#Hands-on assignment 3 – Self assessment#
Every RDF file:
- Uses the .ttl extension
- Is serialized in the Turtle format
- Follows the resource naming strategy
- Uses class and property URIs that are the same as those used in the ontology
Every URI in the RDF files:
- Is "readable" and has some meaning (e.g., it is not an auto-increased integer)
- Is not encoded as a string
- Does not contain a double slash (i.e., "//")
Every individual in the RDF files:
- Has a label with the name of the individual
- Has a type
- Every value in the RDF files:
- Is not empty (i.e., “”)
- Is trimmed
- Is properly encoded (e.g., dates, booleans)
- Includes its datatype
- Uses the correct datatype (e.g., values of 0-1 may be booleans and not integers, not every string made of numbers is a number)
##Comments on the self-assessment## (If required)