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Your name, Dataset name, Dataset URL, Dataset brief description
Oscar Corcho, Dataset de ejemplo, http://datos.example.com/dataset/dataset-prueba, Dataset de test generado para demostrar cómo se hará la actualización de este fichero CSV
Alvaro Ruiz Canser,Miami Dade County,https://opendata.miamidade.gov/311/311-Service-Requests-Miami-Dade-County/dj6j-qg5t, Registro de incidencias al 311 en Miami Dade County
Aitor Garcia Alvarez, Albergues, http://datos.gob.es/catalogo/albergues, Albergues de Gijon
Jorge Amoros Anaya, Datos de la estación de contaminación atmosférica de Universidad Politécnica en VALENCIA, http://gobiernoabierto.valencia.es/es/dataset/?id=datos-contaminacion-atmosferica-universidad-politecnica-1a, Información sobre la contaminación atmosférica en el aire de la ciudad de VALENCIA.
Ismael Sánchez Rivero, Culture Offers in Helsinki (Kulttuuri), http://www.hri.fi/en/dataset?categories=Kulttuuri&sort=metadata_created+desc, Dataset of different cultural activities related to Helsinki Region
Juan Cano de Benito, Madrid CTRM, http://datahub.io/dataset/crtm, Dataset de la infraestructura de transportes de la comunidad de Madrid
Carlos Saito, London Traffic Flows, http://data.london.gov.uk/dataset/traffic-flows-borough, Estimated traffic volume for cars and all vehicles by local authority since from 1993 to 2015.
Jesús Bella, Datos abiertos CyL-Segovia, http://www.datosabiertos.jcyl.es/web/jcyl/RISP/es/Plantilla66y33/1284162104384/_/_/_, Recopilación de datos pertenecientes a diferentes materias correspondientes a la comunidad de CyL y sus ciudades.
Gabriel Llera Garcia, Fishes of Texas, https://datahub.io/dataset/fishes-of-texas, Multi-year research project that attempts to consolidate, standardize and fully georeference all of the known scientific information on the freshwater fishes of Texas.
Jesús Pérez, Melbourne City Open Data, https://data.melbourne.vic.gov.au/Environment/Melbourne-s-Urban-Forest-Tree-data/fp38-wiyy, Melbourne's Urban Forest Tree data
Alberto Camporredondo, Bike parkings in Belgium, http://data.gov.be/en/dataset/70e3fc4e-37fb-41f7-b244-8f4244421c9f, Locations of bike parkings in Belgium
Javier Ruiz Calle, BiciMAD, http://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=7547ff52e4a4f410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default#, Availability of bicycles from the public service BiciMaD
Daniel Melero Chaves, Tourist Offices in Madrid, http://datos.gob.es/catalogo/oficinas-de-turismo-madrid, Localization and information about all tourist offices in Madrid.
Ricardo Mena, City of London, http://data.london.gov.uk/dataset, In October 2009 the Guardian reported that there were plans to open up official data from the City of London.
Javier de la Rúa MartÃÂnez, Transport infrastructures of Madrid (Spain), https://datahub.io/dataset/crtm, Dataset of the transport infrastructures in the region of Madrid(Spain) provided by the Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid.
Carolina Carmona Fernandez, Alcobendas (Madrid, Spain), http://datos.alcobendas.org, Datos abiertos de Alcobendas
Lucas Blanco Rasero, Amsterdam Museum as Linked Open Data in the Europeana Data Model, https://datahub.io/dataset/amsterdam-museum-as-edm-lod, Dataset que contiene la descripción de más de 70.000 objetos pertenecientes a lugares de Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la ciudad de ÃÂmsterdam.ndex
Lucas Blanco Rasero, Amsterdam Museum as Linked Open Data in the Europeana Data Model, https://datahub.io/dataset/amsterdam-museum-as-edm-lod, Dataset que contiene la descripción de más de 70.000 objetos pertenecientes a lugares de Patrimonio de la Humanidad de la ciudad de ÃÂmsterdam.
Antonio Fernández Pita London DataStore https://data.london.gov.uk/dataset London Linked Data Store
Guillermo Manglano, Ciudad Oregon, https://datahub.io/dataset/city-portland-oregon, Primera publicacion open data Oregon
Bernard Casado Fernández, New York City Leading Causes of Death, https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Health/New-York-City-Leading-Causes-of-Death/jb7j-dtam, Dataset that contains the leading causes of death (by sex and ethnicity) in New York City since 2007 through 2011.
Alberto Navacerrada Montero, Zaragoza, https://datahub.io/dataset/zaragoza-datosabiertos, Iniciativa para el uso de información publicada por ciudadanos, empresas, etc
Salvador Gonzalez Garcia, Private Education Institutions, https://data.gov.sg/dataset/private-education-institutions, Locations of the Private Education Institutions in Singapore
Daniel Funke Prieto, Low emission zones in Copenhagen, https://www.europeandataportal.eu/data/en/dataset/miljozoner01, Environmental zone in Copenhagen which requires particulate filters on old diesel trucks and buses
Marta ÃÂlvarez Almazán, Randomness Guide to London, https://datahub.io/dataset/randomnessguidelondon, Dataset used for documenting interesting places in London.
