#English (Angla) => Bahasa Indonesia - indonezia
English (Angla) | Bahasa Indonesia - indonezia |
Enrique Ellemberg | S-ino Vera Payne |
kio_ang.htm | kio_id.htm |
kiel_ang.htm | kiel_id.htm |
en | id |
a boy | anak laki-laki |
flowers | bunga-bunga |
bread | roti |
fathers | bapak-bapak |
Your sons are our friends. | Semua anak laki-2 anda adalah kawan-2 kami. |
Warm milk is good. | Susu hangat baik. |
The boys are big. | Laki-laki itu besar. |
The bread is dry. | Roti itu kering. |
A flower is beautiful. | Bungu cantik. |
The father is good. | Bapak itu baik. |
4. The new teachers will be good. | 4. Guru-guru yg baru akan baik. |
Words | undefined |
'Auditive understanding, exercise 1' | Latihan tentang Memeriksa Pengertian 1 |
The Esperanto Alphabet | Alfabet Bahasa Esperanto |
'Click on the letters to hear the name and the sound of each one, repeating the pronunciation aloud.' | undefined |
'You will hear a word. Listen carefully, then click the button for the word you think you heard. If your answer is correct, the button will disappear from the panel; otherwise, you will hear the word again during the exercise. You must get at least 70% correct.' | 'Dalam latihan yg beritkutnya, anda mendengarkan kata, dan anda harus menekan tombol yang sama seperti kata yang betulnya. Kalau jawabanmu benar, maka tombol akan menghilang dari panel, sebaliknya anda akan mendengarkan kata itu lagi selama latihan ini. Anda harus berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
Syllables | undefined |
'Syllables are formed by ONE vowel ( A E I O U ) and one or more consonants, or by a single vowel. If a vowel appears next to another, they belong to different syllables.' | undefined |
'In Esperanto words are written exactly the way they are pronounced, and they are pronounced exactly as they are written. The stressed syllable is always the one before the last. Click the buttons to hear the pronunciation, and repeat it aloud.' | 'Dalam Bahasa Esperanto, kata kata ditulis sama seperti cara pengucapannya, dan mereka diucapkan dengan bunyi dari setiap huruf dituliskan. Tekanan terletak pada suku kata kedua dari yang terakhir. Bunyikan tombol untuk mendengarkan pengucapannya dan ulangi lagi dengan suara yang keras.' |
Personal Pronouns | Kata Ganti Orang |
I | 'Mi - Saya, aku' |
you (singular) | Vi - anda (tunggal) |
he | 'Li - Dia, ia (laki-laki)' |
she | 'Ŝi - Dia, ia (perempuan)' |
it | 'Ĝi -Dia, ia, -nya, itu ( menunjukkan barang, binatang atau orang kalau tidak perlu mengatakan jenis kelaminnya)' |
we | 'Ni - Kami, kita' |
you (plural) | Vi - Kamu (bentuk jamak) |
they | 'Ili -Mereka (bentuk jamak 'ŝi', 'li' dan 'ĝi')' |
'One, they, people (Indefinite personal pronoun, meaning 'people, some people, somebody unknown', used when you don't want to or cannot say who was involved.' | 'Oni - Kata ganti orang tak tentu, artinya 'seorang, orang-orang, seseorang yg tak dikenal', digunakan kalau tidak mau atau tidak dapat mengatakan siapa terlibat - siapa membuat atau menderita aksi.' |
(self) Third person reflexive pronoun (both singular and plural). Refers back to the SUBJECT of the sentence. 'Si' cannot be the subject or a part of the subject. | 'Si - Kata-ganti refleksip orang ketiga - li, ŝi, ĝi, ili, oni - ( diri - dia, ia, nya, mereka). 'Si' berkenaan dengan pokok kalimat. 'Si' tidak dapat jadi pokok kalimat.' |
Plural | Bentuk jamak |
Singular | Bentuk tunggal |
Special | Yang lain |
Verbs | Kata-Kerja |
'Every infinitive ends in -i: esti (to be). Every past tense verb ends in -is: mi estis = I was. Every present tense verb ends in -as: mi estas = I am. Every future tense verb ends in -os: mi estos = I will be. Other verb tenses will be introduced in later lessons.' | Katakerja infinitif berakhir dengan -i: esti (tak ditentukan). Katakerja yg lalu berakhir dengan -is: estis (saya...dulu). Katakerja masa kini berakhir dengan -as: estas (saya...sekarang). Katakerja masa depan berakhir dengan -os: estos (saya...yg akan datang). K.k. yg lain akan diajarkan pada pel.-pel. yg berikutnya. |
Nouns | Kata-benda |
Adjectives | Kata-sifat |
Every noun ends with the letter 'o': | Berakhir dengan huruf 'o' |
friend | teman |
brother | kakak laki-laki |
coffee | kopi |
Every adjective ends with the letter 'a': | Berakhir dengan huruf 'a' |
beautiful | indah-cantik-bagus |
healthy | sehat |
'warm, hot' | hangat |
I am | Saya (...sekarang) |
He was | Dia (laki-laki) (...yg lalu) |
She is | Dia (perempuan) (...sekarang) |
It will be | Itu (...yg akan datang) |
We are | Kami/kita (...sekarang) |
You were | Anda (...waktu yg lalu) |
They are | Mereka (...sekarang) |
'They, someone will be (indefinite)' | Orang (tak dikenal) ...........yg akan............. |
Vocabulary | Kosa Kata |
friend | 'teman, kawan' |
son | anak laki-laki |
brother | kakak/adik laki-laki |
man | orang laki-laki |
boy | anak laki-laki |
flower | bunga |
father | 'bapak, ayah' |
teacher | guru |
coffee | kopi |
cake | kue |
milk | susu |
bread | roti |
sugar | gula |
tea | teh |
'biscuit, cracker' | biskuit |
beautiful | indah-cantik-bagus |
'big, great' | besar |
new | baru |
good | baik |
dry | kering |
white | putih |
'warm, hot' | hangat |
healthy | sehat |
Plural | Bentuk Jamak |
The plural is formed by adding the letter 'j' to the end of nouns and adjectives: | Bentuk jamak berbentuk dengan menambahkan huruf 'j' pada akhir kata-benda dan kata-sifat. |
'The indefinite article doesn't exist in Esperanto. There is only the definite article 'la', equivalent to English 'the'.' | 'Tidak ada kata-sandang dalam bahasa Esperanto; hanya ada kata-sandang tertentu 'la'. Kata 'la' sama untuk segala jenis kelamin, segala kasus, bentuk tunggal dan bentuk jamak. (Ini sama dengan 'itu' dalam bahasa Indonesia.)' |
Article | Kata-Sandang |
friend | teman/kawan |
father | bapak ayah |
flower | bunga |
beautiful | indah-cantik-bagus |
healthy | sehat |
beautiful flower | bunga cantik |
healthy father | bapak sehat |
good friend | teman baik |
friends | teman-teman |
fathers | bapak-bapak |
flowers | bunga-bunga |
beautiful | 'cantik, indah (b. jamak)' |
healthy | sehat (b. jamak) |
beautiful flowers | bunga-bunga cantik |
healthy fathers | bapak-bapak sehat |
good friends | teman-teman baik |
the boy | anak laki-laki (itu) |
the flowers | Bunga (itu) |
the bread | roti (itu) |
the fathers | Bapak-bapak (itu) |
Possessive Pronouns | Kata-Ganti Kepunyaan |
Possessive adjectives and pronouns are formed by adding the adjective ending 'a' to the personal pronouns: | Kata-ganti kepunyaan dibentuk dengan menambahkan akhir kata sifat 'a' pada kata-ganti orang. |
Possessive adjectives also receive the ending 'j' when they modify a plural noun. | Juga kata ganti kepunyaan berakhir dengan 'j' kalau bentuk jamak. |
Note: | Perhatikanlah: |
Sentences | Kalimat |
'my, mine' | ...... saya |
'your, yours' | '... anda, ...mu, ...nya' |
'her, hers' | '...dia, ...nya (perempuan)' |
'their, theirs' | ... mereka |
his | ... dia. ...nya (laki-laki) |
its | .......nya |
'our, ours' | '...kami, ...kita' |
my friend | Teman saya |
my friends | Teman-teman saya |
our flower | Bunga kami/kita |
our flowers | Bunga-bunga kami |
'You are going to hear a word and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the panel; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' | undefined |
'Auditive understanding, exercise 2' | undefined |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Translate to Esperanto | Menterjemahkan dalam bahasa Esperanto |
' 1. The tea is warm.' | 1. Teh itu hangat. |
' 2. The teacher is a father.' | 2. Guru adalah seorang bapak. |
' 3. Your father is good.' | 3. Ayah anda baik (waktu yg lalu). |
' 4. The new teachers will be big.' | undefined |
' 5. My brother will be a teacher.' | 5. Kakak laki-laki saya akan jadi guru baik. |
' 6. Your sons will be friends.' | 6. Semua anak laki-laki anda akan jadi teman baik. |
' 7. The cakes were good.' | 7. Kue-kue itu baik (yg lalu). |
' 8. The bread is dry.' | 8. Roti itu kering. |
' 9. The new boy was my friend.' | 9. Anak laki-laki baru itu teman saya (yg lalu). |
10. The boys will be great friends. | 10. Anak-anak laki-laki itu akan jadi teman-teman yang baik. |
3. The teacher met the new friends. | 3. Guru itu berjumpa (yg lalu) dengan teman-temanya yang baru. |
I wash the new cup. | Saya mencuci cangkir baru itu. |
I wash the new cups. | Saya mencuci cangkir-cangkir baru itu. |
I won't wash the new cup. | Saya tidak akan mencuci cangkir baru itu. |
'In the first lesson we saw that in Esperanto adjectives agree in number (singular or plural) with the nouns they describe; when a noun refers to one thing, its adjectives stay singular and when the noun refers to more than one, its adjectives are made plural.' | 'Dalam pelajaran pertama, kita telah mempelajari bahwa dalam bahasa Esperanto kata-sifat bentuk tunggal dan bentuk jamak sesuai dengan kata benda; kalau ada hanya satu, tetap bentuk tunggal; kalau lebih banyak, akan jadi bentuk jamak. Tetapi, tidak perlu merubah kata sifat menurut jenis kelamin (laki-laki- atau perempuan).' |
'Most nouns do not indicate gender, but a small number referring to people do. For such words, the '-o' ending refers to males and '-ino' refers to females.' | 'Kata-benda berakhir dengan 'o' hanya kalau ada aki-laki, dan 'ino' hanya kalau ada perempuan.' |
woman | orang perempuan |
(female) friend | teman (perempuan) |
daughter | anak perempuan |
mother | ibu |
The big women | Orang-orang perempuan besar itu |
The beautiful (female) friend | Teman perempuan cantik itu |
Suffix -ino | Akhiran -ino |
man | orang laki-laki |
friend | teman |
son | anak laki-laki |
father | bapak |
The good mother | Ibu yang baik itu |
'Another very useful ending allows us to identify the direct object of a sentence. It is the accusative ending 'n', placed at the end of nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. (Note: The direct object is what the verb acts upon. It receives the action of the verb. E.g., in 'I see you', 'you' is the direct object).' | 'Ada akhiran lain berguna sekali, yg mana membolehkan kami mengenal kalimat obyek langsung. Adalah akusatip, disertai dengan oleh huruf 'n' dalam akhir kata-benda, kata-sifat dan kata-ganti.' |
I add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
I add sugar to the warm coffees. | undefined |
Note that the accusative 'n' is always at the end of the word (after the plural 'j'). The direct object may go anywhere in the sentence without changing its meaning. The following three sentences have the same meaning: | 'Perhatikanlah bahwa bentuk jamak akhiran ditambahkan sebelum akusatip. Akusatip 'n' selalu pada kata akhiran. Obyek langsung dapat menjadi kalimat permulaan, tengah atau akhir, tanpa merubah artinya. Tiga kalimat yang berikutnya mempunyai arti yang sama.' |
The different word order may be used for emphasis. We will see this in a later lesson. | 'Sungguh kata urutan yg tidak biasa itu, boleh dipakai untuk bagaimanapun jadi perbedaan yg sangat sedikit dalam kalimat. Ini akan diajarkan nanti pada kursus ini.' |
The accusative is not used after the verb 'esti'. 'Esti' is a so-called linking verb which implies that the subject and the object are equivalent. | 'Jangan tambahkan akusatip pada kata-kerja 'esti', karena kata-kerja itu sudah menyatakan pokok kalimat dan obyek kalimat yang sama artinya.' |
Note: | Perhatikan: |
Note: | Perhatikan: |
Accusative (-n) | Akusatip (-n) |
The Prefix 'mal' allows us to create words with the opposite meaning of the original word. | Awalan 'mal' menjadi kata dengan arti yang lawan kata asli. |
friend | teman |
beautiful | cantik |
new | baru |
'To make a negative sentence it is enough to put the word 'ne' (no, not) before the verb.' | 'Untuk menjadi kalimat negatip, cukup taruh kata 'ne' di depan kata-kerja.' |
I will not add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
He is not my brother. | Dia bukan kakak saya. |
She isn't my mother. | Dia bukan ibu saya. |
The cakes weren't hot. | Kue-kue itu tidak panas. |
Negation | Kata Ingkar |
Prefix 'mal' | Awalan 'mal' |
enemy | musuh |
ugly | jelek |
old | lama |
young | mudah |
old | tua |
'miserly, avaricious' | pelit |
generous | murah hati |
water | air |
to love | 'bercinta, berkasih' |
