+"""Script is a base class for a synchronous gallia command.
+ To implement a script, create a subclass and implement the
+ .main() method."""
+ GROUP="script"
+ defsetup(self)->None:...
+ @abstractmethod
+ defmain(self)->None:...
+ defteardown(self)->None:...
+ defrun(self)->int:
+ self.setup()
+ try:
+ self.main()
+ finally:
+ self.teardown()
+ returnexitcodes.OK
+"""AsyncScript is a base class for a asynchronous gallia command.
+ To implement an async script, create a subclass and implement
+ the .main() method."""
+ GROUP="script"
+ asyncdefsetup(self)->None:...
+ @abstractmethod
+ asyncdefmain(self)->None:...
+ asyncdefteardown(self)->None:...
+ asyncdef_run(self)->None:
+ awaitself.setup()
+ try:
+ awaitself.main()
+ finally:
+ awaitself.teardown()
+ defrun(self)->int:
+ asyncio.run(self._run())
+ returnexitcodes.OK
+ dumpcap:bool=Field(
+ sys.platform.startswith("linux"),description="Enable/Disable creating a pcap file"
+ )
+ target:Idempotent[TargetURI]=Field(
+ description="URI that describes the target",metavar="TARGET"
+ )
+ power_supply:Idempotent[PowerSupplyURI]|None=Field(
+ None,
+ description="URI specifying the location of the relevant opennetzteil server",
+ metavar="URI",
+ )
+ power_cycle:bool=Field(
+ False,
+ description="use the configured power supply to power-cycle the ECU when needed (e.g. before starting the scan, or to recover bad state during scanning)",
+ )
+ power_cycle_sleep:float=Field(
+ 5.0,description="time to sleep after the power-cycle",metavar="SECs"
+ )
+ @field_serializer("target","power_supply")
+ defserialize_target_uri(self,target_uri:TargetURI|None)->Any:
+ iftarget_uriisNone:
+ returnNone
+ returntarget_uri.raw
+ @model_validator(mode="after")
+ defcheck_power_supply_required(self)->Self:
+ ifself.power_cycleandself.power_supplyisNone:
+ raiseValueError("power-cycle needs power-supply")
+ returnself
+"""Scanner is a base class for all scanning related commands.
+ A scanner has the following properties:
+ - It is async.
+ - It loads transports via TargetURIs; available via `self.transport`.
+ - Controlling PowerSupplies via the opennetzteil API is supported.
+ - `setup()` can be overwritten (do not forget to call `super().setup()`)
+ for preparation tasks, such as establishing a network connection or
+ starting background tasks.
+ - pcap logfiles can be recorded via a Dumpcap background task.
+ - `teardown()` can be overwritten (do not forget to call `super().teardown()`)
+ for cleanup tasks, such as terminating a network connection or background
+ tasks.
+ - `main()` is the relevant entry_point for the scanner and must be implemented.
+ """
+ CATCHED_EXCEPTIONS:list[type[Exception]]=[ConnectionError,UDSException]
+ def__init__(self,config:ScannerConfig):
+ super().__init__(config)
+ self.config:ScannerConfig=config
+ self.power_supply:PowerSupply|None=None
+ self.transport:BaseTransport
+ self.dumpcap:Dumpcap|None=None
+ @abstractmethod
+ asyncdefmain(self)->None:...
+ asyncdefsetup(self)->None:
+ fromgallia.plugins.pluginimportload_transport
+ ifself.config.power_supplyisnotNone:
+ self.power_supply=awaitPowerSupply.connect(self.config.power_supply)
+ ifself.config.power_cycleisTrue:
+ awaitself.power_supply.power_cycle(
+ self.config.power_cycle_sleep,lambda:asyncio.sleep(2)
+ )
+ # Start dumpcap as the first subprocess; otherwise network
+ # traffic might be missing.
+ ifself.config.dumpcap:
+ ifshutil.which("dumpcap")isNone:
+ raiseRuntimeError("--dumpcap specified but `dumpcap` is not available")
+ self.dumpcap=awaitDumpcap.start(self.config.target,self.artifacts_dir)
+ ifself.dumpcapisNone:
+ logger.error("`dumpcap` could not be started!")
+ else:
+ awaitself.dumpcap.sync()
+ self.transport=awaitload_transport(self.config.target).connect(self.config.target)
+ asyncdefteardown(self)->None:
+ awaitself.transport.close()
+ ifself.dumpcap:
+ awaitself.dumpcap.stop()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/gallia/command/uds.html b/_modules/gallia/command/uds.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9d99b8273
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/gallia/command/uds.html
@@ -0,0 +1,316 @@
+ gallia.command.uds — gallia documentation
+# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: AISEC Pentesting Team
+# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
+ ecu_reset:int|None=Field(
+ None,
+ description="Trigger an initial ecu_reset via UDS; reset level is optional",
+ const=0x01,
+ )
+ oem:str=Field(
+ description="The OEM of the ECU, used to choose a OEM specific ECU implementation",
+ metavar="OEM",
+ )
+ timeout:float=Field(
+ 2,description="Timeout value to wait for a response from the ECU",metavar="SECONDS"
+ )
+ max_retries:int=Field(
+ 3,
+ description="Number of maximum retries while sending UDS requests. If supported by the transport, this will trigger reconnects if required.",
+ metavar="INT",
+ )
+ ping:bool=Field(True,description="Enable/Disable initial TesterPresent request")
+ tester_present_interval:float=Field(
+ 0.5,
+ description="Modify the interval of the cyclic tester present packets",
+ metavar="SECONDS",
+ )
+ tester_present:bool=Field(
+ True,description="Enable/Disable tester present background worker"
+ )
+ properties:bool=Field(
+ True,description="Read and store the ECU proporties prior and after scan"
+ )
+ compare_properties:bool=Field(
+ True,description="Compare properties before and after the scan"
+ )
+ @field_validator("oem")
+ @classmethod
+ defcheck_oem(cls,v:str)->str:
+ ecu_names=[ecu.OEMforecuinload_ecus()]
+ ifvnotinecu_names:
+ raiseValueError(f"Not a valid OEM. Use any of {ecu_names}.")
+ returnv
+"""UDSScanner is a baseclass, particularly for scanning tasks
+ related to the UDS protocol. The differences to Scanner are:
+ - `self.ecu` contains a OEM specific UDS client object.
+ - A background tasks sends TesterPresent regularly to avoid timeouts.
+ """
+ SUBGROUP:str|None="uds"
+ def__init__(self,config:UDSScannerConfig):
+ super().__init__(config)
+ self.config:UDSScannerConfig=config
+ self.ecu:ECU
+ self._implicit_logging=True
+ @property
+ defimplicit_logging(self)->bool:
+ returnself._implicit_logging
+ @implicit_logging.setter
+ defimplicit_logging(self,value:bool)->None:
+ self._implicit_logging=value
+ ifself.db_handlerisnotNone:
+ self._apply_implicit_logging_setting()
+ def_apply_implicit_logging_setting(self)->None:
+ self.ecu.implicit_logging=self._implicit_logging
+ asyncdefsetup(self)->None:
+ awaitsuper().setup()
+ self.ecu=load_ecu(self.config.oem)(
+ self.transport,
+ timeout=self.config.timeout,
+ max_retry=self.config.max_retries,
+ power_supply=self.power_supply,
+ )
+ self.ecu.db_handler=self.db_handler
+ ifself.db_handlerisnotNone:
+ try:
+ # No idea, but str(args.target) fails with a strange traceback.
+ # Lets use the attribute directly…
+ awaitself.db_handler.insert_scan_run(self.config.target.raw)
+ self._apply_implicit_logging_setting()
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ logger.warning(f"Could not write the scan run to the database: {e:!r}")
+ ifself.config.ecu_resetisnotNone:
+ resp:UDSResponse=awaitself.ecu.ecu_reset(self.config.ecu_reset)
+ ifisinstance(resp,NegativeResponse):
+ logger.warning(f"ECUReset failed: {resp}")
+ logger.warning("Switching to default session")
+ raise_for_error(awaitself.ecu.set_session(0x01))
+ resp=awaitself.ecu.ecu_reset(self.config.ecu_reset)
+ ifisinstance(resp,NegativeResponse):
+ logger.warning(f"ECUReset in session 0x01 failed: {resp}")
+ # Handles connecting to the target and waits
+ # until it is ready.
+ ifself.config.ping:
+ awaitself.ecu.wait_for_ecu()
+ awaitself.ecu.connect()
+ ifself.config.tester_present:
+ awaitself.ecu.start_cyclic_tester_present(self.config.tester_present_interval)
+ ifself.config.propertiesisTrue:
+ path=self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.PROPERTIES_PRE.value)
+ path.write_text(json.dumps(awaitself.ecu.properties(True),indent=4)+"\n")
+ ifself.db_handlerisnotNone:
+ self._apply_implicit_logging_setting()
+ ifself.config.propertiesisTrue:
+ try:
+ awaitself.db_handler.insert_scan_run_properties_pre(
+ awaitself.ecu.properties()
+ )
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ logger.warning(f"Could not write the properties_pre to the database: {e!r}")
+ asyncdefteardown(self)->None:
+ ifself.config.propertiesisTrueand(notself.ecu.transport.is_closed):
+ path=self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.PROPERTIES_POST.value)
+ path.write_text(json.dumps(awaitself.ecu.properties(True),indent=4)+"\n")
+ path_pre=self.artifacts_dir.joinpath(FileNames.PROPERTIES_PRE.value)
+ prop_pre=json.loads(path_pre.read_text())
+ ifself.config.compare_propertiesandawaitself.ecu.properties(False)!=prop_pre:
+ logger.warning("ecu properties differ, please investigate!")
+ ifself.db_handlerisnotNoneandself.config.propertiesisTrue:
+ try:
+ awaitself.db_handler.complete_scan_run(awaitself.ecu.properties(False))
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ logger.warning(f"Could not write the scan run to the database: {e!r}")
+ ifself.config.tester_present:
+ awaitself.ecu.stop_cyclic_tester_present()
+ # This must be the last one.
+ awaitsuper().teardown()
+ timeout:float=Field(0.5,description="timeout value for request")
+ def__init__(self,config:UDSDiscoveryScannerConfig):
+ super().__init__(config)
+ self.config:UDSDiscoveryScannerConfig=config
+ asyncdefsetup(self)->None:
+ awaitsuper().setup()
+ ifself.db_handlerisnotNone:
+ try:
+ awaitself.db_handler.insert_discovery_run(self.config.target.url.scheme)
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ logger.warning(f"Could not write the discovery run to the database: {e!r}")
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/gallia/log.html b/_modules/gallia/log.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4c12ca885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/gallia/log.html
@@ -0,0 +1,979 @@
+ gallia.log — gallia documentation
+"""ColorMode is used as an argument to :func:`set_color_mode`."""
+ #: Colors are always turned on.
+ ALWAYS="always"
+ #: Colors are turned off if the target
+ #: stream (e.g. stderr) is not a tty.
+ AUTO="auto"
+ #: No colors are used. In other words,
+ #: no ANSI escape codes are included.
+ NEVER="never"
+"""Sets the color mode of the console log handler.
+ :param mode: The available options are described in :class:`ColorMode`.
+ :param stream: Used as a reference for :attr:`ColorMode.AUTO`.
