username = findProperty("") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_ACTOR")
password = findProperty("gpr.token") ?: System.getenv("GITHUB_TOKEN")
dependencies {
implementation 'cloud.grabsky:configuration-paper:[_VERSION_]'
Adapters for following types are included:
├─ MaterialAdapter(Factory) ───────────── (org.bukkit.Material)
├─ EntityTypeAdapter(Factory) ─────────── (org.bukkit.entity.EntityType)
├─ EnchantmentAdapter(Factory) ────────── (org.bukkit.enchantments.Enchantment)
├─ ItemFlagAdapter ────────────────────── (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemFlag)
├─ ItemStackAdapter(Factory) ──────────── (org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack)
├─ PersistentDataTypeAdapter ──────────── (org.bukkit.persistence.PersistentDataType)
├─ StringComponentAdapter ─────────────── (java.lang.String)
├─ ComponentAdapter ───────────────────── (net.kyori.adventure.text.Component)
├─ SoundAdapter(Factory) ─────────────── (net.kyori.adventure.sound.Sound)
├─ SoundSourceAdapter ─────────────────── (net.kyori.adventure.sound.Sound.Source)
├─ EnchantmentEntryAdapter(Factory) ───── (cloud.grabsky.configuration.paper.object.EnchantmentEntry)
└─ PersistentDataEntryAdapter(Factory) ── (cloud.grabsky.configuration.paper.object.PersistentDataEntry)
You can add them to your Moshi
instance manually:
final Moshi moshi = new Moshi.Builder()
.add(NamespacedKey.class, NamespacedKeyAdapter.INSTANCE)
final ConfigurationMapper mapper = ConfigurationMapper.create(moshi);
or use PaperConfigurationMapper#create
final PaperConfigurationMapper mapper = PaperConfigurationMapper.create();
Keep in mind that ① deserialization is not implemented, ② most of built-in serializers depend on each other.
This is an example of what serializers are capable of:
NamespacedKeyAdapter does not depend on any adapter.
"key": "namespaced:key"
MaterialAdapterFactory depends on NamespacedKeyAdapter.
"material": "minecraft:diamond"
EntityTypeAdapterFactory depends on NamespacedKeyAdapter.
"entity_type": "minecraft:cow"
EnchantmentAdapterFactory depends on NamespacedKeyAdapter.
"enchantment": "minecraft:sharpness"
EnchantmentEntryAdapterFactory depends on EnchantmentAdapterFactory.
"enchantment_entry": { "key": "minecraft:sharpness", "level": 5 }
PersistentDataTypeAdapter does not depend on any adapter.
"persistent_data_type": { "string" }
PersistentDataEntryAdapterFactory depends on NamespacedKeyAdapter and PersistentDataTypeAdapter.
"persistent_data_entry": { "key": "claims:claim_level", "type": "integer", "value": 1 }
ComponentAdapter does not depend on any adapter.
"string_component": ["<red>First Line", "<green>Second Line"]
ComponentAdapter does not depend on any adapter.
"component": "<red>It uses <rainbow>MiniMessage<red>!"
SoundSourceAdapter does not depend on any adapter.
"sound_source": "master"
SoundAdapterFactory depends on NamespacedKeyAdapter and SoundSourceAdapter.
"sound": { "key": "minecraft:block.note_block.banjo", "source": "master", "volume": 1.0, "pitch": 1.0 }
ItemStackAdapterFactory depends on all adapters listed above, except StringComponentAdapter, SoundSourceAdapter and SoundAdapter.
"item_example": { // required "material": "minecraft:diamond_sword", // optional (defaults to 1) "amount": 1, // optional (defaults to none, empty meta) "meta": { "name": "<red>You can use <rainbow>MiniMessage<red> here!", "lore": ["<red>and here too."], "enchantments": [ { "key": "minecraft:infinity", "level": 1 } ], // exclusive to enchanted books "enchantment_storage": [ { "key": "minecraft:infinity", "level": 1 } ], "item_flags": ["HIDE_ATTRIBUTES", "HIDE_DESTROYS", "HIDE_DYE", "HIDE_ENCHANTS", "HIDE_PLACED_ON", "HIDE_POTION_EFFECTS", "HIDE_UNBREAKABLE"], "custom_model_data": 7, "persistent_data_container":[ { "key": "configuration:a", "type": "byte", "value": 0 }, { "key": "configuration:b", "type": "byte_array", "value": [-120, 0, 120 ] }, { "key": "configuration:c", "type": "integer", "value": 0 }, { "key": "configuration:d", "type": "integer_array", "value": [-5, 0, 5] }, { "key": "configuration:e", "type": "long", "value": 173 }, { "key": "configuration:f", "type": "long_array", "value": [-50, 0, 50] }, { "key": "configuration:g", "type": "float", "value": 7.5 }, { "key": "configuration:h", "type": "double", "value": 7.5000005 }, { "key": "configuration:i", "type": "string", "value": "Hello, World!" } ], // accepts NBT on <= 1.20.4 or item data components on >= 1.20.5 "components": "[food={nutrition:3,saturation:1}]" // exclusive to 'damageable' items like tools and armor "durability": 1, // exclusive to player heads "skull_texture": "BASE64_ENCODED_VALUE", // exclusive to spawners "spawner_entity_type": "minecraft:cow", // exclusive to spawners (block radius) "spawner_activation_range": 16, // exclusive to spawners (ticks) "spawner_min_spawn_delay": 300, // exclusive to spawners (ticks) "spawner_max_spawn_delay": 500, // exclusive to spawners (ticks) "spawner_max_nearby_entities": 3, // exclusive to spawners (block radius) "spawner_spawn_range": 5, // exclusive to spawners "spawner_spawn_count": 2 } }