diff --git a/server/Cargo.toml b/server/Cargo.toml
index 4a2cb30..b30cdfd 100644
--- a/server/Cargo.toml
+++ b/server/Cargo.toml
@@ -5,4 +5,6 @@ edition = "2021"
 # library for end-to-end messaging
-rocket = "0.5.1"
+# the JSON feature is not automatically included when it comes to Rust
+rocket = { version = "0.5.1", features = ["json"] }
+rand = "0.8.4"
diff --git a/server/src/api.rest b/server/src/api.rest
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1965156
--- /dev/null
+++ b/server/src/api.rest
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+GET http://localhost:8000/chat/users/6
+# struct Message {
+#     // @see https://api.rocket.rs/master/rocket/form/validate/fn.len
+#     //
+#     // this is a type of form validator
+#     #[field(validate = len(1..20))]
+#     // chat rooms should be uniquely generated and distinguishable
+#     // should be different per user
+#     pub room: String,
+#     // we need a method to distinguish users
+#     #[field(validate = len(1..50))]
+#     pub user_email: String,
+#     // define the id of the reciever
+#     // that should be attached to the message struct
+#     // the reciever address will be attached to the message
+#     // the sender will also be attached to the address
+#     // to help distinguish
+#     // a sequence number can also be used to keep track of the current number of message that has been sent
+#     pub sender : String,
+#     pub reciever : String,
+#     pub sequenceNumber : u32,
+#     pub message: String,
+# }
diff --git a/server/src/main.rs b/server/src/main.rs
index 3433e01..6de4f00 100644
--- a/server/src/main.rs
+++ b/server/src/main.rs
@@ -1,14 +1,230 @@
 extern crate rocket;
+/// https://api.rocket.rs/v0.5/rocket/form/struct.Form
+use rocket::form::Form;
+use rocket::form::FromForm;
+use rocket::serde::json::Json;
+use rocket::fs::{relative, FileServer};
+use rocket::response::stream::{Event, EventStream};
+use rocket::serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
+use rocket::tokio::sync::broadcast::{channel, error::RecvError, Sender};
+use rocket::{Shutdown, State};
+use rocket::tokio::select;
+/// @see https://api.rocket.rs/v0.4/rocket/attr.post --> explains in-depth how routing logic works
+/// Note the following in rust
+/// &str : use for immutable strings, since reference strings CANNOT be modified
+/// String : use for mutable strings, since owned strings CAN be modified
+/// @Shutdown : manually closes down the server (according to the docs, in a "graceful manner")
+/// Potential implemenation logic
+/// one api endpoint for sending
+/// The room number needs to be generated on the frontend side
+/// while packet is being constructed
+/// the list of currently open channels needs to be stored in a hashset
+/// and we need to search and check if the newly generated room number already exists within the hashset, if so, we need to generate a new room number. (@see https://api.rocket.rs/v0.5/rocket_ws/struct.WebSocket#method.channel --> explains how potential websocket can be implemented)
+/// the source and destination should be connected via socket ports --> websocket portion of rocket will handle this
+/// we will need to register the sockets via the room two distinct users are occupying
+/// we will need to setup websocket based communication.
 /// example of how a "get" router will be defined
+/// define the structure of the message
+#[derive(Debug, Clone, FromForm, Serialize, Deserialize)]
+#[cfg_attr(test, derive(PartialEq, UriDisplayQuery))]
+#[serde(crate = "rocket::serde")]
+/// NOTE
+/// when we broadcast the message
+/// we will look for the subscriber whose room value matches the current broadcast
+/// the room will be attached via a hashmap
+/// the hashmap will contain the key as the room number
+/// and the value as the (sender, reciever) in the form of tuples
+/// when initiating conversation
+struct Message {
+    // @see https://api.rocket.rs/master/rocket/form/validate/fn.len
+    //
+    // this is a type of form validator
+    #[field(validate = len(1..20))]
+    // chat rooms should be uniquely generated and distinguishable
+    // should be different per user
+    pub room: String,
+    // we need a method to distinguish users
+    #[field(validate = len(1..50))]
+    pub user_email: String,
+    // define the id of the reciever
+    // that should be attached to the message struct
+    // the reciever address will be attached to the message
+    // the sender will also be attached to the address
+    // to help distinguish
+    // a sequence number can also be used to keep track of the current number of message that has been sent
+    pub sender : String,
+    pub reciever : String,
+    pub sequenceNumber : u32,
+    pub message: String,
+/// this is just an example code
+/// Go to http://localhost:8000, and this message will be displayed
+/// TODO : Remove later once basic functionality has been implemented
 fn hello() -> &'static str {
     "This is the basic API route"
+/// @see https://api.rocket.rs/v0.5/rocket/struct.Shutdown
+/// Call on this endpoint at the end of each message execution
+/// NOTE : if you want to define api endpoints with queries, note the following syntax below
+/// The syntax also shows how dynamic api placeholder values can be made
+/// "/some_api_endpoint/<dynamicVal1>/<dynamicVal2>?<queryParam1>&<queryParam2>"
+/// For additional reference, see the following link below:
+/// @see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2vxvSMkm5Lg&t=433s
+// example showing how dynamic api endpoint can be implement
+// also shows how to make query params either required or optional
+// for general reference
+// use &str if no string manipulations needs to be done
+// otherwise use String
+// in this case, msg is required query parameter
+// msg2 is an optional query parameter
+// thus we wrap it around Option wrapper
+fn handle_dynamic_routes(placeholder1: &str, placeholder2: &str, msg: &str, msg2: Option<&str>) {
+    // not sure what to implement here at this point
+    println!("{}", placeholder1);
+/// manually shuts down the server side
+fn shutdown(shutdown: Shutdown) -> &'static str {
+    shutdown.notify();
+    "Shutting down..."