+ """
+ ifsys.platform=="win32":
+ returnFalse
+ matchmode:
+ caseColorMode.ALWAYS:
+ returnTrue
+ caseColorMode.AUTO:
+ ifos.getenv("NO_COLOR")isnotNone:
+ returnFalse
+ else:
+ returnstream.isatty()
+ caseColorMode.NEVER:
+ returnFalse
+# https://stackoverflow.com/a/35804945
+ method_name=level_name.lower()
+ ifhasattr(logging,level_name):
+ raiseAttributeError(f"{level_name} already defined in logging module")
+ ifhasattr(logging,method_name):
+ raiseAttributeError(f"{method_name} already defined in logging module")
+ ifhasattr(logging.getLoggerClass(),method_name):
+ raiseAttributeError(f"{method_name} already defined in logger class")
+ # This method was inspired by the answers to Stack Overflow post
+ # http://stackoverflow.com/q/2183233/2988730, especially
+ # http://stackoverflow.com/a/13638084/2988730
+ deffor_level(self,message,*args,**kwargs):# type: ignore
+ ifself.isEnabledFor(level_num):
+ self._log(
+ level_num,
+ message,
+ args,
+ **kwargs,
+ )
+ defto_root(message,*args,**kwargs):# type: ignore
+ logging.log(level_num,message,*args,**kwargs)
+ logging.addLevelName(level_num,level_name)
+ setattr(logging,level_name,level_num)
+ setattr(logging.getLoggerClass(),method_name,for_level)
+ setattr(logging,method_name,to_root)
+"""A wrapper around the constants exposed by python's
+ ``logging`` module. Since gallia adds two additional
+ loglevel's (``NOTICE`` and ``TRACE``), this class
+ provides a type safe way to access the loglevels.
+ The level ``NOTICE`` was added to conform better to
+ RFC3164. Subsequently, ``TRACE`` was added to have
+ a facility for optional debug messages.
+ Loglevel describes python specific values for loglevels
+ which are required to integrate with the python ecosystem.
+ For generic priority values, see :class:`PenlogPriority`.
+ """
+ ERROR=logging.ERROR
+ NOTICE=logging.NOTICE# type: ignore
+ INFO=logging.INFO
+ DEBUG=logging.DEBUG
+ TRACE=logging.TRACE# type: ignore
+"""PenlogPriority holds the values which are written
+ to json log records. These values conform to RFC3164
+ with the addition of ``TRACE``. Since Python uses different
+ int values for the loglevels, there are two enums in
+ gallia describing loglevels. PenlogPriority describes
+ generic priority values which are included in json
+ log records.
+ """
+ INFO=6
+ @classmethod
+ deffrom_str(cls,string:str)->PenlogPriority:
+"""Converts a string to an instance of PenlogPriority.
+ ``string`` can be a numeric value (0 to 8 inclusive)
+ or a string with a case insensitive name of the level
+ (e.g. ``debug``).
+ """
+ ifstring.isnumeric():
+ returncls(int(string,0))
+ matchstring.lower():
+ case"emergency":
+ returncls.EMERGENCY
+ case"alert":
+ returncls.ALERT
+ case"critical":
+ returncls.CRITICAL
+ case"error":
+ returncls.ERROR
+ case"warning":
+ returncls.WARNING
+ case"notice":
+ returncls.NOTICE
+ case"info":
+ returncls.INFO
+ case"debug":
+ returncls.DEBUG
+ case"trace":
+ returncls.TRACE
+ case_:
+ raiseValueError(f"{string} not a valid priority")
+ @classmethod
+ deffrom_level(cls,value:int)->PenlogPriority:
+"""Converts an int value (e.g. from python's logging module)
+ to an instance of this class.
+ """
+ matchvalue:
+ caseLoglevel.TRACE:
+ returncls.TRACE
+ caseLoglevel.DEBUG:
+ returncls.DEBUG
+ caseLoglevel.INFO:
+ returncls.INFO
+ caseLoglevel.NOTICE:
+ returncls.NOTICE
+ caseLoglevel.WARNING:
+ returncls.WARNING
+ caseLoglevel.ERROR:
+ returncls.ERROR
+ caseLoglevel.CRITICAL:
+ returncls.CRITICAL
+ case_:
+ raiseValueError("invalid value")
+ level:Loglevel|None=None,
+ color_mode:ColorMode=ColorMode.AUTO,
+ no_volatile_info:bool=False,
+ logger_name:str="gallia",
+"""Enable and configure gallia's logging system.
+ If this fuction is not called as early as possible,
+ the logging system is in an undefined state und might
+ not behave as expected. Always use this function to
+ initialize gallia's logging. For instance, ``setup_logging()``
+ initializes a QueueHandler to avoid blocking calls during
+ logging.
+ :param level: The loglevel to enable for the console handler.
+ If this argument is None, the env variable
+ ``GALLIA_LOGLEVEL`` (see :doc:`../env`) is read.
+ :param file_level: The loglevel to enable for the file handler.
+ :param path: The path to the logfile containing json records.
+ :param color_mode: The color mode to use for the console.
+ """
+ iflevelisNone:
+ # FIXME: why is this here and not in config?
+ if(raw:=os.getenv("GALLIA_LOGLEVEL"))isnotNone:
+ level=PenlogPriority.from_str(raw).to_level()
+ else:
+ level=Loglevel.DEBUG
+ # These are slow and not used by gallia.
+ logging.logMultiprocessing=False
+ logging.logThreads=False
+ logging.logProcesses=False
+ logger=logging.getLogger(logger_name)
+ # LogLevel cannot be 0 (NOTSET), because only the root logger sends it to its handlers then
+ logger.setLevel(1)
+ # Clean up potentially existing handlers and create a new async QueueHandler for stderr output
+ whilelen(logger.handlers)>0:
+ logger.handlers[0].close()
+ logger.removeHandler(logger.handlers[0])
+ colored=resolve_color_mode(color_mode)
+ add_stderr_log_handler(logger_name,level,no_volatile_info,colored)
+ # timeout for this request in sec
+ timeout:float|None=None
+ # maximum number of attempts in case of network errors
+ max_retry:int|None=None
+ # Skip the hooks which apply to session changes.
+ skip_hooks:bool=False
+ # tags to be applied to the logged output
+ tags:list[str]|None=None
+ def__init__(
+ self,
+ transport:BaseTransport,
+ timeout:float,
+ max_retry:int=0,
+ ):
+ self.transport=transport
+ self.timeout=timeout
+ self.max_retry=max_retry
+ self.retry_wait=0.2
+ self.pending_timeout=5
+ self.mutex=asyncio.Lock()
+ asyncdefconnect(self)->None:...
+ asyncdefreconnect(self,timeout:int|None=None)->None:
+"""Calls the underlying transport to trigger a reconnect"""
+ asyncwithself.mutex:
+ awaitself.reconnect_unsafe(timeout=timeout)
+ asyncdefreconnect_unsafe(self,timeout:int|None=None)->None:
+"""Calls the underlying transport to trigger a reconnect without locking"""
+ self.transport=awaitself.transport.reconnect(timeout)
+ logger.debug("Reconnected transport successfully")
+ awaitself.connect()
+ asyncdef_read(self,timeout:float|None=None,tags:list[str]|None=None)->bytes:
+ iftimeoutisNoneandself.timeout:
+ timeout=self.timeout
+ returnawaitself.transport.read(timeout,tags)
+ asyncdefrequest_unsafe(
+ self,request:service.UDSRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.UDSResponse:
+"""This method is the same as request() with the difference
+ that it does not hold the mutex in the underlying transport.
+ """
+ config=configifconfigisnotNoneelseUDSRequestConfig()
+ tags:list[str]=[]ifconfig.tagsisNoneelseconfig.tags
+ last_exception:Exception=MissingResponse(request)
+ max_retry=config.max_retryifconfig.max_retryisnotNoneelseself.max_retry
+ timeout=config.timeoutifconfig.timeoutisnotNoneelseself.timeout
+ foriinrange(max_retry+1):
+ # Exponential backoff
+ wait_time=self.retry_wait*2**i
+ # Avoid pasting this very line in every error branch.
+ ifi>0:
+ logger.info(f"Requesting UDS PDU failed; retrying: {i} / {max_retry}…")
+ try:
+ logger.debug(request.pdu.hex(),extra={"tags":["write","uds"]+tags})
+ raw_resp=awaitself.transport.request_unsafe(request.pdu,timeout,config.tags)
+ ifraw_resp==b"":
+ raiseBrokenPipeError("connection to target lost")
+ exceptTimeoutErrorase:
+ logger.debug(f"{request} failed with: {repr(e)}")
+ last_exception=MissingResponse(request,str(e))
+ ifi<max_retry:
+ logger.debug(f"Sleeping for {wait_time}s")
+ awaitasyncio.sleep(wait_time)
+ continue
+ exceptConnectionErrorase:
+ logger.warning(f"{request} failed with: {e!r}")
+ last_exception=MissingResponse(request,str(e))
+ ifi<max_retry:
+ logger.info(f"Sleeping for {wait_time}s before attempting to reconnect")
+ awaitasyncio.sleep(wait_time)
+ awaitself.reconnect_unsafe()
+ continue
+ logger.debug(raw_resp.hex(),extra={"tags":["read","uds"]+tags})
+ resp=parse_pdu(raw_resp,request)
+ ifisinstance(resp,service.NegativeResponse):
+ ifresp.response_code==UDSErrorCodes.busyRepeatRequest:
+ ifi>=max_retry:
+ returnresp
+ awaitasyncio.sleep(wait_time)
+ continue
+ # We already had ECUs which thought an infinite
+ # response_pending loop is a good idea…
+ # Let's limit this.
+ n_pending=1
+ n_timeout=0
+ waiting_time=0.5
+ max_n_timeout=max(timeoutiftimeoutelse0,20)/waiting_time
+ while(
+ isinstance(resp,service.NegativeResponse)
+ andresp.response_code==UDSErrorCodes.requestCorrectlyReceivedResponsePending
+ ):
+ logger.info(
+ f"Received ResponsePending: {n_pending}/{MAX_N_PENDING}; "
+ +f"waiting for next message: {n_timeout}/{int(max_n_timeout)}"
+ )
+ try:
+ raw_resp=awaitself._read(timeout=waiting_time,tags=config.tags)
+ ifraw_resp==b"":
+ raiseBrokenPipeError("connection to target lost")
+ logger.debug(raw_resp.hex(),extra={"tags":["read","uds"]+tags})
+ exceptTimeoutErrorase:
+ # Send a tester present to indicate that
+ # we are still there.
+ # TODO: Is this really necessary?
+ awaitself._tester_present(suppress_resp=True)
+ n_timeout+=1
+ ifn_timeout>=max_n_timeout:
+ last_exception=MissingResponse(request,str(e))
+ break
+ continue
+ resp=parse_pdu(raw_resp,request)
+ n_timeout=0# Only raise errors for consecutive timeouts
+ n_pending+=1
+ ifn_pending>=MAX_N_PENDING:
+ raiseRuntimeError("ECU appears to be stuck in ResponsePending loop")
+ else:
+ # We reach this code here once all response pending
+ # and similar busy stuff is resolved.
+ returnresp
+ logger.debug(f"{request} failed after retry loop")
+ raiselast_exception
+ asyncdef_tester_present(
+ self,suppress_resp:bool=False,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.UDSResponse|None:
+ config=configifconfigisnotNoneelseUDSRequestConfig()
+ timeout=config.timeoutifconfig.timeoutelseself.timeout
+ ifsuppress_resp:
+ pdu=service.TesterPresentRequest(suppress_response=True).pdu
+ tags=config.tagsifconfig.tagsisnotNoneelse[]
+ logger.debug(pdu.hex(),extra={"tags":["write","uds"]+tags})
+ awaitself.transport.write(pdu,timeout,config.tags)
+ # TODO: This is not fail safe: What if there is an answer???
