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run: python docs/_scripts/gen_envs_mds.py
- name: Documentation test
run: |
- xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" pytest docs --markdown-docs -m markdown-docs --splits 10 --group ${{ matrix.group }}
+ xvfb-run -s "-screen 0 1024x768x24" pytest docs --markdown-docs -m markdown-docs --ignore=tutorials --ignore=docs/tutorials --splits 10 --group ${{ matrix.group }}
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fail-fast: false
python-version: ['3.8', '3.9', '3.10', '3.11']
- tutorial: [Tianshou, CustomEnvironment, CleanRL, SB3/kaz, SB3/waterworld, SB3/connect_four, SB3/test] # TODO: add back AgileRL once issue is fixed on their end
+ tutorial: [Tianshou, CustomEnvironment, CleanRL, SB3/kaz, SB3/waterworld, SB3/connect_four, SB3/test, AgileRL] # TODO: add back Ray once next release after 2.6.2
- uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Set up Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}
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new file mode 100644
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+# AgileRL: Implementing DQN - Curriculum Learning and Self-play
+.. figure:: connect_four_self_opp.gif
+ :align: center
+ :height: 400px
+ Fig1: Agent trained to play Connect Four through self-play
+This tutorial shows how to train a [DQN](https://agilerl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/algorithms/dqn.html) agent on the [connect four](https://pettingzoo.farama.org/environments/classic/connect_four/) classic environment.
+This tutorial focuses on two techniques used in reinforcement learning - **curriculum learning** and **self-play**. Curriculum learning refers to training an agent on tasks of increasing difficulty in separate 'lessons'. Imagine you were trying to become a chess world champion. You would not decide to learn to play chess by immediately taking on a grand master - it would be too difficult. Instead, you would practice against people of the same ability as you, improve slowly, and increasingly play against harder opponents until you were ready to compete with the best. The same concept applies to reinforcement learning models. Sometimes, tasks are too difficult to learn in one go, and so we must create a curriculum to guide an agent and teach it to solve our ultimate hard environment.
+This tutorial also uses self-play. Self-play is a technique used in competitive reinforcement learning environments. An agent trains by playing against a copy of itself - the opponent - and learns to beat this opponent. The opponent is then updated to a copy of this better version of the agent, and the agent must then learn to beat itself again. This is done repeatedly, and the agent iteratively improves by exploiting its own weaknesses and discovering new strategies.
+In this tutorial, self-play is treated as the final lesson in the curriculum. However, these two techniques can be used independently of each other, and with unlimited resources, self-play can beat agents trained with human-crafted lessons through curriculum learning. [The Bitter Lesson](http://incompleteideas.net/IncIdeas/BitterLesson.html) by Richard Sutton provides an interesting take on curriculum learning and is definitely worth consideration from any engineer undertaking such a task. However, unlike Sutton, we do not all have the resources available to us that Deepmind and top institutions provide, and so one must be pragmatic when deciding how they will solve their own reinforcement learning problem. If you would like to discuss this exciting area of research further, please join the AgileRL [Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/eB8HyTA2ux) and let us know what you think!
+## What is DQN?
+[DQN](https://agilerl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/algorithms/dqn.html) (Deep Q-Network) is an extension of Q-learning that makes use of a replay buffer and target network to improve learning stability. For further information on DQN, check out the AgileRL [documentation](https://agilerl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/api/algorithms/dqn.html).
+### Can I use it?
+| | Action Space | Observation Space |
+|Discrete | ✔️ | ✔️ |
+|Continuous | ❌ | ✔️ |
+## Environment Setup
+To follow this tutorial, you will need to install the dependencies shown below. It is recommended to use a newly-created virtual environment to avoid dependency conflicts.
+.. literalinclude:: ../../../tutorials/AgileRL/requirements.txt
+ :language: text
+## Code
+### Curriculum learning and self-play using DQN on Connect Four
+The following code should run without any issues. The comments are designed to help you understand how to use PettingZoo with AgileRL. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask in the [Discord server](https://discord.com/invite/eB8HyTA2ux).
+This is a complicated tutorial, and so we will go through it in stages. The [full code](#full-training-code) can be found at the end of this section. Although much of this tutorial contains content specific to the Connect Four environment, it serves to demonstrate how techniques can be applied more generally to other problems.
+### Imports
+Importing the following packages, functions and classes will enable us to run the tutorial.
+ Imports
+ ```python
+ import copy
+ import os
+ import random
+ from collections import deque
+ from datetime import datetime
+ import numpy as np
+ import torch
+ import wandb
+ import yaml
+ from agilerl.components.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
+ from agilerl.hpo.mutation import Mutations
+ from agilerl.hpo.tournament import TournamentSelection
+ from agilerl.utils.utils import initialPopulation
+ from tqdm import tqdm, trange
+ from pettingzoo.classic import connect_four_v3
+ ```
+### Curriculum Learning
+First, we need to set up and modify our environment to enable curriculum learning. Curriculum learning is enabled by changing the environment that the agent trains in. This can be implemented by changing what happens when certain actions are taken - altering the next observation returned by the environment, or more simply by altering the reward. First, we will change the reward. By default, Connect Four uses the following rewards:
+* Win = +1
+* Lose = -1
+* Play continues = 0
+To help guide our agent, we can introduce rewards for other outcomes in the environment, such as a small reward for placing 3 pieces in a row, or a small negative reward when the opponent manages the same feat. We can also use reward shaping to encourage our agent to explore more. In Connect Four, if playing against a random opponent, an easy way to win is to always play in the same column. An agent may find success doing this, and therefore not learn other, more sophisticated strategies that can help it win against better opponents. We may therefore elect to reward vertical wins slightly less than horizontal or diagonal wins, to encourage the agent to try winning in different ways. An example reward system could be defined as follows:
+* Win (horizontal or diagonal) = +1
+* Win (vertical) = +0.8
+* Three in a row = +0.05
+* Opponent three in a row = -0.05
+* Lose = -1
+* Play continues = 0
+#### Config files
+It is best to use YAML config files to define the lessons in our curriculum and easily change and keep track of our settings. The first three lessons in our curriculum can be defined as follows:
+ Lesson 1
+ ```{eval-rst}
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../../tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson1.yaml
+ :language: yaml
+ ```
+ Lesson 2
+ ```{eval-rst}
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../../tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson2.yaml
+ :language: yaml
+ ```
+ Lesson 3
+ ```{eval-rst}
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../../tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson3.yaml
+ :language: yaml
+ ```
+To implement our curriculum, we create a ```CurriculumEnv``` class that acts as a wrapper on top of our Connect Four environment and enables us to alter the reward to guide the training of our agent. This uses the configs that we set up to define the lesson.
+ CurriculumEnv
+ ```python
+ class CurriculumEnv:
+ """Wrapper around environment to modify reward for curriculum learning.
+ :param env: Environment to learn in
+ :type env: PettingZoo-style environment
+ :param lesson: Lesson settings for curriculum learning
+ :type lesson: dict
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env, lesson):
+ self.env = env
+ self.lesson = lesson
+ def fill_replay_buffer(self, memory, opponent):
+ """Fill the replay buffer with experiences collected by taking random actions in the environment.
+ :param memory: Experience replay buffer
+ :type memory: AgileRL experience replay buffer
+ """
+ print("Filling replay buffer ...")
+ pbar = tqdm(total=memory.memory_size)
+ while len(memory) < memory.memory_size:
+ # Randomly decide whether random player will go first or second
+ if random.random() > 0.5:
+ opponent_first = False
+ else:
+ opponent_first = True
+ mem_full = len(memory)
+ self.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ observation, reward, done, truncation, _ = self.last()
+ (
+ p1_state,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ p1_action,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ ) = (None, None, None, None, None)
+ done, truncation = False, False
+ while not (done or truncation):
+ # Player 0's turn
+ p0_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p0_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p0_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p0_state, 2), 0)
+ p0_state = np.expand_dims(p0_state, 0)
+ if opponent_first:
+ p0_action = self.env.action_space("player_0").sample(p0_action_mask)
+ else:
+ if self.lesson["warm_up_opponent"] == "random":
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p0_action_mask, p1_action, self.lesson["block_vert_coef"]
+ )
+ else:
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(player=0)
+ self.step(p0_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = self.last()
+ p0_next_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p0_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p0_next_state, 2), 0)
+ p0_next_state = np.expand_dims(p0_next_state, 0)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = self.reward(done=True, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p0_state, p1_state, p0_state_flipped, p1_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [p0_action, p1_action, 6 - p0_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ if p1_state is not None:
+ reward = self.reward(done=False, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p1_state, p1_state_flipped)),
+ [p1_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate((p1_next_state, p1_next_state_flipped)),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ # Player 1's turn
+ p1_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p1_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p1_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p1_state, 2), 0)
+ p1_state = np.expand_dims(p1_state, 0)
+ if not opponent_first:
+ p1_action = self.env.action_space("player_1").sample(
+ p1_action_mask
+ )
+ else:
+ if self.lesson["warm_up_opponent"] == "random":
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p1_action_mask, p0_action, LESSON["block_vert_coef"]
+ )
+ else:
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(player=1)
+ self.step(p1_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = self.last()
+ p1_next_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p1_next_state, 2), 0)
+ p1_next_state = np.expand_dims(p1_next_state, 0)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = self.reward(done=True, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p0_state, p1_state, p0_state_flipped, p1_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [p0_action, p1_action, 6 - p0_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ reward = self.reward(done=False, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p0_state, p0_state_flipped)),
+ [p0_action, 6 - p0_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate((p0_next_state, p0_next_state_flipped)),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ pbar.update(len(memory) - mem_full)
+ pbar.close()
+ print("Replay buffer warmed up.")
+ return memory
+ def check_winnable(self, lst, piece):
+ """Checks if four pieces in a row represent a winnable opportunity, e.g. [1, 1, 1, 0] or [2, 0, 2, 2].
+ :param lst: List of pieces in row
+ :type lst: List
+ :param piece: Player piece we are checking (1 or 2)
+ :type piece: int
+ """
+ return lst.count(piece) == 3 and lst.count(0) == 1
+ def check_vertical_win(self, player):
+ """Checks if a win is vertical.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(6, 7)
+ piece = player + 1
+ column_count = 7
+ row_count = 6
+ # Check vertical locations for win
+ for c in range(column_count):
+ for r in range(row_count - 3):
+ if (
+ board[r][c] == piece
+ and board[r + 1][c] == piece
+ and board[r + 2][c] == piece
+ and board[r + 3][c] == piece
+ ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def check_three_in_row(self, player):
+ """Checks if there are three pieces in a row and a blank space next, or two pieces - blank - piece.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(6, 7)
+ piece = player + 1
+ # Check horizontal locations
+ column_count = 7
+ row_count = 6
+ three_in_row_count = 0
+ # Check vertical locations
+ for c in range(column_count):
+ for r in range(row_count - 3):
+ if self.check_winnable(board[r : r + 4, c].tolist(), piece):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ # Check horizontal locations
+ for r in range(row_count):
+ for c in range(column_count - 3):
+ if self.check_winnable(board[r, c : c + 4].tolist(), piece):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ # Check positively sloped diagonals
+ for c in range(column_count - 3):
+ for r in range(row_count - 3):
+ if self.check_winnable(
+ [
+ board[r, c],
+ board[r + 1, c + 1],
+ board[r + 2, c + 2],
+ board[r + 3, c + 3],
+ ],
+ piece,
+ ):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ # Check negatively sloped diagonals
+ for c in range(column_count - 3):
+ for r in range(3, row_count):
+ if self.check_winnable(
+ [
+ board[r, c],
+ board[r - 1, c + 1],
+ board[r - 2, c + 2],
+ board[r - 3, c + 3],
+ ],
+ piece,
+ ):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ return three_in_row_count
+ def reward(self, done, player):
+ """Processes and returns reward from environment according to lesson criteria.
