diff --git a/documentation/specs/VerticalNav.md b/documentation/specs/VerticalNav.md
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+# `VerticalNav` Component Specification
+## Overview
+`VerticalNav` renders a vertical list of navigation links.
+### Prior Art
+- [Primer ``](https://primer.style/components/nav-list)
+- [Paste ``](https://paste.twilio.design/components/sidebar-navigation)
+## Design
+`VerticalNav` will be a compound component consisting of `VerticalNav`, `VerticalNav.Item`, and `VerticalNav.Subnav`. A vertical list of links with expandable top-level items can be rendered with an `ExpandableVerticalNav`.
+`VerticalNav` uses React Stately's `useListState` hook behind the scenes. This not only handles managing the selection of items but provides consistency with other Easy UI component APIs. `ExpandableVerticalNav` uses React Stately's `useTreeState` hook to support expansion.
+`VerticalNav` can optionally render a logo at the top of the navigation with the `renderLogo` render prop. `VerticalNav` can optionally render a banner at the top of the navigation with the `renderBanner` render prop.
+`VerticalNav` supports rendering a supplementary action at the bottom of the navigation container using the `supplementaryAction` prop and the `VerticalNav.SupplementaryAction` component. `VerticalNav.SupplementaryAction` is a polymorphic component allowing for a custom element through `as`.
+`VerticalNav.Item` controls rendering individual links within a list. It contains props for the link's `label`, `icon`, and optionally a `children` prop to render nested subnavigation. Subnavigation within a `VerticalNav.Item` should use the `VerticalNav.Subnav` component.
+`VerticalNav.Item` is a polymorphic component. By default, it renders as an anchor element—``—but it can be rendered as a custom element using the `as` prop. e.g. ``.
+Selection and expansion is controlled by the consumer through the API provided by React Stately's `useListState` and `useTreeState` hooks—`selectedKey`, `expandedKeys`, and `onExpandedChange`.
+The component API is flexible by design. Constraints will be enforced at runtime to meet certain design requirements—e.g. limiting the levels of sub navigation.
+### API
+type BaseVerticalNavProps = AriaLabelingProps & {
+ children: ReactNode;
+ renderBanner?: () => ReactNode;
+ renderLogo?: () => ReactNode;
+ supplementaryAction?: ReactNode;
+type VerticalNavProps = BaseVerticalNavProps & {
+ selectedKey?: Key;
+type ExpandableVerticalNavProps = BaseVerticalNavProps & {
+ selectedKey?: Key;
+ expandedKeys?: Key[];
+ onExpandedChange?: (keys: Key[]) => void;
+type VerticalNavItemProps = ComponentProps & {
+ as?: T;
+ label: string;
+ icon?: IconSymbol;
+ children?: ReactNode;
+type VerticalNavSubnavProps = {
+ selectedKey?: Key;
+type VerticalNavSupplementaryAction =
+ ComponentProps & {
+ as?: T;
+ children: ReactNode;
+ };
+### Example Usage
+_Simple vertical nav:_
+import { VerticalNav } from "@easypost/easy-ui/VerticalNav";
+function Sidebar() {
+ return (
+ );
+_Dense vertical nav:_
+import { VerticalNav } from "@easypost/easy-ui/VerticalNav";
+function Sidebar() {
+ return (
+ );
+_Expandable vertical nav:_
+import {
+ ExpandableVerticalNav,
+ VerticalNav,
+} from "@easypost/easy-ui/VerticalNav";
+function Sidebar() {
+ const [expandedKeys, setExpandedKeys] = useState(["1"]);
+ return (
+ {
+ setExpandedKeys(keys);
+ }}
+ >
+ );
+_Custom link component:_
+import Link from "next/link";
+import { VerticalNav } from "@easypost/easy-ui/VerticalNav";
+function Sidebar() {
+ return (
+ );
+_Rendering a logo:_
+import { VerticalNav } from "@easypost/easy-ui/VerticalNav";
+function Sidebar() {
+ return (
+ }
+ >
+ );
+_Rendering a banner:_
+import { VerticalNav } from "@easypost/easy-ui/VerticalNav";
+function Sidebar() {
+ return (
+ }
+ selectedKey="1"
+ >
+ );
+_Rendering a supplementary action:_
+import { VerticalNav } from "@easypost/easy-ui/VerticalNav";
+function Sidebar() {
+ return (
+ {}}>
+ Optional Bottom
+ }
+ >
+ );
+## Behavior
+### Accessibility
+- `VerticalNav` will be rendered as a `nav` element.
+- `VerticalNav` should be labeled with `aria-label`.
+- `VerticalNav.Item`s are links and should avoid being buttons or other clickable elements.