+ returnNone
+ returnawaitself.tester_present(False,config)
+ asyncdefsend_raw(
+ self,pdu:bytes,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.PositiveResponse:
+"""Raw request, which does not need to be compliant with the standard.
+ It can be used to send arbitrary data packets.
+ :param pdu: The data.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(service.RawRequest(pdu),config)
+ asyncdefdiagnostic_session_control(
+ self,
+ diagnostic_session_type:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.DiagnosticSessionControlResponse:
+"""Sets the diagnostic session which is specified by a specific diagnosticSessionType
+ sub-function.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service DiagnosticSessionControl (0x10).
+ :param diagnostic_session_type: The session sub-function.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.DiagnosticSessionControlRequest(diagnostic_session_type,suppress_response),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefecu_reset(
+ self,
+ reset_type:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ECUResetResponse:
+"""Resets the ECU using the specified reset type sub-function.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service ECUReset (0x11).
+ :param reset_type: The reset type sub-function.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(service.ECUResetRequest(reset_type,suppress_response),config)
+ asyncdefsecurity_access_request_seed(
+ self,
+ security_access_type:int,
+ security_access_data_record:bytes=b"",
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.SecurityAccessResponse:
+"""Requests a seed for a security access level.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the requestSeed sub-function group
+ of the service SecurityAccess (0x27).
+ :param security_access_type: The securityAccess type sub-function.
+ :param security_access_data_record: Optional data.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.RequestSeedRequest(
+ security_access_type,security_access_data_record,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefsecurity_access_send_key(
+ self,
+ security_access_type:int,
+ security_key:bytes,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.SecurityAccessResponse:
+"""Sends the key for a security access level.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the sendKey sub-function group
+ of the service SecurityAccess (0x27).
+ :param security_access_type: The securityAccess type sub-function.
+ :param security_key: The response to the seed challenge.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.SendKeyRequest(security_access_type,security_key,suppress_response),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefcommunication_control(
+ self,
+ control_type:int,
+ communication_type:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.CommunicationControlResponse:
+"""Controls communication of the ECU.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service CommunicationControl (0x28).
+ :param control_type: The control type sub-function.
+ :param communication_type: The communication type.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.CommunicationControlRequest(
+ control_type,communication_type,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdeftester_present(
+ self,suppress_response:bool=False,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.TesterPresentResponse:
+"""Signals to the ECU, that the tester is still present.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service TesterPresent (0x3E).
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(service.TesterPresentRequest(suppress_response),config)
+ asyncdefcontrol_dtc_setting(
+ self,
+ dtc_setting_type:int,
+ dtc_setting_control_option_record:bytes=b"",
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ControlDTCSettingResponse:
+"""Control the setting of DTCs.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service ControlDTCSetting (0x85).
+ :param dtc_setting_type: The setting type.
+ :param dtc_setting_control_option_record: Optional data.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ControlDTCSettingRequest(
+ dtc_setting_type,dtc_setting_control_option_record,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefread_data_by_identifier(
+ self,
+ data_identifiers:int|Sequence[int],
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReadDataByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Reads data which is identified by a specific dataIdentifier.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service ReadDataByIdentifier (0x22).
+ While this implementation supports requesting multiple dataIdentifiers at once, as is
+ permitted in the standard, it is recommended to request them separately,
+ because the support is optional on the server side.
+ Additionally, it is not possible to reliably determine each single dataRecord from a
+ corresponding response.
+ :param data_identifiers: One or multiple dataIdentifiers. A dataIdentifier is a max two
+ bytes integer.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(service.ReadDataByIdentifierRequest(data_identifiers),config)
+ asyncdefread_memory_by_address(
+ self,
+ memory_address:int,
+ memory_size:int,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier:int|None=None,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReadMemoryByAddressResponse:
+"""Reads data from a specific memory address on the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service ReadMemoryByAddress (0x3d).
+ While it exposes each parameter of the corresponding specification,
+ some parameters can be computed from the remaining ones and can therefore be omitted.
+ :param memory_address: The start address.
+ :param memory_size: The number of bytes to read.
+ :param address_and_length_format_identifier: The byte lengths of the memory address and
+ size. If omitted, this parameter is computed
+ based on the memory_address and memory_size
+ parameters.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReadMemoryByAddressRequest(
+ memory_address,memory_size,address_and_length_format_identifier
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefwrite_data_by_identifier(
+ self,
+ data_identifier:int,
+ data_record:bytes,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.WriteDataByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Writes data which is identified by a specific dataIdentifier.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service WriteDataByIdentifier (0x2E).
+ :param data_identifier: The identifier. A dataIdentifier is a max two bytes integer.
+ :param data_record: The data to be written.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.WriteDataByIdentifierRequest(data_identifier,data_record),config
+ )
+ asyncdefwrite_memory_by_address(# noqa: PLR0913
+ self,
+ memory_address:int,
+ data_record:bytes,
+ memory_size:int|None=None,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier:int|None=None,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.WriteMemoryByAddressResponse:
+"""Writes data to a specific memory on the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service writeMemoryByAddress (0x3d).
+ While it exposes each parameter of the corresponding specification,
+ some parameters can be computed from the remaining ones and can therefore be omitted.
+ :param memory_address: The start address.
+ :param data_record: The data to be written.
+ :param memory_size: The number of bytes to write.
+ If omitted, the byte length of the data is used.
+ :param address_and_length_format_identifier: The byte lengths of the memory address and
+ size. If omitted, this parameter is computed
+ based on the memory_address and memory_size
+ or data_record parameters.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.WriteMemoryByAddressRequest(
+ memory_address,
+ data_record,
+ memory_size,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier,
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefclear_diagnostic_information(
+ self,group_of_dtc:int,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ClearDiagnosticInformationResponse:
+"""Clears diagnostic trouble codes according to a given mask.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for service clearDiagnosticInformation (0x14).
+ :param group_of_dtc: The three byte mask, which determines the DTCs to be cleared.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(service.ClearDiagnosticInformationRequest(group_of_dtc),config)
+ asyncdefread_dtc_information_report_number_of_dtc_by_status_mask(
+ self,
+ dtc_status_mask:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportNumberOfDTCByStatusMaskResponse:
+"""Read the number of DTCs with the specified state from the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the reportNumberOfDTCByStatusMask
+ sub-function of the service ReadDTCInformation (0x19).
+ :param dtc_status_mask: Used to select a portion of the DTCs based on their state.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReportNumberOfDTCByStatusMaskRequest(dtc_status_mask,suppress_response),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefread_dtc_information_report_dtc_by_status_mask(
+ self,
+ dtc_status_mask:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportDTCByStatusMaskResponse:
+"""Read DTCs and their state from the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the reportDTCByStatusMask sub-function of
+ the service ReadDTCInformation (0x19).
+ :param dtc_status_mask: Used to select a portion of the DTCs based on their state.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReportDTCByStatusMaskRequest(dtc_status_mask,suppress_response),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefread_dtc_information_report_mirror_memory_dtc_by_status_mask(
+ self,
+ dtc_status_mask:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskResponse:
+"""Read DTCs and their state from the UDS server's mirror memory.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the reportMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMask
+ sub-function of the
+ service ReadDTCInformation (0x19).
+ :param dtc_status_mask: Used to select a portion of the DTCs based on their state.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReportMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskRequest(dtc_status_mask,suppress_response),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefread_dtc_information_report_number_of_mirror_memory_dtc_by_status_mask(
+ self,
+ dtc_status_mask:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportNumberOfMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskResponse:
+"""Read the number of DTCs with the specified state from the UDS server's mirror memory.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the
+ reportNumberOfMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMask sub-function of
+ the service ReadDTCInformation (0x19).
+ :param dtc_status_mask: Used to select a portion of the DTCs based on their state.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReportNumberOfMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskRequest(
+ dtc_status_mask,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefread_dtc_information_report_number_of_emissions_related_obd_dtc_by_status_mask(
+ self,
+ dtc_status_mask:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->(
+ service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskResponse
+ ):
+"""Read the number of emission related DTCs with the specified state from the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the
+ reportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMask sub-function of the service
+ ReadDTCInformation (0x19).
+ :param dtc_status_mask: Used to select a portion of the DTCs based on their state.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskRequest(
+ dtc_status_mask,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefread_dtc_information_report_emissions_related_obd_dtc_by_status_mask(
+ self,
+ dtc_status_mask:int,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskResponse:
+"""Read the number of emission related DTCs with the specified state from the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the
+ reportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMask
+ sub-function of the service ReadDTCInformation (0x19).
+ :param dtc_status_mask: Used to select a portion of the DTCs based on their state.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReportEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskRequest(
+ dtc_status_mask,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefinput_output_control_by_identifier(
+ self,
+ data_identifier:int,
+ control_option_record:bytes,
+ control_enable_mask_record:bytes=b"",
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Controls input or output values on the server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the service InputOutputControlByIdentifier
+ (0x2F).
+ This function exposes the parameters as in the corresponding specification,
+ hence is suitable for all variants of this service.
+ For the variants which use an inputOutputControlParameter as the first byte of the
+ controlOptionRecord, using the corresponding wrappers is recommended.
+ :param data_identifier: The data identifier of the value(s) to be controlled.
+ :param control_option_record: The controlStates, which specify the intended values of the
+ input / output parameters, optionally prefixed with an
+ inputOutputControlParameter or only an
+ inputOutputControlParameter.
+ :param control_enable_mask_record: In cases where the dataIdentifier corresponds to multiple
+ input / output parameters, this mask specifies which ones
+ should be affected by this request.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ pdu=struct.pack("!BH",UDSIsoServices.InputOutputControlByIdentifier,data_identifier)
+ pdu+=control_option_record+control_enable_mask_record
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierRequest(
+ data_identifier,control_option_record,control_enable_mask_record
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefinput_output_control_by_identifier_return_control_to_ecu(
+ self,
+ data_identifier:int,
+ control_enable_mask_record:bytes=b"",
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Gives the control over input / output parameters back to the ECU.
+ This is a convenience wrapper for the generic input_output_control_by_id() for the case
+ where an inputOutputControlParameter is used and is set to returnControlToECU.
+ In that case no further controlState parameters can be submitted.
+ :param data_identifier: The data identifier of the value(s) for which control should be
+ returned to the ECU.
+ :param control_enable_mask_record: In cases where the dataIdentifier corresponds to multiple
+ input / output parameters, this mask specifies which ones
+ should be affected by this request.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ReturnControlToECURequest(data_identifier,control_enable_mask_record),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefinput_output_control_by_identifier_reset_to_default(
+ self,
+ data_identifier:int,
+ control_enable_mask_record:bytes=b"",
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Sets the input / output parameters to the default value(s).
+ This is a convenience wrapper of the generic request for the case where an
+ inputOutputControlParameter is used and is set to resetToDefault.
+ In that case no further controlState parameters can be submitted.
+ :param data_identifier: The data identifier of the value(s) for which the values should be
+ reset.
+ :param control_enable_mask_record: In cases where the dataIdentifier corresponds to multiple
+ input / output parameters, this mask specifies which ones
+ should be affected by this request.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ResetToDefaultRequest(data_identifier,control_enable_mask_record),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefinput_output_control_by_identifier_freeze_current_state(
+ self,
+ data_identifier:int,
+ control_enable_mask_record:bytes=b"",
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Freezes the input / output parameters at their current state.
+ This is a convenience wrapper of the generic request for the case where an
+ inputOutputControlParameter is used and is set to freezeCurrentState.
+ In that case no further controlState parameters can be submitted.