love | 'cinta, kasihan' |
bird | burung |
store | toko |
'to do, to make' | membuat |
to forget | melupakan |
to have | mempunyai |
insect | serangga |
'to catch, capture' | menangkap |
to wash | mencuci |
lemonade | limonade |
paper | kertas |
to request | meminta |
'feather, pen' | 'bulu, pena' |
'to carry, to wear' | 'mengangkat, memakai' |
'clean, pure' | bersih |
'to meet, encounter' | bertemu |
to write | menulis |
to add sugar | menambahkan gula |
cup | cangkir |
to drink | minum |
to find | menemukan |
to sell | menjual |
to see | melihat |
Vocabulary | Kosa Kata |
Auditive understanding exercise | undefined |
'You are going to hear a word or a sentence and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the screen; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' | undefined |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Click on the words that should receive the accusative ending (-n). The sentences are written in subject-verb-object sequence. Click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% corre t. | 'Tekanlah kata-kata yang menerima akhiran akusatip 'n'. Kalimat-kalimat ini tertulis dengan urutan pokok-kalimat, kata-kerja, obyek-kalimat. Tekanlah tombol bilamana sudah siap. Anda harus berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
Exercise - Using the accusative | Latihan - Memakai Akusatip |
Exercises | undefined |
1. A healthy boy drinks warm milk. | 1. Laki-laki sehat minum susu hangat. |
2. The old store doesn't sell dry cakes. | 2. Toko tua itu tidak menjual kue-kue kering. |
3. The big teacher met the new friends. | undefined |
4. The new friends will make a good cake. | 4. Teman-teman baru akan membuat kue yang enak. |
5. The girl didn't find the sisters. | 5. Pemudi itu tidak menemukan (yg lalu) kakak/adik perempuannya. |
'6. The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.' | '6. Adik perempuan kecil itu sakit, adik laki-laki sehat.' |
7. The father will not wash the small cups. | 7. Bapak itu tidak akan mencuci cangkir-cangkir kecil itu. |
8. The beautiful bird caught a small insect. | 8. Burung cantik itu menangkap (yg lalu) serangga kecil. |
9. The boy is my old friend. | 9. Laki-laki itu kawan lama saya. (yg lalu) |
10. The boys were great friends. | 10. Laki-laki itu teman-teman yang baik. (yg lalu) |
Translate to Esperanto | Menterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Esperanto |
Fill the available spaces with the missing letters to complete the translation. Remember to add the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n' when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click the side button below when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Sebagai terjemahan itu, isilah tempat yang tersedia dengan bagian yang hilang. Jangan lupa menambahkan akhiran bentuk jamak, dan akhiran akusatip, kalau perlu. Klik tombol atau tekanlah 'Enter' ketika kalimat lengkap dgn tepat. Coba berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
'Now let's listen to the Esperanto song 'Jen', by the Argentinean group 'La Porkoj', awarded the arts competition of the Universal Esperanto Association. The group was formed by Alejandro Cossavella (Vocals), Pablo Ciancio (Drums), Ignacio Mendizabal (Guitar) and Salvador Agustoni (Bass Guitar). Press the button to play the song.' | 'Mari kita sekarang mendengarkan nyanyian 'Ini', oleh 'La Porkoj' (Babi-Babi Itu), para pemain musik dari Argentina, yang pemenang hadiah dalam kompetisi ilmu sastera di Persatuan Esperanto Universil. Kelompok ini: Alejandro Cossavella (suara), Pablo Ciancio (drum), Ignacio Mendizabal (gitar) dan Salvador Agustoni (gitar bas). Klik tombol untuk mendengar nyanyian itu.' |
Music in Esperanto | Musik dalam bahasa Esperanto |
12. The old woman lives healthily. | 12. Orang perempuan tua itu hidup dengan cara yg sehat. |
'In the first lesson we saw that in Esperanto the adjectives singular and plural agree with the noun. The adjective, same as the noun, takes the 'j' ending when it is plural.' | undefined |
'Just the nouns needing a specific gender may show it, ending in 'o' if male, and 'ino' if female.' | undefined |
woman | undefined |
(female) friend | undefined |
daughter | undefined |
mother | undefined |
The big women | undefined |
He has good health. | Kesehatannya baik. |
Suffix -ino | undefined |
Exercises - Numerals | Latihan Angka |
Type the numeral corresponding to the given text in the available space. Press 'Enter' or click on the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | Ketiklah angka yang sama seperti kata-teks dalam tempat yang tersedia. Tekanlah 'Enter' atau klik tombol bilamana sudah siap. Coba berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%. |
Note | Perhatikan |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
ten | sepuluh |
'There is another ending very useful, that allow us to identify the direct object on a sentence. It is the accusative, represented by the letter 'n' ending nouns, adjectives, and pronouns. The 'n' ending identifies the direct object.' | undefined |
I add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
I add sugar to the warm coffees. | undefined |
'Note that the plural is added before the accusative. The accusative 'n' is always at the end of the word. The direct object could be at the sentence beginning, middle or end, without changing its meaning. The following three sentences have the same meaning:' | undefined |
The different word order maybe used for emphasis. We will see this in a later lesson. | undefined |
'The accusative is not used after the verb 'esti', because the verb 'esti' already implies that the subject and the direct object are equivalent.' | undefined |
Adjectives created from numerals | Kata-Sifat yang Berbentuk dari Angka |
Adverbs created from numerals | Kata-Keterangan yang Berbentuk dari Angka |
Accusative (-n) | undefined |
The Prefix 'mal' allows us to create words with the opposite meaning of the original word. | undefined |
friend | undefined |
beautiful | undefined |
new | undefined |
To make a negative sentence it is enough to put the word 'ne' before the verb. | undefined |
I will not add sugar to the warm coffee. | undefined |
He isn't my brother. | undefined |
She isn't my mother. | undefined |
The cakes weren't warm. | undefined |
Negation | undefined |
Prefix 'mal' | undefined |
He lives healthily. | Dia hidup dengan cara yang sehat. |
Adverbs | Kata-Keterangan |
Numerals | Angka |
Vocabulary | Kosa Kata |
Translate to Esperanto: | Menterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Esperanto |
one | satu |
nineteen | sembilan belas |
water | undefined |
to love | undefined |
love | undefined |
bird | undefined |
store | undefined |
'to do, to make' | undefined |
to forget | undefined |
to have | undefined |
insect | undefined |
'to catch, capture' | undefined |
to wash | undefined |
lemonade | undefined |
paper | undefined |
to request | undefined |
'feather, pen' | undefined |
'to carry, to wear' | undefined |
'clean, pure' | undefined |
'to meet, encounter' | undefined |
to write | undefined |
to add sugar | undefined |
cup | undefined |
to drink | undefined |
to find | undefined |
to sell | undefined |
to see | undefined |
Vocabu ary | undefined |
Auditive understanding exercise | undefined |
'You are going to hear a word or a sentence and you should write it in the available space. If your answer is correct, the word will appear on the panel; otherwise, the word would be repeated later. You must get at least 70% correct.' | undefined |
three | tiga |
He is healthy. | Dia sehat. |
He is healthy. | Dia sehat. |
Exercises | undefined |
Fill the available spaces with the missing letters to complete the translation. Remember to add the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n' when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
A healthy boy drinks warm milk. | undefined |
The old store doesn't sell dry cakes. | undefined |
The big teacher met the new friends. | undefined |
The new friends will make a good cake. | undefined |
The girl didn't find the sisters. | undefined |
'The small sister is sick, the brother is healthy.' | undefined |
The father will not wash the small cups. | undefined |
The beautiful bird caught a small insect. | undefined |
The boy was my old friend. | undefined |
The boys were great friends. | undefined |
Translate to Esperanto | undefined |
'The word order subject - verb - object is not compulsory, but it is the most used, and recommended to the beginner. After getting used to that order, it can be changed, always making sure that the sentence meaning doesn't change.' | undefined |
Common word order | undefined |
'Adverbs are similar to adjectives, but instead of modifying nouns, they modify verbs (or sometimes adjectives or even other adverbs). They don't change for plural. Generally they indicate manner (how), cause (why), time (when), location (where) or quantity (how much).' | 'Kata-keterangan berfungsi sama dengat kata sifat, tetapi menambahkan kata-kerja dan kata sifat daripada kata-benda. Kata-keterangan tidak berubah untuk bentuk jamak. Biasanya mereka akan menguraikan cara, alasan, waktu atau tempat.' |
'All the adverbs derived from other words end in 'e'. The basic idea expressed by the word root can be used in several ways, simply by changing the ending.' | 'Dalam bahasa Esperanto, kata-kata keterangan biasanya berakhir dengan 'e' (ini selalu betul kalau kata-keterangan itu berasal dari kata lain). Dalam bahasa ini, satu kata bisa menjadi banyak arti, dengan menambahkan kata akhiran.' |
health | kesehatan |
healthy | sehat |
to be healthy | mempunyai kesehatan |
healthily | dengan cara yg sehat |
The adverb usually goes before the related word. | Kata-keterangan biasanya ditempatkan lebih dulu dari kata kerja. |
'The ordinal numbers are formed by adding the adjective ending 'a' to the numerals. Because they have the ending 'a', they can receive the plural '-j' and the accusative '-n'.' | 'Nomor urutan berbentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran 'a' pada angka. Karena nomor urutan punya akhiran 'a', mereka bisa menerima bentuk jamak akhiran 'j' dan akusatip 'n'.' |
third | ketiga |
tenth | kesepuluh |
nineteenth | kesembilan belas |
The first boys are coming. | Anak laki-laki pertama sedang datang. |
He caught the third insect. | Dia menangkap serangga yang ketiga. |
Adverbs can be formed by adding the ending 'e' to the numerals: | Kata-keterangan dapat berbentuk dengan menambahkan akhiran 'e' pada angka. |
first(ly) | pertama |
secondly | kedua |
He will first drink water. | ' Dia pertama akan minum air.' |
two | dua |
hour | jam |
year | tahun |
morning | pagi |
minute | menit |
night | malam |
week | minggu |
day | hari |
to be thirsty (so - i - fi) | haus |
evening | malam benar |
to wait | menunggu |
'to ask (a question), to inquire' | menanya |
to smoke | merokok |
to run | berlari |
'to ask (for something), to beg' | meminta |
'to stroll, to go for a walk' | berjalan-jalan |
'to reply, to answer' | menjawab |
to live | hidup |
1. He loves her. | 1. Dia (laki-laki) cinta dia (perempuan itu). |
2. He loves her sister. | 2. Dia (laki-laki) cinta adik/kakak perempuannya. |
3. She loves him. | 3. Dia (perempuan) cinta dia (laki-laki). |
4. The first man loves the second woman. | 4. Orang laki-laki pertama itu cinta perempuan kedua. |
5. The second woman hates the first man. | 5. Orang perempuan kedua itu benci laki-laki pertama itu. |
6. The boys first asked for three cakes. | '6. Pertama, laki-laki itu meminta (yg lalu) tiga kue.' |
7. Secondly they asked for lemonade. | '7. Kedua, mereka meminta (yg lalu) limonade.' |
8. The store badly (in a bad way) makes the small bread. | 8. Toko itu membuat roti kecil dengan jelek. |
9. My brother walks during the mornings (walks 'morning-ly'). | 9. Kakak/adik laki-laki saya berjalan-jalan pada waktu pagi. |
10. Your friend warmly replied. | 10. Teman anda menjawab (yg lalu) dengan hangat. |
11. The teacher writes well. | 11. Guru itu menulis dengan baik. |
12. The white girl runs badly. | undefined |
Hello! | Salam! Halo! |
Good day! | Selamat (hari)! |
Good morning! | Selamat pagi! |
