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+title: "Storing secrets with the .Renviron file"
+author: "Nicolas Casajus"
+date: "2024-03-12"
+categories: [r, secret, .renviron, security]
+image: "logo-r.png"
+toc: true
+draft: true
+## Introduction
+What is a secret? It is usually a password, an username or an API token (key) required by services. For instance, some {{< fa brands r-project >}} packages require an authentication method:
+- [`usethis`](https://usethis.r-lib.org/) requires a token to control the [GitHub API](https://docs.github.com/en/rest)
+- [`taxize`](https://docs.ropensci.org/taxize/) requires tokens to query API provided by several taxonomic databases
+- [`rwosstarter`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rwosstarter/) requires a token to access the [Web of Science API](https://developer.clarivate.com/apis/wos-starter)
+- [`rgbif`](https://docs.ropensci.org/rgbif/) requires an username and a password associated by a [GBIF](https://www.gbif.org/) account
+It's tempting to record secrets as variables in R scripts. But keep this in mind:
+**Never share your secrets with anyone** (this also includes GitHub).
+According to the [documentation of the `httr`](https://httr.r-lib.org/articles/secrets.html) package, there is three secure ways to store your secrets:
+- Ask for the secret each time (no permanent storage).
+- Store the secret as an environment variable.
+- Use the [`keyring`](https://keyring.r-lib.org/) package and the operating system’s credential store.
+Here we will see how to easily **store secret as an environment variable**.
+::: {.callout-tip}
+## Environment variable
+According to [Wikipedia](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Environment_variable),
+> An _environment variable_ is a user-definable value that can affect the way running processes will behave on a computer.
+In short, it is a way to pass information to a program. Environment variable are used by many programs and operating systems and are made up of a **name-value pair**.
+## The .Renviron file
+The [{{< fa brands r-project >}} startup process](https://rstats.wtf/r-startup.html) is complex but one special {{< fa brands r-project >}} file is interesting for our purpose: the `.Renviron` file. This file does not contain {{< fa brands r-project >}} code: it only contains environment variables that will be pass to {{< fa brands r-project >}} at startup. It looks like:
+We can use this file to store our secrets. To open (and create) this `.Renviron` file, run this command:
+#| eval: false
+## Create (if required) and open ~/.Renviron file ----
+## Alternatively,
+This command will create an `.Renviron` file at the user level (i.e. in his/her `HOME` directory) and all environment variables defined inside will be available for all his/her projects.
+To store a new secret, just add a new line. For instance:
+**N.B.** add a new empty line at the end of this file otherwise {{< fa brands r-project >}} will ignore it.
+## Accessing secrets
+To retrieve the value of a secret (and any environment variable), just use the function [`Sys.getenv()`](https://stat.ethz.ch/R-manual/R-patched/library/base/html/Sys.getenv.html).
+#| eval: false
+## Get secret value ----
+## Handle this secret securely ----
+github_pat <- Sys.getenv("GITHUB_PAT")
+**N.B.** by running `Sys.getenv()` without argument you will print all available envrionment variables.
+## To go further
+A `.Renviron` file can be created at three different levels:
+- at the system level (named `.Renviron.site`)
+- at the user level (`~/.Renviron`)
+- at the project level (`.Renviron`)
+At startup {{< fa brands r-project >}} will first read `.Renviron.site`, then `~/.Renviron` and finally the `.Renviron` of the project.
+This means that if the same environment variable is defined in `~/.Renviron` (user level) and in the `.Renviron` of the project, the value defined in the `.Renviron` of the project will overwrite the one defined at the user level.
+- If you want to store a secret that be shared among projects, store it in the `~/.Renviron` (user level)
+- If you want to store a secret specific to a project, store it in the `.Renviron` (project level)
+::: {.callout-important}
+## `git` and `.Renviron`
+If you create a `.Renviron` file at the project level, **do not forget** to add this file to the `.gitignore`. Otherwise your secret will be published on GitHub.
+## Resources
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