Many people are helping us with our Twitter account. Recently we decided to finaly move to using Tweetdeck for this purpose. It allows us to allow people to Tweet without sharing password with many people and in case we change it, we don't really need to inform any of them.
- Go to Tweetdeck
- Log in with your own Twitter credentials (all support team members have admin rights). You could also use @djangogirls account credentials that are stored in 1Password.
- Click icon with "Accounts" (icon with users) - you will find it on left hand side at the bottom.
- Choose Django Girls and then "Team @djangogirls"
- Add Twitter handle of person you want to add and click "Authorize".
That's it!
TOPIC: Django Girls Twitter account access
Hi there,
we just added you as a Contributor to our @djangogirls account! Yay! From now on you will be able to write and schedule tweets for our account.
To do that you need to:
- Go to Tweetdeck
- Login with your Twitter username and password.
- Click "New Tweet".
- Choose icon of @djangogirls account in "From" section.
- Write!
- You can schedule tweet for later if you click "Schedule Tweet" and choose date and time.
If you need any help or you have questions - let me know!
Can't wait to see your amazing tweets! Thank you for your help!