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Installing Node-Red on the Raspberry Pi

  • This tutorials details how to install Node-Red on the Raspberry Pi for Andino Boards.
  • For documentation on all custom Andino nodes, refer to section 3 at the bottom of the page.

How to Install

1) Installing Log2Ram

To save write cycles on your SD Card you can install Log2Ram which stores the Log Files in memory. This isn't strictly necessary but highly recommended as it dramatically increases the lifespan of the Pi SD card.

First, install git:

sudo apt -y install git

Get log2ram from the git repository:

git clone

Enter the new directory and make the install script executable, then run the script:

cd log2ram
chmod +x
sudo ./

Finally, reboot the Pi:

sudo reboot now 

Check if log2ram is running. The command

df -h

should reveal it as an entry:

log2ram          40M  452K   40M   2% /var/log

2) Installing Node.js and Node-Red

After that you can install Node.js and Node-Red.

bash <(curl -sL 

To run Node Red from the terminal


To run Nore-Red in background on boot:

sudo systemctl enable nodered.service

Node-Red is now fully set up and can be reached on port 1880 by default.

3.) Installing custom Nodes

While this configuration already offers some functionality, there are several purpose-built nodes for usage on Andino boards. A full list of all available nodes can be viewed by going to the Node-Red Settings, selecting Palette and Install. Here, search for andino to see a list of all Nodes.

All nodes can be installed in two ways:

  • Search for the package name of the node/node collection in the Palette manager (see section above)

  • Install the node with npm:

    sudo npm install packageName

The following Nodes are available for Andino boards:

Andino X1 Node

Package name: node-red-contrib-andinox1

This Node enables communication between the Raspberry Pi and the Arduino controller on the Andino X1 board. What this Node does specifically is:

1.) Convert the Serial Message from the Arduino Controller to an Payload Object so that you can access payload.Counter1 for instance.

2.) Convert a Boolean to a Relay-Message for the Microcontroller (see the Example)

For detailed documentation on the node, refer to Andino X1 Node.

Andino SMS Node collection

This collection includes four nodes that facilitate sending and receiving SMS messages on an Andino board using a 2G or 4G modem.

For setup instructions refer to Andino SMS Nodes

Some more information and samples about Node Red
