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Asm.js implementation of popular cryptographic utilities


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JavaScript implementation of popular cryptographic utilities with performance in mind.

Grunt is required to build this.


Add <script src="path/to/asmcrypto.js"></script> into your page.

// Hash whole string at once
digest = asmCrypto.SHA256.hex("The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog");

// Or hash it chunk-by-chunk
hash = new asmCrypto.SHA256;
hash.process("The quick brown");
hash.process(" fox jumps over the ");
hash.process("lazy dog");
digest = hash.finish().asHex(); // also you can chain method calls



Build & Test

Before you start check that Grunt is installed:

grunt --version

Then download and build the stuff:

git clone
cd asmcrypto.js/
git submodule update --init
npm install

After build is complete open test.html in your browser and check that all tests are passed.

Congratulations! Now you have your asmcrypto.js and ready to use ☺


In the development of this project, special attention was paid to the performance issues. In the result of all the optimizations made this stuff is pretty fast under Firefox and Chrome.

My Intel® Core™ i7-3770 CPU @ 3.40GHz typical processing speeds are:

  • Chrome/31.0
    • SHA256: 51 MiB/s (9 times faster than SJCL and CryptoJS)
    • AES-CBC: 47 MiB/s (13 times faster than CryptoJS and 20 times faster than SJCL)
  • Firefox/26.0
    • SHA256: 144 MiB/s (5 times faster than CryptoJS and 20 times faster than SJCL)
    • AES-CBC: 81 MiB/s (3 times faster than CryptoJS and 8 times faster than SJCL)

See benchmarks:

API Reference


Secure Hash Algorithm — a cryptographic hash function with 256-bit output.

Static methods and constants

SHA256.hex( data )

Shorthand for staticSha256Instance.reset().process(data).finish().asHex().

Calculates message digest of the supplied input data (can be a binary string or ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array object).

Returns a string containing hex-encoded message digest.


  • TypeError when something ridiculous is supplied as input data.
SHA256.base64( data )

Shorthand for staticSha256Instance.reset().process(data).finish().asBase64().

Calculates message digest of the supplied input data (can be a binary string or ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array object).

Returns a string containing hex-encoded message digest.


  • TypeError when something ridiculous is supplied as input data.



Constructs new instance of SHA256 object.

Advanced options:

  • heapSize — asm.js heap size to allocate for hasher, must be a multiple of 4096, default is 4096.

Methods and properties

sha256.BLOCK_SIZE = 64
sha256.HASH_SIZE = 32

Resets internal state.

sha256.process( data )

Updates internal state with the supplied input data (can be a binary string or ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array object).


  • IllegalStateError when trying to update finish'ed state,
  • TypeError when something ridiculous is supplied as input data.

Finishes hash calculation.


  • IllegalStateError when trying to finish already finish'ed state,

Returns string representing hex-encoded message digest.


  • IllegalStateError when trying to get non-finish'ed state.

Returns string representing base64-encoded message digest.


  • IllegalStateError when trying to get non-finish'ed state.

Returns raw message digest as an ArrayBuffer object.


  • IllegalStateError when trying to get non-finish'ed state.

Returns raw message digest as a binary string.


  • IllegalStateError when trying to get non-finish'ed state.


Hash-based Message Authentication Code

Used to calculate message authentication code with a cryptographic hash function in combination with a secret cryptographic key.

Static methods and constants



HMAC_SHA256.hex( password, data )

Shorthand for staticHmacSha256Instance.reset(password).process(data).finish().asHex().

Calculates HMAC-SHA256 of data with password. Both can be either binary strings or Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer objects.

Returns a string containing hex-encoded message authentication code.


  • TypeError when something ridiculous is supplied as input data.

HMAC_SHA256.base64( password, data )

Shorthand for staticHmacSha256Instance.reset(password).process(data).finish().asBase64().

Calculates HMAC-SHA256 of data with password. Both can be either binary strings or Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer objects.

Returns a string containing base64-encoded message authentication code.


  • TypeError when something ridiculous is supplied as input data.


HMAC_SHA256( password, options )

Constructs an instatnce of HMAC with SHA256 underlying hash function.

If password is specified associates it with the instance.

Advanced options can be passed via an options object:

  • heapSize — asm.js heap size to allocate for hasher, must be a multiple of 4096, default is 4096.

Methods and properties


Size (in bytes) of the underlying hash function block.


Size (in bytes) of the output.

hmac.reset( password )

Resets internal state.

If password is specified reassociates it with the instance (or associates it for the first time if it wasn't associated before).


  • IllegalStateError when password is required to be associated for the first time,
  • TypeError when something strange provided instead of the password.
hmac.process( data )

Updates internal state with the supplied input data.

Input data can be a binary string or instance of ArrayBuffer/Uint8Array object.


  • IllegalStateError when trying to update finish'ed state or when no password associated with the instance,
  • TypeError when something ridiculous is supplied as input data.

Finishes HMAC calculation.


  • IllegalStateError when trying to finish already finish'ed state or when no password associated with the instance,
hmac.asHex(), hmac.asBase64(), hmac.asArrayBuffer(), hmac.asBinaryString()

Same as for SHA256.


Password-Based Key Derivation Function 2

Applies a cryptographic hash function to the input password or passphrase along with a salt value and repeats the process many times to produce a derived key, which can then be used as a cryptographic key in subsequent operations. The added computational work makes password cracking much more difficult.


