- Repo created: includes README.md, LICENSE.md (blank), project_plan.md, progress_report.md, and .gitignore
- Project plan outlines the data gathering and analysis necessary to complete the project. This may be updated as I continue with the project and discover new ways to explore the data.
- License not yet specified
- Some data explored:
- CSV File of Princess movies has no null entries. YAY! There also aren't any typos in main character's names, so no editing needs to be done to this csv in that regard.
- Cornell Movie corpus does not contain many animated movies, and the movies included are already in the Film Corpus 2.0. If the formatting of these movies are easier to code with, they may be used.
- Film Corpus 2.0 explored briefly. Scripts are neat when printed, but look very messy when exploring them, with lots of new line characters. Some form of regular expressions will most likley be needed to divide the data by character dialogue
- I'm continuing to search for animated movie corpora that are publically available to use.
- I created a csv of dialogue in moana. Dialogue was gathered by watching the movie and manually typing lines into an excel spreadsheet. I included text, speaker, and if the line was sung or spoken. Through my code, I created a dataframe with all columns found in the disney movie csv file, as well as gender, role, and start of the scene.
- This csv file was then combined with the larger disney movie script corpus to be accessed later for further data clean-up and eventual analysis.
- In exploring the disney corpus further, I have found errors in some scripts (like in Frozen). In some instances, entries are not in the proper column or annotations like script headings are included in dialogue.
- Used regular expressions to split the Shrek script found in Film Corpus 2.0 into lines of dialogue. This will then be split further to create a dataframe, in which one column is speaker and the other is the text.
- The revealed messiness of some of the disney data was disappointing. I'd like to see if I can find any resources online that I can use to scrape proper forms of the data into the corpus, instead of manually fixing each line. However, considering the accessibility of these scripts, in the end manual manipulation might be the only solution
- Refine the method I used to create a list of utterances in shrek to make it apply to other dreamworks scripts found in Film Corpus 2.0. Of course, this assumes uniform formatting.
- Turn the Shrek list into a dataframe with two columns: speaker and text. The additional columns found in the disney data can then be added to this script's dataframe.
Due to copyright laws, I cannot share my data. My data consists of full scripts that I do not own the rights to, and therefore cannot redistribute. I will however, make my code available to anyone who may which to replicate it for research purposes. So far, my code only contains small portions of the script data I am working with, which wouldn't violate any copyright rules.
I've included a sample of my corpus in the form of a csv file. It can be found here.
- Created dataframes of the Dreamworks films Antz, Shrek, The Croods,
How To Train Your Dragon 2, and Rise of the Guardians from script text
- In analyzing the white space in these text files, I was able to streamline the text to dataframe process for The Croods, How To Train Your Dragon 2, and Rise of the Guardians. The rought attempt to do this can be found here, and the final streamline can be found here.
- Annotated the following Disney films with gender, role, and song labels: Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Beauty and the Beast, Pocahontas
- The movies Mulan, Princess and the Frog, Tangled, Brave, and Frozen must still be annotated.
- The scripts for the Dreamworks films Shrek the Third, How To Train Your Dragon, Kung Fu Panda, and Megamind need to be converted into dataframes. Once this is complete, these can be annotated using the same code used for the Disney film adaptations.
- Linguistic stats, like token and type count, need to be added to the dataframe. Other stats, like a speaker's TTR or vocabulary level, will most likely be constructed outside the general dataframe because the TTR of short lines isn't very informative.
Because my data consists of copyrighted scripts that can potentially be recreated, I cannot share my data. I can only you point you to where I found my data. Anyone who wants to use the data must get the proper permissions from the data creators. The sample provided in data_samples shows a portion of the Disney data I'm using. This is will be the general format of the dataframes in my analysis. Each row consists of a time period, gender of the speaker, the name of the movie, the role of the speaker as a protagonist, antagonist, or helper, whether the line is sung, the name of the speaker, the royalty status of the speaker, if the line begins a scene, the line's text, the line's utterance number is the film, and the year the film was made.
I have decided to use the GNU General Public License v3.0. I want people to have the opportunity to expand on my work, or adapt my code for projects of their own. In terms of big data, my project data isn't too big, and processing the data properly is time consumming. As demonstrated in my data exploration into Disney films and Dreamworks films, even after a lot of work, data can still be imperfect. Any and all improvements on my work so far are more than welcome, and could heavily impact results!
Note: I have rearranged my code, so the links in report 2 won't work. But, you can find my Disney Data code here, my Dreamworks data code here, and old code that isn't part of my final streamline here. My introductory analysis files can be found in the general code folder.
- I've completed by data annotations. I created a pickle file for all 13 Disney Movies, another file for all 9 Dreamworks movies, and one large pickle file with every movie in it. See a sample of my data here.
- Some of my data (Tangled, Frozen, Megamind), was incomplete, incorrect, or just far to messy to parse through. I scraped these. To see an example of my scraping code, go here
- I've looked at basic token and type count stats for both Disney and Dreamworks. So far, it looks like on average, female speakers have more lines than male
speakers, but for Dreamworks this isn't true. Of course, other roles the character plays in the movie could account for this. I will use these token/type stats to
create token/type lists for each character, and see how these vary across time and production company. Ultimatley, I want to see if these movies female characters
adhere more closely to features of Lakoff's "Feminine Speech". To do this, I will have to analyze...
- Vocabulary Complexity (comparing both TTR and k-band levels of a character's bag of words)
- Commands (What percentage of a character's lines are commanding another character): do female characters really use a more complex vocabulary?
- Does a character tend to be positive or negative in their speech?
- Use of exclamations/questions: it's expected that more feminine speech will be more unsure. Ellipsis may also be useful in looking at this.
- Hedging: do female speakers really use more hedge words (ellipsis could also factor into this one)
- Adjectives and adverbs: Do females really use more flowery language?
- Politeness: are women really more polite?
- Interruption: are female characters interrupted more often than male characters?
For stats like politeness and hedges, word lists can either be created or found, then compared to a character's lines. For adjectives/adverbs, part of speech tagging can be used. Question marks, exclamation points, interruptions, and ellipsis can be found with regular expressions. Importantly, I need to see if these stats correlate the most with gender, or something else. For instance, whether a woman is a protagonist, antagonist, or a helper could seriously affect these stats. Maybe their royal status also comes into play. I personally think that the character's role in the plot will influence these statistics more than gender will.