diff --git a/posts/2024-09-24-research-compendium/2024-09-24-research-compendium.qmd b/posts/2024-09-24-research-compendium/2024-09-24-research-compendium.qmd new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ca1d9f1 --- /dev/null +++ b/posts/2024-09-24-research-compendium/2024-09-24-research-compendium.qmd @@ -0,0 +1,1237 @@ +--- +title: "Research compendium" +author: "Nicolas Casajus" +date: "2024-09-24" +categories: [r, compendium, project, description-file, reproducibility, documentation] +image: "" +toc: true +draft: false +lightbox: true +code-overflow: scroll +--- + + +This post explains how to work with a **research compendium**. The goal of a research compendium is to provide a standard and easily recognizable way for **_organizing the digital materials_** of a project to enable others to inspect, reproduce, and extend the research (Marwick B _et al._ 2018). A research compendium follows three general principles: + +- Files are **organized** according to the conventions of the community +- Data, method, and output are clearly **separated** +- **Computational environment** that was used is specified + +> In other words, a research compendium is a simple way to organize files by separating the data, the code, and the results, while also documenting the computational environment. + +
+ +::: {.small} +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  This post is derived from the [exercise](https://rdatatoolbox.github.io/chapters/ex-compendium.html) proposed as part of the training course [Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology](https://rdatatoolbox.github.io/). +::: + +
+ +## Foreward + +In order to assist us in creating the structure of our working directory, we will use the {{< fa brands r-project >}} [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium) package, developed by the author of this post. This package allows for the automation of creating files and directories specific to a research compendium (and a {{< fa brands r-project >}} package). + +The package is released on the [CRAN](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/rcompendium/index.html) but we will install the development version from [GitHub](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium): + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Install 'remotes' package ---- +install.packages("remotes") + +## Install 'rcompendium' package from GitHub ---- +remotes::install_github("frbcesab/rcompendium") + +## Attach 'rcompendium' package ----- +library("rcompendium") +``` + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  If you encounter difficulties installing the package, please carefully read the **Installation** section of the [README](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium?tab=readme-ov-file#installation). + +Once the package is installed, you need to run the [`set_credentials()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/set_credentials.html) function to store your personal information locally (first name, last name, email, ORCID, communication protocol with GitHub). This information will automatically populate certain files in the compendium. **This function should only be used once**. + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Store personal information ---- +set_credentials(given = "Jane", + family = "Doe", + email = "jane.doe@mail.me", + orcid = "0000-0000-0000-0000", + protocol = "ssh") +``` + +This information has been copied to the clipboard. Paste its content into the file `~/.Rprofile` (opened in RStudio using this function). This file is read every time {{< fa brands r-project >}} is opened, and its content will be accessible to the [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium) package. + +Restart the {{< fa brands r-project >}} session (**_Session > Restart R_**) and verify that your personal information is correctly accessible. + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Retrieve email ---- +getOption("email") +# [1] "jane.doe@mail.me" + +## Retrieve family name ---- +getOption("family") +# [1] "Doe" +``` + + +
+ +## RStudio project + +When you start a new project in {{< fa brands r-project >}} it is [strongly recommended](https://support.posit.co/hc/en-us/articles/200526207-Using-RStudio-Projects) to use **RStudio Projects**. + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Create a new RStudio Project: **_File > New Project > New Directory > New Project_** and proceed as follow: + +- choose a name for your project (short and without whitespace) +- select the location where the new project will be created +- uncheck all other boxes +- confirm + +![](rstudio-project.png){fig-align='center' width=50%} + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #1 + +Always work within an **RStudio project**. This has the advantage of simplifying file paths, especially with the [`here`](https://here.r-lib.org/) package and its [`here()`](https://here.r-lib.org/reference/here.html) function. The paths will always be constructed relative to the folder containing the `.Rproj` file (the project root). This is called a **_relative path_**. + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  **Never use** the [`setwd()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.6.2/topics/getwd) function again. +::: + + +::: {.callout-note} +## To go further + +If you share your project on a cloud-based git repository (e.g. [GitHub](https://github.com), [GitLab](https://github.com), etc.) to collaborate, we recommend to add the `.Rproj` file to the `.gitignore`. The content of this `.Rproj` file can change between RStudio versions leading to unnecessary `git` conflicts. Listing the `.Rproj` file in the `.gitignore` will ensure that each user is working locally with its own version of this file. +::: + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +└─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +``` +::: + +
