version: 2.2.0 (2024-04-02)
Tesseract LASAGNA is a fast, modern and modular PHP OOP framework for rapid prototyping of Progressive Web Apps (PWA). Tesseract uses Google Sheets CSV export as a data input and builds the Model from CSV layers (hence the LASAGNA codename).
There are Presenters used to process the Model and to export the result in TEXT, JSON, XML or HTML5 format (or any other custom format). View is built as a set of Mustache templates and partials.
Tesseract is based on Composer components, complex RESTful API, incorporates a command line interface and Continuous Integration testing.
Tesseract uses no database structures, so it is quite easy to implement all types of scaling and integrations. Acccess is based on OAuth 2.0 and the Halite encrypted master key.
Clone the repository
git clone
and run:
cd lasagna; make install
Run container:
docker run --rm -d --name lasagna -p 9000:80 gscloudcz/tesseract-lasagna:latest
Run updater (downloads CSV from Google):
docker exec lasagna make du
Visit web app:
Go to the Lasagna directory and run:
make update
Tesseract starts parsing the www/index.php file, that's targeted at the Apache level via .htaccess configuration file using mod_rewrite. Index can contain various constant overrides. Index then loads the Boostrap.php core file from the root folder.
Bootstrap sets the constants and the application environment, Nette Debugger is also instantiated on the fly. Bootstrap loads the App.php core file from the app folder.
App processes the application configuration files (public and private), sets caching mechanisms (optional Redis database support), configures URL routing, emmits CSP headers and sets the Model (multi-dimensional array).
App loads the corresponding presenter based on the actual URI route. It can also run a CLI presenter, if the CLI is detected. When the presenter returns an updated Model, the output is echoed and final headers are set (including some optional debugging information). Runtime ends here.
Router is a part of the App script and is defined by joining (array replace recursive) several routing tables (in NE-ON format) in the /app folder.
- router_defaults.neon - default values (global)
- router_core.neon - core Tesseract funcionality (global)
- router_admin.neon - administrative routes (global)
- router_extras.neon - extra features (optional)
- router_api.neon - API calls go here
- router.neon - all the web app pages
Presenter is a subclass instance based on an abstract class APresenter.php and defines at least the process() method, that is called from the App. The process() method can either output the resulting data or return it encapsulated inside the Model back to the App for rendering.
The instance is created and data processed like this:
$app = $controller::getInstance()->setData($data)->process();
Getting the output for enduser:
echo $app->getData()["output"] ?? "";
How to display custom presenter in Lynx terminal using a CLI helper (default = home):
./ app '$app->show();' | lynx -dump -stdin
./ app '$app->show("home");' | lynx -dump -stdin
How to display core module output using a CLI helper (default = PingBack):
./ app '$app->core();'
./ app '$app->core("PingBack");'
./ app '$app->core("GetTXTSitemap", ["base"=>""]);'
./ app '$app->core("GetXMLSitemap", ["base"=>""]);'
API is generated from the routing tables on the fly.
See the live demo at this URL:
Run make
to see the inline documentation.
./ <command> [<parameter> ...]
php -f Bootstrap.php <command> [<parameter> ...]
app '<code>' - run inline code
clear - alias for clearall
clearall - clear all temporary files
clearcache - clear cache
clearci - clear CI logs
clearlogs - clear logs
cleartemp - clear temporary files
doctor - check system requirements
local - local CI test
prod - production CI test
unit - run Unit test (TBD)
./ clear
./ app
- apache/ - Apache configuration example
- app/ - Presenters and NE-ON configurations
- bin/ - bash scripts for Makefile
- ci/ - Continous Integration logs
- data/ - private data, encryption keys, CSV imports, etc.
- doc/ - phpDocumentor generated documentation
- docker/ - files to be inserted into the Docker container
- logs/ - system logs
- node_modules/ - Node.js modules used by Gulp
- temp/ - temporary files, Mustache compiled templates
- vendor/ - Composer generated vendor classes
- www/ - static assets
- www/cdn-assets/ - repository version hash-links to www/
- www/css/ - CSS classes
- www/docs/ - link to doc/
- www/download/ - downloadable files
- www/epub/ - ePub files
- www/img/ - images
- www/js/ - JavaScript files
- www/partials/ - Mustache partials
- www/summernote/ - Summernote editor
- www/templates/ - Mustache templates
- www/upload/ - uploads via administration panel
- www/webfonts - fonts
Tesseract Model is a multi-dimensional array. You can list the model keys easily like this:
./ app 'dump(array_keys($app->getData()));' | more
or dump the whole model:
./ app 'dump($app->getData());' | more
Model is supported by two methods: getData()
and setData()
Both methods accept the dot notation, e.g.:
./ app 'echo $app->getData("router.home.view");'
./ app 'echo $app->getData("cfg.project")'
Tesseract specific constants can be listed by a command:
./ app '$app->showConst()'
Constants can be overriden in www/index.php, otherwise they are defined in the Boostrap and the App.
