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Rundeck helm chart.

History: This chart has been taken from charts incubator and adopted to newly standards, since the old repository has been archived and is no longer maintained.

  • Added database configuration support
  • add proper secret for user creation (
  • add configuration to the
  • add configuration to the
  • add proper support for plugins
  • add proper default volumes and claims
  • handle security context properly to fix volume mounts
  • Fix Grail and CSP issues
  • adopted PVC standards
  • adopted ingress standards
  • added OPTIONS support in nginx
  • Add execution-logs handling by default (local storage)
  • split nginx and rundeck-backend deployments

If you migrate from the incubator please consider breaking changes and read any aspect of this helm chart. Do not expect to just switch out the helm source.

Strong hint

This helm chart is not a place to fix the lack of documentation available for rundeck, it's environment variables or plugin concepts in general. So please do not open issues for questions like 'How to configure AWS s3 storage' or 'is there an environment variable for X or Y.

Please open or ask all those questions in one of the official channels.


helm repo add eugenmayer
helm install eugenmayer/rundeck


Mandatory settings / Initial setup

  • externUrl
  • executionLogs.claim.storageClass / data.claim.storageClass / plugins.claim.storageClass / addons.claim.storageClass or disable those (or some)
  • deploy your user-credentials-secret secret (in your rundeck namespace) with the field userCredentials including the string (at least)admin:PASSWORD,user,admin,architect,deploy,build
    • replace PASSWORD with your password
    • add as many as you like, seperate by newlines \n
  • deploy your rundeck-database-secret to define the DB credentials and connection details or use database.useInternalH2db (only for non-production). See Database below.
  • deploy your own ingress route (default) or activate ingress.enabled and set the values to your liking


For production usage, the secret database.secret_name must include the following keys

  • jdbc: The jdbc url like jdbc:postgresql://$user:$password@$host:$port/$database
  • user: DB user
  • password: DB password
  • type: one of these org.postgresql.Driver/org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver/com.mysql.jdbc.Driver

See the docs

For development usage, the database.useInternalH2db flag can be set to true, in which case rundeck will use the embedded database at jdbc:h2:file:/home/rundeck/server/data/grailsdb;MVCC=true. This is only meant for pure development and testing, never use on a production environment (see docs for default and database docs).

Execution logs

By default the execution logs are saved on the execution-logs volume under the default undeck location /home/rundeck/var/logs/rundeck. You can disable the claim and use any other execution-log storage (be aware, the OSS docker image has no support for s3, see below)


Due to the limitations of rundeck's docker-image, plugin support is implemented using a hack - nothing more.

If you want to use plugins you have to

  • use an initContainer
  • mount the volume rundeck-plugins to /mnt/plugins in the initContainer

To do so put this (as an example for the s3 plugin) into your values.yaml

  - name: plugins-download
    image: curlimages/curl
    imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
    command: ["/bin/sh"]
      - -c
      - >
        curl -L --fail --output /mnt/plugins/rundeck-s3-log-plugin-1.0.12.jar;
      - name: rundeck-plugins
        mountPath: /mnt/plugins

Background: When the rundeck-backend image starts, we override the command, copy the plugins first and then call the actual command to continue the boostrap. Hopefully the issue will be solved at some point, making this entire backflip unneeded.


You can configure and framework-properties via ConfigMaps - see rundeck.rundeckConfigConfigMap and rundeck.rundeckFrameworkConfigMap in values.yaml

If you change the values, you usually have to manually restart the pod so those values are applied, since k8s caches the config maps.


Similar to plugins, mount rundeck-addons using an init container and download your addons(s)

S3 Execution log storage

ATTENTION: this is NOT working due to rundeck oss version limitations


You usuall add something like this to your values

  # see
  RUNDECK_PLUGIN_EXECUTIONFILESTORAGE_S3_PATH: "logs/$${job.project}/logs/$${job.execid}.log"

Of course you will need to adjust the bucket, region, key and secret (at least)

Other Values

It is better to read the values.yaml itself - but here is somewhat of an overview about the options (not all).

Parameter Description Default
database.secret_name Secret-name with your database credentials and connection details: type,jdbc,user,password, You have to create the secret yourself. None (required)
executionLogs.claim.enabled If you plan to store execution logs locally, enable the claim. true
executionLogs.claim.storageClass If you enabled local execution-logs, set your storage class None (required)
data.claim.enabled If enabled, mounts a volume for the server data what is it used for? true
data.claim.storageClass Set the storage class for the server data volume what is it used for? None (required)
plugins.claim.enabled If enabled, mounts a volume for the plugins. Those will be copied to /home/rundeck/libexex/ true
plugins.claim.storageClass Set the storage class for the plugins volume None (required)
addons.claim.enabled If enabled, mounts a volume for the server addons - special addons for the enterprise editions (not plugins) true
addons.claim.storageClass Set the storage class for the server addons volume None (required)
deployment.replicaCount How many replicas to run. Rundeck can really only work with one. 1
deployment.annotations You can pass annotations inside deployment.spec.template.metadata.annotations. Useful for KIAM/Kube2IAM and others for example. {}
deployment.strategy Sets the K8s rollout strategy for the Rundeck deployment { type: RollingUpdate }
image.repository Name of the image to run, without the tag. rundeck/rundeck
image.tag The image tag to use. 3.2.7
image.pullPolicy The kubernetes image pull policy. IfNotPresent
image.pullSecrets The kubernetes secret to pull the image from a private registry. None
service.type The kubernetes service type to use. ClusterIP
service.port The tcp port the service should listen on. 80
ingress Any ingress rules to apply. None
resources Any resource constraints to apply. None
rundeck.adminUser The config to set up the admin user that should be placed at the file. "admin:admin,user,admin,architect,deploy,build"
rundeck.env The rundeck environment variables that you would want to set. See the official docs for more. Default variables provided in docker file
rundeck.envSecret Name of secret containing environment variables to add to the Rundeck deployment ""
rundeck.sshSecrets A reference to the Kubernetes Secret that contains the ssh keys. ""
rundeck.kubeConfigSecret Name of secret to mount under the ~/.kube/ directory. Useful when Rundeck needs configuration for multiple K8s clusters. ""
rundeck.extraConfigSecret Name of secret containing additional files to mount at ~/extra/. Can be useful for working with RUNDECK_TOKENS_FILE configuration ""
nginxConfOverride An optional multi-line value that can replace the default nginx.conf. ""
serviceAccount.create Set to true to create a service account for the Rundeck pod false
serviceAccount.annotations A map of annotations to attach to the service account (eg: AWS IRSA) {} Name of the service account the Rundeck pod should use ""
volumes volumes made available to all containers ""
volumeMounts volumeMounts to add to the rundeck container ""
initContainers can be used to download plugins or customize your rundeck installation ""
sideCars can be used to run additional containers in the pod ""


To test if the templates compile

helm template . -f values.yaml -f values-test.yaml


It is explicitly forbidden to be used as a work to derive from for any purpose by PagerDuty or Rundeck the coorporate. It cannot be included in any work offered on their website or as a base to anything else by the company. So if your are an employee of PagerDuty, Rundeck or do work for them commercially, you cannot use this chart.

Anybody else can use this helm chart for what ever they like - without warranties included of course