+ :param done: Environment has terminated
+ :type done: bool
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ if done:
+ reward = (
+ self.lesson["rewards"]["vertical_win"]
+ if self.check_vertical_win(player)
+ else self.lesson["rewards"]["win"]
+ )
+ else:
+ agent_three_count = self.check_three_in_row(1 - player)
+ opp_three_count = self.check_three_in_row(player)
+ if (agent_three_count + opp_three_count) == 0:
+ reward = self.lesson["rewards"]["play_continues"]
+ else:
+ reward = (
+ self.lesson["rewards"]["three_in_row"] * agent_three_count
+ + self.lesson["rewards"]["opp_three_in_row"] * opp_three_count
+ )
+ return reward
+ def last(self):
+ """Wrapper around PettingZoo env last method."""
+ return self.env.last()
+ def step(self, action):
+ """Wrapper around PettingZoo env step method."""
+ self.env.step(action)
+ def reset(self):
+ """Wrapper around PettingZoo env reset method."""
+ self.env.reset()
+ ```
+When defining the different lessons in our curriculum, we can increase the difficulty of our task by modifying environment observations for our agent - in Connect Four, we can increase the skill level of our opponent. By progressively doing this, we can help our agent improve. We can change our rewards between lessons too; for example, we may wish to reward wins in all directions equally once we have learned to beat a random agent and now wish to train against a harder opponent. In this tutorial, an ```Opponent``` class is implemented to provide different levels of difficulty for training our agent.
+ Opponent
+ ```python
+ class Opponent:
+ """Connect 4 opponent to train and/or evaluate against.
+ :param env: Environment to learn in
+ :type env: PettingZoo-style environment
+ :param difficulty: Difficulty level of opponent, 'random', 'weak' or 'strong'
+ :type difficulty: str
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env, difficulty):
+ self.env = env.env
+ self.difficulty = difficulty
+ if self.difficulty == "random":
+ self.getAction = self.random_opponent
+ elif self.difficulty == "weak":
+ self.getAction = self.weak_rule_based_opponent
+ else:
+ self.getAction = self.strong_rule_based_opponent
+ self.num_cols = 7
+ self.num_rows = 6
+ self.length = 4
+ self.top = [0] * self.num_cols
+ def update_top(self):
+ """Updates self.top, a list which tracks the row on top of the highest piece in each column."""
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(self.num_rows, self.num_cols)
+ non_zeros = np.where(board != 0)
+ rows, cols = non_zeros
+ top = np.zeros(board.shape[1], dtype=int)
+ for col in range(board.shape[1]):
+ column_pieces = rows[cols == col]
+ if len(column_pieces) > 0:
+ top[col] = np.min(column_pieces) - 1
+ else:
+ top[col] = 5
+ full_columns = np.all(board != 0, axis=0)
+ top[full_columns] = 6
+ self.top = top
+ def random_opponent(self, action_mask, last_opp_move=None, block_vert_coef=1):
+ """Takes move for random opponent. If the lesson aims to randomly block vertical wins with a higher probability, this is done here too.
+ :param action_mask: Mask of legal actions: 1=legal, 0=illegal
+ :type action_mask: List
+ :param last_opp_move: Most recent action taken by agent against this opponent
+ :type last_opp_move: int
+ :param block_vert_coef: How many times more likely to block vertically
+ :type block_vert_coef: float
+ """
+ if last_opp_move is not None:
+ action_mask[last_opp_move] *= block_vert_coef
+ action = random.choices(list(range(self.num_cols)), action_mask)[0]
+ return action
+ def weak_rule_based_opponent(self, player):
+ """Takes move for weak rule-based opponent.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ self.update_top()
+ max_length = -1
+ best_actions = []
+ for action in range(self.num_cols):
+ possible, reward, ended, lengths = self.outcome(
+ action, player, return_length=True
+ )
+ if possible and lengths.sum() > max_length:
+ best_actions = []
+ max_length = lengths.sum()
+ if possible and lengths.sum() == max_length:
+ best_actions.append(action)
+ best_action = random.choice(best_actions)
+ return best_action
+ def strong_rule_based_opponent(self, player):
+ """Takes move for strong rule-based opponent.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ self.update_top()
+ winning_actions = []
+ for action in range(self.num_cols):
+ possible, reward, ended = self.outcome(action, player)
+ if possible and ended:
+ winning_actions.append(action)
+ if len(winning_actions) > 0:
+ winning_action = random.choice(winning_actions)
+ return winning_action
+ opp = 1 if player == 0 else 0
+ loss_avoiding_actions = []
+ for action in range(self.num_cols):
+ possible, reward, ended = self.outcome(action, opp)
+ if possible and ended:
+ loss_avoiding_actions.append(action)
+ if len(loss_avoiding_actions) > 0:
+ loss_avoiding_action = random.choice(loss_avoiding_actions)
+ return loss_avoiding_action
+ return self.weak_rule_based_opponent(player) # take best possible move
+ def outcome(self, action, player, return_length=False):
+ """Takes move for weak rule-based opponent.
+ :param action: Action to take in environment
+ :type action: int
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ :param return_length: Return length of outcomes, defaults to False
+ :type player: bool, optional
+ """
+ if not (self.top[action] < self.num_rows): # action column is full
+ return (False, None, None) + ((None,) if return_length else ())
+ row, col = self.top[action], action
+ piece = player + 1
+ # down, up, left, right, down-left, up-right, down-right, up-left,
+ directions = np.array(
+ [
+ [[-1, 0], [1, 0]],
+ [[0, -1], [0, 1]],
+ [[-1, -1], [1, 1]],
+ [[-1, 1], [1, -1]],
+ ]
+ ) # |4x2x2|
+ positions = np.array([row, col]).reshape(1, 1, 1, -1) + np.expand_dims(
+ directions, -2
+ ) * np.arange(1, self.length).reshape(
+ 1, 1, -1, 1
+ ) # |4x2x3x2|
+ valid_positions = np.logical_and(
+ np.logical_and(
+ positions[:, :, :, 0] >= 0, positions[:, :, :, 0] < self.num_rows
+ ),
+ np.logical_and(
+ positions[:, :, :, 1] >= 0, positions[:, :, :, 1] < self.num_cols
+ ),
+ ) # |4x2x3|
+ d0 = np.where(valid_positions, positions[:, :, :, 0], 0)
+ d1 = np.where(valid_positions, positions[:, :, :, 1], 0)
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(self.num_rows, self.num_cols)
+ board_values = np.where(valid_positions, board[d0, d1], 0)
+ a = (board_values == piece).astype(int)
+ b = np.concatenate(
+ (a, np.zeros_like(a[:, :, :1])), axis=-1
+ ) # padding with zeros to compute length
+ lengths = np.argmin(b, -1)
+ ended = False
+ # check if winnable in any direction
+ for both_dir in board_values:
+ # |2x3|
+ line = np.concatenate((both_dir[0][::-1], [piece], both_dir[1]))
+ if "".join(map(str, [piece] * self.length)) in "".join(map(str, line)):
+ ended = True
+ break
+ # ended = np.any(np.greater_equal(np.sum(lengths, 1), self.length - 1))
+ draw = True
+ for c, v in enumerate(self.top):
+ draw &= (v == self.num_rows) if c != col else (v == (self.num_rows - 1))
+ ended |= draw
+ reward = (-1) ** (player) if ended and not draw else 0
+ return (True, reward, ended) + ((lengths,) if return_length else ())
+ ```
+### General setup
+Before we go any further in this tutorial, it would be helpful to define and set up everything remaining we need for training.
