Out of the box, Hardhat's mainnet forking mode does not work with RSK. This package uses patch-package to patch the installed version of Hardhat to enable support for forking from RSK.
- The patch needs to be updated every time the Hardhat version is updated.
- Making changes to the patch requires some work -- see Updating the patch below.
- Forking seems to consume so much memory that creating tests that uses it causes Github CI to fail with
FATAL ERROR: MarkCompactCollector: young object promotion failed Allocation failed - JavaScript heap out of memory
If tests that use the forking mode are created, these should be excluded from the default test suite. - The patch has not been tested extensively, though everything seems to work!
The patch is applied automatically after installation (npm i
To validate that the patch has been applied correctly, run npx hardhat check-fork-patch
To start a new node that forks from the latest block of RSK mainnet, run npm run fork:rsk-mainnet
To fork from a specific node or a specific block number, run npx hardhat node --fork RSK_RPC_URL --fork-block-number 123456
Forking can be used in tests like this:
const { network } = require("hardhat");
const IERC20 = artifacts.require("IERC20");
contract('example forking tests', () => {
before(async () => {
// Before the tests of this suite start, reset the used hardhat node to a specific block number of RSK mainnet
// Instead of before, it's also possible to use beforeEach if you prefer to start each test from a clean slate
await network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_reset",
params: [
forking: {
jsonRpcUrl: "https://mainnet4.sovryn.app/rpc",
blockNumber: 4272658,
after(async () => {
// After the whole test suite has finished, reset the hardhat node used in the tests
// This is important, because otherwise other tests will also use the forked node
await network.provider.request({
method: "hardhat_reset",
params: [],
it("forks from mainnet correctly", async () => {
// call contracts from the RSK mainnet without deploying them
// transactions are also supported
const xusd = await IERC20.at("0xb5999795BE0EbB5bAb23144AA5FD6A02D080299F");
const totalSupply = await xusd.totalSupply();
Tests that use forking should be excluded from the default CI pipeline! This is because they consume enough memory for the Github CI to die. See the caveat above.
To update the patch, after it has been already applied, edit the files under node_modules/hardhat, e.g.
, and then run npx patch-package hardhat
This will update the patch in patches/hardhat+xxx.patch
, where xxx
is the hardhat version number. Commit it to git.
Read the patch-package docs for more info.
After a hardhat version upgrade, you should run npx hardhat check-fork-patch
to see that forking indeed fails now.
After that, you should (manually) apply the changes from patches/hardhat+xxx.patch
to the files inside node_modules/hardhat
(taking note that the line numbers are probably different and the code may have changed otherwise too).
After verifying that your changes work with npx hardhat check-fork-patch
, run npx patch-package hardhat
and commit
the patch that's generated in patches/
The simplest way to undo the patch is probably to remove patch-package
from the postinstall
script in package.json
then uninstall hardhat and install it back again.
If you get permission errors when running npx hardhat
, try chmod +x node_modules/.bin/hardhat
Without the patch, calling a forked node (hardhat node --fork MY_RSK_NODE_RPC_URL
) failed with:
Invalid JSON-RPC response's result. Errors: Invalid value null supplied
to: RpcBlockWithTransactions | null/transactions: RpcTransaction
Array/0: RpcTransaction/v: QUANTITY, Invalid value null supplied to:
RpcBlockWithTransactions | null/transactions: RpcTransaction Array/0:
RpcTransaction/r: QUANTITY, Invalid value null supplied to:
RpcBlockWithTransactions | null/transactions: RpcTransaction Array/0:
RpcTransaction/s: QUANTITY
(It also sometimes failed with eth_getStorageAt
, but the patch also fixes this).
This patch is based on https://gist.github.com/0x0scion/0422f9135bc37642ba36d55b59e8b424 but with heavy modifications.
The patch resides in patches/hardhat+xxx.patch
, where xxx
is the hardhat version number