- Fix Quickstart (Modlist and Save loading) when running on Linux
- Built for 2024.1
- Adding defName auto-completion in C# for DefDatabase and
- When defining a RunConfig, you can now select a ModList config and Save file to be loaded for just this one launch
- Added support for
- New Mod Template now adds a PublisherPlus configuration file
- Added support for Custom Def Classes
- Implemented XML Def Find Usages, so you can just Right-Click a defName and see all usages of that def in XML
- Add a new "Generate" menu feature to add props to your XML
- Fixed an issue where some classes (like
) wouldn't resolve correctly, meaning that references weren't made to them - Fixed an issue where some elements in lists weren't resolved correctly
- Fixed some missed API Changes in Rider 2023.3.3
- Fix to work with Rider 2023.3
- Fixed a rare crash when the plugin was completely unable to find Rimworld
- Fixed automatic Rimworld detection when Rimworld is installed through Steam on the C: drive
- Fixed some false positives on error checking in XML
- Added more mod folders to the XML Project that gets added automatically
- Rimworld XML will now exist as it's own project
- Added some new problem analyzers to catch simple typing errors in Rimworld XML
- Enabled spell checking for XML
- Add a new Settings Page to allow a user to manually configure their Rimworld location
- Enables automatic smart completion for XML in Visual Studio, although it's broken entirely in ReSharper 2023.2
- Fixed an issue for non-Rimworld projects that caused a hang on solution wide analysis
- Add a Run Configuration for Rimworld
- On Windows, running the above configuration in Debug Mode will automatically copy in files from UnityDebug and attach the debugger to the Rimworld process
- Add a new Rimworld Mod template to the New Solution screen
- Taking some advice from the Jetbrains team, I've pushed the XML Def detection/storage into a
, massively improving performance
- The first release of this plugin.
- On top of the features from the Alphas, it also includes automatically detecting and using Rimworlds
if it's not already part of your project
- Added support for auto-completing booleans. Not strictly useful, but why not
- Fixed some instances of certain classes not being queried for their properties
- If you've got a project without the Assembly-CSharp.dll referenced (If you're on Linux for example), it should now be able to find the DLL file on disk and reference that directly as a fall-back
- Minimum Rider version is now 2023.1
- Allowed XML -> XML lookups and References for more projects
- Fixed an issue of some classes not registering as classes
- Fixed an issue of modules that don't have Rimworld directly not being able to find if a class inherits Verse.Def
- Initial version