+ Setup code
+ ```python
+ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+ print("===== AgileRL Curriculum Learning Demo =====")
+ lesson_number = 1
+ # Load lesson for curriculum
+ with open(f"./curriculums/connect_four/lesson{lesson_number}.yaml") as file:
+ LESSON = yaml.safe_load(file)
+ # Define the network configuration
+ "arch": "cnn", # Network architecture
+ "h_size": [64, 64], # Actor hidden size
+ "c_size": [128], # CNN channel size
+ "k_size": [4], # CNN kernel size
+ "s_size": [1], # CNN stride size
+ "normalize": False, # Normalize image from range [0,255] to [0,1]
+ }
+ # Define the initial hyperparameters
+ INIT_HP = {
+ # "ALGO": "Rainbow DQN", # Algorithm
+ "ALGO": "DQN", # Algorithm
+ "DOUBLE": True,
+ # Swap image channels dimension from last to first [H, W, C] -> [C, H, W]
+ "BATCH_SIZE": 256, # Batch size
+ "LR": 1e-4, # Learning rate
+ "GAMMA": 0.99, # Discount factor
+ "MEMORY_SIZE": 100000, # Max memory buffer size
+ "LEARN_STEP": 1, # Learning frequency
+ "N_STEP": 1, # Step number to calculate td error
+ "PER": False, # Use prioritized experience replay buffer
+ "ALPHA": 0.6, # Prioritized replay buffer parameter
+ "TAU": 0.01, # For soft update of target parameters
+ "BETA": 0.4, # Importance sampling coefficient
+ "PRIOR_EPS": 0.000001, # Minimum priority for sampling
+ "NUM_ATOMS": 51, # Unit number of support
+ "V_MIN": 0.0, # Minimum value of support
+ "V_MAX": 200.0, # Maximum value of support
+ "WANDB": False, # Use Weights and Biases tracking
+ }
+ # Define the connect four environment
+ env = connect_four_v3.env()
+ env.reset()
+ # Configure the algo input arguments
+ state_dim = [
+ env.observation_space(agent)["observation"].shape for agent in env.agents
+ ]
+ one_hot = False
+ action_dim = [env.action_space(agent).n for agent in env.agents]
+ # Warp the environment in the curriculum learning wrapper
+ env = CurriculumEnv(env, LESSON)
+ # Pre-process dimensions for PyTorch layers
+ # We only need to worry about the state dim of a single agent
+ # We flatten the 6x7x2 observation as input to the agent"s neural network
+ state_dim = np.moveaxis(np.zeros(state_dim[0]), [-1], [-3]).shape
+ action_dim = action_dim[0]
+ # Create a population ready for evolutionary hyper-parameter optimisation
+ pop = initialPopulation(
+ state_dim,
+ action_dim,
+ one_hot,
+ population_size=INIT_HP["POPULATION_SIZE"],
+ device=device,
+ )
+ # Configure the replay buffer
+ field_names = ["state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "done"]
+ memory = ReplayBuffer(
+ action_dim=action_dim, # Number of agent actions
+ memory_size=INIT_HP["MEMORY_SIZE"], # Max replay buffer size
+ field_names=field_names, # Field names to store in memory
+ device=device,
+ )
+ # Instantiate a tournament selection object (used for HPO)
+ tournament = TournamentSelection(
+ tournament_size=2, # Tournament selection size
+ elitism=True, # Elitism in tournament selection
+ population_size=INIT_HP["POPULATION_SIZE"], # Population size
+ evo_step=1,
+ ) # Evaluate using last N fitness scores
+ # Instantiate a mutations object (used for HPO)
+ mutations = Mutations(
+ algo=INIT_HP["ALGO"],
+ no_mutation=0.2, # Probability of no mutation
+ architecture=0, # Probability of architecture mutation
+ new_layer_prob=0.2, # Probability of new layer mutation
+ parameters=0.2, # Probability of parameter mutation
+ activation=0, # Probability of activation function mutation
+ rl_hp=0.2, # Probability of RL hyperparameter mutation
+ rl_hp_selection=[
+ "lr",
+ "learn_step",
+ "batch_size",
+ ], # RL hyperparams selected for mutation
+ mutation_sd=0.1, # Mutation strength
+ # Define search space for each hyperparameter
+ min_lr=0.0001,
+ max_lr=0.01,
+ min_learn_step=1,
+ max_learn_step=120,
+ min_batch_size=8,
+ max_batch_size=64,
+ arch=NET_CONFIG["arch"], # MLP or CNN
+ rand_seed=1,
+ device=device,
+ )
+ # Define training loop parameters
+ episodes_per_epoch = 10
+ max_episodes = LESSON["max_train_episodes"] # Total episodes
+ max_steps = 500 # Maximum steps to take in each episode
+ evo_epochs = 20 # Evolution frequency
+ evo_loop = 50 # Number of evaluation episodes
+ elite = pop[0] # Assign a placeholder "elite" agent
+ epsilon = 1.0 # Starting epsilon value
+ eps_end = 0.1 # Final epsilon value
+ eps_decay = 0.9998 # Epsilon decays
+ opp_update_counter = 0
+ wb = INIT_HP["WANDB"]
+ ```
+As part of the curriculum, we may also choose to fill the replay buffer with random experiences, and also train on these offline.
+ Fill replay buffer
+ ```python
+ # Perform buffer and agent warmups if desired
+ if LESSON["buffer_warm_up"]:
+ warm_up_opponent = Opponent(env, difficulty=LESSON["warm_up_opponent"])
+ memory = env.fill_replay_buffer(
+ memory, warm_up_opponent
+ ) # Fill replay buffer with transitions
+ if LESSON["agent_warm_up"] > 0:
+ print("Warming up agents ...")
+ agent = pop[0]
+ # Train on randomly collected samples
+ for epoch in trange(LESSON["agent_warm_up"]):
+ experiences = memory.sample(agent.batch_size)
+ agent.learn(experiences)
+ pop = [agent.clone() for _ in pop]
+ elite = agent
+ print("Agent population warmed up.")
+ ```
+### Self-play
+In this tutorial, we use self-play as the final lesson in our curriculum. By iteratively improving our agent and making it learn to win against itself, we can allow it to discover new strategies and achieve higher performance. The weights of our pretrained agent from an earlier lesson can be loaded to the population as follows:
+ Load pretrained weights
+ ```python
+ if LESSON["pretrained_path"] is not None:
+ for agent in pop:
+ # Load pretrained checkpoint
+ agent.loadCheckpoint(LESSON["pretrained_path"])
+ # Reinit optimizer for new task
+ agent.lr = INIT_HP["LR"]
+ agent.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
+ agent.actor.parameters(), lr=agent.lr
+ )
+ ```
+To train against an old version of our agent, we create a pool of opponents. At training time, we randomly select an opponent from this pool. At regular intervals, we update the opponent pool by removing the oldest opponent and adding a copy of the latest version of our agent. This provides a balance between training against an increasingly difficult opponent and providing variety in the moves an opponent might make.
+ Create opponent pool
+ ```python
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ # Create initial pool of opponents
+ opponent_pool = deque(maxlen=LESSON["opponent_pool_size"])
+ for _ in range(LESSON["opponent_pool_size"]):
+ opp = copy.deepcopy(pop[0])
+ opp.actor.load_state_dict(pop[0].actor.state_dict())
+ opp.actor.eval()
+ opponent_pool.append(opp)
+ ```
+A sample lesson config for self-play training could be defined as follows:
+ Lesson 4
+ ```{eval-rst}
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../../tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson4.yaml
+ :language: yaml
+ ```
+It could also be possible to train an agent through self-play only, without using any previous lessons in the curriculum. This would require significant training time, but could ultimately result in better performance than other methods, and could avoid some of the mistakes discussed in [The Bitter Lesson](http://incompleteideas.net/IncIdeas/BitterLesson.html).
+### Training loop
+The Connect Four training loop must take into account that the agent only takes an action every other interaction with the environment (the opponent takes alternating turns). This must be considered when saving transitions to the replay buffer. Equally, we must wait for the outcome of the next player's turn before determining what the reward should be for a transition. This is not a true Markov Decision Process for this reason, but we can still train a reinforcement learning agent reasonably successfully in these non-stationary conditions.
+At regular intervals, we evaluate the performance, or 'fitness', of the agents in our population, and do an evolutionary step. Those which perform best are more likely to become members of the next generation, and the hyperparameters and neural architectures of agents in the population are mutated. This evolution allows us to optimize hyperparameters and maximise the performance of our agents in a single training run.
+ Training loop
+ ```python
+ if max_episodes > 0:
+ if wb:
+ wandb.init(
+ # set the wandb project where this run will be logged
+ project="AgileRL",
+ name="{}-EvoHPO-{}-{}Opposition-CNN-{}".format(
+ "connect_four_v3",
+ LESSON["opponent"],
+ datetime.now().strftime("%m%d%Y%H%M%S"),
+ ),
+ # track hyperparameters and run metadata
+ config={
+ "algo": "Evo HPO Rainbow DQN",
+ "env": "connect_four_v3",
+ "lesson": LESSON,
+ },
+ )
+ total_steps = 0
+ total_episodes = 0
+ pbar = trange(int(max_episodes / episodes_per_epoch))
+ # Training loop
+ for idx_epi in pbar:
+ turns_per_episode = []
+ train_actions_hist = [0] * action_dim
+ for agent in pop: # Loop through population
+ for episode in range(episodes_per_epoch):
+ env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ (
+ p1_state,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ p1_action,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ ) = (None, None, None, None, None)
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ # Randomly choose opponent from opponent pool if using self-play
+ opponent = random.choice(opponent_pool)
+ else:
+ # Create opponent of desired difficulty
+ opponent = Opponent(env, difficulty=LESSON["opponent"])
+ # Randomly decide whether agent will go first or second
+ if random.random() > 0.5:
+ opponent_first = False
+ else:
+ opponent_first = True
+ score = 0
+ turns = 0 # Number of turns counter
+ for idx_step in range(max_steps):
+ # Player 0"s turn
+ p0_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p0_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p0_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p0_state, 2), 0)
+ p0_state = np.expand_dims(p0_state, 0)
+ if opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p0_state, 0, p0_action_mask
+ )[0]
+ elif LESSON["opponent"] == "random":
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p0_action_mask, p1_action, LESSON["block_vert_coef"]
+ )
+ else:
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(player=0)
+ else:
+ p0_action = agent.getAction(
+ p0_state, epsilon, p0_action_mask
+ )[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ train_actions_hist[p0_action] += 1
+ env.step(p0_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ p0_next_state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ p0_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(
+ np.flip(p0_next_state, 2), 0
+ )
+ p0_next_state = np.expand_dims(p0_next_state, 0)
+ if not opponent_first:
+ score += env_reward
+ turns += 1
+ # Check if game is over (Player 0 win)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = env.reward(done=True, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_state,
+ p1_state,
+ p0_state_flipped,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [p0_action, p1_action, 6 - p0_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ if p1_state is not None:
+ reward = env.reward(done=False, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p1_state, p1_state_flipped)),
+ [p1_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p1_next_state, p1_next_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ # Player 1"s turn
+ p1_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p1_state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ # Swap pieces so that the agent always sees the board from the same perspective
+ p1_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p1_state, 2), 0)
+ p1_state = np.expand_dims(p1_state, 0)
+ if not opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p1_state, 0, p1_action_mask
+ )[0]
+ elif LESSON["opponent"] == "random":
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p1_action_mask,
+ p0_action,
+ LESSON["block_vert_coef"],
+ )
+ else:
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(player=1)
+ else:
+ p1_action = agent.getAction(
+ p1_state, epsilon, p1_action_mask
+ )[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ train_actions_hist[p1_action] += 1
+ env.step(p1_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ p1_next_state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(
+ np.flip(p1_next_state, 2), 0
+ )
+ p1_next_state = np.expand_dims(p1_next_state, 0)
+ if opponent_first:
+ score += env_reward
+ turns += 1
+ # Check if game is over (Player 1 win)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = env.reward(done=True, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_state,
+ p1_state,
+ p0_state_flipped,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [
+ p0_action,
+ p1_action,
+ 6 - p0_action,
+ 6 - p1_action,
+ ],
+ [
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ reward = env.reward(done=False, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p0_state, p0_state_flipped)),
+ [p0_action, 6 - p0_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p0_next_state, p0_next_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ # Learn according to learning frequency
+ if (memory.counter % agent.learn_step == 0) and (
+ len(memory) >= agent.batch_size
+ ):
+ # Sample replay buffer
+ # Learn according to agent"s RL algorithm
+ experiences = memory.sample(agent.batch_size)
+ agent.learn(experiences)
+ # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
+ if done or truncation:
+ break
+ total_steps += idx_step + 1
+ total_episodes += 1
+ turns_per_episode.append(turns)
+ # Save the total episode reward
+ agent.scores.append(score)
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ if (total_episodes % LESSON["opponent_upgrade"] == 0) and (
+ (idx_epi + 1) > evo_epochs
+ ):