Good evening! | Selamat sore! (sesudah matahari terbenam) |
Good night! | Selamat malam! |
How are you? How do you do? (literally: How are you faring?) | Apa kabar? |
'Well, thanks. And you?' | 'Kabar baik, terima kasih. Apa kabar anda?' |
Well enough. | Baik baik saja. |
Not very well. | Tidak baik. |
Greetings | Sambutan |
yesterday | kemarin |
today | hari ini |
'Good appetite!, Enjoy your meal!' | Nikmatilah makanan anda! |
To your health! | Nikmatilah minuman anda! |
'The same to you, thank you!' | 'Anda juga, terima kasih!' |
See you soon! | Sampai bertemu lagi! Sampai jumpa! |
Good bye! | Selamat tinggal. Selamat jalan. |
tomorrow | besok |
'Let's see how to make the affirmation, the question, and the answer in Esperanto:' | undefined |
Affirmation: | Perkataan |
The bread is dry. | Roti itu kering. |
Question: | Pertanyaan: |
Is the bread dry? | Apakah roti itu kering? |
Answer: | Jawaban: |
'Yes, the bread is dry.' | 'Ya, roti itu kering.' |
or: | atau: |
'No, the bread is not dry.' | 'Tidak, roti itu tidak kering.' |
Questions are formed by adding the word 'cxu' before the corresponding affirmative sentence. The word order doesn't change. This is true for all questions that can be answered by 'yes' or 'no'. | 'Semua pertanyaan terdiri dalam kalimat sederhana, pihak atau negatif, hanya mengambahkan dengan kata 'Ĉu' sebelumnya. Perhatikanlah bahwa urutan dalam kata bahasa Esperanto tidak berubah, hanya kata 'Ĉu' ditambah pada permulaan kalimat. Pertanyaan itu betul untuk semua yang dapat dijawab dengan 'ya' atau 'tidak' / 'bukan'.' |
Interrogative sentences | Kalimat Pertanyaan |
to buy | undefined |
'to, towards, for' | undefined |
advertisement | undefined |
bicycle | undefined |
picture postcard | undefined |
picture | undefined |
room | undefined |
chocolate | undefined |
dance | undefined |
'of, by, from' | undefined |
to wish | undefined |
house | undefined |
husband | undefined |
'of, out of, from' | undefined |
'to live, to dwell' | undefined |
geography | undefined |
to taste | undefined |
joy | undefined |
already | undefined |
jealous | undefined |
Vocabulary | Kosa Kata |
child | anak |
and | dan |
'congress, convention' | perkumpulan / rapat |
'to collect, gather' | mengumpulkan |
'country, land' | negeri |
to come | datang |
lesson (le - tsi - o - no) | pelajaran |
school | sekolah |
book | buku |
mile | mil |
to eat | makan |
'purse, wallet' | dompet |
egg | telur |
neutral | netral |
postage stamp | perangko |
sandwich | sandwich |
sport | olahraga |
shoe | sepatu |
to travel | berpergian |
Vocabulary I | Kosa-Kasa 1 |
'newspaper, journal' | surat kabar |
Exercises | Latihan |
Click and move the elements to the correct position to change the affirmative or negative sentence into a question. Press 'Enter' or click the button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Klik dan pindahkan dasar pada posisi yang tepat, untuk merubah kalimat pihak atau negatif kedalam pertanyaan. Klik tombol ketika kalimat sudah siap dgn tepat. Coba berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
'Please read the following text, written by an Esperanto student, and try to understand it using the vocabulary.' | 'Bacalah teks di bawah, yang tertulis oleh pelajar bahasa Esperanto. Coba mengertinya, mempergunakan kosa-kata.' |
to learn | 'mempelajari, belajar' |
very | 'sekali, amat, sangat' |
to interchange | bertukar |
to begin | memulai |
easy | mudah |
'other, another' | 'lain, yang lain' |
Reading comprehension | Pengertian Bacaan |
Vocabulary | Kosa Kata |
before | 'sebelum, lebih dulu' |
Days of the week | Hari-Hari dalam Satu Minggu |
Auditive understanding exercise | undefined |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
1. Does your father collect postage stamps? | 1. Apakah ayahmu mengumpulkan perangko? |
2. Did the son forget the milk? | 2. Apakah anak (laki-laki)nya melupakan (yg lalu) susu itu? |
4. Does a healthy boy drink milk? | 4. Apakah laki-laki sehat minum susu? |
5. Will the father wash the small cups? | 5. Apakah bapak itu akan mencuci cangkir-cangkir kecil itu? |
6. Did the new (female) teacher forget the book? | 6. Apakah guru perempuan yang baru itu lupa (yg lalu) bukunya? |
7. Do they sell tea and coffee? | 7. Apakah mereka menjual teh dan kopi? |
8. Does the sick daughter write badly? | 8. Apakah anak perempuan sakit itu menulis dengan jelek? |
9. Are they good friends? | 9. Apakah mereka teman yang baik? |
Translate to Esperanto (without answering the questions): | Menterjemahkan dalam bahasa Esperanto (tanpa jawaban pertanyaan itu): |
Exercises | Latihan |
'Now answer the questions in Esperanto, using full sentences (not just 'jes' or 'ne')' | 'Sekarang, jawablah pertanyaan ini dalam bahasa Esperanto, mempergunakan kalimat lengkap (tanpa hanya 'ya' atau 'tidak'/'bukan'):' |
Months of the year | Bulan-Bulan dalam Satu Tahun |
Dates | Tanggal |
To say the dates follow the model (the words 'tago' and 'en la jaro' are usually left out). | 'Untuk mengucapkan tanggal, ikuti model ini. Kata 'tago' (hari) dan 'en la jaro' (dalam tahun itu) anda tidak harus mengucapkan, karena anda sudah mengertinya.' |
January | bulan Januari |
February | bulan Pebruari |
March | bulan Maret |
April | bulan April |
May | bulan Mei |
June | bulan Juni |
July | bulan Juli |
August | bulan Agustus |
September | bulan September |
October | bulan Oktober |
November | bulan Nopember |
December | bulan Desember |
Sunday | hari Minggu |
Monday | hari Senin |
Tuesday | hari Selasa |
Wednesday | hari Rabu |
Thursday | hari Kamis |
Friday | hari Jum'at |
Saturday | hari Sabtu |
3. Are the children eating sandwiches? | 3. Apakah anak-anak itu makan sandwich? |
10. Does your brother sell books and newspapers? | 10. Apakah kakak laki-laki anda menjual buku dan surat kabar? |
Correlatives | Kata-Korelasi |
Who came? -- Nobody. | undefined |
'Here are some fruits, which one would you like?' | undefined |
I would like that one. | undefined |
Which fruit would you like? | undefined |
I would like that fruit. | undefined |
I don't want any fruit. | undefined |
Where is the store? | undefined |
The store is there. | undefined |
When would you buy bread? | undefined |
I will buy bread during the morning. | undefined |
Sentences with correlatives | undefined |
Whose book is that? -- Mine. | undefined |
How are you? -- I am very well. | undefined |
Why did you buy the cakes? | undefined |
I bought the cakes because they are good. | undefined |
How many days there are in one week? | undefined |
There are seven days in a week. | undefined |
'The correlatives ending in 'o' ('kio', 'tio', etc) cannot receive the the plural ending 'j', but can receive the accusative ending 'n'. Those ending in 'a' and 'u' can receive both the plural 'j' and the accusative 'n'. Don't use the word 'Æu' before the interrogative words ('kio', 'kie', etc).' | 'Kata-korelasi dengan akhiran 'o' ('kio', 'tio' dsb), bisa menerima akhiran akusatip ('kion', 'tion'), tetapi tidak bisa menerima akhiran bentuk jamak (-j).' |
Note | Perhatian |
What is this? | Apa ini? |
This is an animal. | Ini binatang. |
This word shows nearness. | 'Kata kecil ini menunjukkan dekatnya, dan bisa terdapat di depan atau di belakang kata korelasi yang berhubungan dengannya.' |
This is my house. | Ini rumah saya. |
I would like the fruit which you showed. | undefined |
The words beginning with 'Ki' can also introduce sentences without interrogative sense. This words are named 'relatives' because they show the relationship between the secondary and main clauses. | undefined |
In the sentence above 'kiun' relates to 'tiu frukto'. | undefined |
I don't understand what is that you are saying. | undefined |
I saw the person whose house is white. | undefined |
Vocabulary | Kosa-Kata |
'Yesterday, when I was at the city, I bought flowers.' | undefined |
'She is as beautiful, as her mother.' | undefined |
I bought as many as I needed. | undefined |
Relatives | undefined |
1. What is this? | 1. Apa itu? |
2. Where is my cup? | 2. Di mana cangkir saya? |
3. Which is my book? | 3. Yang mana buku saya? |
4. Who ate my cake? | 4. Siapa yang makan kue saya? (yg lalu) |
5. When would you eat? | 5. Kapan anda akan makan? |
6. Everything is wet. | 6. Semuanya basah. |
7. I forgot everything. | 7. Saya sudah lupa semuanya. |
8. My book is somewhere. | 8. Buku saya pada suatu tempat. |
9. Then I drank my tea. | 9. Lalu saya minum teh. |
10. Who is that? | 10. Siapa orang itu? |
Translate to Esperanto | Menterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Esperanto |
11. How does she run? | undefined |
12. What are you writing? | undefined |
13. I am nobody's wife? | undefined |
14. How did you do that? | undefined |
15. I am not that kind of girl. | undefined |
16. We have all kind of cups. | undefined |
17. What kind of sandwich do you have? | undefined |
18. What did you ask? | undefined |
19. Is everybody dry? | undefined |
20. Who is that? | undefined |
Translate to Esperanto | undefined |
'Fill the available space with the correct correlative to complete the translation. Note that some correlatives may take the plural and/or the accusative ending. If there is a list in parentheses, select from the list. Press 'Enter' or click on the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct.' | Melihatlah terjemahan itu dan isilah tempat yang tersedia dengan kata-korelasi yang betul. Perhatikan bahwa sementara kata-korelasi bisa menerima akhiran bentuk jamak dan/atau akhiran akusatip. Tekanlah 'Enter' atau klik tombol bilamana anda sudah siap dan kalimat betul. Hasil 70% diperlukan. |
to buy | membeli |
'to, towards' | ke |
advertisement | pemberitahuan |
bicycle | sepeda |
picture postcard | kartu gambar |
picture | gambar |
room | kamar |
chocolate | coklat |
dance | tarian |
'of, from' | dari |
to desire | ingin |
house | rumah |
husband | suami |
'out of, from' | dari |
'to live, to dwell' | tinggal |
geography | ilmu bumi |
'to taste, test the taste of' | merasakan |
joy | 'sukacita, kegembiraan, kesenangan' |
already | sudah |
jealous | 'iri hati, cemburu' |
'that person, that one' | 'Orang itu, ......... itu' |
'someone, somebody, some, any' | 'Seseorang, salah seorang' |
'nobody, no one' | 'Tidak seorangpun, tak ada orang' |
'everyone, everybody, all, each' | 'Semua, segala, setiap, masing-masing, tiap orang, tiap hari, dsb' |
'Where?, In what place?; where' | 'Di mana, tempat yang ....' |
'there, in that place' | 'Pada tempat itu, di sana' |
'somewhere,anywhere, in some place' | Di suatu tempat |
'nowhere, in no place' | 'Tidak ada tempat, di manapun tidak' |
'in all places, in every place, everywhere' | 'Pada semua tempat, dimana-mana' |
'When?, At what time?; when' | 'Kapan, ketika, bilamana, pada waktu, kalau' |
'then, at that time' | 'Pada waktu itu, maka, lalu' |
'sometime, anytime, ever' | 'Pada suatu waktu, pernah' |
'never, at no time, not ever' | Tak pernah |
'always, at all times' | Selalu |
'What?, What general thing or concept?; that, which' | 'Apa, yang' |
'that, that general thing or concept' | Itu (contoh: itu sudah diketahui umum. Apa itu? Itu betul.) |
something | Sesuatu |
nothing | 'Tidak ada apa apa, bukan apa apa, sama sekali tidak, dsb' |
'all, everything' | 'Apapun, segala sesuatu, semuanya' |
That book is very good. | Buku itu baik sekali. |
Who came yesterday? -- Nobody came yesterday. | Siapa yang datang kemarin? Tidak seorangpun yang datang kemarin. |
Where do you live? -- I live in Canada | Di mana anda tinggal? - Saya tinggal di Kanada. |
I live there where the car is. | Saya tinggal di tempat itu yang ada mobil. |
When are you going to buy the book? -- Tomorrow morning. | Kapan anda akan membeli buku itu? - Besok pagi. |
I learned Esperanto when I was at school. | Saya belajar bahasa Esperanto waktu saya di sekolah. |
What is geography? -- Geography is a science. | Apa ilmu bumi? - Ilmu bumi ilmu pengetahuan. |
indicates a question or introduces a relative clause. | 'Menunjukkan pertanyaan; menunjukkan hubungan dengan anak kalimat yg lebih dulu.' |
Have you ever visited Brazil? | Apakah anda sudah mengunjungi Brazil? |
'However, I've always desired to visit it.' | Tetapi saya selalu ingin mengunjunginya. |
'indicates a general object, thing, or concept' | 'Benda, barang, hal, urusan' |