+ :param data_identifier: The data identifier of the value(s) to be frozen.
+ :param control_enable_mask_record: In cases where the dataIdentifier corresponds to multiple
+ input / output parameters, this mask specifies which ones
+ should be affected by this request.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.FreezeCurrentStateRequest(data_identifier,control_enable_mask_record),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefinput_output_control_by_identifier_short_term_adjustment(
+ self,
+ data_identifier:int,
+ control_states:bytes,
+ control_enable_mask_record:bytes=b"",
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Sets the input / output parameters as specified in the controlOptionRecord.
+ This is a convenience wrapper of the generic request for the case
+ where an inputOutputControlParameter is used and is set to freezeCurrentState.
+ In that case controlState parameters are required.
+ :param data_identifier: The data identifier of the value(s) to be adjusted.
+ :param control_states: The controlStates, which specify the intended values of the input /
+ output parameters.
+ :param control_enable_mask_record: In cases where the dataIdentifier corresponds to multiple
+ input / output parameters, this mask specifies which ones
+ should be affected by this request.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ShortTermAdjustmentRequest(data_identifier,control_enable_mask_record),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefroutine_control_start_routine(
+ self,
+ routine_identifier:int,
+ routine_control_option_record:bytes=b"",
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.StartRoutineResponse:
+"""Starts a specific routine on the server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the startRoutine sub-function of the
+ service routineControl (0x31).
+ :param routine_identifier: The identifier of the routine.
+ :param routine_control_option_record: Optional data.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.StartRoutineRequest(
+ routine_identifier,routine_control_option_record,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefroutine_control_stop_routine(
+ self,
+ routine_identifier:int,
+ routine_control_option_record:bytes=b"",
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.StopRoutineResponse:
+"""Stops a specific routine on the server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the stopRoutine sub-function of the service
+ routineControl (0x31).
+ :param routine_identifier: The identifier of the routine.
+ :param routine_control_option_record: Optional data.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.StopRoutineRequest(
+ routine_identifier,routine_control_option_record,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefroutine_control_request_routine_results(
+ self,
+ routine_identifier:int,
+ routine_control_option_record:bytes=b"",
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestRoutineResultsResponse:
+"""Requests the results of a specific routine on the server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the requestRoutineResults sub-function of
+ the service routineControl (0x31).
+ :param routine_identifier: The identifier of the routine.
+ :param routine_control_option_record: Optional data.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.RequestRoutineResultsRequest(
+ routine_identifier,routine_control_option_record,suppress_response
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefrequest_download(# noqa: PLR0913
+ self,
+ memory_address:int,
+ memory_size:int,
+ compression_method:int=0x0,
+ encryption_method:int=0x0,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier:int|None=None,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestDownloadResponse:
+"""Requests the download of data, i.e. the possibility to send data from the client to the
+ server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for requestDownload (0x34).
+ :param memory_address: The address at which data should be downloaded.
+ :param memory_size: The number of bytes to be downloaded.
+ :param compression_method: Encodes the utilized compressionFormat (0x0 for none)
+ :param encryption_method: Encodes the utilized encryptionFormat (0x0 for none)
+ :param address_and_length_format_identifier: The byte lengths of the memory address and
+ size. If omitted, this parameter is computed
+ based on the memory_address and memory_size
+ parameters.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.RequestDownloadRequest(
+ memory_address,
+ memory_size,
+ compression_method,
+ encryption_method,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier,
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefrequest_upload(# noqa: PLR0913
+ self,
+ memory_address:int,
+ memory_size:int,
+ compression_method:int=0x0,
+ encryption_method:int=0x0,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier:int|None=None,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestUploadResponse:
+"""Requests the upload of data, i.e. the possibility to receive data from the server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for requestUpload (0x35).
+ :param memory_address: The address at which data should be uploaded.
+ :param memory_size: The number of bytes to be uploaded.
+ :param compression_method: Encodes the utilized compressionFormat (0x0 for none)
+ :param encryption_method: Encodes the utilized encryptionFormat (0x0 for none)
+ :param address_and_length_format_identifier: The byte lengths of the memory address and
+ size. If omitted, this parameter is computed
+ based on the memory_address and memory_size
+ parameters.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.RequestUploadRequest(
+ memory_address,
+ memory_size,
+ compression_method,
+ encryption_method,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier,
+ ),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdeftransfer_data(
+ self,
+ block_sequence_counter:int,
+ transfer_request_parameter_record:bytes=b"",
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.TransferDataResponse:
+"""Transfers data to the server or requests the next data from the server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for transferData (0x36).
+ :param block_sequence_counter: The current block sequence counter.
+ Initialized with one and incremented for each new data.
+ After 0xff, the counter is resumed at 0
+ :param transfer_request_parameter_record: Contains the data to be transferred if downloading
+ to the server.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.TransferDataRequest(block_sequence_counter,transfer_request_parameter_record),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefrequest_transfer_exit(
+ self,
+ transfer_request_parameter_record:bytes=b"",
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestTransferExitResponse:
+"""Ends the transfer of data.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for requestTransferExit (0x77).
+ :param transfer_request_parameter_record: Optional data.
+ :param config: Passed on to request_pdu().
+ :return: The response of the server.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.RequestTransferExitRequest(transfer_request_parameter_record),
+ config,
+ )
+ asyncdefdefine_by_identifier(
+ self,
+ dynamically_defined_data_identifier:int,
+ source_data_identifiers:int|Sequence[int],
+ positions_in_source_data_record:int|Sequence[int],
+ memory_sizes:int|Sequence[int],
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.DefineByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Defines a data identifier which combines data from multiple existing data identifiers on the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the defineByIdentifier sub-function of the
+ service DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier (0x2C).
+ :param dynamically_defined_data_identifier: The new data identifier.
+ :param source_data_identifiers: The source data identifiers which refer to the data to be included in the new data identifier.
+ :param positions_in_source_data_record: The start positions for each source data identifier. Note, that the position is 1-indexed.
+ :param memory_sizes: The number of bytes for each source data identifier, starting from the starting position.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.DefineByIdentifierRequest(
+ dynamically_defined_data_identifier,
+ source_data_identifiers,
+ positions_in_source_data_record,
+ memory_sizes,
+ suppress_response,
+ )
+ )
+ asyncdefdefine_by_memory_address(
+ self,
+ dynamically_defined_data_identifier:int,
+ memory_addresses:int|Sequence[int],
+ memory_sizes:int|Sequence[int],
+ address_and_length_format_identifier:int|None=None,
+ suppress_response:bool=False,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.DefineByMemoryAddressResponse:
+"""Defines a data identifier which combines data from multiple existing memory regions on the UDS server.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the defineByMemoryAddress sub-function of the
+ service DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier (0x2C).
+ While it exposes each parameter of the corresponding specification,
+ some parameters can be computed from the remaining ones and can therefore be omitted.
+ :param dynamically_defined_data_identifier: The new data identifier.
+ :param memory_addresses: The memory addresses for each source data.
+ :param memory_sizes: The number of bytes for each source data, starting from the memory address.
+ :param address_and_length_format_identifier: The byte lengths of the memory address and
+ size. If omitted, this parameter is computed
+ based on the memory_address and memory_size
+ or data_record parameters.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.DefineByMemoryAddressRequest(
+ dynamically_defined_data_identifier,
+ memory_addresses,
+ memory_sizes,
+ address_and_length_format_identifier,
+ suppress_response,
+ )
+ )
+ asyncdefclear_dynamically_defined_data_identifier(
+ self,dynamically_defined_data_identifier:int|None,suppress_response:bool=False
+ )->service.ClearDynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifierResponse:
+"""Clears either a specific dynamically defined data identifier or all if no data identifier is given.
+ This is an implementation of the UDS request for the clearDynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifier sub-function of the
+ service DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier (0x2C).
+ :param dynamically_defined_data_identifier: The dynamically defined data identifier to be cleared, or None if all are to be cleared.
+ :param suppress_response: If set to True, the server is advised to not send back a positive
+ response.
+ """
+ returnawaitself.request(
+ service.ClearDynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifierRequest(
+ dynamically_defined_data_identifier,suppress_response
+ )
+ )
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,request:service.RawRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.PositiveResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.DiagnosticSessionControlRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.DiagnosticSessionControlResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ECUResetRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ECUResetResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.RequestSeedRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.SecurityAccessResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,request:service.SendKeyRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.SecurityAccessResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.CommunicationControlRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.CommunicationControlResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.TesterPresentRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.TesterPresentResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ControlDTCSettingRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ControlDTCSettingResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReadDataByIdentifierRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReadDataByIdentifierResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReadMemoryByAddressRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReadMemoryByAddressResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.WriteDataByIdentifierRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.WriteDataByIdentifierResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.WriteMemoryByAddressRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.WriteMemoryByAddressResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ClearDiagnosticInformationRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ClearDiagnosticInformationResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReportNumberOfDTCByStatusMaskRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportNumberOfDTCByStatusMaskResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReportDTCByStatusMaskRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportDTCByStatusMaskResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReportMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReportNumberOfMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportNumberOfMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMaskResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->(
+ service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskResponse
+ ):...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ReportEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMaskResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.InputOutputControlByIdentifierResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.StartRoutineRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.StartRoutineResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.StopRoutineRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.StopRoutineResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.RequestRoutineResultsRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestRoutineResultsResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.RequestDownloadRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestDownloadResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.RequestUploadRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestUploadResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.TransferDataRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.TransferDataResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.RequestTransferExitRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.RequestTransferExitResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,request:service.DefineByIdentifierRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.DefineByIdentifierResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,request:service.DefineByMemoryAddressRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.DefineByMemoryAddressResponse:...
+ @overload
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ request:service.ClearDynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifierRequest,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->service.ClearDynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifierResponse:...
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,request:service.UDSRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.UDSResponse:
+"""Sends a raw UDS request and returns the response.
+ Network errors are handled via exponential backoff.
+ Pending errors, triggered by the ECU are resolved as well.
+ :param request: request to send
+ :param config: The request config parameters
+ :return: The response.
+ """
+ returnawaitself._request(request,config)
+ asyncdef_request(
+ self,request:service.UDSRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.UDSResponse:
+ asyncwithself.mutex:
+ returnawaitself.request_unsafe(request,config)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/gallia/services/uds/core/constants.html b/_modules/gallia/services/uds/core/constants.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..eb718d74d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/gallia/services/uds/core/constants.html
@@ -0,0 +1,368 @@
+ gallia.services.uds.core.constants — gallia documentation
+ defaultSession=0x01
+ programmingSession=0x02
+ extendedDiagnosticSession=0x03
+ safetySystemDiagnosticSession=0x04
+ startRoutine=0x01
+ stopRoutine=0x02
+ requestRoutineResults=0x03
+ enableRxAndTx=0x00
+ enableRxAndDisableTx=0x01
+ disableRxAndEnableTx=0x02
+ disableRxAndTx=0x03
+ # Plus vendor specific stuff...
+ ON=0x01
+ OFF=0x02
+ # Plus vendor specific stuff...