+ elite_opp, _, _ = tournament._elitism(pop)
+ elite_opp.actor.eval()
+ opponent_pool.append(elite_opp)
+ opp_update_counter += 1
+ # Update epsilon for exploration
+ epsilon = max(eps_end, epsilon * eps_decay)
+ mean_turns = np.mean(turns_per_episode)
+ # Now evolve population if necessary
+ if (idx_epi + 1) % evo_epochs == 0:
+ # Evaluate population vs random actions
+ fitnesses = []
+ win_rates = []
+ eval_actions_hist = [0] * action_dim # Eval actions histogram
+ eval_turns = 0 # Eval turns counter
+ for agent in pop:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ rewards = []
+ for i in range(evo_loop):
+ env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ observation, reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ player = -1 # Tracker for which player"s turn it is
+ # Create opponent of desired difficulty
+ opponent = Opponent(env, difficulty=LESSON["eval_opponent"])
+ # Randomly decide whether agent will go first or second
+ if random.random() > 0.5:
+ opponent_first = False
+ else:
+ opponent_first = True
+ score = 0
+ for idx_step in range(max_steps):
+ action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ if player < 0:
+ if opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["eval_opponent"] == "random":
+ action = opponent.getAction(action_mask)
+ else:
+ action = opponent.getAction(player=0)
+ else:
+ state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ state = np.expand_dims(state, 0)
+ action = agent.getAction(state, 0, action_mask)[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ eval_actions_hist[action] += 1
+ if player > 0:
+ if not opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["eval_opponent"] == "random":
+ action = opponent.getAction(action_mask)
+ else:
+ action = opponent.getAction(player=1)
+ else:
+ state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ state[[0, 1], :, :] = state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ state = np.expand_dims(state, 0)
+ action = agent.getAction(state, 0, action_mask)[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ eval_actions_hist[action] += 1
+ env.step(action) # Act in environment
+ observation, reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ if (player > 0 and opponent_first) or (
+ player < 0 and not opponent_first
+ ):
+ score += reward
+ eval_turns += 1
+ if done or truncation:
+ break
+ player *= -1
+ rewards.append(score)
+ mean_fit = np.mean(rewards)
+ agent.fitness.append(mean_fit)
+ fitnesses.append(mean_fit)
+ eval_turns = eval_turns / len(pop) / evo_loop
+ pbar.set_postfix_str(
+ f" Train Mean Score: {np.mean(agent.scores[-episodes_per_epoch:])} Train Mean Turns: {mean_turns} Eval Mean Fitness: {np.mean(fitnesses)} Eval Best Fitness: {np.max(fitnesses)} Eval Mean Turns: {eval_turns} Total Steps: {total_steps}"
+ )
+ pbar.update(0)
+ # Format action histograms for visualisation
+ train_actions_hist = [
+ freq / sum(train_actions_hist) for freq in train_actions_hist
+ ]
+ eval_actions_hist = [
+ freq / sum(eval_actions_hist) for freq in eval_actions_hist
+ ]
+ train_actions_dict = {
+ f"train/action_{index}": action
+ for index, action in enumerate(train_actions_hist)
+ }
+ eval_actions_dict = {
+ f"eval/action_{index}": action
+ for index, action in enumerate(eval_actions_hist)
+ }
+ if wb:
+ wandb_dict = {
+ "global_step": total_steps,
+ "train/mean_score": np.mean(agent.scores[-episodes_per_epoch:]),
+ "train/mean_turns_per_game": mean_turns,
+ "train/epsilon": epsilon,
+ "train/opponent_updates": opp_update_counter,
+ "eval/mean_fitness": np.mean(fitnesses),
+ "eval/best_fitness": np.max(fitnesses),
+ "eval/mean_turns_per_game": eval_turns,
+ }
+ wandb_dict.update(train_actions_dict)
+ wandb_dict.update(eval_actions_dict)
+ wandb.log(wandb_dict)
+ # Tournament selection and population mutation
+ elite, pop = tournament.select(pop)
+ pop = mutations.mutation(pop)
+ if max_episodes > 0:
+ if wb:
+ wandb.finish()
+ # Save the trained agent
+ save_path = LESSON["save_path"]
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)
+ elite.saveCheckpoint(save_path)
+ print(f"Elite agent saved to '{save_path}'.")
+ ```
+### Trained model weights
+Trained model weights are provided at ```PettingZoo/tutorials/AgileRL/models```. Take a look, train against these models, and see if you can beat them!
+### Watch the trained agents play
+The following code allows you to load your saved DQN agent from the previous training block, test the agent's performance, and then visualise a number of episodes as a gif.
+ Render trained agents
+ ```{eval-rst}
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../../tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_dqn.py
+ :language: python
+ ```
+### Full training code
+ Full training code
+ > Please note that on line 612 ``max_episodes`` is set to 10 to allow fast testing of this tutorial code. This line can be deleted, and the line below it uncommented, to use the number of episodes set in the config files.
+ ```{eval-rst}
+ .. literalinclude:: ../../../tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_dqn_curriculum.py
+ :language: python
+ ```
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/agilerl/connect_four_self_opp.gif b/docs/tutorials/agilerl/connect_four_self_opp.gif
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..794dc044a
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/tutorials/agilerl/connect_four_self_opp.gif differ
diff --git a/docs/tutorials/agilerl/index.md b/docs/tutorials/agilerl/index.md
index 5a61c3106..db82cad21 100644
--- a/docs/tutorials/agilerl/index.md
+++ b/docs/tutorials/agilerl/index.md
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
These tutorials provide an introductory guide to using [AgileRL](https://github.com/AgileRL/AgileRL) with PettingZoo. AgileRL's multi-agent algorithms make use of the PettingZoo parallel API and allow users to train multiple-agents in parallel in both competitive and co-operative environments. This tutorial includes the following:
+* [DQN](DQN.md): _Train a DQN agent to play Connect Four through curriculum learning and self-play_
* [MADDPG](MADDPG.md): _Train an MADDPG agent to play multi-agent atari games_
* [MATD3](MATD3.md): _Train an MATD3 agent to play multi-particle-environment games_
@@ -28,6 +29,7 @@ For more information about AgileRL and what else the library has to offer, check
:caption: AgileRL
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_dqn_curriculum.py b/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_dqn_curriculum.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1b6e86949
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_dqn_curriculum.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@
+"""This tutorial shows how to train a DQN agent on the connect four environment, using curriculum learning and self play.
+Author: Nick (https://github.com/nicku-a)
+import copy
+import os
+import random
+from collections import deque
+from datetime import datetime
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+import wandb
+import yaml
+from agilerl.components.replay_buffer import ReplayBuffer
+from agilerl.hpo.mutation import Mutations
+from agilerl.hpo.tournament import TournamentSelection
+from agilerl.utils.utils import initialPopulation
+from tqdm import tqdm, trange
+from pettingzoo.classic import connect_four_v3
+class CurriculumEnv:
+ """Wrapper around environment to modify reward for curriculum learning.
+ :param env: Environment to learn in
+ :type env: PettingZoo-style environment
+ :param lesson: Lesson settings for curriculum learning
+ :type lesson: dict
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env, lesson):
+ self.env = env
+ self.lesson = lesson
+ def fill_replay_buffer(self, memory, opponent):
+ """Fill the replay buffer with experiences collected by taking random actions in the environment.
+ :param memory: Experience replay buffer
+ :type memory: AgileRL experience replay buffer
+ """
+ print("Filling replay buffer ...")
+ pbar = tqdm(total=memory.memory_size)
+ while len(memory) < memory.memory_size:
+ # Randomly decide whether random player will go first or second
+ if random.random() > 0.5:
+ opponent_first = False
+ else:
+ opponent_first = True
+ mem_full = len(memory)
+ self.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ observation, reward, done, truncation, _ = self.last()
+ (
+ p1_state,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ p1_action,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ ) = (None, None, None, None, None)
+ done, truncation = False, False
+ while not (done or truncation):
+ # Player 0's turn
+ p0_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p0_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p0_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p0_state, 2), 0)
+ p0_state = np.expand_dims(p0_state, 0)
+ if opponent_first:
+ p0_action = self.env.action_space("player_0").sample(p0_action_mask)
+ else:
+ if self.lesson["warm_up_opponent"] == "random":
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p0_action_mask, p1_action, self.lesson["block_vert_coef"]
+ )
+ else:
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(player=0)
+ self.step(p0_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = self.last()
+ p0_next_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p0_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p0_next_state, 2), 0)
+ p0_next_state = np.expand_dims(p0_next_state, 0)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = self.reward(done=True, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p0_state, p1_state, p0_state_flipped, p1_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [p0_action, p1_action, 6 - p0_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ if p1_state is not None:
+ reward = self.reward(done=False, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p1_state, p1_state_flipped)),
+ [p1_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate((p1_next_state, p1_next_state_flipped)),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ # Player 1's turn
+ p1_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p1_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p1_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p1_state, 2), 0)
+ p1_state = np.expand_dims(p1_state, 0)
+ if not opponent_first:
+ p1_action = self.env.action_space("player_1").sample(
+ p1_action_mask
+ )
+ else:
+ if self.lesson["warm_up_opponent"] == "random":
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p1_action_mask, p0_action, LESSON["block_vert_coef"]
+ )
+ else:
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(player=1)
+ self.step(p1_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = self.last()
+ p1_next_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p1_next_state, 2), 0)
+ p1_next_state = np.expand_dims(p1_next_state, 0)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = self.reward(done=True, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p0_state, p1_state, p0_state_flipped, p1_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [p0_action, p1_action, 6 - p0_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ reward = self.reward(done=False, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p0_state, p0_state_flipped)),
+ [p0_action, 6 - p0_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate((p0_next_state, p0_next_state_flipped)),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ pbar.update(len(memory) - mem_full)
+ pbar.close()
+ print("Replay buffer warmed up.")
+ return memory
+ def check_winnable(self, lst, piece):
+ """Checks if four pieces in a row represent a winnable opportunity, e.g. [1, 1, 1, 0] or [2, 0, 2, 2].
+ :param lst: List of pieces in row
+ :type lst: List
+ :param piece: Player piece we are checking (1 or 2)
+ :type piece: int
+ """
+ return lst.count(piece) == 3 and lst.count(0) == 1
+ def check_vertical_win(self, player):
+ """Checks if a win is vertical.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(6, 7)
+ piece = player + 1
+ column_count = 7
+ row_count = 6
+ # Check vertical locations for win
+ for c in range(column_count):
+ for r in range(row_count - 3):
+ if (
+ board[r][c] == piece
+ and board[r + 1][c] == piece
+ and board[r + 2][c] == piece
+ and board[r + 3][c] == piece
+ ):
+ return True
+ return False
+ def check_three_in_row(self, player):
+ """Checks if there are three pieces in a row and a blank space next, or two pieces - blank - piece.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(6, 7)
+ piece = player + 1
+ # Check horizontal locations
+ column_count = 7
+ row_count = 6
+ three_in_row_count = 0
+ # Check vertical locations
+ for c in range(column_count):
+ for r in range(row_count - 3):
+ if self.check_winnable(board[r : r + 4, c].tolist(), piece):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ # Check horizontal locations
+ for r in range(row_count):
+ for c in range(column_count - 3):
+ if self.check_winnable(board[r, c : c + 4].tolist(), piece):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ # Check positively sloped diagonals
+ for c in range(column_count - 3):
+ for r in range(row_count - 3):
+ if self.check_winnable(
+ [
+ board[r, c],
+ board[r + 1, c + 1],
+ board[r + 2, c + 2],
+ board[r + 3, c + 3],
+ ],
+ piece,
+ ):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ # Check negatively sloped diagonals
+ for c in range(column_count - 3):
+ for r in range(3, row_count):
+ if self.check_winnable(
+ [
+ board[r, c],
+ board[r - 1, c + 1],
+ board[r - 2, c + 2],
+ board[r - 3, c + 3],
+ ],
+ piece,
+ ):
+ three_in_row_count += 1
+ return three_in_row_count
+ def reward(self, done, player):
+ """Processes and returns reward from environment according to lesson criteria.