What is that? -- That is a musical instrument. | Apa itu? - Itu alat musik. |
Something happened! | Sesuatu terjadi! |
'Better something, than nothing.' | Apa sajah / sesuatu lebih baik daripada bukan apa apa. |
I forgot everything. | Saya (sudah) lupa semuanya. |
'These small words -- which are part of a regular, closed system -- are called correlatives. The meaning of each correlative is the combined result of its beginning and ending.' | 'Adalah kelompok kata kecil yg berguna sekali, sebagian cara biasa dan terbatas. Namanya kata-korelasi. Arti setiap kata-korelasi adalah kombinasi arti kata-dasar (awalan) dengan akhiran.' |
indicates a particular person or thing. (It may take the plural 'j' and/or the accusative 'n' when appropriate.) | 'Menunjukkan bentuk tunggal. Kalau bentuk jamak, korelasi itu harus menerima akhiran 'j'.' |
indicates a question or introduces a relative clause. | 'Menunjukkan pertanyaan; menunjukkan hubungan dengan anak kalimat yg lebih dulu.' |
'Who?, Which?; who, which, that' | 'Siapa, yang mana' |
Who was your first teacher? -- Mr. Karlo. | Siapa guru anda yang pertama? - Saudara Charles. |
is used to indicate or point. (Often translated as 'that' or 'those') | Dipakai untuk menunjukkan |
indicates something indefinite. (often translated as 'any' or 'some') | Menunjukkan sesuatu yang tidak tentu. |
'Some people came, whom I don't know.' | 'Orang-orang yang saya tidak mengenal, datang. (yg lalu)' |
indicates negativeness or non-existence. | Memberikan arti negatip. |
indicates all members of a group. | Menunjukkan kelompok |
Every person loves herself (or himself). | Setiap orang cinta dirinya sendiri! |
indicates location. | Menunjukkan tempat. |
indicates a question or introduces a relative clause. | 'Menunjukkan pertanyaan; menunjukkan hubungan dengan anak kalimat yg lebih dulu.' |
is used to indicate or point. (Often translated as 'that' or 'those') | 'Dipakai untuk menunjukkan, menyatakan' |
indicates something indefinite. (often translated as 'any' or 'some') | Menunjukkan sesuatu yang tidak tentu |
My pencil is somewhere in the garden. | Pensil saya di suatu tempat di kebun. |
indicates negativeness or non-existence. | Menunjukkan arti negatip. |
Nowhere did I find my book. | Di manapun tidak saya mendapat buku saya. |
indicates all members of a group. | Menunjukkan kelompok. |
A fool writes his (or her) name everywhere. | Orang bodoh dimana-mana menulis namanya. |
'No, I've never visited that land.' | Tidak. Tak pernah saya mengunjungi negeri itu. |
Time | Waktu |
Prepositions I | Kata-Depan 1 |
Prepositions are words that show the relationship between a following noun (the object of the preposition) and the rest of the sentence. | Kata depan adalah kata kecil yang menunjukkan hubungan diantara dua kata. |
'to, towards' | 'ke, kepada, kearah, untuk' |
'at, with, next to, at the house of' | di |
'of, from' | 'dari, punya, oleh' |
during | selama |
'in, into' | 'di, di dalam' |
until | 'sehingga, sampai' |
with | dengan |
'for (purpose), in order to' | untuk |
'because of, on account of' | 'karena, oleh karena/sebab itu' |
'under, beneath' | 'bawah, di bawah' |
'on, upon' | di atas |
Vocabulary | undefined |
member | angotta |
'youth, the young people' | 'pemuda/pemudi, anak-anak muda' |
'to happen, to occur' | terjadi |
small bus | bis kecil |
to arrive | datang |
lunch | makan siang |
friends | teman-teman (laki-laki dan peremp.) |
to go | 'pergi, perjanjian' |
'congress, convention' | perkumpulan |
'to halt, to stop' | berhenti |
'to sit, to be sitting' | duduk |
chair | kursi |
to thank | berterimakasih |
'to visit, to attend' | 'mengunjunggi, memeriksa' |
Reading comprehension | Pengertian Bacaan |
Exercise | Latihan |
'Answer the following questions in Esperanto, considering the text on the previous page:' | 'Sesudah membaca teks pada halaman yg sebelumnya, jawablah pertanyaan yg berikutnya (dalam bahasa Esperanto).' |
Prepositions II | Kata-Depan 2 |
instead of | daripada |
'before, in front of' | 'sebelum, di depan, dulu' |
'beside, by' | di samping |
of (for quantities) | kata-depan kwantitas |
outside of | di luar |
'out of, from' | 'dari ( = 'dari dalam')' |
'between, among' | diantara |
'against, across from' | 'pada, bertentangan, di seberang' |
'by, by means of' | tentang |
'after, behind' | 'sesudah, setelah, kemudian' |
'about, concerning' | tentang |
without | tanpa |
'over, above' | di atas |
through | 'terus, lewat' |
around | 'sekeliling, kira-kira' |
'beyond, past' | melewati |
'across, on the other side of' | 'diseberang, ke seberang' |
behind | di belakang |
'indefinite preposition, used when no other preposition is appropriate.' | 'Je (kata depan yg tidak tentu, dipakai bilamana tidak ada kata depan lain, yg dapat memberi arti dengan teliti)' |
'to travel, to go by vehicle' | 'pergi dgn mobil, bis, kereta api, dsb' |
'city, town' | kota |
'much, many' | 'banyak, sekali' |
'beast, animal' | binatang |
Arctic | arktik |
continent | benua |
to admire | memuji amat |
'to please, be pleasing to' | 'yg menyenangkan, suka' |
bear | beruang |
'to be similar to, to look like' | 'menyamai, mirip' |
entrance | ' tempat masuk' |
cage | 'sangkar, kandang' |
'monkey, ape' | 'monyet, kera' |
Canada | Kanada |
frequently | sering |
interesting | 'penting, minat' |
'complete, full' | 'lengkap, penuh' |
because | 'karena, oleh sebab itu' |
'car, automobile' | mobil |
'zoological garden, zoo' | kebun binatang |
Reading comprehension | Pengertian Bacaan |
'Answer the following questions in Esperanto, considering the text on the previous page:' | 'Sesudah membaca teks pada halaman yg sebelumnya, jawablah pertanyaan yg berikutnya (dalam bahasa Esperanto!):' |
Exercise | Latihan |
We saw in the second lesson that the '-n' marks the direct object. This is the accusative. Example: | 'Dalam pelajaran kedua, kita telah mempelajari akhiran 'n' menunjukkan kalimat obyek langsung. Itu akusatip. Contoh:' |
'A sentence cannot have 2 direct objects Remember that the object of a preposition is not in the accusative case. For example,' | 'Bilamana kalimat punya dua obyek, satu obyek itu obyek tak langsung. Contoh:' |
I thank you for your kindness. | Saya berterimakasih atas kebaikan hatimu. |
Three more examples follow: | 'Mempergunakan kata depan, seperti diatas, perlu, dan obyek tak langsung tidak menerima akhiran akusatip. Contoh lagi:' |
I am reading Peter's book. | Saya membaca buku Petro. |
I will travel to America. | Saya akan berpergian ke Amerika. |
He drank a cup of coffee. | Dia minum (yg lalu) secangkir kopi. |
Do not use the accusative after a preposition. There are some cases where the accusative may replace a preposition. We will see that on the following page. | Demikian: jangan menunjukkan akusatip sesudah kata-depan. Ada sementara hal yang mana akusatip dapat diganti dengan kata-depan. Kita akan melihat itu pada halaman yang berikutnya. |
A bird catches an insect. | Burung menangkap serangga. |
Prepositions III | Kata-Depan 3 |
'The accusative ending can be used to replace a preposition, when clarity allows it. The following examples are equivalent.' | 'Akhiran akusatip dapat dipakai untuk mengganti dengan kata depan, bilamana artinya jelas. Contoh yang dibawah sama artinya:' |
'A preposition may accompany another preposition. For example,' | Kata-depan dapat menemani kata-depan yang lain. Contoh: |
Go away from before me! (Get away! Leave!) | Jauhlah dari (depan) saya! |
'When one of those prepositions shows movement ('al' for example), we can substitute the accusative ending '-n' for the preposition. The second of the next two sentences is the more common.' | 'Bilamana satu kata-depan itu menunjukkan gerakkan (misalnya 'al'), kita bisa menggantinya dengan akhiran akusatip 'n'.' |
Compare with the following sentence: | Memperbandingkan kalimat ini: |
'In the first sentence, I was outside the garden and walked to a position inside the garden. I entered the garden. I walked into the garden. In the second sentence, I was walking around inside the garden.' | 'Perhatikanlah perbedaanya: Dalam hal pertama, saya di luar kebun dan berjalan ke tempat di dalam kebun itu; dalam hal kedua, saya sudah di dalam kebun itu, dan di sana saya berjalan-jalan.' |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Exercises | undefined |
1. I came by bicycle. | 1. Saya datang (yg lalu) dengan sepeda. |
2. I bicycled into San Francisco. | 2. Saya bersepeda (yg lalu) ke San Fransisko. |
3. I bicycled in San Francisco. | Saya bersepeda (yg lalu) di dalam San Fransisko. |
4. She ran on the grass. | 4. Dia berlari (yg lalu) di dalam rumput. |
5. She ran into the grass. | 5. Dia berlari (yg lalu) ke dalam rumput. |
6. He ran behind the tree (he came from somewhere else). | 6. Dia berlari (yg lalu) di belakang pohon itu. |
7. He smoked behind the tree. | 7. Dia merokok di belakang pohon itu. |
8. She traveled with a friend. | 8. Dia (wanita) berpergian (yg lalu) dengan teman (laki-laki). |
9. She wrote with a pencil. | 9. Dia (wanita) menulis (yg lalu) dengan pensil. |
10. He put the pencil under the paper. | 10. Dia (laki-laki) menaruh (y.l.) pensil itu di bawah kertas. |
Translate to Esperanto | Menterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Esperanto |
'Fill the available space with the correct preposition to complete the translation. If there is a list in parentheses, select from those in the list. Press 'Enter' or click on the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct.' | 'Sesuai dengan terjemahan itu, isilah tempat yang tersedia dengan kata-depan yang betul. Bilamana kalimat sudah lengkap, klik tombol atau tekanlah 'Enter'. Anda harus berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
Equality: | Persamaan: |
Superiority: | Lebih atasan: |
Inferiority: | 'Atasan lebih kurang, sifat rendah:' |
Esperanto is as beautiful as it is useful. | Bahasa Esperanto adalah bahasa yg indah yg sangat berguna. |
Nothing is so valuable as your health. | Tidak ada yg berharga selain kesehatanmu. |
She is as beautiful as her mother. | Dia secantik ibunya. |
John is taller than Peter. | John lebih tinggi dari pada Peter. |
Milk is more nutritious than wine. | Susu lebih bergizi dari pada anggur. |
The sun is bigger than the moon. | Matahari lebih besar daripada bulan. |
My brother is younger than I. | Adik saya lebih muda daripada saya. |
He writes less beautifully than the girl. | Dia menulis lebih rendah dari pada perempuan itu. |
The husband talks less loudly than the wife. | Suami itu berbicara lebih rendah dari pada isternya. |
Comparison | Bentuk Komparatif (Perbandingan) |
'Of all my children, Ernest is the youngest.' | 'Diantara semua anak saya, Ernest yang termuda.' |
'Of all my colleagues, Mark is the strongest.' | 'Diantara semua teman sekerja saya, Mark yang terkuat.' |
The prettiest girl they elected as queen. | 'Perempuan yang tercantik, yang terpilih sebagai ratu.' |
The stronger of the hands. | Tangan yang lebih kuat. |
The older students taught the younger ones. | Pelajar-pelajar yg lebih tua mengajarkan (yg lalu) pelajar yg lebih muda. |
The superlative is used when one member of a group shows a quality in a degree higher (or lower) than all of the others. | Bentuk Superlatif bilamana satu orang (atau benda) menunjukkan sifat tingkatnya yang lebih atau kurang tinggi daripada tingkat semuanya lain. |
'When comparing only two people, things or groups use 'PLI' or 'MALPLI'.' | Bilamana kalau hanya dua orang (benda dsb) memakai PLI atau MALPLI. Yang sama terjadi bilamana dua kelompok. |
Superlative | Bentuk Superlatif |
Exercises | undefined |
By adding affixes (prefixes and suffixes) it is very easy to enlarge your Esperanto vocabulary. Let's start with the prefixes: | Dengan menambahkan bubuhan (awalan dan akhiran) akan mudah sekali memperluas kosa kata dalam bahasa Esperanto. Kita memulai dengan awalan: |
' relationship by marriage' | (bo-) hubungan perkawinan |
father in-law | bapak mertua |
mother in-law | ibu mertua |
' distribution, dispersion' | '(dis-) distribusi, kehancuran' |
to fly off in several directions | terbang ke segala arah |
to distribute | membagikan |
' beginning, sudden change, or momentary action' | '(ek-) permulaan aksi tindakan, aksi yg tiba-tiba, atau aksi sebentar' |
to start to walk | mulai berjalan/pergi |
'to start to sleep, doze off' | 'mulai tidur, tidur sebentar' |
' shows an action or state that no longer exists' | (eks-) menunjukkan aksi atau keadaan yg sekarang tidak ada. |
ex-fiance | mantan tunangan |
ex-president | mantan presiden |
Prefixes | Awalan |
son-in-law | menantu lelaki |
sister-in-law | ipar perempuan |
'to crumble, to fall to pieces' | meremah-remah |
'to disseminate, to spread' | 'menaburkan, menyebarkan' |
'flash, spark' | cahaya |
to start to rain | mulai hujan |
to resign | berhenti dari jabatan |
to become divorced (of a man) | bercerai (mantan suami) |
' bad (morally)' | '(fi-) tak senonoh, buruk secara moril' |
house of bad repute | rumah yg reputasinya buruk |
'slut, worthless woman' | perempuan yg namanya buruk |
' both sexes (two or more individuals)' | (ge-) dari dua jenis kelamin (orang atau kelompok) |
son(s) and daughter(s) | anak laki-laki dan anak peremp. |
father(s) and mother(s) | bapak dan ibu |
' the opposite' | (mal-) bertentangan |
right (hand side) | kanan |
left (hand side) | kiri |
' from long ago' | (pra-) sangat dulu dalam sejarah |
grandson | cucu laki-laki |
great-grandson | cicit laki-laki |
businessman | seorang pedagang |
dishonest businessman | seorang pedagang yg tidak jujur |
brother(s) and sister(s) | kakak beradik laki-2 dan peremp. |
friends (both sexes) | teman laki-laki dan perempuan |
to close | menutup |
to open | membuka |
history | sejarah |
prehistory | sejarah nenek moyang |
'ancestral human, pre-human' | seorang nenek moyang |
great-grandfather | moyang laki-laki |
' repetition, again, back' | '(re-) ulangan, lagi, kembali' |
to reappear | timbul lagi |
'to do, to make again' | membuat lagi |
' mistake, error, not fitting' | '(mis-) salah mengerti, kesalahan, tidak pantas, tidak baik' |
to understand | mengerti |
to misunderstand | salah mengerti |
' half' | (duon-) setengah |
hour | jam |
See you later(literally:Until re-seeing) | Sampai bertemu lagi! |
step | langkah perbuatan |
half an hour | setengah jam |
'to hold back, retain' | 'menerima, menahan' |
'to return, to come back' | kembali |
use | pemakaian |
misuse | salah pemakaian |
daughter | anak perempuan |
misstep | salah langkah |
step-daughter | anak tiri perempuan |
demi-god | setengah dewa |
'twilight, half-light' | 'aram-temaram, senja' |
Suffixes | Akhiran |
' bad; low quality' | (-aĉ) jelek menurut pendirian material atau estetis. |
house | rumah |
shack | rumah jelek |
' prolonged or repeated action.' | (-ad) aksi selalu atau panjang |
to talk | berbicara |
'speech, continuous talking' | pidato |
' concrete thing or object' | (-aĵ) benda konkret yang berhubungan dengan maksud dalam kata dasar. |
sweet | manis |
'candy, something sweet' | 'gula-gula, makanan pencuci mulut' |
' member, citizen' | '(-an) angotta klub, partai politik, agama, negeri atau daerah' |
European | orang Eropa |
Canadian | orang Kanada |
Brazilian | orang Brasil |
to write | menulis |
'to scribble, write badly' | menulis dengan acak |
'to regard, to look at' | memandang |
to contemplate | 'melamun, memandang panjang' |
to paint | melukis |
'a painting, a picture' | lukisan |
Christ | Kristus |
Christian | seorang Kristen |
citizen of the USA | orang Amerika |
' collection, group, cluster, herd' | '(-ar) pengumpulan, golongan, kelompok, sekawanan' |
word | kata |
'dictionary, vocabulary' | 'kosa kata, kamus' |
' nickname for males. (root may be shortened or altered)' | (-ĉĵ) akhiran timangan untuk orang laki-laki (dengan sebagian kata dasar dan suara yg baik) |
father | bapak |
'daddy, dad, pa, papa' | 'papa, pak' |
' possibility' | (-ebl) kemungkinan |
to see | melihat |
visible | 'kelihatan, nyata, dapat dilihat' |
abstract quality (English -ness) | '(-ec) keadaan atau kualitas yg abstrak, yg berhubungan dengan maksud dalam kata dasar.' |
soft | 'lunak, lembak, empuk, lembut, halus' |
softness | kehalusan |
sheep | domba |
flock of sheep | sekawanan domba |
Joseph | Josef |
Joe | Joe |
to believe | percaya |
credible | dapat dipercaya |
friend | teman (laki-laki) |
'friendship, amity' | persahabatan |
to read | membaca |
legible | dapat dibaca |
' big, more intense' | besar |
wind | angin |
'wind storm, gale' | angin taufan |
' place' | (-ej) tempat aksi atau tempat berhub. dg. orang atau makhluk yang dilukiskan dalam kata dasar. |
to pray | memohon |
' inclination, tendency' | '(-em) inklinasi, kecenderungan' |
'to save, spare' | menghemat |
thrifty | yang hemat |
' that should or must be done' | (-end) sesuatu yang harus dikerjakan |
to read | membaca |
that should be read | yg harus dibaca |
church | 'gereja, pura, mesjid - tempat mohon' |
to laugh | tertawa |
'to laugh loudly, raucously' | 'tertawa dgn suara keras, dan lama' |
horse | kuda |
'to chatter, to talk' | bercakap-cakap |
talkative | 'yg banyak bicara, suka bercakap' |
'to make, to do' | 'membuat, berbuat' |
that has to be done | yg harus dibuat |
stable | kandang |
'office, function, post, job' | 'kedudukan, pekerjaan, jabatan' |
'office (room), workplace' | 'kamar, gedung, kantor' |
Exercises | undefined |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Translate to Esperanto: | Menterjamahkan dalam Bahasa Esperanto |
1. My mother-in-law started to learn Esperanto. | 1. Ibu mertua saya mulai belajar (dulu) bahasa Esperanto. |
2. My ex-colleagues will distribute newspapers. | 2. Bekas teman-teman sekerja saya akan membagi-bagian surat kabar. |
3. That wicked man made a wrong step. | 3. Orang jahat itu melakukuan kesalahan. |
4. My parents visited their great-grandsons. | 4. orang tua saya mengunjungi (dulu) cicit laki-lakinya. |
5. My father is older than my mother. | 5. Bapak saya lebih tua dari pada ibu saya. |
6. Which one is the most beautiful of the girls? | 6. Perempuan yang mana yang paling cantik? |
7. My sister-in-law is more elegant than the neighbor. | 7. Ipar perempuan saya lebih elegan dari pada tetangga itu. |
8. My grandmother read more than my son-in-law. | 8. Nenek saya membaca lebih dari pada menantu lelaki saya. |
Fill the available space with the correct word to complete the translation. Press 'Enter' or click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Menurut terjemahan itu, isilah tempat yg tersedia dengan kata yg betul. Bilamana kalimat lengkap dan betul, klik tombol dibawah, atau tekanlah 'Enter'. Coba berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
Fill the available space with the correct prefix or suffix to complete the translation. Add grammatical endings when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Sebagai terjemahan ini, isilah tempat yg tersedia dengan awalan atau akhiran yg betul. Menempatkan akhiran tatabahasa bilamana perlu. Kalau sudah siap, klik tombol atau tekanlah 'Enter'. Cobalah berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70% .' |
'-- I saw you, oh treasure, and I immediately fell in love with you! -- I believe you, however gold should be ready in a purse -- I love you, but, dearest, I didn't believe you're like that! -- If you loved me, greedy, you would make me a queen' | '1. Saya melihat anda, oh kekasih, dan saya langsung jatuh cinta! 2. Saya percaya kepada anda, tetapi ada emas kontan siap sedia dalam dompet. 3.Saya cinta anda, tetapi, kekasih saya, saya tidak percaya anda seperti itu! 4 Bilamana anda cinta saya, oh orang serakah, anda akan menjadikan saya ratu.' |
king | raja |
prince | putera raja |
' element or component of a whole.' | Sebagian dari keseluruhan |
salt | garam |
grain of salt | remah garam |
' manager, leader, director' | 'Seorang atasan yang dapat memberi perintah; pemimpin' |
'city, town' | kota |
mayor | walikota |
' little, small, tiny, less intense' | 'kecil, pendek; tidak kuat/hebat' |
'doll, hand puppet' | boneka |
small doll | boneka kecil |
' offspring, descendant' | 'Anak, keturunan' |
cat | kucing |
kitten | anak kucing |
money | uang |
coin | mata uang |
ship | kapal |
ship's captain | kapten kapal |
laugh | tertawa |
smile | tersenyum |
descendant of Italians | undefined |
Suffixes | Akhiran |
' to make, to cause to be' | 'Menyuruh, menjadikan, memaksa' |
'clean, pure' | bersih |
'to clean, to make pure' | 'membersihkan, mencuci' |
' to become' | Menjadi |
red | merah |
'to blush, to become red' | menjadi kemerah-merahan |
' instrument, tool' | Alat untuk membuat aksi |
to lock | mengunci |
key | kunci |
' female' | Menunjukkan jenis perempuan/betina |
uncle | paman |
aunt | bibi |
'to make, to do' | membuat |
to die | 'meninggal, mati' |
'to kill, to put to death' | membunuh |
morning | pagi |
'dawn, daybreak' | ' dinihari (menjadi pagi)' |
music | musik |
musical instrument | alat musik |
chicken (of either sex) | ayam jantan |
hen | ayam |
to become | menjadi |
' worthy' | 'Yang berjasa, berguna, patut, kepujian' |
to admire | 'memuji amat, kagum akan' |
admirable | terpuji |
' holder, socket' | 'Kotak, kaleng, wadah, keranjang, mangkuk - yang berisi sebagian obyek kata dasar' |
finger | jari |
thimble | sarung jari |
' person who does something as a profession; adherent of a cause' | 'Profesi, pekerjaan yang biasa' |
to type | mengetik |
typist | juru ketik |
' forms female nicknames (root may be shortened or altered)' | Akhiran timangan untuk orang perempuan (dengan sebagian kata dasar dan suara yang baik) |
mother | ibu |
'mom, mommy, ma, mama' | 'bu |
Esperanto | bahasa Esperanto |
Esperantist | orang yg berbicara Esperanto |
'to praise,laud' | memuji |
laudable | patut dipuji |
cigarette | rokok |
cigarette holder | tempat rokok |
piano | piano |
pianist | pemain piano |
Mary | Maria |
nickname for Mary | 'Meri, Mary, May' |
to report | membuat laporan |
reporter | pembuat laporan |
' multiple' | 'berkali-kali, perkalian' |
two | dua |
double | dua kali lipat |
' forms fractions' | Pecahan |
four | empat |
'quarter, fourth, 1/4' | seperempat |
' forms groups' | dalam kelompok yg terdiri dari |
two | dua |
a pair | 'sepasang, pasangan' |
' person, individual' | Orang dengan sifat dalam kata dasar |
'saintly, holy' | suci |
'a saint (holy, saintly person)' | orang suci |
against | melawan |
'opponent, rival' | lawan |
three | tiga |
'triplet, threesome' | tiga kali lipat |
ten | sepuluh |
one-tenth | sepersepuluh |
six | enam |
'sextet, a group of six' | kelompok enam orang dsb |
'stupid, foolish' | bodoh |
fool | orang bodoh / tolol / goblok |
rich | kaya |
a rich person | orang kaya |
' suffix with no specific meaning' | 'Akhiran tidak tentu, dengan beberapa arti' |
neck | leher |
collar | leher baju |
' container, tree by its fruit, country by its people' | 'Obyek barang, dengan barang yang lain di dalamnya; negeri sesuai dengan penduduk' |
money | uang |
'purse, wallet' | dompet |
apple | apel |
'To avoid confusion due to the multiple meanings of this suffix meanings, we can use other words:' | 'Bilamana kebingungan diantara arti akhiran ini, memakai kata searti. Contoh:' |
For countries '-ujo' is usually replaced by '-io' in modern Esperanto. In a few cases we use '-lando' (Pollando) | 'Untuk nama negeri, juga dapat dipakai '-io' dan '-lando'.' |
'full, complete' | lengkap |
'to fulfill, to accomplish' | 'memenuhi, mengerjakan' |
Frenchman | orang Perancis |
France | Perancis |
'apple basket, apple tree' | keranjang apel |
Notes | 'Perhatikan, pengawasan' |
Germany | Jerman |
Russia | Rusia |
basket for apples | keranjang apel |
apple tree | pohon apel |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Exercise | undefined |
Translate to English | Menterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia |
husband | suami |
man | laki-laki |
'warm, hot' | hangat |
'Esperanto is fascinating... Let's test your knowledge: try to translate to English the following words, built from roots and affixes that you already know. Sometimes you will understand the meaning, but won't find the exact equivalent in English. Then give your own explanation using several words.' | 'Bahasa Esperanto adalah bahasa yg menarik, betul? Mari kita menguji pengetahuan anda: coba terjemahkan dalam bahasa Indonesia kata-kata yg berikutnya, terbuat dengan bubuhan yg sudah dikenal. Kadang-kadang anda akan mengerti artinya, tetapi mungkin anda tidak akan mendapatkan perkataan yg tepat dalam bahasa Indonesia. Bilamana begitu, berilah keterangan dengan beberapa kata.' |