+ + +## README + +Every project must contain a **README** file. It is the **showcase of the project**. The roles of a **README** are multiple: + +- Describe the project +- Explain its contents +- Explain how to install it +- Explain how to use it + +It is a simple text file (_plain text-based file_) that can be written in plain text (`README.txt`), in simple Markdown (`README.md`), in R Markdown (`README.Rmd`), in Quarto (`README.qmd`), etc. + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Here, you will create a `README.md` (simple [**Markdown**](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax)) at the root of your project. + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  Use the [`utils::file.edit()`](https://rdrr.io/r/utils/file.edit.html) function, which allows you to open a file in the RStudio editor. If the file doesn't exist, it will also create it. + + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Add a README ---- +utils::file.edit(here::here("README.md")) +``` + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Run this line of code in the console: `here::here("README.md")` and try to understand what the [`here::here()`](https://here.r-lib.org/reference/here.html) function does. + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Edit this `README.md` by adding the information that you find relevant. + +**Suggestion**  {{< fa caret-down >}} + +::: {.small} + +```{txt} +#| code-fold: false + +# Practice + +This project contains files to create a simple **research compendium** as +presented in the training course +[Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology](https://rdatatoolbox.github.io). + + +## Content + +This project is structured as follow: + +- `README.md`: presentation of the project +- `practice.Rproj`: RStudio project file + + +## Installation + +Coming soon... + + +## Usage + +Coming soon... + + +## Citation + +> Doe J (2024) Minimal structure of a research compendium. +``` + +::: + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #2 + +Always add a **README** to help the user understand your project. If you want to execute {{< fa brands r-project >}} code inside, write it in [**R Markdown**](https://rmarkdown.rstudio.com/) (`README.Rmd`) or [**Quarto**](https://quarto.org/) (`README.qmd`), otherwise, simply use [**basic Markdown**](https://docs.github.com/en/get-started/writing-on-github/getting-started-with-writing-and-formatting-on-github/basic-writing-and-formatting-syntax) (`README.md`). + +**NB.** If you write a `.Rmd` or `.qmd`, don't forget to convert it into a `.md` file. GitHub can only interpret basic Markdown. + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Convert .Rmd in .md ---- +rmarkdown::render("README.Rmd") + +## Convert .qmd in .md ---- +quarto::quarto_render("README.qmd") +``` + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  You can also click on the **_Render_** button of RStudio. +::: + + +::: {.callout-note} +## The [`rcompendium::add_readme_rmd()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/add_readme_rmd.html) function + +You can use the [`add_readme_rmd()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/add_readme_rmd.html) function of [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium) package that populates a **README** template for {{< fa brands r-project >}} projects. +::: + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +└─ README.md # Presentation of the project +``` +::: + + +
+ + +## DESCRIPTION + +The **DESCRIPTION** file describes the metadata of the project (title, author, description, dependencies, etc.). It is one of the essential elements of a {{< fa brands r-project >}} package. Here, we will repurpose it for use in a research compendium in order to take advantage of package development tools (see below). + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Add a **DESCRIPTION** file using the [`add_description()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/add_description.html) function of the [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium) package. + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Add a DESCRIPTION file ---- +rcompendium::add_description() +``` + +::: {.small} + +``` +Package: practice +Type: Package +Title: The Title of the Project +Version: +Authors@R: c( + person(given = "Jane", + family = "Doe", + role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), + email = "jane.doe@mail.me", + comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0000-0000-0000"))) +Description: A paragraph providing a full description of the project (on + several lines...) +License: {{license}} +Encoding: UTF-8 +``` +::: + +As you can see, the **DESCRIPTION** file has been pre-filled with your personal information. You will edit the **_Title_** and **_Description_** fields later. + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #3 + +Always add a **DESCRIPTION** file at the root of the project. It is used to describe the **project's metadata**: title, author(s), description, license, etc. We will discuss this later, but it is also the ideal place to **list required external packages**. +::: + + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +└─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +``` +::: + + +
