Download Ollama from Ollama AI
Double click to unzip
Unzip Ollama.zip
Double-click the Ollama Icon to install. You may see a message reminding you that you downloaded this from the internet. Agree and allow.
When the install is finished, you will see a little llama lounging in the system bar.
You're almost done! Now we open the terminal to test the install. When you've opened the terminal app, type
Ollama run orca-mini:latest
This will download a small model called Orca-Mini. Later, you can scale up to a lorger model as your computer will allow. We're just using orca-mini to test.
If you are ever wondering if Ollama is running, open a browser and navigate to https://localhost:11434, and if it's running, you will see a message saying so.
If it's not running, you will see a "Not Found" error. Just open terminal and enter:
ollama serve
and refresh https://localhost:11434.
Now you're ready to install Morpheus!