A series of Jupyter Notebooks are provided to demonstrate various types of statistical analysis that can be applied to the tracking outputs.
- MCS track density (annual):
- MCS initiation counts (DJF):
- MCS track density (JJA):
- MCS initiation counts (JJA):
- MCS rain amount (annual):
- MCS rain fraction (annual):
- MCS rain frequency (annual):
- MCS rain amount (MAM):
- MCS rain fraction (MAM):
- MCS rain frequency (MAM):
- MCS rain intensity (MAM):
- MCS number seasonal cycle with interannual variability:
- MCS property PDFs:
- MCS property PDFs (land [top] vs. ocean [bottom]):
- Composite lifecycle evolution for short-lived vs. long-lived MCS:
- MCS joint kernel density estimates:
- Precipitation Hovmoller diagram:
- MCS vs. non-MCS precipitation diurnal cycle: