This Minecraft plugin allows server owners to add cooking recipes for an enhanced roleplay experience.
Recipes are shaped, and use the symbols you define in the 'symbols' list of your recipe section.
'hungerDecrease' is the number of ticks to increase the hunger bar for before you've finished consuming this item. The more filling the item, the more time it takes to consume.
'afterEatItem' is the item the player ends up with after consuming the food item (for example: a wooden bowl used in the recipe ingredients can be given back)
'textureBase64' is the player head texture to use to represent this food item. Examples can be found on the player head database under food and drink ( Then search the corresponding username to find the uuid, and then paste that uuid at the end of this url: The string inside the "value" key of the JSON returned from that URL is what you need to paste in this part of the recipe. (TODO: Automate this process with API calls to automatically retrieve this based on a player uuid)
This project was adopted by the Dan's Plugins Community on June 5th, 2022.