- build: basic Go Earthly build tool by @DeveloperC286 in #1
- Accounts API by @DeveloperC286 in #2
- feat: log level CLI parameter and env var by @DeveloperC286 in #3
- refactor: using GitHub URL in module name by @DeveloperC286 in #4
- refactor: splitting existing functionality into packages by @DeveloperC286 in #5
- feat: parsing accounts API response by @DeveloperC286 in #6
- fix: adding strict JSON decoding by @DeveloperC286 in #7
- fix: checking API calls HTTP status code by @DeveloperC286 in #8
- feat: querying transactions API by @DeveloperC286 in #9
- refactor: transactions same layout as accounts package by @DeveloperC286 in #10
- refactor: splitting accounts JSON parsing and logic by @DeveloperC286 in #12
- feat: parsing transactions api response by @DeveloperC286 in #11
- docs: adding language choice reasoning by @DeveloperC286 in #13
- docs: adding snapshot testing improvement by @DeveloperC286 in #14
- feat: savings goals API querying by @DeveloperC286 in #15
- refactor: improving and adding logs by @DeveloperC286 in #16
- refactor: Accounts API method optimisations by @DeveloperC286 in #17
- feat: creating round up savings goal if not one by @DeveloperC286 in #18
- fix: created savings goal uses account currency by @DeveloperC286 in #19
- refactor: moving to round up operations model by @DeveloperC286 in #20
- feat: performing savings goal round up transfer by @DeveloperC286 in #21
- refactor: adding log level setting logs by @DeveloperC286 in #22
- fix: setting logging formatting before first log by @DeveloperC286 in #23
- Docs by @DeveloperC286 in #24
- Docs by @DeveloperC286 in #25
- Cicd by @DeveloperC286 in #26
- ci: testing earthly image usage by @DeveloperC286 in #27
- ci: adding mirror to GitLab workflow by @DeveloperC286 in #28
- 01 25 ci adding mirror to git lab workflow by @DeveloperC286 in #29
- Cicd by @DeveloperC286 in #30
- ci: Earthly environment variable to force colour by @DeveloperC286 in #31
- ci: only mirroring on main by @DeveloperC286 in #32
- docs: adding a CI status badge by @DeveloperC286 in #33
- docs: adding AGPLv3 license by @DeveloperC286 in #34
- ci: adding conventional commits workflow by @DeveloperC286 in #35
- cicd by @DeveloperC286 in #36
- ci: adding convention commit next version checking by @DeveloperC286 in #37
- ci: adding clean_git_history checking stage by @DeveloperC286 in #38
- ci: seperatring GitHub workflow linting to own workflow by @DeveloperC286 in #39
- CICD by @DeveloperC286 in #40
- refactor: conventional-commits-linting migration to Earthly by @DeveloperC286 in #41
- refactor: conventional-commits-next-version migration to Earthly by @DeveloperC286 in #42
- Linting by @DeveloperC286 in #48
- build: moving GitHub Actions Linting to Earthly by @DeveloperC286 in #49
- Shell linting by @DeveloperC286 in #50
- Mirroring by @DeveloperC286 in #51
- Ci by @DeveloperC286 in #52
- build: bumping the Go version to 1.20.4 by @DeveloperC286 in #53
- build: pinning rust base image used by @DeveloperC286 in #54
- Ci by @DeveloperC286 in #55
- Ci by @DeveloperC286 in #56
- Yamlfmt by @DeveloperC286 in #62
- build: upgrading to Earthly v0.7.17 by @DeveloperC286 in #66
- ci: testing GitHub job naming by @DeveloperC286 in #65
- build: renaming sh abbreviation to shell by @DeveloperC286 in #74
- Cicd by @DeveloperC286 in #75
- ci: upgrading to [email protected] by @DeveloperC286 in #77
- ci: uploading release artifacts by @DeveloperC286 in #86
Full Changelog: https://github.com/DeveloperC286/starlingbanktechnicalchallenge/commits/v1.0.0