+ reportNumberOfDTCByStatusMask=0x01
+ reportDTCByStatusMask=0x02
+ reportSupportedDTC=0x0A
+ reportFirstTestFailedDTC=0x0B
+ reportFirstConfirmedDTC=0x0C
+ reportMostRecentTestFailedDTC=0x0D
+ reportMostRecentConfirmedDTC=0x0E
+ reportMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMask=0x0F
+ reportNumberOfMirrorMemoryDTCByStatusMask=0x11
+ reportNumberOfEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMask=0x12
+ reportEmissionsRelatedOBDDTCByStatusMask=0x13
+ reportDTCFaultDetectionCounter=0x14
+ reportDTCWithPermanentStatus=0x15
+ hardReset=0x01
+ keyOffOnReset=0x02
+ softReset=0x03
+ enableRapidPowerShutDown=0x04
+ disableRapidPowerShutDown=0x05
+ returnControlToECU=0x00
+ resetToDefault=0x01
+ freezeCurrentState=0x02
+ shortTermAdjustment=0x03
+ # ISO15031-6DTCFormat
+ ISO_15031_6=0x00
+ # ISO14229-1DTCFormat
+ ISO_14229_1=0x01
+ # SAEJ1939-73DTCFormat
+ SAE_J1939_73=0x02
+ # ISO11992-4DTCFormat
+ ISO_11992_4=0x03
+# This dictionary maps UDS services to the echo length of their responses.
+# Echos in that context are values which are identical to the corresponding entry in a request.
+# Therefore they can be used to match responses to requests but are not adding any new information.
+# Some services (e.g. rdbi) can accept more data records in a request and response accordingly.
+# In that case there can be several echos. However, as of the time of writing, multiple data
+# records are not considered in the rest of the code.
+# For a complete handling one might need to transfer this to a function.
+ UDSIsoServices.DiagnosticSessionControl:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.EcuReset:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.SecurityAccess:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.CommunicationControl:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.TesterPresent:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.AccessTimingParameter:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.ControlDTCSetting:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.ResponseOnEvent:1,# There are a number of echos but only one byte is a prefix
+ UDSIsoServices.LinkControl:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.ReadDataByIdentifier:2,
+ UDSIsoServices.ReadScalingDataByIdentifier:2,
+ UDSIsoServices.ReadDataByPeriodicIdentifier:1,# This one is a little weird
+ UDSIsoServices.DynamicallyDefineDataIdentifier:3,
+ UDSIsoServices.WriteDataByIdentifier:2,
+ # This one would require to parse the addressAndLengthFormatIdentifier field
+ # UDSIsoServices.WriteMemoryByAddress: None,
+ UDSIsoServices.ReadDTCInformation:1,
+ UDSIsoServices.InputOutputControlByIdentifier:2,
+ UDSIsoServices.RoutineControl:3,
+ UDSIsoServices.TransferData:1,
+ ActiveDiagnosticSessionDataIdentifier=0xF186
+ defineByIdentifier=0x01
+ defineByMemoryAddress=0x02
+ clearDynamicallyDefinedDataIdentifier=0x03
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/_modules/gallia/services/uds/core/service.html b/_modules/gallia/services/uds/core/service.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..5be882ce6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_modules/gallia/services/uds/core/service.html
@@ -0,0 +1,3869 @@
+ gallia.services.uds.core.service — gallia documentation
+ asyncdefread_session(self,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None)->int:
+"""Read out current session.
+ Returns:
+ The current session as int.
+ """
+ resp=awaitself.read_data_by_identifier(
+ DataIdentifier.ActiveDiagnosticSessionDataIdentifier,config=config
+ )
+ ifisinstance(resp,service.NegativeResponse):
+ raiseas_exception(resp)
+ returnfrom_bytes(resp.data_record)
+ asyncdefset_session_pre(self,level:int,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None)->bool:
+"""set_session_pre() is called before the diagnostic session control
+ pdu is written on the wire. Implement this if there are special
+ preconditions for a particular session, such as disabling error
+ logging.
+ Args:
+ uds: The UDSClient class where this hook is embedded. The caller typically
+ calls this function with `self` as the first argument.
+ session: The desired session identifier.
+ Returns:
+ True on success, False on error.
+ """
+ returnTrue
+ asyncdefset_session_post(self,level:int,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None)->bool:
+"""set_session_post() is called after the diagnostic session control
+ pdu was written on the wire. Implement this if there are special
+ cleanup routines or sleeping until a certain moment is required.
+ Args:
+ uds: The UDSClient class where this hook is embedded. The caller typically
+ calls this function with `self` as the first argument.
+ session: The desired session identifier.
+ Returns:
+ True on success, False on error.
+ """
+ returnTrue
+ asyncdefcheck_and_set_session(
+ self,
+ expected_session:int,
+ retries:int=3,
+ )->bool:
+"""check_and_set_session() reads the current session and (re)tries to set
+ the session to the expected session if they do not match.
+ Returns True if the current session matches the expected session,
+ or if read_session is not supported by the ECU or in the current session."""
+ logger.debug(f"Checking current session, expecting {g_repr(expected_session)}")
+ try:
+ current_session=awaitself.read_session(config=UDSRequestConfig(max_retry=retries))
+ exceptUnexpectedNegativeResponsease:
+ ifsuggests_identifier_not_supported(e.RESPONSE_CODE):
+ logger.info(
+ f"Read current session not supported: {e.RESPONSE_CODE.name}, skipping check_session"
+ )
+ returnTrue
+ raisee
+ exceptTimeoutError:
+ logger.warning("Reading current session timed out, skipping check_session")
+ returnTrue
+ logger.debug(f"Current session is {g_repr(current_session)}")
+ ifcurrent_session==expected_session:
+ returnTrue
+ foriinrange(retries):
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Not in session {g_repr(expected_session)}, ECU replied with {g_repr(current_session)}"
+ )
+ logger.info(
+ f"Switching to session {g_repr(expected_session)}; attempt {i+1} of {retries}"
+ )
+ resp=awaitself.set_session(expected_session)
+ ifisinstance(resp,service.NegativeResponse):
+ logger.warning(f"Switching to session {g_repr(expected_session)} failed: {resp}")
+ try:
+ current_session=awaitself.read_session(
+ config=UDSRequestConfig(max_retry=retries)
+ )
+ logger.debug(f"Current session is {g_repr(current_session)}")
+ ifcurrent_session==expected_session:
+ returnTrue
+ exceptUnexpectedNegativeResponsease:
+ ifsuggests_identifier_not_supported(e.RESPONSE_CODE):
+ logger.info(
+ f"Read current session not supported: {e.RESPONSE_CODE.name}, skipping check_session"
+ )
+ returnTrue
+ raisee
+ exceptTimeoutError:
+ logger.warning("Reading current session timed out, skipping check_session")
+ returnTrue
+ logger.warning(
+ f"Failed to switch to session {g_repr(expected_session)} after {retries} attempts"
+ )
+ returnFalse
+ asyncdefleave_session(
+ self,
+ level:int,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ sleep:float|None=None,
+ )->bool:
+"""leave_session() is a hook which can be called explicitly by a
+ scanner when a session is to be disabled. Use this hook if resetting
+ the ECU is required, e.g. when disabling the programming session.
+ """
+ resp:service.UDSResponse=awaitself.ecu_reset(0x01)
+ ifisinstance(resp,service.NegativeResponse):
+ ifsleepisnotNone:
+ awaitself.power_cycle(sleep=sleep)
+ else:
+ awaitself.power_cycle()
+ awaitself.reconnect()
+ awaitself.wait_for_ecu()
+ resp=awaitself.set_session(0x01,config=config)
+ ifisinstance(resp,service.NegativeResponse):
+ ifsleepisnotNone:
+ awaitself.power_cycle(sleep=sleep)
+ else:
+ awaitself.power_cycle()
+ awaitself.reconnect()
+ returnTrue
+ asyncdefread_dtc(
+ self,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReportDTCByStatusMaskResponse:
+"""Read all dtc records from the ecu."""
+ returnawaitself.read_dtc_information_report_dtc_by_status_mask(0xFF,config=config)
+ asyncdefclear_dtc(
+ self,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ClearDiagnosticInformationResponse:
+"""Clear all dtc records on the ecu."""
+ returnawaitself.clear_diagnostic_information(0xFFFFFF,config=config)
+ asyncdefread_vin(
+ self,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.NegativeResponse|service.ReadDataByIdentifierResponse:
+"""Read the VIN of the vehicle"""
+ returnawaitself.read_data_by_identifier(0xF190,config=config)
+ asyncdeftransmit_data(
+ self,
+ data:bytes,
+ block_length:int,
+ max_block_length:int=0xFFF,
+ config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None,
+ )->None:
+"""transmit_data splits the data to be sent in several blocks of size block_length,
+ transfers all of them and concludes the transmission with RequestTransferExit"""
+ ifblock_length>max_block_length:
+ logger.warning(f"Limiting block size to {g_repr(max_block_length)}")
+ block_length=max_block_length
+ # block_length includes the service identifier and block counter; payload must be smaller
+ payload_size=block_length-2
+ counter=0
+ foriinrange(0,len(data),payload_size):
+ counter+=1
+ payload=data[i:i+payload_size]
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Transferring block {g_repr(counter)} with payload size {g_repr(len(payload))}"
+ )
+ resp:service.UDSResponse=awaitself.transfer_data(
+ counter&0xFF,payload,config=config
+ )
+ raise_for_error(resp,f"Transmitting data failed at index {g_repr(i)}")
+ resp=awaitself.request_transfer_exit(config=config)
+ raise_for_error(resp)
+ asyncdef_wait_for_ecu_endless_loop(self,sleep_time:float)->None:
+"""Internal method with endless loop in case of no answer from ECU"""
+ config=UDSRequestConfig(timeout=0.5,max_retry=0,skip_hooks=True)
+ i=-1
+ whileTrue:
+ i=(i+1)%4
+ logger.info(f"Waiting for ECU{'.'*i}")
+ try:
+ awaitasyncio.sleep(sleep_time)
+ awaitself.ping(config=config)
+ break
+ exceptConnectionErrorase:
+ logger.debug(f"ECU not ready: {e!r}, reconnecting…")
+ awaitself.reconnect()
+ exceptUDSExceptionase:
+ logger.debug(f"ECU not ready: {e!r}")
+ logger.info("ECU ready")
+ asyncdefwait_for_ecu(
+ self,
+ timeout:float|None=10,
+ )->bool:
+"""Wait for ecu to be alive again (e.g. after reset).
+ Sends a ping every 0.5s and waits at most timeout.
+ If timeout is None, wait endlessly"""
+ logger.info(f"Waiting for {timeout}s for ECU to respond")
+ ifself.tester_present_taskandself.tester_present_interval:
+ awaitself.stop_cyclic_tester_present()
+ try:
+ awaitasyncio.wait_for(self._wait_for_ecu_endless_loop(0.5),timeout=timeout)
+ returnTrue
+ exceptTimeoutError:
+ logger.critical("Timeout while waiting for ECU!")