'bull, bovine' | sapi jantan |
'All languages have a dominant word order relative to subject, verb, and object. Esperanto, like English, is an SVO language (most, though not all, sentences show the order subject-verb-object). Many languages, e.g., Japanese, are SOV; while others, e.g., Arabic, are VSO. Sometimes we change normal word order for some special effect or to emphasize some element.' | 'Sehingga sekarang, kita telah mempelajari kata urutan: pokok kalimat, kata kerja, pelengkap langsung. Itu kata urutan yg umum dipakai dalam bahasa Esperanto. Tetapi, kata urutan yg lain dapat dipakai, bilamana artinya jelas. Kita dapat mengganti urutannya untuk mengutamakan kata istimewa dalam kalimat. Dalam kalimat yg berikutnya, kata urutannya diganti untuk menutamakan satu bagiannya:' |
'They are sitting on the sofa, not others.' | 'Di bangku itu mereka duduk, bukan orang lain.' |
'They sit only on the sofa, not in another place.' | 'Mereka duduk tepat di bangku itu, tidak dalam tempat lain.' |
'It is the dog, not some other (animal or person), which chases the cat.' | 'Adalah anjing, bukan binatang atau orang lain, yg memburu kucing itu.' |
'The dog chases the cat, it is not doing something else to the cat.' | 'Anjing itu memburu kucing, tidak melihatnya, misalnya.' |
'The dog chases the cat, it is not chasing some other animal.' | 'Anjing itu memburu kucing: dia tidak memburu tikus, misalnya.' |
'I called him, nobody else.' | 'Saya memanggil/menelpon kepada dia, tidak kepada orang yg lain.' |
'Maria's love is Peter, not Paul.' | 'Kekasi Maria adalah Peter, bukan Paul.' |
I prefer the color green (not another color). | Saya lebih suka warna hijau (bukan warna yg lain). |
'I didn't do that, somebody else did it.' | Bukan saya berbuat itu (orang lain berbuatnya). |
Word-order | Kata Urutan |
The word 'ja' can also be used to emphasize a word. | 'Untuk mengutamakan bagian kalimat, kata kecil 'ja' juga dapat dipakai untuk merupakan artinya:' |
I did indeed call them. | 'Sungguh, saya yg memanggil mereka.' |
In the world God really does exist. | 'Di dunia ini, sugguh ada Tuhan.' |
You certainly must die sometime. | Tentu saja (sungguh) anda akan (harus) meninggal dunia suatu saat. |
Are they really coming? | Apakah mereka sungguh akan datang? |
The words beginning in 'Ki' should come at the beginning of the sentence or clause. | Kata-kata yg dimulai dengan 'KI' kelihatan di permulaan kalimat atau anak kalimat. |
What do you want? | Apakah yg anda kehendaki? |
Who is Anna? | Siapa Ana? |
I want what you want. | Saya ingin itu yg anda ingin. |
When will your son return? | Kapan anak laki-laki anda kembali? |
I still don't know when he will return. | Saya masih tidak tahu kapan dia akan kembali. |
I don't know which fruits to choose. | Saya tidak tahu buah-buahan apa yg dipilih. |
Was it really she who was singing? | Apakah sungguh dia (perempuan) yg menyanyi? |
'Different word order is widely used in poetry. Observe the following humorous quartets, where the subject, verb and object appear in the six possible positions:' | 'Kata urutan berbeda sangat dipakai untuk membuat puisi. Lihatlah pada empat kalimat jenaka yg berikutnya. Kata benda, kata kerja dan kata obyek kelihatan dalam enam tempat yg memungkinkan.' |
'That freedom gives poetry a big flexibility, however, in prose or in everyday usage, this freedom is not absolute, because custom already adopted some forms, for example:' | 'Kebebasan itu memberikan puisi mudah dirubah. Tetapi, dalam prosa dan penggunaan sehari-hari, kebebasan ini tidak mutlak; itu karena kebiasaan sudah menjadi suatu bentuk. Contoh:' |
Instead of | Dari pada itu: |
the following form is preferable: | Lebih disukai: |
Note: | Perhatian: |
'Observe the apostrophe on the words at the end of the verses. Those apostrophes replace the word-ending 'o', and are more often used in poetry. Also the word 'La' can have an apostrophe instead of the 'a', for euphony or to justify the meter.' | 'Lihatlah tanda dalam kata pada baris akhir. Tanda itu diganti dgn akhiran 'o', dan lebih seringkali dipakai dalam puisi. Juga, kata 'La' dapat dibubuhi dengan tanda, dari pada 'a' itu, untuk menolong matra atau memperbaiki hal berbunyi merdu. (sifat bunyi yg enak di telinga)' |
Free translation: | Terjemahan secara bebas: |
Put the verses in the order subject-verb-object (don't care for the poetic form): | 'Menyusun baris itu yg baru terpelajar, pada urutan kata benda, kata kerja, kata obyek (jangan kawatir tentang bentuk puisi):' |
Exercise | Latihan |
Fill the available space with the correct suffix to complete the translat on. Put the grammatical endings when necessary. Press 'Enter' or click button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Menurut terjemahan ini, isilah tempat yg tersedia dengan akhiran kata sifat yg betul. Menempatkan akhiran tatabahasa bilamana perlu. Kalau kalimat lengkap dengan betul, klik tombol atau tekanlah 'Enter'. Coba berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
'We already have seen that verbs end in 'as' in the present, 'is' in the past, 'os' in the future, and 'i' in the infinitive. There are other verb forms:' | 'Suatu lebih tentang kata kerja: kita telah mempelajari bahwa k.k. berakhir dengas 'as' dalam k.k. masa kini, 'is' dalam k.k. yg lalu, 'os' dalam k.k. masa depan, dan 'i' dalam k.k. infinitif. Ada juga waktu lain:' |
'If I were rich, I would travel a lot. (but I am not rich)' | Kalau saya kaya saya akan banyak berpergian (tetapi tak kaya |
Close the door and sit down. | Tutuplah pintu dan duduklah. |
I want you to come. | Saya ingin anda datang. |
'We would eat the bread, if it were good. (but it isn't)' | 'Kita memakan roti itu, bilamana enak. (Tetapi roti itu tidak enak)' |
Long live Esperanto! | Hiduplah bahasa Esperanto! |
God protect me! | Tuhan selamatkanlah saya! |
She asked me to stay. (She asked that I stay.) | Dia meminta saya tinggal. |
Conditional mode (-US): (used when the condition in the 'if' clause is contrary to fact) | Bentuk pengandaian (-us) |
Imperative mode (-U): | Bentuk perintah (-u) |
Other verb forms | Kata Kerja pada Suatu Waktu Lain |
'In indirect speech, use the same tense and mode as in the corresponding sentence in direct speech. Examples:' | 'Dalam pembicaraan tak langsung, pakailah kata kerja cara seperti dalam bicara langsung. Contoh:' |
'He said, 'I am coming from New York.'' | 'Dia berkata, 'Saya berasal dari New York'.' |
He said that he was coming from New York. | Dia berkata bahwa dia berasal dari New York. |
'She said, 'I will travel to Paris.'' | 'Dia berkata, 'Saya akan berpergian ke Paris'.' |
She said that she would travel to Paris. | Dia berkata bahwa dia akan berpergian ke Paris. |
Let's sleep. / Let them sleep. | Mari kita tidur / Biarkan mereka tidur. |
I hope that he will come. | Saya berharap dia (laki-laki) akan datang. |
I suggest that he come. | Saya menganjurkan dia (laki-laki) akan datang. |
Maybe he will come. It is possible that he will come. | Mungkin dia (laki-laki) akan datang. |
'The imperative mode (-u) generally relates to the second person, and in that case it is not necessary to use the pronoun 'you'. However, when referring to the first or third person, we need to use the pronoun.' | 'Bentuk perintah akhiran (-u) biasanya berhubungan dgn persona kedua, dan tidak perlu memakai kata peng- ganti. Tetapi, bilamana kita membicarakan tentang persona 1-a atau 3-a, kita memerlukan memakai k. p/ganti.' |
'When a subordinate clause introduced by 'ke' follows a verb which expresses causation in some way (command, request, admonition, desire, need, duty, permission, prohibition, etc.) the verb in the subordinate clause is in -U mode. After verbs expressing hope (esperi), fear (timi), disbelief (ne kredi), supposition (supozi), don't use -U mode.' | 'Akhiran'u' menunjukkan pintah, permohonan, teguran, keinginan, keperluan, kewajiban, izin, larangan, dsb. Dalam hal ini, 'Saya mengharap', 'Saya takut', 'Saya tidak percaya', 'Saya mengira' dsb, pakailah masa depan akhiran (-os).' |
Some very important verbs | Beberapa kata kerja yg penting sekali |
to want to | 'mau, ingin' |
'to be able, can' | 'dapat, bisa' |
'to have to, must' | harus |
I want to come | Saya mau datang. |
I can come. I am able to come. | Saya dapat datang. |
I must come. I have to come. | Saya harus datang. |
I want to understand. | Saya ingin mengerti. |
I can understand. I am able to understand. | Saya dapat mengerti. |
I must understand. I have to understand. | Saya harus mengerti. |
Something or somebody pleases me. I like something or somebody. | Sesuatu atau seseorang menyenangkan hati saya. |
I like something. Something pleases me. | Saya suka sesuatu. |
I love somebody. | Saya cinta seseorang. |
Books please me. I like books. | Buku-buku menyenangkan saya. |
'I know... (somebody, a place...)' | Saya kenal dengan ... |
'I know... (math, science, how to write...)' | Saya tahu ... |
Do you know John? | Apakah anda kenal John? |
Do you know Esperanto? | Apakah anda tahu bahasa Esperanto? |
Exercises | undefined |
Participles | Partisip |
A participle is a special form of a verb used with some form of 'esti' to form compound tenses. | 'Partisip adalah kata yg dipakai sebagai kata sifat, kata keterangan atau kata benda:' |
Active voice | Ragam Aktip |
Present: -anta | 'Sekarang, masa kini: -ant' |
Past: -inta | 'Yg lalu, dulu: -int' |
Future: -onta | 'Masa depan, yg akan ...: -ont' |
I am reading. | Saya sedang membaca. |
I have read. | Saya telah membaca. |
I am going to read. | Saya akan membaca. |
Passive voice | Ragam Pasif |
Present: -ata | Masa kini: -at |
Past: -ita | Yg lalu: -it |
Future: -ota | Masa depan: -ot |
The book is being read. | Buku itu sedang dibaca. |
The book has been read. | Buku itu sudah dibaca. |
The book is going to be read. | Buku itu akan dibaca. |
'All of the above participles have the adjectival ending '-a'. We can regard the combination 'esti' + participle as a compound verb, or we can consider the participle to be a predicate adjective which modifies the subject. A participle ending in '-a' can also precede a noun and function as an ordinary adjective. Participles ending in '-e' function as adverbs. Participles ending in '-o' function as nouns. Examples follow.' | 'Partisip itu dapat mempunyai bentuk kata sifat (akhiran 'a'), kata keterangan (akhiran 'e') dan kata benda (akhiran 'o'). Kita memakai partisip itu untuk ketepatan dan keringkasan. Ada seperti contoh dalam halaman yang berikutnya.' |
'I am reading the book. = The book is being read by me.' | 'Saya sedang membaca buku itu = Buku itu sedang dibaca oleh saya.' |
'The reader has a good voice, but the previous one (the previous reader) had a better one.' | 'Pembaca itu mempunyai suara baik, tetapi pembaca yg lebih dulu mempunyai suara yg lebih baik.' |
'However, I think that the next reader (the one to read) will have the best voice of all.' | 'Tetapi, saya kira pembaca yg berikutnya, suaranya yg terbaik.' |
While reading we learn. | 'Sambil membaca, kita belajar.' |
'About to eat the apple, he suddenly saw the worm' | 'Dia baru saja mau makan apel itu, ketika dia tiba-tiba melihat ulat.' |
the house being built | Rumah yg sedang dibangun |
the letter to be written | Surat yang akan ditulis |
the closed door | Pintu yg ditutup |
rising sun | Matahari yg sedang terbit |
the survivors | Orang yang selamat |
current month | Bulan ini |
paying members (those who are paying now) | Angotta-angotta yg sedang membayar |
'The participles can be combined with other tenses of 'esti'. Let's imagine that we are looking at people in a doctor's office. There is one person waiting, another ready to leave, and another is with the doctor. For each person and the doctor we may say that now:' | 'Partisip dapat dihubungkan dengan cara kata kerja lain. Mari kita bayangkan bahwa kita melihat orang-orang di kamar dokter. Ada satu orang yg menanti, orang lain yg siap pergi, dan satu orang masih dengan dokter. Untuk tiap orang dan dokter itu, kita dapat mengatakan bahwa sekarang:' |
'If today we tell what we saw YESTERDAY at the doctor's office, we say:' | 'Bilamana hari ini kita menceriterakan yg kita lihat KEMARIN di kamar dokter, kita mengatakan:' |