+ + +## LICENSE + +Any material shared online must have a **LICENSE** that describes what can be done with it. Therefore, we recommend adding a license to your project **from the start**. To determine which license is most appropriate for your project, you can visit this website: . + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Add the [GPL-3](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/) license to your project using the [`add_license()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/add_license.html) function of the [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium) package. + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Add a license ---- +add_license(license = "GPL-3") +``` + +Note that a new file has been created: `LICENSE.md`. This file details the contents of the license and will be read by GitHub. Also, check the content of the **DESCRIPTION** file: the **_License_** section has been updated thanks to [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium). + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Add a section in the `README.md` mentioning the license. + +**Suggestion**  {{< fa caret-down >}} + +::: {.small} + +```{txt} +#| code-fold: false + +# Practice + +This project contains files to create a simple **research compendium** as +presented in the training course +[Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology](https://rdatatoolbox.github.io). + + +## Content + +This project is structured as follow: + +- `README.md`: presentation of the project +- `DESCRIPTION`: project metadata +- `LICENSE.md`: license of the project +- `practice.Rproj`: RStudio project file + + +## Installation + +Coming soon... + + +## Usage + +Coming soon... + + +## License + +This project is released under the +[GPL-3](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/) license. + + +## Citation + +> Doe J (2024) Minimal structure of a research compendium. +``` +::: + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #4 + +Always add a **LICENSE** to a project that will be made public. Visit the [Choose a License](https://choosealicense.com/appendix/) website to select the most appropriate one for your project. + +**Note:** If no license is provided, your project will be subject to the [No License](https://choosealicense.com/no-permission/) rules: no permissions are granted. In other words, no one can do anything with your project (no reuse, no modification, no sharing, etc.). +::: + + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +├─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +└─ LICENSE.md # License of the project +``` +::: + + +
+ +## Subdirectories + +The next step involves creating **subdirectories**, each with a specific role. The idea here is to separate the data, results, and code. + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  To do this, use the [`add_compendium()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/add_compendium.html) function from [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium). + + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Create subdirectories ---- +rcompendium::add_compendium() +``` + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #5 + +A good Research compendium will consist of **different subdirectories**, each intended to hold a specific type of file. By default, the [`add_compendium()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/add_compendium.html) function will create this organization: + +- The `data/` folder will contain all the raw data necessary for the project. +- The `outputs/` folder will contain all the generated results (excluding figures). +- The `figures/` folder will contain all the figures produced by the analyses. +- The `R/` folder will only contain {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions (and their documentation). See below for more details. +- The `analyses/` folder will contain {{< fa brands r-project >}} scripts (or `.Rmd` and/or `.qmd` files) that will call the functions. + +**Note:** This structure can of course be adapted based on needs, personal practices, and the complexity of the project. With the exception of the **`R/`** folder, all other directories can be named differently. +::: + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +├─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +├─ LICENSE.md # License of the project +| +├─ data/ # Contains raw data +├─ outputs/ # Contains results +├─ figures/ # Contains figures +├─ R/ # Contains R functions (only) +└─ analyses/ # Contains R scripts +``` +::: + + +
