A brief summary will be put here for:
- Just installing it for use
- Development install
- Freeze it as an application
For each and every one of these installs we solely look at the commandline user interface or batch/ bash scripts.
N.b. this guide assumes one has conda/ mamba/ micro3 and git installed (Who doesnt..)
For just using fiat, either create a new environment:
# Create an environment
conda create -n fiat python=3.11.*
# Activate it
conda activate fiat
#Install the good stuff
pip install git+https://github.com/Deltares/Delft-FIAT.git
or install FIAT directly in an existing environment
pip install git+https://github.com/Deltares/Delft-FIAT.git
This is for those who wish to contribute at this early stage First, clone the repository
# Go to some directory where your repos are located
cd ~/{your path}
# Clone FIAT
git clone https://github.com/Deltares/Delft-FIAT.git fiat
Now let's do the python stuff. Make sure you either have tomli or tomllib (build-in with py 3.11) in your base enviroment
# Go into the FIAT repository directory
cd ~/{your path}/fiat
# Create the environment file
python make_env.py dev
# Create conda env
conda env create -f environment.yml
# Activate and install FIAT
conda activate fiat_dev
pip install -e .
There ya go.
This more or less assumes the one went for a development install If not: do the development install for FIAT first
Create a yaml for a seperate environment
python make_env.py build
Again, create the environment with conda
conda env create -f environment.yml
This time FIAT will be automatically installed with the environment Now, go to the .build/core directory
cd ./.build/core
And just execute the pybuild.bat script
That's it. FIAT will be located in the {root}/bin/core/Release folder.