+ returnFalse
+ finally:
+ ifself.tester_present_taskandself.tester_present_interval:
+ awaitself.start_cyclic_tester_present(self.tester_present_interval)
+ asyncdef_tester_present_worker(self,interval:float)->None:
+ assertself.transport
+ logger.debug("tester present worker started")
+ task=asyncio.current_task()
+ whiletaskisnotNoneandtask.cancelling()==0:
+ try:
+ awaitasyncio.sleep(interval)
+ # TODO: Only ping if there was no other UDS traffic for `interval` amount of time
+ awaitself.ping(UDSRequestConfig(max_retry=0))
+ exceptasyncio.CancelledError:
+ logger.debug("tester present worker terminated")
+ raise
+ exceptConnectionError:
+ logger.info("connection lost; tester present waiting…")
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ logger.warning(f"Tester present worker got {e!r}")
+ logger.debug("Tester present worker was cancelled but received no asyncio.CancelledError")
+ asyncdefstart_cyclic_tester_present(self,interval:float)->None:
+ logger.debug("Starting tester present worker")
+ self.tester_present_interval=interval
+ coroutine=self._tester_present_worker(interval)
+ self.tester_present_task=asyncio.create_task(coroutine)
+ self.tester_present_task.add_done_callback(
+ handle_task_error,
+ context=set_task_handler_ctx_variable(__name__,"TesterPresent"),
+ )
+ # enforce context switch
+ # this ensures, that the task is executed at least once
+ # if the task is not executed, task.cancel will fail with CancelledError
+ awaitasyncio.sleep(0)
+ asyncdefstop_cyclic_tester_present(self)->None:
+ logger.debug("Stopping tester present worker")
+ ifself.tester_present_taskisNone:
+ logger.warning("BUG: stop_cyclic_tester_present() called but no task running")
+ return
+ self.tester_present_task.cancel()
+ try:
+ awaitself.tester_present_task
+ exceptasyncio.CancelledError:
+ pass
+ asyncdefupdate_state(
+ self,request:service.UDSRequest,response:service.UDSResponse
+ )->None:
+ ifisinstance(response,service.DiagnosticSessionControlResponse):
+ self.state.reset()
+ self.state.session=response.diagnostic_session_type
+ if(
+ isinstance(response,service.ReadDataByIdentifierResponse)
+ andresponse.data_identifier==DataIdentifier.ActiveDiagnosticSessionDataIdentifier
+ ):
+ new_session=int.from_bytes(response.data_record,"big")
+ ifself.state.session!=new_session:
+ self.state.reset()
+ self.state.session=new_session
+ if(
+ isinstance(response,service.SecurityAccessResponse)
+ andresponse.security_access_type%2==0
+ ):
+ self.state.security_access_level=response.security_access_type-1
+ ifisinstance(response,service.ECUResetResponse):
+ self.state.reset()
+ asyncdefrefresh_state(self,reset_state:bool=False)->None:
+ Refresh the attributes of the ECU states, if possible.
+ By, default, old values are only overwritten in case the corresponding
+ information can be requested from the ECU and could be retrieved from a
+ positive response from the ECU.
+ :param reset_state: If True, the ECU state is reset before updating it.
+ """
+ ifreset_state:
+ self.state.reset()
+ awaitself.read_session()
+ asyncdef_request(
+ self,request:service.UDSRequest,config:UDSRequestConfig|None=None
+ )->service.UDSResponse:
+"""Sends a raw UDS request and returns the response.
+ Network errors are handled via exponential backoff.
+ Pending errors, triggered by the ECU are resolved as well.
+ :param request: request to send
+ :param config: The request config parameters
+ :return: The response.
+ """
+ response=None
+ exception:Exception|None=None
+ send_time=datetime.now(UTC).astimezone()
+ receive_time=None
+ try:
+ response=awaitsuper()._request(request,config)
+ receive_time=datetime.now(UTC).astimezone()
+ returnresponse
+ exceptResponseExceptionase:
+ exception=e
+ response=e.response
+ raise
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ exception=e
+ raise
+ finally:
+ try:
+ ifself.implicit_loggingandself.db_handlerisnotNone:
+ mode=LogMode.implicit
+ ifconfigisnotNoneandconfig.tagsisnotNoneand"ANALYZE"inconfig.tags:
+ mode=LogMode.emphasized
+ awaitself.db_handler.insert_scan_result(
+ self.state.__dict__,
+ service.UDSRequest.parse_dynamic(request.pdu),
+ response,
+ exception,
+ send_time,
+ receive_time,
+ mode,
+ )
+ exceptExceptionase:
+ logger.warning(f"Could not log messages to database: {g_repr(e)}")
+ ifresponseisnotNone:
+ awaitself.update_state(request,response)
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+ gallia.transports.base — gallia documentation
+"""TargetURI represents a target to which gallia can connect.
+ The target string must conform to a URI is specified by RFC3986.
+ Basically, this is a wrapper around Python's ``urlparse()`` and
+ ``parse_qs()`` methods. TargetURI provides frequently used properties
+ for a more userfriendly usage. Instances are meant to be passed to
+ :meth:`BaseTransport.connect()` of transport implementations.
+ """
+ def__init__(self,raw:str)->None:
+ self.raw=raw
+ self.url=urlparse(raw)
+ self.qs=parse_qs(self.url.query)
+ @classmethod
+ deffrom_parts(
+ cls,
+ scheme:str,
+ host:str,
+ port:int|None,
+ args:dict[str,Any],
+ )->Self:
+"""Constructs a instance of TargetURI with the given arguments.
+ The ``args`` dict is used for the query string.
+ """
+ netloc=hostifportisNoneelsejoin_host_port(host,port)
+ returncls(urlunparse((scheme,netloc,"","",urlencode(args),"")))
+ @property
+ defscheme(self)->TransportScheme:
+"""The URI scheme"""
+ returnTransportScheme(self.url.scheme)
+ @property
+ defhostname(self)->str|None:
+"""The hostname (without port)"""
+ returnself.url.hostname
+ @property
+ defport(self)->int|None:
+"""The port number"""
+ returnself.url.port
+ @property
+ defnetloc(self)->str:
+"""The hostname and the portnumber, separated by a colon."""
+ returnself.url.netloc
+ @property
+ defpath(self)->str:
+"""The path property of the url."""
+ returnself.url.path
+ @property
+ deflocation(self)->str:
+"""A URI string which only consists of the relevant scheme,
+ the host and the port.
+ """
+ returnf"{self.scheme}://{self.url.netloc}"
+ @property
+ defqs_flat(self)->dict[str,str]:
+"""A dict which contains the query string's key/value pairs.
+ In case a key appears multiple times, this variant only
+ contains the first found key/value pair. In contrast to
+ :attr:`qs`, this variant avoids lists and might be easier
+ to use for some cases.
+ """
+ d={}
+ fork,vinself.qs.items():
+ d[k]=v[0]
+ returnd
+ def__str__(self)->str:
+ returnself.raw
+"""BaseTransport is the base class providing the required
+ interface for all transports used by gallia.
+ A transport usually is some kind of network protocol which
+ carries an application level protocol. A good example is
+ DoIP carrying UDS requests which acts as a minimal middleware
+ on top of TCP.
+ This class is to be used as a subclass with all abstractmethods
+ implemented and the SCHEME property filled.
+ A few methods provide a ``tags`` argument. The debug logs of these
+ calls include these tags in the ``tags`` property of the relevant
+ :class:`gallia.log.PenlogRecord`.
+ """
+ #: The scheme for the implemented protocol, e.g. "doip".
+ SCHEME:str=""
+ #: The buffersize of the transport. Might be used in read() calls.
+ #: Defaults to :const:`io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE`.
+ def__init__(self,target:TargetURI)->None:
+ self.mutex=asyncio.Lock()
+ self.target=target
+ self.is_closed=False
+ def__init_subclass__(
+ cls,
+ /,
+ scheme:str,
+ bufsize:int=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE,
+ **kwargs:Any,
+ )->None:
+ super().__init_subclass__(**kwargs)
+ cls.SCHEME=scheme
+ cls.BUFSIZE=bufsize
+ @classmethod
+ defcheck_scheme(cls,target:TargetURI)->None:
+"""Checks if the provided URI has the correct scheme."""
+ iftarget.scheme!=cls.SCHEME:
+ raiseValueError(f"invalid scheme: {target.scheme}; expected: {cls.SCHEME}")
+ @classmethod
+ @abstractmethod
+ asyncdefconnect(
+ cls,
+ target:str|TargetURI,
+ timeout:float|None=None,
+ )->Self:
+"""Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+ The target argument is a URI, such as `doip://"`
+ An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ asyncdefclose(self)->None:
+"""Terminates the connection and clean up all allocated ressources."""
+ asyncdefreconnect(self,timeout:float|None=None)->Self:
+"""Closes the connection to the target and attempts to reconnect every
+ 100 ms until at max timeout. If timeout is None, only attempt to connect
+ once.
+ A new instance of this class is returned rendering the old one obsolete.
+ This method is safe for concurrent use.
+ """
+ asyncwithself.mutex:
+ try:
+ awaitself.close()
+ exceptConnectionErrorase:
+ logger.warning(f"close() failed during reconnect ({e!r}); ignoring")
+ asyncwithasyncio.timeout(timeout):
+ logger.debug(
+ f"Attempting to establish a new connection with a timeout of {timeout}"
+ )
+ whileTrue:
+ try:
+ returnawaitself.connect(self.target)
+ exceptConnectionErrorase:
+ logger.info(f"Connection attempt failed while reconnecting: {e!r}")
+ iftimeoutisNone:
+ logger.debug("Breaking out of the reconnect-loop since timeout is None")
+ raisee
+ awaitasyncio.sleep(0.1)
+ @abstractmethod
+ asyncdefread(
+ self,
+ timeout:float|None=None,
+ tags:list[str]|None=None,
+ )->bytes:
+"""Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+ An example for one message is 'one line, terminated by newline'
+ for a TCP transport yielding lines.
+ """
+ @abstractmethod
+ asyncdefwrite(
+ self,
+ data:bytes,
+ timeout:float|None=None,
+ tags:list[str]|None=None,
+ )->int:
+"""Writes one message and return the number of written bytes."""
+ asyncdefrequest(
+ self,
+ data:bytes,
+ timeout:float|None=None,
+ tags:list[str]|None=None,
+ )->bytes:
+"""Chains a :meth:`write()` call with a :meth:`read()` call.
+ The call is protected by a mutex and is thus safe for concurrent
+ use.
+ """
+ asyncwithself.mutex:
+ returnawaitself.request_unsafe(data,timeout,tags)
+ asyncdefrequest_unsafe(
+ self,
+ data:bytes,
+ timeout:float|None=None,
+ tags:list[str]|None=None,
+ )->bytes:
+"""Chains a :meth:`write()` call with a :meth:`read()` call.
+ The call is **not** protected by a mutex. Only use this method
+ when you know what you are doing.
+ """
+ awaitself.write(data,timeout,tags)
+ returnawaitself.read(timeout,tags)
+ asyncdefget_idle_traffic(self,sniff_time:float)->list[int]:
+"""Listen to traffic on the bus and return list of IDs
+ which are seen in the specified period of time.
+ The output of this function can be used as input to set_filter.
+ """
+ addr_idle:list[int]=[]
+ t1=time.time()
+ whiletime.time()-t1<sniff_time:
+ try:
+ addr,_=awaitself.recvfrom(timeout=1)
+ ifaddrnotinaddr_idle:
+ logger.info(f"Received a message from {addr:03x}")
+ addr_idle.append(addr)
+ exceptTimeoutError:
+ continue
+ addr_idle.sort()
+ returnaddr_idle
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+ gallia.transports.doip — gallia documentation
+ asyncdefreconnect(self,timeout:float|None=None)->Self:
+ # It might be that the DoIP endpoint is not immediately ready for another
+ # connection, so set the timeout to 10s by default.
+ returnawaitsuper().reconnect(10iftimeoutisNoneelsetimeout)
+ asyncdefwrite(
+ self,
+ data:bytes,
+ timeout:float|None=None,
+ tags:list[str]|None=None,
+ )->int:
+ t=tags+["write"]iftagsisnotNoneelse["write"]
+ logger.trace(data.hex(),extra={"tags":t})
+ try:
+ awaitasyncio.wait_for(self._conn.write_diag_request(data),timeout)
+ exceptDoIPNegativeAckErrorase:
+ ife.nack_code!=DiagnosticMessageNegativeAckCodes.TargetUnreachable:
+ raisee
+ # TargetUnreachable can be just a temporary issue. Thus, we do not raise
+ # BrokenPipeError but instead ignore it here and let upper layers handle
+ # missing responses
+ logger.debug("DoIP message was ACKed with TargetUnreachable")
+ returnlen(data)
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+ gallia.transports.hsfz — gallia documentation
BaseCommand is the baseclass for all gallia commands.