- APP - application folder
- AUTO_DETECT_LINE_ENDINGS - Tesseract detects line endings by default
- CACHE - cache folder
- CLI - TRUE if running in terminal mode
- CONFIG - public configuration file
- CONFIG_PRIVATE - private configuration file
- CSP - CSP HEADERS configuration file
- DATA - application data folder, also private data goes here
- DEBUG - TRUE if debugging is enabled
- DEFAULT_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - 30 seconds timeout
- DISPLAY_ERRORS - Tesseract displays errors by default
- DOWNLOAD - download folder
- DS - operating system directory separator
- ENABLE_CSV_CACHE - enable use of extra curl_multi CSV cache
- LOCALHOST - TRUE if running on a local server
- LOGS - log files folder
- PARTIALS - Mustache partials folder
- ROOT - root folder
- TEMP - temporary files folder
- TEMPLATES - templates folder
- TESSERACT_END - execution UNIX time end
- TESSERACT_START - execution UNIX time start
- UPLOAD - upload folder
- WWW - static assets folder, also the Apache root
- CACHEPREFIX - cache name prefix
- DOMAIN - domain name
- SERVER - server name
- PROJECT - project name (higher level)
- APPNAME - application name (lower level)
- MONOLOG - Monolog log filename
- GCP_PROJECTID - Google Cloud Platform (GCP) project ID
- GCP_KEYS - GCP auth keys JSON base filename (in app/)
Tesseract login is based solely on the Google OAuth 2.0 client right now.
When the user logs in, a master key - Halite encrypted cookie is created and set via HTTPS protocol (strict). This cookie is protected from tampering and its parameters can be modified in the administration panel, or remotely via authenticated API calls.
* the authentication is available only if OAuth parameters are set
There is no database of connections or authenticated users at all. The default login URL is /login and the default logout URL is /logout.
Halite is a high-level cryptography interface that relies on libsodium for all of its underlying cryptography operations. Halite was created by Paragon Initiative Enterprises as a result of our continued efforts to improve the ecosystem and make cryptography in PHP safer and easier to implement.
To display the structure of the unencrypted master key, run the following command:
./ app 'dump($app->getIdentity())'
More detailed information can be obtained this way:
./ app 'dump($app->getCurrentUser())'
Note: These commands always return the string "XX" for the country code, because this information is obtained from the Cloudflare header itself.
Tesseract has built-in three basic permission levels, that can be easily extended.
Core levels are:
- admin - superuser,
- editor - can refresh data and edit articles,
- tester - no elevated permissions,
- authenticated user - rights the same as level 3, and
- unauthenticated user - unknown identity.
Remote calls are handled by the AdminPresenter, administrator can generate the corresponding URIs in the administration panel.
- CoreUpdateRemote - download CSV files and rebuild the data cache
- FlushCacheRemote - flush all caches
- RebuildAdminKeyRemote - recreate random admin key (authentication of remote calls)
- RebuildNonceRemote - recreate random nonce (identity nonce)
- RebuildSecureKeyRemote - recreate random secure key (cookie encryption)
Automation on localhost is possible by using the admin key as a ?key=
parameter in a curl call.
The key is readable for root or www-data group:
cat data/admin.key
All static assets are automatically versioned by using a git version hash. This hash is used to generate a symbolic link in the www/cdn-assets folder.
The symbolic link looks like this:
./ app 'echo $app->getData("cdn")'
and can be used to version the assets in Mustache template like this:
<image src="{{cdn}}/img/logo.png">
Tesseract generates TXT and XML sitemaps based on the routing tables.
You can define headers for Content Security Policy in app/csp.neon file.
The route goes as qr/[s|m|l|x:size]/[**:trailing].
Hello World example:
Pingback service posts some detailed information about the state of the server.
See the live demo at this URL:
Article data can be exported based on the article language (CS), profile (default) and page ID (use 'home' for the homepage).
- adbario/php-dot-notation package contains PHP 8.1 deprecation bugs that can be fixed by overwriting the vendor/adbario/php-dot-notation/src/Dot.php file with app/Dot.php temporary fix
- Multi-site - multiple sites support (partially ready)
- Dark Mode - set UI in the dark
- Tesseract Configurator - web based configuration UI
- Links Manager - Links manager UI
- SEO Manager - SEO manager UI
- Administration UI - administration UI reborn