Uriel Javier Aizensztain Goltz, Actividades gratuitas en Bibliotecas de Madrid, http://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=4412a47136826410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, Actividades organizadas por diferentes bibliotecas de Madrid
Rafael Trujillo Fernández, Monuments in Zaragoza, https://datahub.io/dataset/monumentos-zaragoza, Dataset of monuments and historic buildings located in Zaragoza and surroundings.
Carolina Bouyich España, Passengers at London airports , https://datahub.io/es/dataset/passengers-london-airports, he CAA collects statistics from all United Kingdom airlines
Hector Diez Dancausa, Prague budgets, https://datahub.io/dataset/budgets-praha, budgets from 2007 to 2011.
Marta Villar MartÃn, Most Popular Baby Names by Sex and Mother's Ethnic Group, New York City, https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Health/Most-Popular-Baby-Names-by-Sex-and-Mother-s-Ethnic/25th-nujf, The most popular baby names by sex and mother's ethnicity in New York City.
Jorge Sanchez Duran, Bibliotecas y bibliobuses en la ciudad de Madrid, http://datos.madrid.es/portal/site/egob/menuitem.c05c1f754a33a9fbe4b2e4b284f1a5a0/?vgnextoid=ed35401429b83410VgnVCM1000000b205a0aRCRD&vgnextchannel=374512b9ace9f310VgnVCM100000171f5a0aRCRD&vgnextfmt=default, Localización de las bibliotecas y los bibliobuses en la ciudad de Madrid
Sergio Almagro Sotelo, Zaragoza, https://datahub.io/dataset/restaurantes-zaragoza, Datos de los restaurantes en Zaragoza
Olga Salas Sancho, Age groups of population of Barcelona, http://opendata.bcn.cat/opendata/en/catalog/DEMOGRAFIA/tpob-cp08/, Dataset that describes the age of people from Barcelona according to their place of residence in the city
Pablo Fernandez Diaz, Open Data Euskadi , http://opendata.euskadi.eus/w79-home/eu , Government data portal that allows the public to receive a reusable format
Mª Yanira Calero Pereira, Salas de espectáculos artÃÂsticos de Madrid, , Ofrece la información necesaria al ciudadano de la sala en concreto (horario, dirección, accesibilidad del transporte, etc).
Miguel Núñez DÃÂaz-Montes, Datos Abiertos de Sevilla, http://datosabiertos.sevilla.org/data/, Data from the city of Seville
Ismael Yubero Moreno, Past record of Air Quality Health Index, https://data.gov.hk/en-data/dataset/hk-epd-airteam-past-record-of-air-quality-health-index-en, Estudios sobre los indices de calidad del aire de la salud
VÃÂctor Fernández, Zonas de estacionamiento regulado, http://www.zaragoza.es/ciudad/risp/detalle_Risp?id=332, Ocupación de zonas de estacionamiento y geolocalización de parquÃÂmetros.
Sergio Delgado Castellanos, NY City, http://www.healthdata.gov/dataset/baby-names-beginning-2007, Baby names of NYC
Valeria Perfecto Espinosa, Estadisticas Banco de Mexico, https://datahub.io/dataset/estadisticas-banco-de-mexico, Base de datos del Banco de Mexico
Pablo Aceituno Ferro, Seguimiento de Obras Adjudicadas en Buenos Aires, http://data.buenosaires.gob.ar/dataset/seguimiento-obras-adjudicadas, Estado y ubicación de las grandes obras adjudicadas por el Ministerio de desarrollo Urbano de la ciudad de Buenos Aires
Rafael Artiñano Muñoz,City of Burlington Canada,https://datahub.io/dataset/burlington,Data from the city of Burlington
Sergio Palomino Sánchez, Munich Open Data, https://www.opengov-muenchen.de/dataset/points-of-interest-an-der-sudlichen-isar/resource/6fb56066-11b2-498d-ba22-cbcc85b660b4, Puntos de interes en el sur de Isar.
David Vega Lichacz, Budapest University of Technology and Economics (RKBExplorer), https://datahub.io/dataset/rkb-explorer-budapest, Datos en formato Linked Data de la Universidad de TecnologÃÂa y EconomÃÂa de Budapest.
José Mario López Leiva, São Paulo Metro EstatÃÂsticas, https://datahub.io/dataset/sao-paulo-metro-estatisticas, Dataset que contiene informaciones sobre la demanda del metro de Sao Paulo, Brasil
Jaime Labiaga, Situación social y polÃÂtica de cantabria, http://datos.gob.es/catalogo/1508situacion-social-politica-de-cantabria-ii, Dataset que contiene datos sobre la situación polÃÂtica y social de Cantabria
Sergiy Shvayka, Minsk City Budget 2013, https://datahub.io/dataset/minsk-city-budget-2013, Datos de los presupuestos de la ciudad de Minsk del año 2013
Cristina Tardio Tomeno, Current Employee Names Salaries and Position Titles, https://data.cityofchicago.org/Administration-Finance/Current-Employee-Names-Salaries-and-Position-Title/xzkq-xp2w, This dataset is a listing of all current City of Chicago employees with full names departments positions and annual salaries.
