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libBasso - BAnach Sequential Subspace Optimization library

Basso is a library to minimize a constrained functional in a Banach space setting. It is an extension of the sequential subspace optimization method by Narkiss by multiple search directions.

For more details we refer to the extensive userguide.

Installation instructions:

Basso depends on the following packages:

  • cmake - make utility for checking prerequisites
  • GSL - GNU Scientific library for function minimization
  • NLopt - (optional) alternative (to GSL) function minimization library
  • Eigen - C++ library for linear algebra
  • ARPack - linear algebra library used for truncated SVD
  • CppUnit - C++ library for unit testing
  • boost - almost standard library (we require 1.54 due to logging)
  • poco - poco is used to write iteration information to a sqlite3 database
  • libpng - library for writing png files (used by a helper program)

... using docker

For an tutorial to the python interface of BASSO, there is a docker image using jupyter notebook available. It is run via

docker run -p 8888:8888 --name basso frederikheber/basso:latest

and afterwards you need direct your browser to the URL shown.

... on Ubuntu

Eigen and CppUnit packages and reside in standard paths, hence we have to do nothing

It is advised to compile the source in a distinct build directory, e.g. in a subfolder "build64". This is referred to as out-of-source build. To prepare the compilation, call cmake then as follows:

cmake [options] ..

These options might be one of the following. Take caution to prepend them before the path containing the CMakeLists.txt file!

Typically, the installation path needs to be adapted: ... -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=<path to install to>

using boost

If additionally boost libraries do not reside in standard folders, such as /usr/include, /usr/lib ... but in ~/packages/boost the following options might help:

.. -DBoost_NO_SYSTEM_PATHS=ON -DBOOST_ROOT=<path to boost>/boost/

Note that boost libraries should have been compiled with "layout=tagged". Otherwise, FindBoost.cmake can not find the libraries and headers.

To allow for debugging, you might futher add "-DBoost_DEBUG=ON".

using Eigen

If Eigen resides in some specific folder, add it as follows

.. -DEIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR=<path to eigen>/include/eigen3

Debug or Release builds

In general, to compile in debugging information add


to compile without use



To generate the doxygen documenation, you use

make doc

The generated API html can the be found under src/Documentation/doc/html/index.html.

Moreover, the userguide in doc/basso.pdf and doc/basso.html is built by default by calling make. If not, enter

cd doc; make

Timing Measurements



to activate the timing measurements of each part of the algorithm.


The example MatrixFactorizer has been implemented for parallel execution with both MPI and OpenMP. However, only one of the two can be activated during compilation.

For MPI add


and for OpenMP add


to the cmake command line. Note that only one of them may be True at the same time (but both can be False in which case factorization is done sequentially.)

Special purpose diff

Result files are compared against stored files in the regression tests using diff by default. diff compares literally and does not know about numerical (im)precision. Hence, a different diff, such as ndiff, may be specified via

-DUSE_NDIFF=ON -DNDIFF_PATH=<path to ndiff's bin folder>

to activate comparison of outputfiles with ndiff. The semicolons ";" are required to ensure that we have a list of options (otherwise they are presented to ndiff as single string which will not work).

Note: There is another ndiff program used to compare XML output files from nmap. Hence, the path NDIFF_PATH to ndiff's bin folder should always be given.

Various Tests

Various compile switches exist to enable more testing of the algorithm.

TRUESOLUTION Calculates true solution in inner MatrixFactorizer loop to calculate Bregman distance and check convergence (see src/MatrixFactorizer.cpp). FULLMATRIXNORM Calculates operator norm via SVD instead of matrix norm (takes O(N^3) !) (cmake define or compile switch)