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Local driver

Roland Sipos edited this page Mar 3, 2021 · 15 revisions

What is the "local" driver?

In order to ensure absolute consistency with the software externals, the DUNE readout external packages from the ATLAS FELIX Software Suite are built in-house and deployed as external products. Hence the reason, the driver being a foundation that connects firmware with software, it is also part of this product.

How to build and start it

With sudo rights one needs to do the following steps:

mkdir /opt/felix
cp -r /cvmfs/ /opt/felix/
cd /opt/felix/v1_1_0/Linux64bit+3.10-2.17-e19-prof/drivers_rcc/src/
make -j
cd ../script
./drivers_flx_local start

This step will be automated in the future.