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This guide assumes you are running a Debian-based Linux distribution like Ubuntu for package management - consult your operating system's documentation and open source project documentation as appropriate to complete installation.

You will need access to the production server to complete this guide.

  1. Fork the repository at GitHub
  2. sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install apache2 mysql-server libapache2-mod-php mcrypt php-curl php-dev php-fpm php-gd php-imagick php-mcrypt php-mysql php-mbstring php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-zip - Install the LAMP stack and supporting software for Craft (Note: You may also want to install Ruby, npm, and a number of project dependencies to work with the frontend - these steps are beyond the scope of this document at this time)
  3. git clone{username}/FreeUKGenealogy - Clone the repository
  4. sudo chown -R ${USER}:www-data FreeUKGenealogy && chmod -R g+w FreeUKGenealogy - Change file group ownership and write permissions
  5. scp -r ${CRAFT_HOST}:${CRAFT_PATH}/config ./FreeUKGenealogy/craft/ && scp -r ${CRAFT_HOST}:${CRAFT_PATH}/storage ./FreeUKGenealogy/craft/ (where $CRAFT_HOST is the production web server and $CRAFT_PATH is the filesystem path) - Pull down configuration and database dumps
  6. mysql + CREATE DATABASE freeukgenealogy; - Log in to your local MySQL instance and create a database for the Craft CMS installation
  7. mysql freeukgenealogy < "$( ls ./FreeUKGenealogy/craft/storage/backups/ | tail -n1 )" - Import the most recent database backup
  8. sudo a2enmod rewrite && sudo a2enmod ssl && sudo cp ./FreeUKGenealogy/etc/localhost/local.freeukgenealogy.conf /etc/apache2/sites-available && a2ensite local.freeukgenealogy && sudo apache2ctl restart - Enable Apache2 mods, copy the site configuration, enable the site, and restart apache2
  9. sudo echo -e "\n\n#\n127.0.0.1\tfreeukgenealogy.local" >> /etc/hosts - Add an /etc/hosts directive for your local instance

If everything worked as expected, you should now be able to browse to https://freeukgenealogy.local/ to work on the site and manage code changes using git.