+ :param done: Environment has terminated
+ :type done: bool
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ if done:
+ reward = (
+ self.lesson["rewards"]["vertical_win"]
+ if self.check_vertical_win(player)
+ else self.lesson["rewards"]["win"]
+ )
+ else:
+ agent_three_count = self.check_three_in_row(1 - player)
+ opp_three_count = self.check_three_in_row(player)
+ if (agent_three_count + opp_three_count) == 0:
+ reward = self.lesson["rewards"]["play_continues"]
+ else:
+ reward = (
+ self.lesson["rewards"]["three_in_row"] * agent_three_count
+ + self.lesson["rewards"]["opp_three_in_row"] * opp_three_count
+ )
+ return reward
+ def last(self):
+ """Wrapper around PettingZoo env last method."""
+ return self.env.last()
+ def step(self, action):
+ """Wrapper around PettingZoo env step method."""
+ self.env.step(action)
+ def reset(self):
+ """Wrapper around PettingZoo env reset method."""
+ self.env.reset()
+class Opponent:
+ """Connect 4 opponent to train and/or evaluate against.
+ :param env: Environment to learn in
+ :type env: PettingZoo-style environment
+ :param difficulty: Difficulty level of opponent, 'random', 'weak' or 'strong'
+ :type difficulty: str
+ """
+ def __init__(self, env, difficulty):
+ self.env = env.env
+ self.difficulty = difficulty
+ if self.difficulty == "random":
+ self.getAction = self.random_opponent
+ elif self.difficulty == "weak":
+ self.getAction = self.weak_rule_based_opponent
+ else:
+ self.getAction = self.strong_rule_based_opponent
+ self.num_cols = 7
+ self.num_rows = 6
+ self.length = 4
+ self.top = [0] * self.num_cols
+ def update_top(self):
+ """Updates self.top, a list which tracks the row on top of the highest piece in each column."""
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(self.num_rows, self.num_cols)
+ non_zeros = np.where(board != 0)
+ rows, cols = non_zeros
+ top = np.zeros(board.shape[1], dtype=int)
+ for col in range(board.shape[1]):
+ column_pieces = rows[cols == col]
+ if len(column_pieces) > 0:
+ top[col] = np.min(column_pieces) - 1
+ else:
+ top[col] = 5
+ full_columns = np.all(board != 0, axis=0)
+ top[full_columns] = 6
+ self.top = top
+ def random_opponent(self, action_mask, last_opp_move=None, block_vert_coef=1):
+ """Takes move for random opponent. If the lesson aims to randomly block vertical wins with a higher probability, this is done here too.
+ :param action_mask: Mask of legal actions: 1=legal, 0=illegal
+ :type action_mask: List
+ :param last_opp_move: Most recent action taken by agent against this opponent
+ :type last_opp_move: int
+ :param block_vert_coef: How many times more likely to block vertically
+ :type block_vert_coef: float
+ """
+ if last_opp_move is not None:
+ action_mask[last_opp_move] *= block_vert_coef
+ action = random.choices(list(range(self.num_cols)), action_mask)[0]
+ return action
+ def weak_rule_based_opponent(self, player):
+ """Takes move for weak rule-based opponent.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ self.update_top()
+ max_length = -1
+ best_actions = []
+ for action in range(self.num_cols):
+ possible, reward, ended, lengths = self.outcome(
+ action, player, return_length=True
+ )
+ if possible and lengths.sum() > max_length:
+ best_actions = []
+ max_length = lengths.sum()
+ if possible and lengths.sum() == max_length:
+ best_actions.append(action)
+ best_action = random.choice(best_actions)
+ return best_action
+ def strong_rule_based_opponent(self, player):
+ """Takes move for strong rule-based opponent.
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ """
+ self.update_top()
+ winning_actions = []
+ for action in range(self.num_cols):
+ possible, reward, ended = self.outcome(action, player)
+ if possible and ended:
+ winning_actions.append(action)
+ if len(winning_actions) > 0:
+ winning_action = random.choice(winning_actions)
+ return winning_action
+ opp = 1 if player == 0 else 0
+ loss_avoiding_actions = []
+ for action in range(self.num_cols):
+ possible, reward, ended = self.outcome(action, opp)
+ if possible and ended:
+ loss_avoiding_actions.append(action)
+ if len(loss_avoiding_actions) > 0:
+ loss_avoiding_action = random.choice(loss_avoiding_actions)
+ return loss_avoiding_action
+ return self.weak_rule_based_opponent(player) # take best possible move
+ def outcome(self, action, player, return_length=False):
+ """Takes move for weak rule-based opponent.
+ :param action: Action to take in environment
+ :type action: int
+ :param player: Player who we are checking, 0 or 1
+ :type player: int
+ :param return_length: Return length of outcomes, defaults to False
+ :type player: bool, optional
+ """
+ if not (self.top[action] < self.num_rows): # action column is full
+ return (False, None, None) + ((None,) if return_length else ())
+ row, col = self.top[action], action
+ piece = player + 1
+ # down, up, left, right, down-left, up-right, down-right, up-left,
+ directions = np.array(
+ [
+ [[-1, 0], [1, 0]],
+ [[0, -1], [0, 1]],
+ [[-1, -1], [1, 1]],
+ [[-1, 1], [1, -1]],
+ ]
+ ) # |4x2x2|
+ positions = np.array([row, col]).reshape(1, 1, 1, -1) + np.expand_dims(
+ directions, -2
+ ) * np.arange(1, self.length).reshape(
+ 1, 1, -1, 1
+ ) # |4x2x3x2|
+ valid_positions = np.logical_and(
+ np.logical_and(
+ positions[:, :, :, 0] >= 0, positions[:, :, :, 0] < self.num_rows
+ ),
+ np.logical_and(
+ positions[:, :, :, 1] >= 0, positions[:, :, :, 1] < self.num_cols
+ ),
+ ) # |4x2x3|
+ d0 = np.where(valid_positions, positions[:, :, :, 0], 0)
+ d1 = np.where(valid_positions, positions[:, :, :, 1], 0)
+ board = np.array(self.env.env.board).reshape(self.num_rows, self.num_cols)
+ board_values = np.where(valid_positions, board[d0, d1], 0)
+ a = (board_values == piece).astype(int)
+ b = np.concatenate(
+ (a, np.zeros_like(a[:, :, :1])), axis=-1
+ ) # padding with zeros to compute length
+ lengths = np.argmin(b, -1)
+ ended = False
+ # check if winnable in any direction
+ for both_dir in board_values:
+ # |2x3|
+ line = np.concatenate((both_dir[0][::-1], [piece], both_dir[1]))
+ if "".join(map(str, [piece] * self.length)) in "".join(map(str, line)):
+ ended = True
+ break
+ # ended = np.any(np.greater_equal(np.sum(lengths, 1), self.length - 1))
+ draw = True
+ for c, v in enumerate(self.top):
+ draw &= (v == self.num_rows) if c != col else (v == (self.num_rows - 1))
+ ended |= draw
+ reward = (-1) ** (player) if ended and not draw else 0
+ return (True, reward, ended) + ((lengths,) if return_length else ())
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+ print("===== AgileRL Curriculum Learning Demo =====")
+ for lesson_number in range(1, 5):
+ # Load lesson for curriculum
+ with open(f"./curriculums/connect_four/lesson{lesson_number}.yaml") as file:
+ LESSON = yaml.safe_load(file)
+ # Define the network configuration
+ "arch": "cnn", # Network architecture
+ "h_size": [64, 64], # Actor hidden size
+ "c_size": [128], # CNN channel size
+ "k_size": [4], # CNN kernel size
+ "s_size": [1], # CNN stride size
+ "normalize": False, # Normalize image from range [0,255] to [0,1]
+ }
+ # Define the initial hyperparameters
+ INIT_HP = {
+ # "ALGO": "Rainbow DQN", # Algorithm
+ "ALGO": "DQN", # Algorithm
+ "DOUBLE": True,
+ # Swap image channels dimension from last to first [H, W, C] -> [C, H, W]
+ "BATCH_SIZE": 256, # Batch size
+ "LR": 1e-4, # Learning rate
+ "GAMMA": 0.99, # Discount factor
+ "MEMORY_SIZE": 100000, # Max memory buffer size
+ "LEARN_STEP": 1, # Learning frequency
+ "N_STEP": 1, # Step number to calculate td error
+ "PER": False, # Use prioritized experience replay buffer
+ "ALPHA": 0.6, # Prioritized replay buffer parameter
+ "TAU": 0.01, # For soft update of target parameters
+ "BETA": 0.4, # Importance sampling coefficient
+ "PRIOR_EPS": 0.000001, # Minimum priority for sampling
+ "NUM_ATOMS": 51, # Unit number of support
+ "V_MIN": 0.0, # Minimum value of support
+ "V_MAX": 200.0, # Maximum value of support
+ "WANDB": False, # Use Weights and Biases tracking
+ }
+ # Define the connect four environment
+ env = connect_four_v3.env()
+ env.reset()
+ # Configure the algo input arguments
+ state_dim = [
+ env.observation_space(agent)["observation"].shape for agent in env.agents
+ ]
+ one_hot = False
+ action_dim = [env.action_space(agent).n for agent in env.agents]
+ # Warp the environment in the curriculum learning wrapper
+ env = CurriculumEnv(env, LESSON)
+ # Pre-process dimensions for PyTorch layers
+ # We only need to worry about the state dim of a single agent
+ # We flatten the 6x7x2 observation as input to the agent"s neural network
+ state_dim = np.moveaxis(np.zeros(state_dim[0]), [-1], [-3]).shape
+ action_dim = action_dim[0]
+ # Create a population ready for evolutionary hyper-parameter optimisation
+ pop = initialPopulation(
+ state_dim,
+ action_dim,
+ one_hot,
+ population_size=INIT_HP["POPULATION_SIZE"],
+ device=device,
+ )
+ # Configure the replay buffer
+ field_names = ["state", "action", "reward", "next_state", "done"]
+ memory = ReplayBuffer(
+ action_dim=action_dim, # Number of agent actions
+ memory_size=INIT_HP["MEMORY_SIZE"], # Max replay buffer size
+ field_names=field_names, # Field names to store in memory
+ device=device,
+ )
+ # Instantiate a tournament selection object (used for HPO)
+ tournament = TournamentSelection(
+ tournament_size=2, # Tournament selection size
+ elitism=True, # Elitism in tournament selection
+ population_size=INIT_HP["POPULATION_SIZE"], # Population size
+ evo_step=1,
+ ) # Evaluate using last N fitness scores
+ # Instantiate a mutations object (used for HPO)
+ mutations = Mutations(
+ algo=INIT_HP["ALGO"],
+ no_mutation=0.2, # Probability of no mutation
+ architecture=0, # Probability of architecture mutation
+ new_layer_prob=0.2, # Probability of new layer mutation
+ parameters=0.2, # Probability of parameter mutation
+ activation=0, # Probability of activation function mutation
+ rl_hp=0.2, # Probability of RL hyperparameter mutation
+ rl_hp_selection=[
+ "lr",
+ "learn_step",
+ "batch_size",
+ ], # RL hyperparams selected for mutation
+ mutation_sd=0.1, # Mutation strength
+ # Define search space for each hyperparameter
+ min_lr=0.0001,
+ max_lr=0.01,
+ min_learn_step=1,
+ max_learn_step=120,
+ min_batch_size=8,
+ max_batch_size=64,
+ arch=NET_CONFIG["arch"], # MLP or CNN
+ rand_seed=1,
+ device=device,
+ )
+ # Define training loop parameters
+ episodes_per_epoch = 10
+ # ! NOTE: Uncomment the max_episodes line below to change the number of training episodes. ! #
+ # It is deliberately set low to allow testing to ensure this tutorial is sound.