+This class can be used in standalone scripts via the
+gallia command line interface facility.
This class needs to be subclassed and all the abstract
+methods need to be implemented. The artifacts_dir is
+generated based on the COMMAND, GROUP, SUBGROUP
+properties (falls back to the class name if all three
+are not set).
Scanner is a base class for all scanning related commands.
+A scanner has the following properties:
It is async.
It loads transports via TargetURIs; available via self.transport.
Controlling PowerSupplies via the opennetzteil API is supported.
setup() can be overwritten (do not forget to call super().setup())
+for preparation tasks, such as establishing a network connection or
+starting background tasks.
pcap logfiles can be recorded via a Dumpcap background task.
teardown() can be overwritten (do not forget to call super().teardown())
+for cleanup tasks, such as terminating a network connection or background
main() is the relevant entry_point for the scanner and must be implemented.
A wrapper around the constants exposed by python’s
+logging module. Since gallia adds two additional
+loglevel’s (NOTICE and TRACE), this class
+provides a type safe way to access the loglevels.
+The level NOTICE was added to conform better to
+RFC3164. Subsequently, TRACE was added to have
+a facility for optional debug messages.
+Loglevel describes python specific values for loglevels
+which are required to integrate with the python ecosystem.
+For generic priority values, see PenlogPriority.
PenlogPriority holds the values which are written
+to json log records. These values conform to RFC3164
+with the addition of TRACE. Since Python uses different
+int values for the loglevels, there are two enums in
+gallia describing loglevels. PenlogPriority describes
+generic priority values which are included in json
+log records.
Converts a string to an instance of PenlogPriority.
+string can be a numeric value (0 to 8 inclusive)
+or a string with a case insensitive name of the level
+(e.g. debug).
Enable and configure gallia’s logging system.
+If this fuction is not called as early as possible,
+the logging system is in an undefined state und might
+not behave as expected. Always use this function to
+initialize gallia’s logging. For instance, setup_logging()
+initializes a QueueHandler to avoid blocking calls during
level – The loglevel to enable for the console handler.
+If this argument is None, the env variable
+GALLIA_LOGLEVEL (see Environment Variables) is read.
file_level – The loglevel to enable for the file handler.
path – The path to the logfile containing json records.
color_mode – The color mode to use for the console.
ECU is a high level interface wrapping a UDSClient class. It provides
+semantically correct higher level interfaces such as read_session()
+or ping(). Vendor specific implementations can be derived from this
+class. For the arguments of the constructor, please check uds.uds.UDS.
leave_session() is a hook which can be called explicitly by a
+scanner when a session is to be disabled. Use this hook if resetting
+the ECU is required, e.g. when disabling the programming session.
Refresh the attributes of the ECU states, if possible.
+By, default, old values are only overwritten in case the corresponding
+information can be requested from the ECU and could be retrieved from a
+positive response from the ECU.
reset_state – If True, the ECU state is reset before updating it.
set_session_post() is called after the diagnostic session control
+pdu was written on the wire. Implement this if there are special
+cleanup routines or sleeping until a certain moment is required.
uds – The UDSClient class where this hook is embedded. The caller typically
+calls this function with self as the first argument.
set_session_pre() is called before the diagnostic session control
+pdu is written on the wire. Implement this if there are special
+preconditions for a particular session, such as disabling error
uds – The UDSClient class where this hook is embedded. The caller typically
+calls this function with self as the first argument.
transmit_data splits the data to be sent in several blocks of size block_length,
+transfers all of them and concludes the transmission with RequestTransferExit
BaseTransport is the base class providing the required
+interface for all transports used by gallia.
A transport usually is some kind of network protocol which
+carries an application level protocol. A good example is
+DoIP carrying UDS requests which acts as a minimal middleware
+on top of TCP.
This class is to be used as a subclass with all abstractmethods
+implemented and the SCHEME property filled.
A few methods provide a tags argument. The debug logs of these
+calls include these tags in the tags property of the relevant
Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+The target argument is a URI, such as doip://”
+An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+An example for one message is ‘one line, terminated by newline’
+for a TCP transport yielding lines.
Closes the connection to the target and attempts to reconnect every
+100 ms until at max timeout. If timeout is None, only attempt to connect
+A new instance of this class is returned rendering the old one obsolete.
+This method is safe for concurrent use.
Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+The target argument is a URI, such as doip://”
+An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+An example for one message is ‘one line, terminated by newline’
+for a TCP transport yielding lines.
Closes the connection to the target and attempts to reconnect every
+100 ms until at max timeout. If timeout is None, only attempt to connect
+A new instance of this class is returned rendering the old one obsolete.
+This method is safe for concurrent use.
Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+The target argument is a URI, such as doip://”
+An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+An example for one message is ‘one line, terminated by newline’
+for a TCP transport yielding lines.
Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+The target argument is a URI, such as doip://”
+An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+An example for one message is ‘one line, terminated by newline’
+for a TCP transport yielding lines.
Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+The target argument is a URI, such as doip://”
+An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
Listen to traffic on the bus and return list of IDs
+which are seen in the specified period of time.
+The output of this function can be used as input to set_filter.
Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+An example for one message is ‘one line, terminated by newline’
+for a TCP transport yielding lines.
Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+The target argument is a URI, such as doip://”
+An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+An example for one message is ‘one line, terminated by newline’
+for a TCP transport yielding lines.
TargetURI represents a target to which gallia can connect.
+The target string must conform to a URI is specified by RFC3986.
Basically, this is a wrapper around Python’s urlparse() and
+parse_qs() methods. TargetURI provides frequently used properties
+for a more userfriendly usage. Instances are meant to be passed to
+BaseTransport.connect() of transport implementations.
A dict which contains the query string’s key/value pairs.
+In case a key appears multiple times, this variant only
+contains the first found key/value pair. In contrast to
+qs, this variant avoids lists and might be easier
+to use for some cases.
Classmethod to connect the transport to a relevant target.
+The target argument is a URI, such as doip://”
+An instance of the relevant transport class is returned.
Reads one message and returns its raw byte representation.
+An example for one message is ‘one line, terminated by newline’
+for a TCP transport yielding lines.
gallia has support for controlling power supplies either directly via builtin drivers.
+Power supplies are mostly used for power cycling the current device under test.
+There is no limit in accessing power supplies, e.g. voltage or current settings can be controlled as well.
Own drivers can be included by implementing the gallia.power_supply.BasePowerSupply interface.
+On the commandline there is the --power-supply argument to specify a relevant power supply.
+Further, there is --power-cycle to automatically power-cycle the device under test.
+There is an experimental cli tool netzteil included in gallia.
+This cli tool can be used to control all supported power supplies via the cli.
The argument for --power-supply is a URI of the following form:
All gallia settings stem from the commandline interface.
+The documentation for all available settings per subcommand is available via -h/--help.
+Frequently used settings can be put in a configfile which is called gallia.toml.
+Settings from the config file set the default of the respective commandline option.
+The config can always be overwritten by manually setting the relevant cli option.
The configuration file gallia.toml is written in TOML.
+Inheritence is not supported; the first file is loaded.
+The gallia.toml file is loaded from these locations (in this particular order):
current Git root (if the current directory is a Git repository)
Only some cli options are exposed to the config file.
+The available config settings can be obtained from gallia--template.
+The output of --template is maintained to be up to date and is intended as a starting point.
gallia supports hooks for preparation or cleanup/postprocessing tasks.
+Alternatively, they can be useful for e.g. sending notifications about the exit_code via e.g. matrix or ntfy.sh.
+Hooks are shell scripts which are executed before (= pre-hook) or after (= post-hook) the main() method.
+These scripts can be specified via --pre-hook or --post-hook or via gallia.toml as well.
The hook scripts have these environment variables set; some are optional and hook scripts are encouraged to check their presence before accessing them:
Either pre or post.
Path to the artifactsdir for the current testrun.
Is set to the exit_code which gallia will use after the hook terminates.
+For instance GALLIA_EXIT_CODE different from zero means that the current testrun failed.
Contains the JSON encoded content of META.json.
The content os sys.argv, in other words the raw invocation of gallia.
GALLIA_GROUP (optional)
Usually the first part of the command on the cli. For instance, for galliascanudsidentifiers
+GALLIA_GROUP is scan.
Usually the second part of the command on the cli. For instance, for galliascanudsidentifiers
Usually the last part of the command on the cli. For instance, for galliascanudsidentifiers
+GALLIA_COMMAND is identifiers.
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+ Environment Variables — gallia documentation
For some cases gallia can be configured with environment variables.
+gallia-specific variables begin with GALLIA_.
The path to the config file usually called gallia.toml.
+Disables autodiscovery of the config.
When gallia.log.setup_logging() is called without an argument this environment variable is read to set the loglevel.
+Supported value are: trace, debug, info, notice, warning, error, critical.
+As an alternative, the int values from 0 to 7 can be used.
+Mostly useful in own scripts or tests.
+This variable is not read when using the gallia cli.
If this variable is set, gallia by default does not use color codes, see: https://no-color.org/
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+ Index — gallia documentation
+ A
+ | B
+ | C
+ | D
+ | E
+ | F
+ | G
+ | H
+ | I
+ | L
+ | M
+ | N
+ | P
+ | Q
+ | R
+ | S
+ | T
+ | U
+ | W
This project is intended for research and development usage only!
+Inappropriate usage might cause irreversible damage to the device under test.
+We do not take any responsibility for damage caused by the usage of this tool.
Gallia is an extendable pentesting framework with the focus on the automotive domain.
+The scope of the toolchain is conducting penetration tests from a single ECU up to whole cars.
+Currently, the main focus lies on the UDS interface.
+Acting as a generic interface, the logging functionality implements reproducible tests and enables post-processing tasks.
gallia is designed as a pentesting framework where each test produces a lot of data.
+It is possible to design own standalone tools or plugins utilizing the gallia Python modules.
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+ Logging — gallia documentation
gallia uses structured structured logging implemented as line separated JSON records.
+Each scanner creates a artifacts_dir under artifacts_base, which contains a zstd compressed logfile log.json.zst.
+The logfile is created with loglevel DEBUG; for debugging purposes loglevel TRACE can be enabled with the setting trace_log.
+Logfiles can be displayed with the hr tool which is included in gallia.
The generic interface which represents a logrecord is gallia.log.PenlogRecord.
+The generic interface which is used to read a logfile gallia.log.PenlogReader.
+# The logfile's loglevel is Loglevel.DEBUG.
+# It can be set with the keyword argument file_level.
+logger.info("hello world")
+logger.debug("hello debug")
If processing of a logfile is needed, here is a minimal example; for custom functionality see gallia.log.PenlogReader and gallia.log.PenlogReader.records().
Below is an example that adds a new command to the CLI (using gallia.command.Script).
+Let’s assume the following code snippet lives in the python module hello.py within the hello_gallia package.
uv manages the project environment, including the python version.
+All uv commands must be invoked within the gallia repository.
$ pipxinstalluv
+$ uvsync
If you want to use a different Python version from the one defined in .python-version, the flags --python-preferenceonly-system or --python for uvsync might be helpful; e.g. to use your system provided Python 3.11:
Just use LSP.
+Most editors (e.g. neovim) support the Language Server Protocol.
+The required tools are listed as development dependencies in pyproject.toml and are automatically managed by uv.
+Please refer to the documentation of your text editor of choice for configuring LSP support.
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+ Transports — gallia documentation
The argument --target specifies all parameters which are required to establish a connection to the device under test.
+The argument to --target is specified as a URI.
+An URI consists of these components:
The parameters support: string, int (use 0x prefix for hex values) and bool (true/false) values.
+The relevant transport protocol is specified in the scheme.
Discovery scans are specific for the underlying transport, such as DoIP or ISO-TP.
+The idea is crafting a valid UDS payload which is valid and at least some answer is expected.
+A well working payload is 1001 which is a request to the DiagnosticSessionControl service.
+This request instructs an ECU to change to the so called DefaultSession.
+The DiagnosticSessionControl service and the DefaultSession should be always available, thus this payload is a good candidate for a discovery scan.
+Payloads different from 1001 can be used as well; for instance 1003 to enable the ExtendedDiagnosticSession (session id 0x03).
+Another well working example is 3E00, the TesterPresent service.
The addressing of the ECU is provided by the underlying transport protocol.
+Most of the time there are two addresses: the tester address and the ECU address.
+The basic idea of a discovery scan is sending a valid UDS payload to all valid ECU addresses with a fixed tester address.
+When a valid answer is received an ECU has been found.
The Diagnostics Over Internet Protocol (DoIP) is a application level protocol on top of TCP enabling tunneling UDS messages.
+As an advantage all features of modern operating systems can be used.
+Furthermore, no custom hardware, such as expensive CAN bus adapters are required.
The user needs to provide a DHCP server enabling the communication stack on the DoIP gateway’s side.
DoIP has three parameters which are required to establish a communication channel to an ECU:
SourceAddress: In the automotive chargon also called tester address. It is often static and set to 0x0e00.
TargetAddress: This is the address of a present ECU. This parameter needs to be discovered.
RoutingActivationType: DoIP provides further optional layers of authentication which can e.g. be vendor specific. Since gallia needs UDS endpoints this is most likely WWH_OB, which is a symbolic identifier for the constant 0x01. Optionally, the RoutingActivationType can be scanned in order to find vendor specific routing methods.
Assuming DHCP and the networking setup is running properly, the DoIP connection establishment looks like the following:
TCP connect to the DoIP gateway. The IP address of the gateway is set by the mentioned user controlled DHCP server.
Sending a RoutingActivationRequest; the gateway must acknowledge this.
UDS requests can be tunneled to arbitrary ECUs using appropriate DoIP DiagnosticMessage packets.
The mentioned DiagnosticMessage packets contain a SourceAddress, a TargetAddress, and a UserData field.
+For the discovery scan on DoIP first step 1. and 2. from the described connection establishment process are performed.
+Subsequently, a valid UDS message (c.f. previous section) is the put in the UserData field and the TargetAddress field is iterated.
+When a valid answer is received an ECU has been found; when the gateway sends a NACK or just timeouts, no ECU is available on the tried TargetAddress.
ISO-TP is a standard for a transport protocol on top of the CAN bus system.
+The CAN bus is a field bus which acts as a broadcast medium; any connected participant can read all messages.
+On the CAN bus there is no concept of a connection.
+Typically, there are cyclic messages on the CAN bus which are important for selected participants.
+However, in order to implement a connection channel for the UDS protocol (which is required by law to be present in vecicles) the ISO-TP standard comes into play.
+In contrast to DoIP special CAN hardware is required.
+The ISO-TP protocol and the interaction with CAN interfaces is handled by the networking stack of the Linux kernel.
For a discovery scan it is important to distinguish whether the tester is connected to a filtered interface (e.g. the OBD connector) or to an unfiltered interface (e.g. an internal CAN bus).
+In order to not confuse the discovery scanner, the so called idle traffic needs to be observed.
+The idle traffic consists of the mentioned cyclic messages of the can bus.
+Since there is no concept of a connection on the CAN bus itself and the parameters for the ISO-TP connection are unknown at the very first stage, an educated guess for a deny list is required.
+Typically, gallia waits for a few seconds and observes the CAN bus traffic.
+Subsequently, a deny filter is configured which filters out all CAN IDs seen in the idle traffic.
ISO-TP provides multiple different addressing methods:
normal addressing with normal CAN IDs,
normal addressing with extended CAN IDs,
extended addressing with normal CAN IDs,
extended addressing with extended CAN IDs,
the mentioned schemes but with CAN-FD below,
For the detailed explanation of all these addressing modes we refer to the relevant ISO standard documents or further documents or presentations which are available online.
The tester needs to make assuptions about what addressing scheme is used; otherwise the scan does not yield any results.
+ISO-TP provides the following parameters:
source can_id:
Without extended addressing: Often set to an address with a static offset to the destination can_id.
Extended addressing: Often set to a static value, e.g. 0x6f1; a.k.a. tester address.
destination can_id:
Without extended addressing: Address of the ECU
Extended addressing: Somehow part of the ECU address, e.g. 0x600|ext_address
extended source address: When extended addressing is in use, often set to a static value, e.g. 0xf1.
extended destination address: When extended addressing is in use, it is the address of the ECU.
The discovery procedure is dependend on the used addressing scheme.
+From a high level perspective, the destination id is iterated and a valid payload is sent.
+If a valid answer is received, an ECU has been found.
UDS has the concept of sessions.
+Different sessions can for example offer different services.
+A session is identified by a 1 byte session ID.
+The UDS standard defines a set of well known session IDs, but vendors are free to add their own sessions.
+Some sessions might only be available from a specific ECU state (e.g. current session, enabled/configured ECU features, coding, …).
+Most of those preconditions cannot be detected automatically and might require vendor specific knowledge.
The session scan tries to find all available session transitions.
+Starting from the default session (0x01), all session IDs are iterated and enabling the relevant session is tried.
+If the ECU replies with a positive response, the session is available.
+In case of a negative response, the session is considered not available from the current state.
+To detect sessions, which are only reachable from a session different to the default session, a recursive approach is used.
+The scan for new sessions starts at each previously identified session.
+The maximum depth is limited to avoid endless scans in case of transition cycles, such as 0x01->0x03->0x05->0x03.
+The scan is finished, if no new session transition is found.
The service scan operates at the UDS protocol level.
+UDS provides several endpoints called services.
+Each service has an identifier and a specific list of arguments or sub-functions.
In order to identify available services, a reverse matching is applied.
+According to the UDS standard, ECUs reply with the error codes serviceNotSupported or serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession when an unimplemented service is requested.
+Therefore, each service which responds with a different error code is considered available.
+To address the different services and their varying length of arguments and sub-functions the scanner automatically appends \x00 bytes if the received response was incorrectMessageLengthOrInvalidFormat.
The identifier scan operates at the UDS protocol level; to be more specific it operates at the level of a specific UDS service.
+Most UDS services need identifiers is input arguments.
+For instance, the ReadDataByIdentifier service requires a data identifier input for the requested ressource.
+In order to find out the available identifiers for a specific service the Identifier Scan is employed.
In order to identify available data identifiers, a reverse matching is applied.
+According to the UDS standard, ECUs reply with the error codes serviceNotSupported or serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession when an unimplemented service is requested.
+If the ECU responds with any of serviceNotSupported, serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession,subFunctionNotSupported, subFunctionNotSupportedInActiveSession, or requestOutOfRange the identifier is considered not available.
A few services such as RoutineControl offer a subFunction as well.
+SubFunction arguments can be discovered with the same technique but the error codes for the reverse matching are different.
+For discovering available subFunctions the following error codes indicate the subFunction is not available: serviceNotSupported, serviceNotSupportedInActiveSession, subFunctionNotSupported, or subFunctionNotSupportedInActiveSession.
Each identifier or subFunction which responds with a different error code is considered available.
For testing purposes, there exists the possibility to spawn virtual ECUs, against which the scanners can be run.
+The virtual ECUs can however also be used independently of the remaining Gallia tools.
The generic command to create a virtual ECU is as follows:
The virtual ECU model is separated from the transport layer that is used for communication.
+Currently, two different transport types are supported.
+For each of them, a corresponding transport scheme exists on the scanner side,
+which has to be used to enable communication between the scanner and the virtual ECU.
The transport scheme which is the easiest to use is the tcp-lines scheme.
+It requires no additional setup and can be used immediately.
+When using this transport scheme, the virtual ECU can handle requests from multiple UDS clients,
+but conversely a scanner can only talk to a single virtual ECU.
+For most scanners this is the intended behavior.
+For discovery scanners instead, the tcp-lines transport is not suitable.
For example, a random virtual ECU, which uses the tcp-lines protocol for communication
+and listens for IPv4 connections on port 20162 can be started with the following command:
The iso-tp scheme operates on an existing can interface, which can be a physical interface or a virtual interface.
+The following commands can be used to set up a virtual CAN interface with the name vcan0:
# iplinkadddevvcan0typevcan
+# iplinksetupvcan0
In contrast to the tcp-lines approach,
+using the iso-tp transport scheme allows to simulate a whole bus of several virtual ECUs,
+and is therefore also suitable for testing discovery scanners.
For example, two random virtual ECUs, which uses the iso-tp protocol for communication
+and use the vcan0 interface can be started with the following commands:
This type of model, creates an ECU, with a random set of supported sessions, services, sub-functions and identifiers,
+where applicable.
+By default, this model makes use of all available default behaviors,
+thereby offering a very standard conformant behavior out of the box.
+As with any model, these default mechanisms can be disabled via the vecu-options.
+It can be further customized by specifying mandatory as well as optional sessions and services.
+Additionally, the probabilities which are used to compute the previously mentioned set of available
+functionality can be altered.
For example, a random virtual ECU with no customization can be created with the following command:
After the startup, the output shows an overview of the supported sessions, services and sub-functions.
+In this case only one session with ten services is offered.
To enable reproducibility, at the startup, the output shows the seed, which has been used to initialize the random
+number generator.
+Using the same seed in combination with the same arguments, one can recreate the same virtual ECU:
gallia vecu "tcp-lines://" rng --seed <seed>
The following command shows how to control the selection of services, by altering the mandatory and optional services,
+as well as the probability that determines, how likely one of the optional services is included.
+The same is possible for services.
+For other categories, only the probabilities can be changed.
This type of model creates a virtual ECU that mimics the behavior of an already scanned ECU.
+This functionality is based on the database logging of the scanners.
+For each request that the virtual ECU receives, it looks up if there is a corresponding request and response pair in
+the database, which also satisfies other conditions, such as a matching ECU state.
+By default, it will return either the corresponding response, or no response at all, if no such pair exists.
+As with any model, default ECU mechanisms, such as a default request or correct handling of the
+suppressPosRespMsgIndicationBit are supported, but are disabled by default.
+They might be particularly useful to compensate for behavior, that is not intended to be handled explicitly,
+while being able to include the corresponding ECU in the testing procedure.
When using the db model, the virtual ECU requires the path of the database to which scan results have been
+logged for the corresponding ECU.
+For example, a virtual ECU that mimics the behavior of an ECU,
+that was logged in /path/to/db can be created with the following command:
If the database contains logs of multiple ECUs, one particular ECU can be chosen by its name.
+Note, that the name is not filled in automatically
+and may have to be manually added and referenced in one or more addresses.
+Additionally, it is possible to include only those scan runs, for which the ECU satisfied a set of properties.
+For example, the following command creates a virtual ECU that mimics the behavior of the ECU XYZ based on the logs
+in /path/to/db where the software_version was 1.2.3: