A raspberry pi powered flower that shows the current pollen count.
- Scrapes the Met Office for UK regional pollen count
- An LED clock, the background for which represents the pollen count (red = high, yellow = medium, green = low)
- A sensor that turns the LEDs on for a few seconds when it notices movement
- Error reporting using IFTTT (keyed by an environment variable)
- Signal handling to turn off all the lights if the program is asked by the OS to stop
- Tests 😭
Controlled by the app:
- Raspberry Pi Zero W
- RasPiO InsPiRing Driver Board
- RasPiO InsPiRing Circle
- PIR sensor, connected to GPIO 17, GND and 3.3V
Additionally, by editing /boot/config
- a button (with resistor) to turn the device on/off by connecting GPIO3 to GND.
- a power led (with resistor) connected to GPIO 13 and GND