Because of recent office performance we can foresee that tomorrow: | 'Oleh sebab perbuatan baru-baru ini di kamar itu, kita dapat mengetahui bahwa BESOK:' |
Translate to English | Terjemahkanlah dalam Bahasa Indonesia |
judge | hakim |
'to assert, to declare' | menyatakan |
'to run away, to leave in a rush' | berlari dari tempatnya |
'then, therefore' | 'karena itu,..........' |
accused (the defendant) | tertuduh |
'streetcar, tram' | trem |
'to stand, to be standing' | berdiri |
'to please, to be pleasing' | menyenangkan |
eye | mata |
tired | lelah |
Pronoun 'Si' | Kata Pengganti 'Si' |
''si' is the third person reflexive pronoun, used when it refers back to the subject of the clause in which it occurs. It may have any of the forms 'si', 'sin', 'sia', 'siaj', 'sian', 'siajn'.' | ''Si' adalah kata pengganti refleksip, persona ketiga, dipakai bilamana berhubungan dengan kata pokok kalimat.' |
John washed himself. | John mandi. (John memandikan dirinya sendiri.) |
'John washed him (washed somebody else, male).' | John memandikan dia (laki-laki lain). |
Sophia said to herself. | Sofia berkata kepada dirinya sendiri. |
'Sophia said to her (to somebody else, female).' | Sofia berkata kepada dia (perempuan lain). |
She kissed her (own) husband. | Dia mencium suaminya. |
She kissed her husband (the husband of another woman). | Dia mencium suami orang perempuan lain. |
He lives happily with his son. | Dia senang tinggal dengan anak laki-lakinya. |
He and his son live happily. | Dia dan anak laki-lakinya tinggal dengan senang. |
'Note that 'sia' cannot be part of a compound subject, nor can it be the subject of any verb. In the following examples 'filo' relates to 'li'.' | ''Sia' bukan bagian dari kota pokok yg sama. Bilamana hal itu, pakailah 'lia', 'ŝia', 'ĝia' atau 'ilia'. Dalam contoh di bawah, 'filo' berhubungan dengan 'li':' |
Exercises | undefined |
Translate to English | Terjemahkanlah dalam Bahasa Indonesia |
'to incite, provoke, excite' | menghasut |
continuously | 'dgn terus-menerus, dgn tak henti-h/nya' |
future | 'kemudian hari, masa depan, yg akan dat.' |
coffee shop | 'kedai kopi, warung kopi' |
'to regard, to look at' | melihat |
to observe | mengamati |
overcoat | mantel |
to go away | 'pergi dari tempat ini, berangkat' |
already | 'sudah, telah' |
conflict | 'konflik, perselisihan, percekcokan' |
at home | di rumah |
travel by car | berpergian dengan mobil |
both | kedua-duanya |
'obstinately, stubbornly' | dgn keras kepala |
to pass | terus |
to pass by | 'melawati, melalui' |
'ass, donkey' | keledai |
mockingly | 'dgn olok-olok, dgn mengejek' |
to be silent | 'tidak bercakap, diam' |
a relative | sanak |
'car, automobile' | mobil |
'to travel, to go by vehicle' | berpergian |
Fill the available space with the correct verb ending to complete the translation. Press 'Enter' or click the side button when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Menurut terjemahan, isilah tempat yg tersedia dengan akhiran kata kerja yg betul. Bilamana sudah siap, klik tombol atau tekanlah 'Enter'. Menggantikan sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
'Fill the available space with the correct pronoun to complete the translation. Remember that depending on its function in the sentence, the pronoun can get the endings 'a', 'aj', an, and 'ajn'. You must get at least 70% correct.' | 'Menurut terjemahan, isilah tempat yg tersedia dengan kata pengganti yg betul. Jangan lupa bahwa, tergantung dari fungsi dalam kalimat, kata pengganti itu dapat diterima akhiran 'a', 'aj' dan 'n'. Klik tombol atau tekanlah 'Enter' bilamana kalimat lengkap dan betul. Berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
In the third lesson we showed that derived adverbs end in '-e'. There are also primitive adverbs which aren't derived: | 'Dalam pelajaran ketiga, kita telah mempelajari bahwa kata-keterangan yg berasal dari kata lain, berakhir dengan 'e'. Juga ada kata-keterangan 'primitip' yg tidak berasal dari kata lain. Ini beberapa kata-keterangan itu:' |
at least | sekurang-kurangnya |
'also, too (placed before the word to which it relates)' | juga |
Give me at least two minutes. | Tolong berikan saya sekurang-kurangnya dua menit. |
Also John is washing himself. (Not just Mary washing herself) | John juga memandikan dirinya.(bukan hanya Mary memand. dirinya) |
John is also washing himself. (Not just combing his hair) | John juga memandikan dirinya.(tidak hanya menyisir rambutnya) |
John washes also himself. (He is not just washing others) | John memandikan juga dirinya sendiri.(tidak hanya meman. orang lain) |
'yet, still' | masih |
Is he still there? | Apakah dia masih di sana? |
'just barely, hardly' | 'baru saja, hampir tidak' |
'He just came, and had to go. (just arrived when he had to go)' | 'Baru saja dia datang, lalu dia pergi lagi.' |
Primitive Adverbs | Kata-Keterangan Primitip |
soon | segera |
yesterday | kemarin |
'Come soon, please.' | Silahkan datang segera. |
I encountered him yesterday. | Saya bertemu dia kemarin. |
tomorrow | besok |
Tomorrow I will visit them. | Besok saya akan mengunjungi mereka. |
'almost, nearly' | hampir |
He almost fell. | Dia hampir jatuh. |
They both are in the garden. | Mereka berdua di kebun. |
'Away from the eyes, away from the heart.' | 'Jauh di mata, jauh di hati.' |
both | berdua |
away | jauh |
even | 'sekalipun, sekarangpun, sungguhpun' |
indeed (used for emphasis) | sungguh |
Even on the sun there are spots (blemishes). | Sekalipun dalam matahari ada kotoran. |
Is he really coming? | Apakah dia sungguh akan datang? |
'just, just now' | baru saja |
He just left. | Dia pergi baru saja. |
'further, more' | 'lebih jauh, lebih lanjut' |
I don't want to ride my bike any more. | Saya tidak mau bersepeda lebih jauh. |
This pleases me very much. | Ini sangat menyenangkan. |
She speaks too loudly. | Dia berkata dengan suara terlalu keras. |
'very, very much' | 'sekali, sangat, amat' |
'too, too much' | terlalu |
'behold, here is...' | Lihatlah! Ini ... Ada ... |
'as if, as though, like' | 'seolah-olah, seakan-akan, seperti' |
Here is the document you asked for. | (Lihatlah!) Ini dokumen yg anda minta. |
The lake was like a mirror. | Danau itu seolah-olah cermin. |
'immediately, instantly' | 'serta-merta, dng segera' |
I didn't immediately understand what she said. | Saya tidak mengerti dgn segera yg dia katakan. |
denotes nearness | ĉi (menunjukkan sesuatu yg dekat) |
this / here / this time | Ini / di sini / pada waktu ini |
anything whatever/ anybody whatever/ any place whatever | sesuatu apapun / siapapun (siapa saja) / di manapun |
'He lives thriftily, however happily.' | 'Dia tinggal dengan hemat; meskipun begitu, dengan gembira' |
'whatever, at all' | 'ajn (menunjukkan dgn tekanan keadaan tak tentu atau tak penting - pernah, sewaktu-waktu, sama sekali' |
'nevertheless, however' | tamen (menunjukkan perbedaan ke pada tema telah diatakan) |
Find the correct translation for the word at the top of the frame. You must get at least 70% correct. | undefined |
Time | Jam |
What time is it? | Jam berapa? |
At what time will you telephone me? | Jam berapa anda akan menelpon? |
Exercises - time | Latihan - Jam |
Type the appropriate time in 24 hour format (24h00m). Press 'Enter' or click the yellow lightbulb when complete. You must get at least 70% correct. | 'Ketiklah dalam tempat yg tersedia, jam yg betul dalam ukuran 24-jam (24h00m). Tekanlah 'Enter' atau klik tombol bilamana anda sudah siap. Berhasil sekurang-kurangnya 70%.' |
Expressions by pairs | Kata-Kata Berpasangan |
Some expressions use a pair of words: | Adalah beberapa perkataan dalam bahasa Esperanto yang memakai sepasang kata. Arti itu yg menarik: |
'The boy at times cried, at times laughed.' | 'Anak laki-laki itu kadang-kadang menangis, kadang2 tertawa.' |
'His face at times blushed, at times turned pale.' | 'Mukanya kadang2 kemerah-merahan, kadang2 pucat.' |
She neither bought the garment nor rented it. | Dia tidak membeli dan tidak menyewa baju itu. |
'She bought neither a book, nor a garment.' | 'Dia tidak membeli buku, maupun pakaian.' |
Contrast | Menunjukkan pergantian |
'The more you have, the more right you are.' | 'Makin banyak anda punya, apapun yg anda katakan selalu betul!' |
'The more noise, the less enjoyment.' | 'Makin keras bunyi itu, kurang lebih kesenangannya.' |
neither . . . nor | Menunjukkan 'dan juga bukan/tidak' / menegaskan negatip. |
the more . . . the more | 'Menunjukkan, bekerjasama, bahwa satu ucapan tergantung kepada ucapan lain itu' |
Both Peter and Charles work. | Peter dan Charles bekerja. |
It's both rainy and windy. | Hujan dan berangin. |
both . . . and | Menunjukkan tekanan atau desakan |
Other interrogative forms | Bentuk pertanyaan lain |
'Besides the way shown in lesson 2, there are other ways to make questions:' | 'Selain cara melakukan pertanyaan yg telah kita mempelajari dalam pelajaran 2, ada cara yg lain melakukan pertanyaan dalam bahasa Esperanto:' |
Is the box blue? | Apakah kotak itu biru? |
'The box is blue, isn't it?' | 'Kotak itu biru, betul?' |
'The box isn't blue, is it?' | 'Kotak itu tidak biru, betul?' |
'Rain or shine, I will certainly go. (Whether it rains or whether it shines, . . .)' | Hujan atau tidak (apapun yg terjadi) saya sungguh akan pergi. |
'Whether for fear or for pride, he didn't answer.' | 'Karena takut atau rasa harga diri, dia tidak menjawab.' |
'whether . . . whether, whether . . . or' | 'Menunjukkan kemungkinan, diantaranya pemilihan tak penting, sama, bebas atau tak pasti.' |
Are you going to the movies? | Apakah anda akan pergi ke bioskop? |
'You are going to the movies, aren't you?' | 'Anda akan pergi ke bioskop, betul?' |
'You aren't going to the movies, are you?' | 'Anda tidak akan pergi ke bioskop, betul?' |
encore! one more time! | Sekali lagi! |
shame! | Tak tahu malu! |
ah! | Ah! O! |
hurrah! | Hore! |
'well, now...' | 'Kalau begitu, ....!' |
'either this, or this...' | 'Nah, alaah!' |
woe! | Aduh! |
oh dear! alas! (lament) | 'Aduh, aduh!' |
poor me! | Kasihan diriku! |
and now? | Ah? O? |
Interjections | Kata Seru |
abbreviations | Singkatan |
'etc., and further in that way' | 'dsb, dan sebagainya' |
'this is, i.e.' | yaitu |
'Mister, Mr., Sir, gentleman' | bapak |
'Miss, unmarried woman' | nona |
Esperanto | bahasa Esperanto |
esperantist | orang yg berbicara Esp. |
esperantist (same idea) | orang dengan idealisme yg sama dengan ........ |
please | silahkan |
street | jalan |
'Mrs., Madam, lady' | 'ibu, nyonya' |
Exercise | Latihan |
Give two other ways to make the questions: | Berikanlah dua cara memakai pertanyaan itu: |
Give two ways to say the time: | Berikanlah dua cara pengucapan jam itu: |
Transitive and intransitive verbs | Katakerja Pelengkap |
'Some verbs, called transitive verbs, take a direct object. In lesson 2 we saw that a direct object is always in the accusative case. Other verbs, called intransitive verbs, do not take a direct object. For example,' | 'Dalam pelajaran kedua, kita telah mempelajari mempergunakan akusatip untuk menunjukkan obyek kata kerja. Tetapi, ada kata kerja yg tidak memerlukan pelengkap. Contoh:' |
Something important happened. | Sesuatu yg penting terjadi. |
I am very happy today. | Saya sangat bergembira hari ini. |
They are already sleeping in their beds. | Mereka sudah tidur di tempat tidur mereka. |
The young people danced very much. | Pemuda-pemudi itu banyak berdansa (lalu). |
Note | Perhatian |
These verbs may have a complement using a preposition: | Beberapa kata kerja itu dapat ditambahkan dgn memakai kata depan. |
His father died because of cancer. | Ayahnya meninggal dunia karena kanker. |
I am very glad about your happiness! | Saya sangat bergembira tentang kesenangan anda. |
Some verbs which are ordinarily intransitive can sometimes take a direct object: | Kata kerja lain kadang-kadang menghendaki obyek langsung: |
She is sleeping a deep sleep. | Dia (perempuan) tidur nyenyak. |
She danced a waltz with him. | Dia (peremopuan) berdansa irama wals dengannya (laki-laki). |