+ max_episodes = 10
+ # max_episodes = LESSON["max_train_episodes"] # Total episodes
+ max_steps = 500 # Maximum steps to take in each episode
+ evo_epochs = 20 # Evolution frequency
+ evo_loop = 50 # Number of evaluation episodes
+ elite = pop[0] # Assign a placeholder "elite" agent
+ epsilon = 1.0 # Starting epsilon value
+ eps_end = 0.1 # Final epsilon value
+ eps_decay = 0.9998 # Epsilon decays
+ opp_update_counter = 0
+ wb = INIT_HP["WANDB"]
+ if LESSON["pretrained_path"] is not None:
+ for agent in pop:
+ # Load pretrained checkpoint
+ agent.loadCheckpoint(LESSON["pretrained_path"])
+ # Reinit optimizer for new task
+ agent.lr = INIT_HP["LR"]
+ agent.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(
+ agent.actor.parameters(), lr=agent.lr
+ )
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ # Create initial pool of opponents
+ opponent_pool = deque(maxlen=LESSON["opponent_pool_size"])
+ for _ in range(LESSON["opponent_pool_size"]):
+ opp = copy.deepcopy(pop[0])
+ opp.actor.load_state_dict(pop[0].actor.state_dict())
+ opp.actor.eval()
+ opponent_pool.append(opp)
+ # Perform buffer and agent warmups if desired
+ if LESSON["buffer_warm_up"]:
+ warm_up_opponent = Opponent(env, difficulty=LESSON["warm_up_opponent"])
+ memory = env.fill_replay_buffer(
+ memory, warm_up_opponent
+ ) # Fill replay buffer with transitions
+ if LESSON["agent_warm_up"] > 0:
+ print("Warming up agents ...")
+ agent = pop[0]
+ # Train on randomly collected samples
+ for epoch in trange(LESSON["agent_warm_up"]):
+ experiences = memory.sample(agent.batch_size)
+ agent.learn(experiences)
+ pop = [agent.clone() for _ in pop]
+ elite = agent
+ print("Agent population warmed up.")
+ if max_episodes > 0:
+ if wb:
+ wandb.init(
+ # set the wandb project where this run will be logged
+ project="AgileRL",
+ name="{}-EvoHPO-{}-{}Opposition-CNN-{}".format(
+ "connect_four_v3",
+ LESSON["opponent"],
+ datetime.now().strftime("%m%d%Y%H%M%S"),
+ ),
+ # track hyperparameters and run metadata
+ config={
+ "algo": "Evo HPO Rainbow DQN",
+ "env": "connect_four_v3",
+ "lesson": LESSON,
+ },
+ )
+ total_steps = 0
+ total_episodes = 0
+ pbar = trange(int(max_episodes / episodes_per_epoch))
+ # Training loop
+ for idx_epi in pbar:
+ turns_per_episode = []
+ train_actions_hist = [0] * action_dim
+ for agent in pop: # Loop through population
+ for episode in range(episodes_per_epoch):
+ env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ (
+ p1_state,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ p1_action,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ ) = (None, None, None, None, None)
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ # Randomly choose opponent from opponent pool if using self-play
+ opponent = random.choice(opponent_pool)
+ else:
+ # Create opponent of desired difficulty
+ opponent = Opponent(env, difficulty=LESSON["opponent"])
+ # Randomly decide whether agent will go first or second
+ if random.random() > 0.5:
+ opponent_first = False
+ else:
+ opponent_first = True
+ score = 0
+ turns = 0 # Number of turns counter
+ for idx_step in range(max_steps):
+ # Player 0"s turn
+ p0_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p0_state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ p0_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p0_state, 2), 0)
+ p0_state = np.expand_dims(p0_state, 0)
+ if opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p0_state, 0, p0_action_mask
+ )[0]
+ elif LESSON["opponent"] == "random":
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p0_action_mask, p1_action, LESSON["block_vert_coef"]
+ )
+ else:
+ p0_action = opponent.getAction(player=0)
+ else:
+ p0_action = agent.getAction(
+ p0_state, epsilon, p0_action_mask
+ )[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ train_actions_hist[p0_action] += 1
+ env.step(p0_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ p0_next_state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ p0_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(
+ np.flip(p0_next_state, 2), 0
+ )
+ p0_next_state = np.expand_dims(p0_next_state, 0)
+ if not opponent_first:
+ score += env_reward
+ turns += 1
+ # Check if game is over (Player 0 win)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = env.reward(done=True, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_state,
+ p1_state,
+ p0_state_flipped,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [p0_action, p1_action, 6 - p0_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ if p1_state is not None:
+ reward = env.reward(done=False, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p1_state, p1_state_flipped)),
+ [p1_action, 6 - p1_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p1_next_state, p1_next_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ # Player 1"s turn
+ p1_action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ p1_state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ # Swap pieces so that the agent always sees the board from the same perspective
+ p1_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(np.flip(p1_state, 2), 0)
+ p1_state = np.expand_dims(p1_state, 0)
+ if not opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p1_state, 0, p1_action_mask
+ )[0]
+ elif LESSON["opponent"] == "random":
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(
+ p1_action_mask,
+ p0_action,
+ LESSON["block_vert_coef"],
+ )
+ else:
+ p1_action = opponent.getAction(player=1)
+ else:
+ p1_action = agent.getAction(
+ p1_state, epsilon, p1_action_mask
+ )[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ train_actions_hist[p1_action] += 1
+ env.step(p1_action) # Act in environment
+ observation, env_reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ p1_next_state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :] = p1_next_state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ p1_next_state_flipped = np.expand_dims(
+ np.flip(p1_next_state, 2), 0
+ )
+ p1_next_state = np.expand_dims(p1_next_state, 0)
+ if opponent_first:
+ score += env_reward
+ turns += 1
+ # Check if game is over (Player 1 win)
+ if done or truncation:
+ reward = env.reward(done=True, player=1)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_state,
+ p1_state,
+ p0_state_flipped,
+ p1_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [
+ p0_action,
+ p1_action,
+ 6 - p0_action,
+ 6 - p1_action,
+ ],
+ [
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ LESSON["rewards"]["lose"],
+ reward,
+ ],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (
+ p0_next_state,
+ p1_next_state,
+ p0_next_state_flipped,
+ p1_next_state_flipped,
+ )
+ ),
+ [done, done, done, done],
+ )
+ else: # Play continues
+ reward = env.reward(done=False, player=0)
+ memory.save2memoryVectEnvs(
+ np.concatenate((p0_state, p0_state_flipped)),
+ [p0_action, 6 - p0_action],
+ [reward, reward],
+ np.concatenate(
+ (p0_next_state, p0_next_state_flipped)
+ ),
+ [done, done],
+ )
+ # Learn according to learning frequency
+ if (memory.counter % agent.learn_step == 0) and (
+ len(memory) >= agent.batch_size
+ ):
+ # Sample replay buffer
+ # Learn according to agent"s RL algorithm
+ experiences = memory.sample(agent.batch_size)
+ agent.learn(experiences)
+ # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
+ if done or truncation:
+ break
+ total_steps += idx_step + 1
+ total_episodes += 1
+ turns_per_episode.append(turns)
+ # Save the total episode reward
+ agent.scores.append(score)
+ if LESSON["opponent"] == "self":
+ if (total_episodes % LESSON["opponent_upgrade"] == 0) and (
+ (idx_epi + 1) > evo_epochs
+ ):
+ elite_opp, _, _ = tournament._elitism(pop)
+ elite_opp.actor.eval()
+ opponent_pool.append(elite_opp)
+ opp_update_counter += 1
+ # Update epsilon for exploration
+ epsilon = max(eps_end, epsilon * eps_decay)
+ mean_turns = np.mean(turns_per_episode)
+ # Now evolve population if necessary
+ if (idx_epi + 1) % evo_epochs == 0:
+ # Evaluate population vs random actions
+ fitnesses = []
+ win_rates = []
+ eval_actions_hist = [0] * action_dim # Eval actions histogram
+ eval_turns = 0 # Eval turns counter
+ for agent in pop:
+ with torch.no_grad():
+ rewards = []
+ for i in range(evo_loop):
+ env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ observation, reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ player = -1 # Tracker for which player"s turn it is
+ # Create opponent of desired difficulty
+ opponent = Opponent(env, difficulty=LESSON["eval_opponent"])
+ # Randomly decide whether agent will go first or second
+ if random.random() > 0.5:
+ opponent_first = False
+ else:
+ opponent_first = True
+ score = 0
+ for idx_step in range(max_steps):
+ action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ if player < 0:
+ if opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["eval_opponent"] == "random":
+ action = opponent.getAction(action_mask)
+ else:
+ action = opponent.getAction(player=0)
+ else:
+ state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ state = np.expand_dims(state, 0)
+ action = agent.getAction(state, 0, action_mask)[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ eval_actions_hist[action] += 1
+ if player > 0:
+ if not opponent_first:
+ if LESSON["eval_opponent"] == "random":
+ action = opponent.getAction(action_mask)
+ else:
+ action = opponent.getAction(player=1)
+ else:
+ state = np.moveaxis(
+ observation["observation"], [-1], [-3]
+ )
+ state[[0, 1], :, :] = state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ state = np.expand_dims(state, 0)
+ action = agent.getAction(state, 0, action_mask)[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ eval_actions_hist[action] += 1
+ env.step(action) # Act in environment
+ observation, reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ if (player > 0 and opponent_first) or (
+ player < 0 and not opponent_first
+ ):
+ score += reward
+ eval_turns += 1
+ if done or truncation:
+ break
+ player *= -1
+ rewards.append(score)
+ mean_fit = np.mean(rewards)
+ agent.fitness.append(mean_fit)
+ fitnesses.append(mean_fit)
+ eval_turns = eval_turns / len(pop) / evo_loop
+ pbar.set_postfix_str(
+ f" Train Mean Score: {np.mean(agent.scores[-episodes_per_epoch:])} Train Mean Turns: {mean_turns} Eval Mean Fitness: {np.mean(fitnesses)} Eval Best Fitness: {np.max(fitnesses)} Eval Mean Turns: {eval_turns} Total Steps: {total_steps}"
+ )
+ pbar.update(0)
+ # Format action histograms for visualisation
+ train_actions_hist = [
+ freq / sum(train_actions_hist) for freq in train_actions_hist
+ ]
+ eval_actions_hist = [
+ freq / sum(eval_actions_hist) for freq in eval_actions_hist
+ ]
+ train_actions_dict = {
+ f"train/action_{index}": action
+ for index, action in enumerate(train_actions_hist)
+ }
+ eval_actions_dict = {
+ f"eval/action_{index}": action
+ for index, action in enumerate(eval_actions_hist)
+ }
+ if wb:
+ wandb_dict = {
+ "global_step": total_steps,
+ "train/mean_score": np.mean(agent.scores[-episodes_per_epoch:]),
+ "train/mean_turns_per_game": mean_turns,
+ "train/epsilon": epsilon,
+ "train/opponent_updates": opp_update_counter,
+ "eval/mean_fitness": np.mean(fitnesses),
+ "eval/best_fitness": np.max(fitnesses),
+ "eval/mean_turns_per_game": eval_turns,
+ }
+ wandb_dict.update(train_actions_dict)
+ wandb_dict.update(eval_actions_dict)
+ wandb.log(wandb_dict)
+ # Tournament selection and population mutation
+ elite, pop = tournament.select(pop)
+ pop = mutations.mutation(pop)
+ if max_episodes > 0:
+ if wb:
+ wandb.finish()
+ # Save the trained agent
+ save_path = LESSON["save_path"]
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)
+ elite.saveCheckpoint(save_path)
+ print(f"Elite agent saved to '{save_path}'.")
