This directory contains DApps written in Glow that commonly useful and/or illustrative of some features of the language:
buy_sig is a standard closing contract, wherein a Buyer pays money in exchange for a Seller signing a transaction: digital title transfer, transaction that completes an atomic swap on another chain, certification, room rental agreement, pass to some online event, etc. If the Seller fails to sign on time, the Buyer automatically recovers his stake.
See Tutorial: Buying a Signature for a walkthrough on how to deploy and run an interaction with the buy_sig contract.
coin_flip illustrates how to agree on a mutually random number, one that both party agree is random, using a three-step commit-reveal protocol. In this particular contract, the number controls the outcome of a simple bet. But in general, random numbers can serve as the initial seed for a lot of randomized algorithms and cryptographic protocols, and it is important that it is impossible for any party to predict or control it.
rps_simple illustrates another simple multiple-step protocol. In this particular contract, two participants play a simple game of rock-paper-scissors.
Further examples of the language as it is envisioned, that are not yet fully supported by the current compiler, are in the futures directory.