All verbs with the suffix '-iĝi' are intransitive (no direct object). They are often formed by adding '-iĝi' to a noun or to an adjective. The meaning can generally be expressed by the English verb 'to become'. | 'Semua kata kerja dgn akhiran 'iĝ' berpelengkap; kata kerja itu tidak menghendaki pelengkap, dan dapat bermaksud:' |
In winter the waters freeze. (become ice) | 'Pada musim dingin, air membeku (menjadi es).' |
She married (became a wife) her cousin. (Note that 'kuzo' is always male.) | Dia kawin (beristeri) dengan sepupunya. |
Today the weather became warmer again. | 'Hari ini, cuaca mulai hangat lagi (menjadi hangat).' |
''-iĝi' is often added to transitive verbs. The result is an intransitive verb whose meaning can often by expressed by 'become' + a past participle. So 'kuiri' = to cook, and 'kuirigxi' = to become cooked.' | '2. Dalam katakerja dgn akhiran 'iĝ' dibuat dari kata kerja berpelengkap, bukan ada perubahan keadaan, tetapi tindakan (aksi) yg terdapat dengan sendirinya.' |
'The crowd ran more slowly than the vehicle, which was rolling very fast.' | 'Orang berduyun itu berlari lambat dari kendaraan itu, yang bergerak cepat sekali.' |
'Suddenly he found himself on the street, all alone.' | 'Dia tiba-tiba mendapati dirinya dalam jalan itu, sendirian.' |
At what time will the lesson start? | Jam berapa pelajaran itu akan dimulai? |
Masses of pedestrians moved on the sidewalks. | Pelajan berduyun berjalan di trotuar itu. |
Verbs ending in '-iĝi' typically indicate a transition to a new state whose characteristics are indicated by the root. The doer or perpetrator of the action is not specified. | '1. Peralihan ke keadaan baru. Kata dasar menunjukkan hasil, keadaan barunya. Dengan kaka kerja yang berakhir dengan 'IĜ', pelaku tindakan (aksi) tidak penting.' |
Some verbs have no subject: (The grammatical subject 'it' in English has no real meaning.) | Masih ada kata kerja tanpa kata pokok: |
Yesterday it rained very much. | 'Kemarin, hujan terus-menerus.' |
'It is dawning, and I have to go home.' | 'Sedang dinihari, dan saya harus pulang.' |
It was snowing very hard and he couldn't leave the cabin. | 'Salju turun dengan keras, dan dia tidak dapat meninggalkan pondoknya.' |
Verbs with the suffix -IG- are always transitive. The meaning is often expressable by 'to make'. | Kata kerja dengan akhiran 'IG' selalu berpelengkap: |
The trip certainly made you tired. | Berpergian itu sungguh melelahkan anda. |
The Southern sun burns his uncovered head. (makes it burn) | Matahari selatan membakar kepalanya yang tidak bertopi (dan tak berambut?!) |
The father wants to marry off his older daughter immediately. (make her a wife) | 'Bapak itu mau mengawinkan, dengan segera, anak perempuannya yg lebih tua' |
Note | Perhatian |
Always remember that the verb 'esti' doesn't require the accusative. Don't use the accusative after a preposition. | 'Jangan lupa, bahwa kata kerja 'esti' tidak menghendaki akusatip. Jangan memakai akhiran akusatip sesudah kata depan.' |
'Certainly you already noted the extraordinary possibility of expression of Esperanto. In fact, by adding various prefixes, suffixes and grammatical endings to a given root, you can create many words, some of them without a direct translation to English. Some examples of word creation follow:' | 'Anda sungguh melihat kemungkinan yang luar biasa dalam bahasa Esperanto. Sebetulnya, dengan memakai awalan dan akhiran, kita dapat melakukan banyak kata, beberapa tanpa terjemahan langsung dalam bahasa Indonesia atau bahasa yang lain. Tetapi, kekayaan bahasa Esperanto lebih besar. Dengan menghubungkan kata dasar, kita dapat memperbesarkan kosa kata, mendapatkan kata searti, dan mengutamakan atau sedikit mengubah arti kata. Ini contoh kata hasil dalam bahasa dunia itu:' |
Word making in Esperanto | Melakukan Kata dalam Bahasa Esperanto |
Using prefixes and suffixes: | Dengan awalan dan akhiran: |
Note | Perhatian |
'Even if it is possible to build words with more than two prefixes and/or suffixes, in favor of clarity and elegance it is preferable to avoid such creations. Thus, instead of 'belulineto' we prefer 'eta belulino'. The order in which affixes occur influences meaning:' | 'Sekalipun memungkinan melakukan kata dengan lebih dari dua awalan dan/atau akhiran, untuk keterangan dan keindahan perkataan, lebih disukai menghindarkan kalimat gabungan yang demikian. Jadi, misalnya, daripada 'belulineto', lebih disukai 'eta belulino'.' |
'Joining roots. The grammatical ending of the first element, often '-o', is usually omitted, but it may be retained to facilitate pronounceability.' | 'Menghubungkan kata dasar. Memakai akhiran dengan kata dasar yang pertama boleh dipilih, mempertimbangkan keterangan dan keindahan suara kalimat gabungan itu.' |
steamship | kapal api |
whaler | kapal ikan paus |
spaceship | kapal ruang |
going around | berkeliling |
going on foot | berjalan kaki |
light red | merah muda |
blood red | merah darah |
redness of the sky at dawn | merah pagi |
forearm | lengan bawah |
to read aloud | membaca dengan suara keras |
to eat until satiated | memakan sampai kenyang |
'millennium, thousand years' | seribu tahun |
'century, hundred years' | abad (seratus tahun) |
Creating words from groups of words: | Melakukan kata dari kelompok kata: |
From 'scivola' you can make: | Dari 'scivola' kita dapat melakukan: |
'curious, having a tendency to want to know' | ingin tahu |
Note: | Perhatian: |
a curious person | seorang yang mau tahu |
Esperanto music | Musik bahasa Esperanto |
'Now you can listen to a song in Esperanto, 'Bluaj Fragoj' (Blue Strawberries), sung by Merlin, a Brazilian pop group, which has already recorded 2 albums in Esperanto and has played all around the world. The group: Markone Froes (voice and guitar), Guilherme Lima (drums), Aldrin Gandra (electric guitar), Sergio Ribeiro (bass guitar) and Sergio Vieira (keyboard).' | 'Sekarang, mendengarkanlah nyanyian dalam bahasa Esperanto, 'Bluaj Fragoj' (Buah Arbei Biru), menyanyikan oleh Merlin, para pemain pop musik dari Brasil, yg telah merekam dua album dalam bahasa dunia, Esperanto, dan yg bermain keliling dunia.Kelompok ini: Markone Froes (suara dan gitar), Guilherme Lima (drum), Aldrin Gandra (gitar elektronic), Sergio Ribeiro (gitar bas) dan Sergio Vieira (papan tuts).' |
Where to buy the CD: | Tempat membeli KD: |
The musical group Merlin en internet: | Kelompok Musik 'Merlin' dalam www: |
To listen to more songs in Esperanto: | Untuk mendengarkan lebih banyak nyanyian dalam bahasa Esperanto: |
CD's by this group: | KD kelompok ini: |
Vocabulary | Kosa Kata |
New words from the song 'Bluaj Fragoj' (Blue Strawberries). Note the compound words used in the song. | Di bawah ada kata baru dari nyanyian 'Bluaj Fragoj' (Buah Arbei Biru). Perhatikanlah kata-kata gabungan yg dipakai dalam nyanyian itu: |
strawberry | Buah arbei |
to prove | Membuktikan |
to approach | Mendekati |
'sky, heaven' | 'Langit, surga' |
'arc, bow' | Busur |
rainbow | Pelangi |
soul | Jiwa |
value | Harga |
truth | 'Kenyataan, kebenaran' |
light | Penerangan |
infinity | 'Tak terbatas, tanpa akhir' |
to arrive at | Datang |
Translate to English | Menterjemahkan dalam Bahasa Indonesia |
park | taman |
to receive | menerima |
'to support, to endorse' | membantu |
law | hukum |
to propose | mengusulkan |
'to put, to place' | 'menempatkan, meletakkan' |
equal | sama |
to honor | menghormati |
'to remain, to stay' | tinggal |
Article from an Esperanto magazine: | Karangan dari majalah bahasa Esperanto: |
'to aim, to intend' | 'membidik, mengarahkan' |
library | perpustakaan |
local | setempat ... |
Final Test | Ujian Terakhir |
'You have arrived at the final test, which will allow you to evaluate your Esperanto knowledge. Do the exercises calmly, without rushing. Good luck!' | 'Anda sedang datang ke ujian terakhir, yang menunjukkan bahwa anda bisa berbicara bahasa Esperanto. Kerjakanlah latihan-latihan dengan tenang, tanpa terburu-buru. Selamat mencoba!' |
Give the plural form of the following words: | 1. Berikanlah bentuk jamak kata yg berikutnya: |
Give the feminine form of the following words: | 2. Berikanlah bentuk perempuan nama-nama yg berikutnya: |
Show the opposite of the following words: | 3. Tunjukkanlah kata yg berlawanan kata yg berikutnya: |
Make two questions for each of the following sentences: | '4. Buatlah dua pertanyaan dalam bahasa Esperanto, untuk tiap-tiap kalimat yg berikutnya:' |
'Translate the following sentences, with the correct accusative ending (-n):' | '5. Terjemahkanlah kalimat yg berikutnya, dengan perhatian mengenai akhiran akusatip (-n):' |
a) The bird catches the insect. | a) Burung itu menangkap serangga-serangga itu. |
b) The girl forgot the cake. | b) Anak-anak perempuan itu melupakan kue itu. |
c) The park received a new name. | c) Taman itu diterima (yg lalu) nama baru. |
d) Close the door and have a seat here. | d) Tutuplah pintu itu dan duduklah di sini. |
e) We admired many animals. | e) Kami kagum akan banyak binatang. |
f) I read Peter's book. I was reading Peter's book. | g) Saya membaca buku Peter. |
g) He got sick last week. | g) Dia (l-l) menjadi sakit pada waktu minggu yg lalu. |
h) My brothers live in Saint Paul. | h) Kakak-kakak saya tinggal di Sao-Paulo. |
6. Write the sentence with the correct correlative: | 6. Tulislah kalimat itu dengan kata korelasi yg betul: |
7. Write the sentence with the correct preposition: | 7. Tulislah kalimat itu dengan kata depan yang betul: |
8. Show the prefix or suffix corresponding to the definition and give an example: | '8. Tunjukkanlah awalan atau akhiran yg sama seperti penjelasan itu, dan berikanlah contoh:' |
a) Both sexes together: | a) dari dua jenis kelamin: |
b) The individual characterized by the root: | b) orang/binatang/dsb seperti kata dasar ini: |
'c) Wrong, mistaken, or incorrect action:' | 'c) aksi kesalahan, salah mengerti:' |
'd) Bigger, more intense.' | d) Yang sesuai untuk memperbesarkan: |
e) Indicates worthiness: | 'e) Yang tunjukkan harga, kebaikan:' |
9. Translate to Esperanto: | 9. Terjemahkanlah dalam bahasa Esperanto: |
Translate to English: | 10. Terjemahkanlah dalam Bahasa Indonesia: |
'Good morning! My name is Jacob. I am a gardener and I like flowers very much. I work at the zoological garden in Saint Paul, because I also like animals. When I work, generally I do it while singing. All my friends say that the flowers are beautiful because I sing joyfully. Do you believe that this is so?' | 'Selamat siang! Nama saya Jakob. Saya tukang kebun, dan saya sangat suka bunga. Saya bekerja di kebun binatang Sao Paulo, karena saya juga suka binatang. Ketika saya bekerja, biasanya saya menyanyi. Semua teman saya mengatakan bunga itu indah karena saya menyanyi dengan kesenangan. Apakah anda percaya ini betul?' |
I have a tutor for the course. | Saya punya pemimpin kursus ini |
Use the system of the course. | Pakailah sistem program ini |
Language: | Bahasa: |
Font: | 'Model, contoh, bentuk huruf' |
Name: | Nama: |
e-mail address: | alamat e- |
Course tutor | Pemimpin Kursus Ini |
Translation | Terjemahan |
'The course tutor is an Esperanto teacher who will correct the translation exercises and will clarify your doubts and will also check the final examination. To find a course tutor, click on the following link:' | 'Pemimpin kursus ini adalah guru bahasa Esperanto. Dia akan tolong periksa latihan terjemahan anda dan menjelaskan keragu-raguan anda. Dia juga akan membuat ujian terakhir. Untuk mempunyai pimpin kursus ini, klik hubungan di bawah:' |
'To send messages to the tutor, I prefer to use the following system for the super-signed letters:' | 'Mengirimkan warta ke pada pemimpin kursus, saya lebih suka memakai huruf yg punya tanda diatas.' |
Super-sign system | Sistem tanda diatas huruf (dalam bahasa Esperanto) |
Example: | Percobaan: |
Translation exercises | undefined |
Automatic save | undefined |
Unicode | Unikode |
''x' system (ŝ = sx)' | 'Sistem 'x' (cx, gx, hx, jx, sx, ux)' |
''h' system (ŝ = sh)' | 'Sistem 'h' (ch, gh, hh, jh, sx, u)' |
Ask me if I want to save | undefined |
Don't save | undefined |
What is Esperanto? | Apa bahasa Esperanto? |
How to use the course | Bagaimana memakai kursus ini |
To contact the author | undefined |
Settings | Bentuk |
Credits | Daftar penghargaan |
Exit | Timbul |
Where did I stop? | Pelajaran yg terakhir diperiksa (dikunjungi) |