PBKDF2_HMAC_SHA256( password, options )

Constructs an instatce of PBKDF2 key deriver with HMAC-SHA256 used as pseudo-random function.

If password is supplied, associates it with the instance.

Additional options can be passed via an options object:

  • count — number of iterations to perform, default is 4096;
  • length — desired output key length in bytes, default is 32.

Advanced options:

  • heapSize — asm.js heap size to allocate, must be a multiple of 4096, default is 4096.

Methods and properties


Number of iterations to perform.


Desired key length.


Derived key value.

pbkdf2.reset( password )

Reset internal state.

If password is supplied reassociates it with the instance.

Returns this object so method calls could be chained.


  • TypeError when password of unsupported type is supplied.
pbkdf2.generate( salt, count, length )

Performs key derivation along with the salt.

If count is supplied overrides previous setting.

If length is supplied overrides previous setting.

Returns this object so method calls could be chained.


  • TypeError when salt of unsupported type is supplied.
pbkdf2.asHex(), pbkdf2.asBase64(), pbkdf2.asArrayBuffer(), pbkdf2.asBinaryString()

Same as for SHA256.


Advanced Encryption Standard

TODO progressive ciphering docs

Static methods and constants

AES.encrypt( data, key, options )

Shorthand for staticAesCbcInstance.reset(key, options).encrypt(input).result.

Encrypts supplied data with key in CBC mode. Both can be either binary strings or Uint8Array objects or ArrayBuffer objects.

Additional options object can be passed to override default settings (see below).

Returns encrypted data as Uint8Array.

AES.decrypt( data, key, options )

Shorthand for staticAesCbcInstance.reset(key, options).dencrypt(input).result.

Decrypts supplied data with key in CBC mode. Both can be either binary strings or Uint8Array objects or ArrayBuffer objects.

Additional options object can be passed to override default settings (see below).

Returns decrypted data as Uint8Array object.


CBC_AES( key, options )

Constructs an instance of AES cipher in CBC mode.

If key is supplied creates new key schedule, key can be either a binary string or Uint8Array object or ArrayBuffer object.

Additional options object can be passed:

  • iv — initialization vector to be used, binary string/Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer, when ommited default all-zeros-value is used;
  • padding — boolean value to turn on/off PKCS#7 padding, default is true.

Advanced options:

  • heapSize — asm.js heap size to allocate for cipher, must be a multiple of 4096, default is 4096.
CCM_AES( key, options )

Constructs an instance of AES cipher in CCM mode.

Due to JS limitations (counter is 32-bit unsigned) maximum encrypted message length is limited to near 64 GiB ( 2^36 - 16 ) per nonce-key pair. That also limits lengthSize parameter maximum value to 5 (not 8 as described in RFC3610).

Additional authenticated data adata maximum length is limited to 65279 bytes ( 2^16 - 2^8 ), wich is considered enough for the most of use-cases.

If key is supplied creates new key schedule, key can be either a binary string or Uint8Array object or ArrayBuffer object.

Additional options object can be passed:

  • tagSize — size of the authentication tag, allowed valued are 4, 6, 8, 12, 16 (default);
  • lengthSize — message length field size, allowed values are 2…5, default is 4;
  • nonce — nonce of length (15-lengthSize) to be used, same nonce must not be used more than once with the same key, can be a binary string or Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer object;
  • adata — additional authenticated data of length no more than 65279 bytes, can be a binary string or Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer object.

Advanced options:

  • heapSize — asm.js heap size to allocate for cipher, must be a multiple of 4096, default is 4096.

Progressive ciphering options:

  • iv — initialization vector to be used, a binary string or Uint8Array/ArrayBuffer object, when ommited default all-zeros-value is used;
  • counter — initial internal counter value, default is 1,
  • dataLength — length of the ciphered data, maximum value is 68719476720 bytes.

Methods and properties

aes.BLOCK_SIZE = 16
aes.KEY_SIZE = 16

Cipher operation result as Uint8Array object.

aes.reset( key, options )

Reset internal state. Both arguments are optional.

If key is supplied, creates new key schedule.

If either options.iv or options.padding is supplied, replaces defaults.

Returns this object so method calls could be chained.


  • TypeError when something ridiculous is supplied instead of the key/iv,
  • IllegalArgumentError when the key/iv of illegal or unsupported size is supplied.
aes.encrypt( data, options )

Encrypts the supplied data, it can be either binary string or Uint8Array object or ArrayBuffer object.

Additional options object can be passed to override corresponding settings.

Returns this object so method calls could be chained.


  • TypeError in case of bizzarie stuff supplied instead of the data,
  • IllegalArgumentError when padding is turned off and data length isn't multiple of block size,
  • IllegalStateError when trying to encrypt data without the key being initialized prior.
aes.decrypt( data, options )

Decrypts the supplied data, it can be either binary string or Uint8Array object or ArrayBuffer object.

Additional options object can be passed to override corresponding settings.

Returns this object so method calls could be chained.


  • TypeError in case of bizzarie stuff supplied instead of data,
  • IllegalArgumentError when data length isn't multiple of block size,
  • IllegalStateError when trying to decrypt data without the key being initialized prior.

Bugs & TODO

  • PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256: probable OOB write during first iteration of a block;
  • AES: testing of progressive ciphering needed
  • Moar docs needed ☺

Not yet implemented:

  • aes-gcm,
  • scrypt,
  • rsa, dsa, ecdsa.


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Asm.js implementation of popular cryptographic utilities







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