A package to create resilient plots for geospatial data. This package is a wrapper around the plotting functionalities of xarray, xugrid, geopandas, contextily and cartopy.
The following steps are required to install and use the ResilientPlotterClass:
Install Python
Install a python package manager (e.g., Mamba)
Install Git
Install a code editor (e.g. Virtual Studio Code)
The following steps describe how to install the ResilientPlotterClass as a standalone package:
Clone the ResilientPlotterClass Repository
Create a dedicated environment or use an existing one:
mamba create --name rpc_env pip ipykernel
Activate the environment:
mamba activate rpc_env
Install the ResilientPlotterClass:
pip install -e c:\...\ResilientPlotterClass
The documentation for the ResilientPlotterClass is currently only available locally. After cloning the repository, the documation can be found in ResilientPlotterClass/docs/documentation/_build/html/index.html