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Local driver

Alessandro Thea edited this page May 18, 2022 · 15 revisions

What is the "local" driver?

In order to ensure absolute consistency with the software externals, the DUNE readout external packages from the ATLAS FELIX Software Suite are built in-house and deployed as external products. Hence the reason, the driver being a foundation that connects firmware with software, it is also part of this product.

How to build and start it

With sudo rights or as root one needs to do the following steps:

mkdir /opt/felix
cp -r /cvmfs/ /opt/felix/
cd /opt/felix/v1_2_2/Linux64bit+4.18-2.28-e19-prof/drivers_rcc/src/
make -j
cd ../script
sed -i 's/gfpbpa_size=4096/gfpbpa_size=8192/g' ./drivers_flx_local

And how to start it :

./drivers_flx_local stop
./drivers_flx_local start
./drivers_flx_local status

Explain what should be seen and what is correct and what not to worry about.

This step will be automated in the future.