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Static analysis

How do you detect trackers in APK?

Each tracker has its own code signatures. A code signature is basically a Java package name e.g. and are the 2 code signatures of Google Analytics.

To check if a tracker is embedded into an application, εxodus executes the following steps:

  • download the APK from Google Play
  • unzip the APK
  • list Java classes which are embedded in the application (dexdump classes*.dex)
  • save list of embedded Java classes into a file
  • check if any embedded Java class matches a tracker code signature

Finding a tracker signature into an application does not prove that the tracker is effectively used by the application.

εxodus commands

For all the next points, activate the εxodus virtual venv, cd into the same directory as file before executing the given command.

How to import trackers definitions?

python importtrackers

Now, browse your tracker list.

How to recompute reports?

When you add a new tracker into the εxodus database, reports are not automatically recomputed. εxodus comes with few administrator commands defined here.

The refreshstaticanalysis command has the following options:

  • --all will take all reports in consideration. You can pass a list of report ID instead.
  • --trackers will recompute the list of embedded trackers
  • --clist will recompute the list of embedded Java classes

The --clist option is useful if you change the way you extract Java classes from an APK.

Refresh all reports

python refreshstaticanalysis --all --trackers

Refresh only reports 2 and 4

python refreshstaticanalysis 2 4 --trackers

How to dump reports?

python dumpdata --exclude=auth --exclude=contenttypes --exclude=authtoken --exclude=analysis_query --exclude=sessions --exclude=admin --settings=exodus.settings.production > /tmp/dump.json

How to dump trackers?

(venv) python dumpdata trackers --settings=exodus.settings.production > /tmp/trackers.json

How to count how many apps have been analysed and reports generated?

(venv) ~/exodus$ cd exodus/
(venv) ~/exodus/exodus$ python shell  --settings=exodus.settings.production
Python 3.5.3 (default, Jan 19 2017, 14:11:04)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 6.2.1 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.

In [1]: from reports.models import *

In [2]: Application.objects.values('handle').distinct().count()
Out[2]: 34844

In [3]: Report.objects.all().count()
Out[3]: 38394