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_maddpg.py b/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_maddpg.py
index 697d5e4fa..902d6125f 100644
--- a/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_maddpg.py
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_maddpg.py
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
if __name__ == "__main__":
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
- print("===== AgileRL Online Multi-Agent Demo =====")
+ print("===== AgileRL MADDPG Demo =====")
# Define the network configuration
@@ -152,16 +152,31 @@
# Training loop
for idx_epi in trange(max_episodes):
for agent in pop: # Loop through population
- state = env.reset()[0] # Reset environment at start of episode
+ state, info = env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
agent_reward = {agent_id: 0 for agent_id in env.agents}
state = {
- agent_id: np.moveaxis(np.expand_dims(s, 0), [3], [1])
+ agent_id: np.moveaxis(np.expand_dims(s, 0), [-1], [-3])
for agent_id, s in state.items()
for _ in range(max_steps):
- action = agent.getAction(state, epsilon) # Get next action from agent
- next_state, reward, termination, truncation, _ = env.step(
+ agent_mask = info["agent_mask"] if "agent_mask" in info.keys() else None
+ env_defined_actions = (
+ info["env_defined_actions"]
+ if "env_defined_actions" in info.keys()
+ else None
+ )
+ # Get next action from agent
+ cont_actions, discrete_action = agent.getAction(
+ state, epsilon, agent_mask, env_defined_actions
+ )
+ if agent.discrete_actions:
+ action = discrete_action
+ else:
+ action = cont_actions
+ next_state, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.step(
) # Act in environment
@@ -169,16 +184,12 @@
state = {agent_id: np.squeeze(s) for agent_id, s in state.items()}
next_state = {
- agent_id: np.moveaxis(ns, [2], [0])
+ agent_id: np.moveaxis(ns, [-1], [-3])
for agent_id, ns in next_state.items()
- # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
- if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
- break
- # Save experiences to replay buffe
- memory.save2memory(state, action, reward, next_state, termination)
+ # Save experiences to replay buffer
+ memory.save2memory(state, cont_actions, reward, next_state, termination)
# Collect the reward
for agent_id, r in reward.items():
@@ -201,6 +212,10 @@
state = next_state
+ # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
+ if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
+ break
# Save the total episode reward
score = sum(agent_reward.values())
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_matd3.py b/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_matd3.py
index a91f09894..f44db84bb 100644
--- a/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_matd3.py
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/agilerl_matd3.py
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
if __name__ == "__main__":
device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
- print("===== AgileRL Online Multi-Agent Demo =====")
+ print("===== AgileRL MATD3 Demo =====")
# Define the network configuration
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
# Define training loop parameters
- max_episodes = 5 # Total episodes (default: 6000)
+ max_episodes = 500 # Total episodes (default: 6000)
max_steps = 25 # Maximum steps to take in each episode
epsilon = 1.0 # Starting epsilon value
eps_end = 0.1 # Final epsilon value
@@ -134,17 +134,32 @@
# Training loop
for idx_epi in trange(max_episodes):
for agent in pop: # Loop through population
- state, _ = env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ state, info = env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
agent_reward = {agent_id: 0 for agent_id in env.agents}
state = {
- agent_id: np.moveaxis(np.expand_dims(s, 0), [3], [1])
+ agent_id: np.moveaxis(np.expand_dims(s, 0), [-1], [-3])
for agent_id, s in state.items()
for _ in range(max_steps):
- action = agent.getAction(state, epsilon) # Get next action from agent
- next_state, reward, termination, truncation, _ = env.step(
+ agent_mask = info["agent_mask"] if "agent_mask" in info.keys() else None
+ env_defined_actions = (
+ info["env_defined_actions"]
+ if "env_defined_actions" in info.keys()
+ else None
+ )
+ # Get next action from agent
+ cont_actions, discrete_action = agent.getAction(
+ state, epsilon, agent_mask, env_defined_actions
+ )
+ if agent.discrete_actions:
+ action = discrete_action
+ else:
+ action = cont_actions
+ next_state, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.step(
) # Act in environment
@@ -152,16 +167,12 @@
state = {agent_id: np.squeeze(s) for agent_id, s in state.items()}
next_state = {
- agent_id: np.moveaxis(ns, [2], [0])
+ agent_id: np.moveaxis(ns, [-1], [-3])
for agent_id, ns in next_state.items()
- # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
- if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
- break
# Save experiences to replay buffer
- memory.save2memory(state, action, reward, next_state, termination)
+ memory.save2memory(state, cont_actions, reward, next_state, termination)
# Collect the reward
for agent_id, r in reward.items():
@@ -184,6 +195,10 @@
state = next_state
+ # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
+ if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
+ break
# Save the total episode reward
score = sum(agent_reward.values())
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/arial.ttf b/tutorials/AgileRL/arial.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ff0815cd8
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/AgileRL/arial.ttf differ
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson1.yaml b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson1.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..ac8033f4b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson1.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Connect Four Lesson 1
+# Train against random agent: 'random', weak opponent: 'weak', strong opponent: 'strong', or use self-play: 'self'
+opponent: random
+opponent_pool_size: # Size of opponent pool for self-play
+opponent_upgrade: # Epoch frequency to update opponent pool
+eval_opponent: # 'random', 'weak' or 'strong'
+pretrained_path: # Path to pretrained model weights
+save_path: models/DQN/lesson1_trained_agent.pt # Path to save trained model
+max_train_episodes: 0 # Maximum number of training episodes in environment
+## Game specific:
+buffer_warm_up: true # Fill replay buffer with random experiences
+warm_up_opponent: random # Difficulty level of warm up experiences
+agent_warm_up: 30000 # Number of epochs to warm up agent by training on random experiences
+block_vert_coef: 4 # How many times more likely to block vertically
+rewards: # Rewards for different outcomes
+ win: 1
+ vertical_win: 0.7
+ three_in_row: 0.05
+ opp_three_in_row: -0.05
+ lose: -1
+ play_continues: 0
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson2.yaml b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson2.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..26437e429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson2.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Connect Four Lesson 2
+# Train against random agent: 'random', weak opponent: 'weak', strong opponent: 'strong', or use self-play: 'self'
+opponent: weak
+opponent_pool_size: # Size of opponent pool for self-play
+opponent_upgrade: # Epoch frequency to update opponent pool
+eval_opponent: weak # 'random', 'weak' or 'strong'
+pretrained_path: models/DQN/lesson1_trained_agent.pt # Path to pretrained model weights
+save_path: models/DQN/lesson2_trained_agent.pt # Path to save trained model
+max_train_episodes: 100000 # Maximum number of training episodes in environment
+## Game specific:
+buffer_warm_up: false # Fill replay buffer with random experiences
+warm_up_opponent: # Difficulty level of warm up experiences
+agent_warm_up: 0 # Number of epochs to warm up agent by training on random experiences
+block_vert_coef: 1 # How many times more likely to block vertically
+rewards: # Rewards for different outcomes
+ win: 1
+ vertical_win: 1
+ three_in_row: 0.02
+ opp_three_in_row: -0.02
+ lose: -1
+ play_continues: 0
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson3.yaml b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson3.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..b641c5690
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson3.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Connect Four Lesson 3
+# Train against random agent: 'random', weak opponent: 'weak', strong opponent: 'strong', or use self-play: 'self'
+opponent: strong
+opponent_pool_size: # Size of opponent pool for self-play
+opponent_upgrade: # Epoch frequency to update opponent pool
+eval_opponent: strong # 'random', 'weak' or 'strong'
+pretrained_path: models/DQN/lesson2_trained_agent.pt # Path to pretrained model weights
+save_path: models/DQN/lesson3_trained_agent.pt # Path to save trained model
+max_train_episodes: 200000 # Maximum number of training episodes in environment
+## Game specific:
+buffer_warm_up: false # Fill replay buffer with random experiences
+warm_up_opponent: # Difficulty level of warm up experiences
+agent_warm_up: 0 # Number of epochs to warm up agent by training on random experiences
+block_vert_coef: 1 # How many times more likely to block vertically
+rewards: # Rewards for different outcomes
+ win: 1
+ vertical_win: 1
+ three_in_row: 0.02
+ opp_three_in_row: -0.02
+ lose: -1
+ play_continues: 0
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson4.yaml b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson4.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c6688e33e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/curriculums/connect_four/lesson4.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+# Connect Four Lesson 4
+# Train against random agent: 'random', weak opponent: 'weak', strong opponent: 'strong', or use self-play: 'self'
+opponent: self
+opponent_pool_size: 6 # Size of opponent pool for self-play
+opponent_upgrade: 6000 # Epoch frequency to update opponent pool
+eval_opponent: strong # 'random', 'weak' or 'strong'
+pretrained_path: models/DQN/lesson3_trained_agent.pt # Path to pretrained model weights
+save_path: models/DQN/lesson4_trained_agent.pt # Path to save trained model
+max_train_episodes: 600000 # Maximum number of training episodes in environment
+## Game specific:
+buffer_warm_up: false # Fill replay buffer with random experiences
+warm_up_opponent: # Difficulty level of warm up experiences
+agent_warm_up: 0 # Number of epochs to warm up agent by training on random experiences
+block_vert_coef: 1 # How many times more likely to block vertically if playing random opponent
+rewards: # Rewards for different outcomes
+ win: 1
+ vertical_win: 1
+ three_in_row: 0.01
+ opp_three_in_row: -0.01
+ lose: -1
+ play_continues: 0