+/// define the API endpoint for event broadcasting to the particular reciever
+/// the API endpoint will be dynamic
+/// events returns an infinite stream of events
+async fn events(reciever : &str, queue : &State<Sender<Message>>, mut end : Shutdown) -> EventStream![] {
+    // this will attach a subscriptor
+    // think of broadcast channel as a network
+    // and network is interconnected devices linked together
+    // whereas the subscriptor are the devices within a network
+    // subscriptor wait to recieve messages that has been broadcasted by a certain device
+    // the device broadcast the message and the device(s) that are reigstered as a subscriptor
+    let mut rx = queue.subscribe();
+    EventStream! {
+        loop {
+            // the select! macro in Rust's tokio library allows you to wait on multiple asynchronous operations simultaneously
+            // proceeding with the first one that becomes ready
+            // allows for us to handle "multiple futures concurrently"
+            // what do we mean by "multiple futures concurrently" --> In rust, "futures" are a way to represent values that may not be available yet
+            let msg = select! {
+                // match in rust is simlar to
+                // switch statement
+                // and instead of case
+                // match contains "arms"
+                // and supports wider range of concepts
+                msg = rx.recv() => match msg {
+                  // in the event that
+                    Ok(msg) => msg,
+                    Err(RecvError::Closed) => break,
+                    Err(RecvError::Lagged(_)) => continue,
+                },
+                _ = &mut end => break,
+            };
+            // returns the message in JSON format
+            println!("Message sent successfully!");
+            yield Event::json(&msg);
+        }
+    }
+// below is a test route to check if the endpoints are working as intended
+struct User<'r> {
+    id : u8,
+    name: &'r str,
+    // metadata: Json<Metadata>
+// TESTED and worked
+// implcit type definition to reduce likelihood of errors
+fn user(id: u8) {
+  // @see https://stackoverflow.com/questions/63477161/how-can-i-return-json-from-a-rust-rocket-http-endpoint
+  // following syntax below explains how we can pass data based on structs we have previously defined
+  // performs in-place modification
+  Json(User {
+    id : id,
+    name : "Ayan"
+  });
+  // println!("{:#?}", userData);
+  // return "Success";
+// recieve a message from a form submission and broadcast it to any recievers
+// TODO : broadcast or send directly by first determining the two users within a particular chatroom?
+// the T = Message, where T is a generic type placeholder
+// NOTE : we may need to wrap this around a JSON instead of Form
+#[post("/message_send", format="json", data = "<form>")]
+fn post(form: Form<Message>, queue: &State<Sender<Message>>) {
+    // A send "fails" if there are no active subscribers
+    // that is okay
+    // @see https://api.rocket.rs/v0.5/rocket/form/struct.Form#method.into_inner
+    //
+    // consumes the self and returns the inner value
+    let _res = queue.send(form.into_inner());
+    // unpack the values from the form as needed
+    // into_inner() also allows us to gain ownership
+    // let data = form.into_inner();
+    // let room_number = data.room;
+    // let user_email = data.user_email;
+    // because format! generally doesn't return anything
+    // so using println! to check what I get back on the server
+    format!("The response is {:#?}", _res);
+    println!("The response is {:#?}", _res);
+    // // additional print statements to test
+    // println!("The data extracted is : {:#?}", data);
+    // println!("The room number from extracted data is : {:#?}", room_number);
+    // println!("The email from extracted data is : {:?}", user_email);
+// #[post("/test_submission")]
+// the return type is automatically inferrred when set to _
+// #[launch] indicates function to execute when server starts
 fn rocket() -> _ {
-    rocket::build().mount("/", routes![hello])
+    // the launch function returns an instance of
+    // Rocket<Build> from a function named rocket
+    // routes parameter takes in an array of values
+    // specifies the type for the channel
+    // to be of the same as the struct we have defined
+    // the .build() method creates a new Rocket application using the default configuration provider
+    // the routes! macro takes in array containing information
+    // regarding each of the functions corresponding to the routes
+    // "/chat" specifies the base url
+    // in this case, that would be http://localhost:8000/chat/message_send for example --> this post method will contain the JSON data as the payload.
+    rocket::build().manage(channel::<Message>(1024).0).mount("/chat", routes![post, events, shutdown, hello, user])