Rafael Arcas Arenas, Seville Spending Budget, https://datahub.io/dataset/seville-budget, Presupuesto del gasto en Sevilla del año 2012
Axel Flores Guarneros, Chicago homicides 2001-2013, https://datahub.io/dataset/chicago-homicides, Homicidios reportados en la ciudad de Chicago entre 2001 y 2013
Jaime Caraza Luis, Places of interest in Leeds, https://datahub.io/dataset/places-of-interest-in-leeds, Useful dataset to some of the places of interest across the city
Alejandro de Bona Moliz, Chicago, https://data.cityofchicago.org/Public-Safety/Crimes-2001-to-present/ijzp-q8t2, This dataset reflects reported incidents of crime (with the exception of murders where data exists for each victim) that occurred in the City of Chicago from 2001 to present, minus the most recent seven days.
Roberto Jiménez López, Employment rate in Herefordshire by year, https://datahub.io/dataset/employment-rate-in-herefordshire-by-year, Tasa de empleo en Herefordshire(Inglaterra) por año entre 2004-2014
Javier Garcia Menéndez, Toronto Building Permits, http://www1.toronto.ca/wps/portal/contentonly?vgnextoid=312cfa24d5e83310VgnVCM1000003dd60f89RCRD&vgnextchannel=1a66e03bb8d1e310VgnVCM10000071d60f89RCRD, Dataset with Building Permits and Active Permits in Toronto City
VÃÂctor Viller Mori, DataSet Mexico, http://www.mexicocity.gob.mx/,DataSet oficial de Ciudad de México.
Jesús ÃÂngel Novillo, City of Portland, Oregon, https://datahub.io/dataset/city-portland-oregon, That the city of Portland has a proposed resolution to make the city's data open
Carlos Eloy Jose Sanz, The London Gazette - Gazettes Data, https://datahub.io/dataset/london-gazette, A wide range of notices of The London Gazette Official Newspaper of Record for the United Kingdom
Jaime Callejo del Grado, City of Toronto, https://datahub.io/dataset/city-toronto, City of Toronto data freely available to everyone
Alberto Mendiolagoitia Sánchez, Ottawa, https://datahub.io/dataset/ottawa, Free data of Ottawa city
Alejandro Torres Atochero, Arizona Expenditure Data , https://datahub.io/dataset/arizona-expenditure-data-aggregate-only ,Expenditures made by the Arizona State Government for fiscal years 2009 through 2012
Robinson Ganchala BenÃÂtez, Alojamientos Zaragoza, https://datahub.io/dataset/alojamientos-zaragoza, GuÃÂa de alojamientos en Zaragoza
Qiting Li Hu, gobus dublin-galway schedule, https://datahub.io/dataset/gobus-dublin-galway-schedule, CVS document with information about GoBus coach company's schedules between Dublin and Galway.
Michael González Jerónimo, Places of Interest in Asturias, https://datahub.io/dataset/nomenclator-asturias, This dataset created by the SADEI contains information about the populated places of my area, Asturias in the period 2005-2010.
Tertiuc Afanasie, Massage Therapy in London https://datahub.io/dataset/sports-massage-therapy-london, Licensed London massage therapist offers therapeutic massage, massage therapy, sports massage, aromatherapy massage, holistic massage, gua sha massage for pain relief, back pain, muscle pain, strain or sports injury in central London.
Javier Barón Pérez, Immobilier Paris, https://datahub.io/dataset/immobilier-paris, Services provided by the Company are to facilitate the process of the user in his search for rental, purchase and / or sale of a property. immobilier paris
Javier Redondo Martinez, Ferias de Lombardia, http://www.sciamlab.com/opendatahub/dataset/r_lombar_evp6-cunn, Calendario de las ferias regionales, nacionales e internacionales de Lombardia
Dalei Li, Beijing Hourly PM2.5 data, http://www.stateair.net/web/historical/1/1.html, Hourly PM2.5 of Beijing measured in American Embassy in China. This can be used to study the trend of air pollution of Beijing.
Alberto Martín de Pablo,taxi Zaragoza,https://datahub.io/dataset/taxi-zaragoza,Información relativa al Servicio de Taxis en la ciudad de Zaragoza
Alfonso Mateos Pérez-Iñigo, casas cultura ciudad Bogotá https://www.datos.gov.co/en/Cultura/Casas-de-la-Cultura-Ciudad-de-Bogot-/g72h-f9ru/data
Santaigo Cervantes Reus, Puntos de interes de Zaragoza, http://www.zaragoza.es/ciudad/risp/detalle_Risp?id=23
Pablo Sayans Cobos, Llegadas y salidas de aviones a Singapore, https://data.gov.sg/dataset/aircraft-arrivals-departures, La medición empieza en el año 2005