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson1_trained_agent.pt b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson1_trained_agent.pt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..678eef3e7
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson1_trained_agent.pt differ
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson2_trained_agent.pt b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson2_trained_agent.pt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..307214ed3
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson2_trained_agent.pt differ
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson3_trained_agent.pt b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson3_trained_agent.pt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9dc7d5875
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson3_trained_agent.pt differ
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson4_trained_agent.pt b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson4_trained_agent.pt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1968bf315
Binary files /dev/null and b/tutorials/AgileRL/models/DQN/lesson4_trained_agent.pt differ
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_dqn.py b/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_dqn.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f5a2d4b38
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_dqn.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+import os
+import imageio
+import numpy as np
+import torch
+from agilerl.algorithms.dqn import DQN
+from agilerl_dqn_curriculum import Opponent
+from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
+from pettingzoo.classic import connect_four_v3
+# Define function to return image
+def _label_with_episode_number(frame, episode_num, frame_no, p):
+ im = Image.fromarray(frame)
+ drawer = ImageDraw.Draw(im)
+ text_color = (255, 255, 255)
+ font = ImageFont.truetype("arial.ttf", size=45)
+ drawer.text(
+ (100, 5),
+ f"Episode: {episode_num+1} Frame: {frame_no}",
+ fill=text_color,
+ font=font,
+ )
+ if p == 1:
+ player = "Player 1"
+ color = (255, 0, 0)
+ if p == 2:
+ player = "Player 2"
+ color = (100, 255, 150)
+ if p is None:
+ player = "Self-play"
+ color = (255, 255, 255)
+ drawer.text((700, 5), f"Agent: {player}", fill=color, font=font)
+ return im
+# Resizes frames to make file size smaller
+def resize_frames(frames, fraction):
+ resized_frames = []
+ for img in frames:
+ new_width = int(img.width * fraction)
+ new_height = int(img.height * fraction)
+ img_resized = img.resize((new_width, new_height))
+ resized_frames.append(np.array(img_resized))
+ return resized_frames
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
+ path = "./models/DQN/lesson3_trained_agent.pt" # Path to saved agent checkpoint
+ env = connect_four_v3.env(render_mode="rgb_array")
+ env.reset()
+ # Configure the algo input arguments
+ state_dim = [
+ env.observation_space(agent)["observation"].shape for agent in env.agents
+ ]
+ one_hot = False
+ action_dim = [env.action_space(agent).n for agent in env.agents]
+ # Pre-process dimensions for pytorch layers
+ # We will use self-play, so we only need to worry about the state dim of a single agent
+ # We flatten the 6x7x2 observation as input to the agent's neural network
+ state_dim = np.zeros(state_dim[0]).flatten().shape
+ action_dim = action_dim[0]
+ # Instantiate an DQN object
+ dqn = DQN(
+ state_dim,
+ action_dim,
+ one_hot,
+ device=device,
+ )
+ # Load the saved algorithm into the DQN object
+ dqn.loadCheckpoint(path)
+ for opponent_difficulty in ["random", "weak", "strong", "self"]:
+ # Create opponent
+ if opponent_difficulty == "self":
+ opponent = dqn
+ else:
+ opponent = Opponent(env, opponent_difficulty)
+ # Define test loop parameters
+ episodes = 2 # Number of episodes to test agent on
+ max_steps = (
+ 500 # Max number of steps to take in the environment in each episode
+ )
+ rewards = [] # List to collect total episodic reward
+ frames = [] # List to collect frames
+ print("============================================")
+ print(f"Agent: {path}")
+ print(f"Opponent: {opponent_difficulty}")
+ # Test loop for inference
+ for ep in range(episodes):
+ if ep / episodes < 0.5:
+ opponent_first = False
+ p = 1
+ else:
+ opponent_first = True
+ p = 2
+ if opponent_difficulty == "self":
+ p = None
+ env.reset() # Reset environment at start of episode
+ frame = env.render()
+ frames.append(
+ _label_with_episode_number(frame, episode_num=ep, frame_no=0, p=p)
+ )
+ observation, reward, done, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ player = -1 # Tracker for which player's turn it is
+ score = 0
+ for idx_step in range(max_steps):
+ action_mask = observation["action_mask"]
+ if player < 0:
+ state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ state = np.expand_dims(state, 0)
+ if opponent_first:
+ if opponent_difficulty == "self":
+ action = opponent.getAction(
+ state, epsilon=0, action_mask=action_mask
+ )[0]
+ elif opponent_difficulty == "random":
+ action = opponent.getAction(action_mask)
+ else:
+ action = opponent.getAction(player=0)
+ else:
+ action = dqn.getAction(
+ state, epsilon=0, action_mask=action_mask
+ )[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ if player > 0:
+ state = np.moveaxis(observation["observation"], [-1], [-3])
+ state[[0, 1], :, :] = state[[0, 1], :, :]
+ state = np.expand_dims(state, 0)
+ if not opponent_first:
+ if opponent_difficulty == "self":
+ action = opponent.getAction(
+ state, epsilon=0, action_mask=action_mask
+ )[0]
+ elif opponent_difficulty == "random":
+ action = opponent.getAction(action_mask)
+ else:
+ action = opponent.getAction(player=1)
+ else:
+ action = dqn.getAction(
+ state, epsilon=0, action_mask=action_mask
+ )[
+ 0
+ ] # Get next action from agent
+ env.step(action) # Act in environment
+ observation, reward, termination, truncation, _ = env.last()
+ # Save the frame for this step and append to frames list
+ frame = env.render()
+ frames.append(
+ _label_with_episode_number(
+ frame, episode_num=ep, frame_no=idx_step, p=p
+ )
+ )
+ if (player > 0 and opponent_first) or (
+ player < 0 and not opponent_first
+ ):
+ score += reward
+ else:
+ score -= reward
+ # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
+ if truncation or termination:
+ break
+ player *= -1
+ print("-" * 15, f"Episode: {ep+1}", "-" * 15)
+ print(f"Episode length: {idx_step}")
+ print(f"Score: {score}")
+ print("============================================")
+ frames = resize_frames(frames, 0.5)
+ # Save the gif to specified path
+ gif_path = "./videos/"
+ os.makedirs(gif_path, exist_ok=True)
+ imageio.mimwrite(
+ os.path.join("./videos/", f"connect_four_{opponent_difficulty}_opp.gif"),
+ frames,
+ duration=400,
+ loop=True,
+ )
+ env.close()
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_maddpg.py b/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_maddpg.py
index a66305fe4..ca47349d5 100644
--- a/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_maddpg.py
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_maddpg.py
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ def _label_with_episode_number(frame, episode_num):
# Test loop for inference
for ep in range(episodes):
- state, _ = env.reset()
+ state, info = env.reset()
agent_reward = {agent_id: 0 for agent_id in agent_ids}
score = 0
for _ in range(max_steps):
@@ -106,8 +106,25 @@ def _label_with_episode_number(frame, episode_num):
agent_id: np.moveaxis(np.expand_dims(s, 0), [3], [1])
for agent_id, s in state.items()
- # Get action
- action = maddpg.getAction(state, epsilon=0)
+ agent_mask = info["agent_mask"] if "agent_mask" in info.keys() else None
+ env_defined_actions = (
+ info["env_defined_actions"]
+ if "env_defined_actions" in info.keys()
+ else None
+ )
+ # Get next action from agent
+ cont_actions, discrete_action = maddpg.getAction(
+ state,
+ epsilon=0,
+ agent_mask=agent_mask,
+ env_defined_actions=env_defined_actions,
+ )
+ if maddpg.discrete_actions:
+ action = discrete_action
+ else:
+ action = cont_actions
# Save the frame for this step and append to frames list
frame = env.render()
@@ -116,16 +133,17 @@ def _label_with_episode_number(frame, episode_num):
# Take action in environment
state, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.step(action)
- # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
- if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
- break
# Save agent's reward for this step in this episode
for agent_id, r in reward.items():
agent_reward[agent_id] += r
# Determine total score for the episode and then append to rewards list
score = sum(agent_reward.values())
+ # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
+ if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
+ break
# Record agent specific episodic reward for each agent
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_matd3.py b/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_matd3.py
index bf83f8a1a..efcc610cd 100644
--- a/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_matd3.py
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/render_agilerl_matd3.py
@@ -90,12 +90,28 @@ def _label_with_episode_number(frame, episode_num):
# Test loop for inference
for ep in range(episodes):
- state, _ = env.reset()
+ state, info = env.reset()
agent_reward = {agent_id: 0 for agent_id in agent_ids}
score = 0
for _ in range(max_steps):
- # Get action
- action = matd3.getAction(state, epsilon=0)
+ agent_mask = info["agent_mask"] if "agent_mask" in info.keys() else None
+ env_defined_actions = (
+ info["env_defined_actions"]
+ if "env_defined_actions" in info.keys()
+ else None
+ )
+ # Get next action from agent
+ cont_actions, discrete_action = matd3.getAction(
+ state,
+ epsilon=0,
+ agent_mask=agent_mask,
+ env_defined_actions=env_defined_actions,
+ )
+ if matd3.discrete_actions:
+ action = discrete_action
+ else:
+ action = cont_actions
# Save the frame for this step and append to frames list
frame = env.render()
@@ -104,16 +120,17 @@ def _label_with_episode_number(frame, episode_num):
# Take action in environment
state, reward, termination, truncation, info = env.step(action)
- # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
- if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
- break
# Save agent's reward for this step in this episode
for agent_id, r in reward.items():
agent_reward[agent_id] += r
# Determine total score for the episode and then append to rewards list
score = sum(agent_reward.values())
+ # Stop episode if any agents have terminated
+ if any(truncation.values()) or any(termination.values()):
+ break
# Record agent specific episodic reward
diff --git a/tutorials/AgileRL/requirements.txt b/tutorials/AgileRL/requirements.txt
index 5e5162073..13459f060 100644
--- a/tutorials/AgileRL/requirements.txt
+++ b/tutorials/AgileRL/requirements.txt
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@