All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This is only for the Windows version of the emulator. For the Android changelog, refer to the Android changelog.
Minor note: Before version 4.0, the changelog didn't exist, and the changelog that did exist that was implemented after version 2.3.2 was very basic and version history before that was 99% guessed. So after 4.0 we hope for that to change!
This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- ROM info now always shows even if "hide advanced options" is checked
- If emulator runs into permanent loop, it will no longer end emulation
- GLideN64 has been added and you can select it as the default plugin in the welcome screen
- New audio plugin
- New input plugin
- Added enhancements functionality
- Added Shygoo's debugger code
- Added the ability to change defaults
- Saves now have their own unique directory
- Cheat system has been completely rebuilt
- Project64 is now large address aware
- Default compiler is now Visual Studio 2015
- Fixed FPU issue
- Fix issues in key assignment
- N/A
- Changes unknown, but first major open-source release
- Major updates to the core
- Last update of the Jabo plugins
- Minor update
- Last major release before major changes and open-source release in 1.7
- Changes unknown currently
- First release!