+ + +## Writing code + +We're ready to code! + +> Here we will write a code that will download the [PanTHERIA](https://doi.org/10.1890/08-1494.1) dataset (Jones et al. 2009) and save it locally in our compendium. + +**PanTHERIA** is a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals. Metadata can be found [here](https://esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E090/184/metadata.htm). Note that missing values are coded `-999`. + +We'll start by writing our code in a {{< fa brands r-project >}} **script**. The PanTHERIA data file, available [here](https://esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E090/184/PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt), will be saved in the **data/pantheria/** subdirectory. + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Create the `download-data.R` script in the **analyses/** directory using the [`utils::file.edit()`](https://rdrr.io/r/utils/file.edit.html) function. + + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Create a R script in the directory analyses/ ---- +utils::file.edit(here::here("analyses", "download-data.R")) +``` + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Now write the code to download the data file. + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  Use [`dir.create()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.6.2/topics/files2) to create the subdirectory **data/pantheria/**, [`here::here()`](https://here.r-lib.org/reference/here.html) to build robust paths and [`utils::download.file()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/utils/versions/3.6.2/topics/download.file) to download the file from the URL. + + +**Suggestion**  {{< fa caret-down >}} + +::: {.small} + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false +#| code-fold: false + +# Download PanTHERIA dataset +# +# Author: Jane Doe +# Date: 2024/09/24 + +## Destination path ---- +path <- here::here("data", "pantheria") + +## Create destination directory ---- +dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) + +## File name ---- +filename <- "PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt" + +## Repo base URL ---- +base_url <- "https://esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E090/184/" + +## Build full URL ---- +full_url <- paste0(base_url, filename) + +## Build full path ---- +dest_file <- file.path(path, filename) + +## Download file ---- +utils::download.file(url = full_url, + destfile = dest_file, + mode = "wb") +``` +::: + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #6 + +Try **scripting the whole project** (including data acquisition). Here, we've seen how to create files ([`utils::file.edit()`](https://rdrr.io/r/utils/file.edit.html)) and directories ([`dir.create()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.6.2/topics/files2)), build robust relative paths ([`here::here()`](https://here.r-lib.org/reference/here.html)) and download files ([`utils::download.file()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/utils/versions/3.6.2/topics/download.file)) directly from {{< fa brands r-project >}}. +::: + + +::: {.callout-note} +## External packages + +To use a function from an external package, you've learned to use `library(pkg)`. In {{< fa brands r-project >}}, there's another syntax for calling a function from an external package: `pkg::fun()`. Whereas `library()` **loads and attaches** a package (making its functions directly accessible with `fun()`), the syntax `pkg::fun()` **only loads** a package in the session, but does not attach its contents. This means you have to specify the package name when calling the function. + +We recommend using the `pkg::fun()` syntax. There are two reasons for this: + +- **A better code readability**: at a glance, you'll know which package the function is in. +- **Limits conflicts between packages**: two functions can have the same name in two different packages. For example, the `dplyr` package offers a `filter()` function which is also found in the `stats` package (attached to the opening of {{< fa brands r-project >}}). However, the `filter()` functions in these two packages do not do the same thing. + + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +library("dplyr") + +## Attaching package: ‘dplyr’ +## +## The following objects are masked from ‘package:stats’: +## +## filter, lag +## +## The following objects are masked from ‘package:base’: +## +## intersect, setdiff, setequal, union + +``` + +If you use `library(dplyr)`, you'll never be 100% sure whether you're using the `filter()` function of the `dplyr` package or that of the `stats` package. + +However, for very verbose packages (such as `ggplot2`), you can use the `library()` function, otherwise your code will quickly become tedious to write. + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  If you wish to use the `%>%` pipe, attach the `magrittr` package with `library(magrittr)`. +::: + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +├─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +├─ LICENSE.md # License of the project +| +├─ data/ # Contains raw data +| └─ pantheria/ # PanTHERIA database +| └─ PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt +| +├─ outputs/ # Contains results +├─ figures/ # Contains figures +├─ R/ # Contains R functions (only) +| +└─ analyses/ # Contains R scripts + └─ download-data.R # Script to download raw data +``` +::: + + + + +
+ +## Code refactoring + +We can take this a step further by converting the script into **function**: this is known as **code refactoring**. A [**function**](https://r4ds.hadley.nz/functions.html) is a set of lines of code grouped together in a single block to perform a specific task. Writing functions will make your code **clearer** and more easily **reusable** between projects. + + +::: {.callout-important} +## Convention + +Always store your {{< fa brands r-project >}} **functions** (and only functions) in a directory named **`R/`** located at the **root of the project**. +::: + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Convert the previous {{< fa brands r-project >}} code into a function named `dl_pantheria_data()`. + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  Use the [`usethis::use_r()`](https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/use_r.html) function to create the function file inside the **R/** directory. + + + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Create the function file in R/ ---- +usethis::use_r("dl_pantheria_data") +``` + +**Suggestion**  {{< fa caret-down >}} + +::: {.small} + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false +#| code-fold: false + +dl_pantheria_data <- function() { + + ## Destination path ---- + path <- here::here("data", "pantheria") + + ## Create destination directory ---- + dir.create(path, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE) + + ## File name ---- + filename <- "PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt" + + ## Repo base URL ---- + url <- "https://esapubs.org/archive/ecol/E090/184/" + + ## Build full URL ---- + full_url <- paste0(base_url, filename) + + ## Build full path ---- + dest_file <- file.path(path, filename) + + ## Download file ---- + utils::download.file(url = full_url, + destfile = dest_file, + mode = "wb") + + return(dest_file) +} +``` +::: + + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #7 + +**Write functions**: this is called _code refactoring_. This will make your **code clearer** and **easier to reuse**. Always store your {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions in the **R/** folder. If you're using functions from external packages, write them as follows: `pkg::fun()`. +::: + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Finally adapt the content of the `analyses/download-data.R` {{< fa brands r-project >}} script created earlier so that it calls the `dl_pantheria_data()` function. + + +**Suggestion**  {{< fa caret-down >}} + +::: {.small} +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false +#| code-fold: false + +# Download project raw data +# +# This script will download the PanTHERIA dataset and will store it in `data/` +# by calling the dl_pantheria_data() function available in the `R/` directory. +# +# Author: Jane Doe +# Date: 2024/09/24 + +## Download PanTHERIA dataset ---- +pantheria_path <- dl_pantheria_data() +``` +::: + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #8 + +The **analyses/** directory contains {{< fa brands r-project >}} scripts that call {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions stored in the **R/** folder. In the case of complex analyses, don't hesitate to multiply the scripts (rather than having a single large script). + +```{mermaid} +%%{init:{'theme':'neutral','flowchart':{'htmlLabels':false}}}%% +flowchart LR + B("analyses/download-data.R") + B --> C("dl_pantheria_data()") +``` + +::: + + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +├─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +├─ LICENSE.md # License of the project +| +├─ data/ # Contains raw data +| └─ pantheria/ # PanTHERIA database +| └─ PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt +| +├─ outputs/ # Contains results +├─ figures/ # Contains figures +| +├─ R/ # Contains R functions (only) +| └─ dl_pantheria_data.R # Function to download PanTHERIA data +| +└─ analyses/ # Contains R scripts + └─ download-data.R # Script to download raw data +``` +::: + + +
+ +## Documentation + +It's time to **document** your function. **It's essential!** To do this, we're going to use the [`roxygen2`](https://roxygen2.r-lib.org/articles/roxygen2.html) syntax. This makes it easy to document functions by placing a **special header before the function**. This header must contain (as a minimum) a title, a description of each argument and the function's return. + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Add a [`roxygen2`](https://roxygen2.r-lib.org/articles/roxygen2.html) header to your function to document it. + + +**Suggestion**  {{< fa caret-down >}} + +::: {.small} + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false +#| code-fold: false + +#' Download PanTHERIA dataset +#' +#' @description +#' This function downloads the PanTHERIA dataset (text file) available at +#' . +#' +#' The file `PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt` will be stored in +#' `data/pantheria/`. Note that this folder will be created if required. +#' +#' @return This function returns the path (`character`) to the downloaded file +#' (e.g. `data/pantheria/PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt`). + +dl_pantheria_data <- function() { ... } +``` +::: + + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  Our function does not contain any parameter. But if this were the case, we would have had to describe the parameters with the [`roxygen2`](https://roxygen2.r-lib.org/articles/roxygen2.html) tag `#' @param`. + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #9 + +Think of others (and of your future self)! **Always document** your code. Code without documentation is useless. Use **roxygen2** headers to document your {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions, simple comments to document code and `README` for everything else. +::: + + +::: {.callout-note} +## To go further + +You can convert your **roxygen2** headers into `.Rd` files, the only files accepted by {{< fa brands r-project >}} for documenting functions. These `.Rd` files will be stored in the **man/** folder. This is not mandatory when working with a research compendium but this is required if you develop a {{< fa brands r-project >}} package. + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Generate function documentation (.Rd files) ---- +devtools::document() +``` + +Help for your function will be available via `?fun_name`. +::: + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at this stage** (same as before) + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +├─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +├─ LICENSE.md # License of the project +| +├─ data/ # Contains raw data +| └─ pantheria/ # PanTHERIA database +| └─ PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt +| +├─ outputs/ # Contains results +├─ figures/ # Contains figures +| +├─ R/ # Contains R functions (only) +| └─ dl_pantheria_data.R # Function to download PanTHERIA data +| +└─ analyses/ # Contains R scripts + └─ download-data.R # Script to download raw data +``` +::: + + +
+ + + +## Dependencies + +Our project depends on two external packages: [`utils`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/utils/versions/3.6.2) and [`here`](https://here.r-lib.org/). As mentioned previously, the **DESCRIPTION** file is the ideal place to centralize the list of **required packages**. + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Add these two dependencies to the DESCRIPTION file with the [`usethis::use_package()`](https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/use_package.html) function. + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Add dependencies in DESCRIPTION ---- +usethis::use_package(package = "here") +usethis::use_package(package = "utils") +``` + +Look at the contents of the **DESCRIPTION** file: the two required packages are listed in the **_Imports_** section. + + + +::: {.small} + +``` +Package: practice +Type: Package +Title: The Title of the Project +Version: +Authors@R: c( + person(given = "Jane", + family = "Doe", + role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), + email = "jane.doe@mail.me", + comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0000-0000-0000"))) +Description: A paragraph providing a full description of the project (on + several lines...) +License: GPL-3 +Encoding: UTF-8 +Imports: + here, + utils +``` +::: + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #10 + +Always list the **required packages in the DESCRIPTION** file. In this way, you will centralize the list of required packages in one place and use the [`devtools::install_deps()`](https://remotes.r-lib.org/reference/install_deps.html) and [`devtools::load_all()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/devtools/versions/2.4.5/topics/load_all) functions (see section [Loading the project](#loading-the-project)). +::: + + +::: {.callout-note} +## To go further + +If in your {{< fa brands r-project >}} code you want to attach your packages with `library()`, use the [`usethis::use_package()`](https://usethis.r-lib.org/reference/use_package.html) function as follows: + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Create a strong dependency ---- +usethis::use_package(package = "ggplot2", type = "Depends") +``` + +The package will be added to the **_Depends_** section of the **DESCRIPTION** file. +::: + + +
+ + + +## Loading the project + +Now that our compendium contains a **DESCRIPTION** file with a list of packages, we can use the package development tools {{< fa brands r-project >}} available in the package [`devtools`](https://devtools.r-lib.org/) to: + +**1) Install packages** with the [`devtools::install_deps()`](https://devtools.r-lib.org/reference/install_deps.html) function + +This function reads the **DESCRIPTION** file to retrieve packages listed in the **_Depends_** and **_Imports_** sections and install them (only if they are not already installed). This function therefore replaces the [`install.packages()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/utils/versions/3.6.2/topics/install.packages) function. + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  By default, this function will also ask you to update packages (if a new version is available). If you wish to disable this feature, add the argument `upgrade = "never"`. + + +**2) Load packages** with the [`devtools::load_all()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/devtools/versions/2.4.5/topics/load_all) function + +This function will read the **DESCRIPTION** file to retrieve packages listed in the **_Depends_** and **_Imports_** sections. It will **load** the packages listed in the **_Imports_** section and **load and attach** the packages listed in the **_Depends_** section. +This function therefore replaces the [`library()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.6.2/topics/library) function. + + +::: {.callout-important} +## Important + +Update your **DESCRIPTION** file regularly by: + +- adding any new packages you use +- removing packages you no longer use +::: + + +**3) Load functions {{< fa brands r-project >}}**  with the [`devtools::load_all()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/devtools/versions/2.4.5/topics/load_all) function + + +The [`devtools::load_all()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/devtools/versions/2.4.5/topics/load_all) function has a second advantage: it will load {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions stored in the **R/** folder and make them accessible in the session. It therefore replaces the [`source()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.6.2/topics/source) function. + + +{{< fa warning >}}  After each modification to a {{< fa brands r-project >}} function, don't forget to execute the [`devtools::load_all()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/devtools/versions/2.4.5/topics/load_all) function. You can use the keyboard shortcut `Ctrl + Shift + L` in RStudio. + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Try these two functions. + + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Install required packages ---- +devtools::install_deps(upgrade = "never") + +## Load packages and functions ---- +devtools::load_all() +``` + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #11 + +With a **DESCRIPTION** file (listing the required packages) and a **R/** folder, you can use: + +- [`devtools::install_deps()`](https://devtools.r-lib.org/reference/install_deps.html) to install (and update) packages: don't use `install.packages()` anymore. +- [`devtools::load_all()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/devtools/versions/2.4.5/topics/load_all) to 1) load (and attach) packages and 2) load your {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions: no longer use `library()` or `source()` (to load your functions). +::: + + +
+ + + +## Main script + +To automate our project, we'll create a main {{< fa brands r-project >}} script at the root of the project. By convention, we'll call it **make.R**. It will have two objectives: + +- **set up the project** by installing and loading packages and functions +- **run the project** by sourcing scripts {{< fa brands r-project >}} sequentially. + +The idea is that, once the project is finished, the user only executes this script: it's the **conductor** of the project. + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Use the [`utils::file.edit()`](https://rdrr.io/r/utils/file.edit.html) function to create a {{< fa brands r-project >}} script at the root of the project. + + +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +## Create a main script ---- +utils::file.edit(here::here("make.R")) +``` + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Add the two previous functions: + +::: {.small} +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false + +# Setup project ---- + +## Install packages ---- +devtools::install_deps(upgrade = "never") + +## Load packages & functions ---- +devtools::load_all() +``` +::: + + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Finally, add a line to the **make.R** file that will execute the **analyses/download-data.R** script. + +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  Use the [`source()`](https://www.rdocumentation.org/packages/base/versions/3.6.2/topics/source) and [`here::here()`](https://here.r-lib.org/reference/here.html) functions to do this. + + + +**Suggestion**  {{< fa caret-down >}} + +::: {.small} +```{r} +#| echo: true +#| eval: false +#| code-fold: false + +# Project title +# +# Project description +# ... +# +# Author: Jane Doe +# Date: 2024/12/02 + + +# Setup project ---- + +## Install packages ---- +devtools::install_deps(upgrade = "never") + +## Load packages & functions ---- +devtools::load_all() + + +# Run project ---- + +## Download raw data ---- +source(here::here("analyses", "download-data.R")) +``` +::: + + +::: {.callout-tip} +## Good practice #12 + +A **make.R** file placed at the root of the project makes it easy to set up the project (install and load the required packages and {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions) and run the various analyses sequentially (by sourcing {{< fa brands r-project >}} scripts which themselves call {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions). This is the **conductor** of the project. + +**Note:** Given the simplicity of this project, we could easily have placed the contents of the {{< fa brands r-project >}} script (**analyses/download-data.R**) in this **make.R**. The structure of a compendium is not fixed, but we recommend that you use at least {{< fa brands r-project >}} functions and a **make.R**. + +```{mermaid} +%%{init:{'theme':'neutral','flowchart':{'htmlLabels':false}}}%% +flowchart LR + A("make.R") --> B("analyses/download-data.R") + B --> C("dl_pantheria_data()") +``` +::: + + + +::: {.small} +{{< fa folder >}}  **Research compendium at the end** + +``` +practice/ # Root of the compendium +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +├─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +├─ LICENSE.md # License of the project +| +├─ data/ # Contains raw data +| └─ pantheria/ # PanTHERIA database +| └─ PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt +| +├─ outputs/ # Contains results +├─ figures/ # Contains figures +| +├─ R/ # Contains R functions (only) +| └─ dl_pantheria_data.R # Function to download PanTHERIA data +| +├─ analyses/ # Contains R scripts +| └─ download-data.R # Script to download raw data +| +└─ make.R # Script to setup & run the project +``` +::: + + + + +
+ + + +## Documentation (again) + +Don't forget to finalize your project documentation. + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Edit the **_Title_** and **_Description_** sections of the **DESCRIPTION** file. + +::: {.small} +``` +Package: practice +Type: Package +Title: Download PanTHERIA database +Version: +Authors@R: c( + person(given = "Jane", + family = "Doe", + role = c("aut", "cre", "cph"), + email = "jane.doe@mail.me", + comment = c(ORCID = "0000-0000-0000-0000"))) +Description: This project aims to download the PanTHERIA databases. It is + structured as a research compendium to be reproducible. + This is the result of the Practice 1 of the training course Reproducible + Research in Computational Ecology available at: + . +License: GPL-3 +Encoding: UTF-8 +Imports: + here, + utils +``` +::: + +{{< fa hand-point-right >}}  Finally edit the **README**: + +::: {.small} +``` +# Practice + +This project aims to download the [PanTHERIA](https://doi.org/10.1890/08-1494.1) +database (Jones _et al._, 2009). It is structured as a research compendium +to be reproducible. + +**NB.** This is the result of the Practice 1 of the training course +[Reproducible Research in Computational Ecology](https://rdatatoolbox.github.io). + + +## Content + +This project is structured as follow: + +. +| +├─ practice.Rproj # RStudio project file +| +├─ README.md # Presentation of the project +├─ DESCRIPTION # Project metadata +├─ LICENSE.md # License of the project +| +├─ data/ # Contains raw data +| └─ pantheria/ # PanTHERIA database +| └─ PanTHERIA_1-0_WR05_Aug2008.txt +| +├─ outputs/ # Contains results +├─ figures/ # Contains figures +| +├─ R/ # Contains R functions (only) +| └─ dl_pantheria_data.R # Function to download PanTHERIA data +| +├─ analyses/ # Contains R scripts +| └─ download-data.R # Script to download raw data +| +└─ make.R # Script to setup & run the project + + +## Installation + +Coming soon... + + +## Usage + +Open the `practice.Rproj` file in RStudio and run `source("make.R")` to launch +analyses. + +- All packages will be automatically installed and loaded +- Datasets will be saved in the `data/` directory + + +## License + +This project is released under the +[GPL-3](https://choosealicense.com/licenses/gpl-3.0/) license. + + +## Citation + +> Doe J (2024) Download PanTHERIA and WWF WildFinder databases. + + +## References + +Jone KE, Bielby J, Cardillo M _et al._ (2009) PanTHERIA: A +species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and +recently extinct mammals. _Ecology_, 90, 2648. +DOI: [10.1890/08-1494.1](https://doi.org/10.1890/08-1494.1) +``` + +::: + + +
+ +> **Congratulations** {{< fa wand-sparkles >}} +> +> Your project is now a **functional** and **reproducible** research compendium. + + +
+ +{{< fa lightbulb >}}  The final compendium can be found [**here**](https://github.com/rdatatoolbox/practice-1). + +
+ + +::: {.callout-note} +## The [`rcompendium::new_compendium()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/new_compendium.html) function + +All these steps can be performed with a single function: +[`new_compendium()`](https://frbcesab.github.io/rcompendium/reference/new_compendium.html) from [`rcompendium`](https://github.com/frbcesab/rcompendium). Read the documentation carefully before using this function. +::: + + +
+ +## References + +Jones KE, Bielby J, Cardillo M _et al._ (2009) PanTHERIA: a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals. _Ecology_, 90, 2648. +DOI: . + +Marwick B, Boettiger C & Mullen L (2018) Packaging data analytical work reproducibly using R (and friends). _PeerJ_. DOI: . diff --git a/posts/2024-09-24-research-compendium/rstudio-project.png b/posts/2024-09-24-research-compendium/rstudio-project.png new file mode 100644 index 0000000..428f838 Binary files /dev/null and b/posts/2024-09-24-research-compendium/rstudio-project.png differ diff --git a/styles.scss b/styles.scss index 600da17..914ac03 100644 --- a/styles.scss +++ b/styles.scss @@ -6,6 +6,10 @@ $font-family-monospace: "Fira Code", monospace !default; /*-- scss:rules --*/ +main ul li { + font-family: Georgia,Cambria,"Times New Roman",Times,serif !important; +} + .bouton { margin-left: 1%; margin-right: 1%; @@ -24,3 +28,7 @@ a.bouton:hover { color: white; text-decoration: none; } + +.small { + font-size: 0.8em; +}