In this tutorial, I will give you a quick overview of some of the first steps I perform to get data loaded and read for query.
We are assuming Accumulo 1.5+ usage here.
- Apache Rya Source Code (
) - Accumulo on top of Hadoop 0.20+
- RDF Data (in N-Triples format, this format is the easiest to bulk load)
Skip this section if you already have the Map Reduce artifact and the WAR
See the Build From Source Section to get the appropriate artifacts built
I find that the best way to load the data is through the Bulk Load Map Reduce job.
- Save the RDF Data above onto HDFS. From now on we will refer to this location as
- Move the
onto the hadoop cluster - Bulk load the data. Here is a sample command line:
hadoop jar ../rya.mapreduce-3.2.10-SNAPSHOT-job.jar -Drdf.tablePrefix=lubm_ -Dcb.username=user -Dcb.pwd=cbpwd -Dcb.instance=instance -Dcb.zk=zookeeperLocation -Drdf.format=N-Triples <RDF_HDFS_LOCATION>
Once the data is loaded, it is actually a good practice to compact your tables. You can do this by opening the accumulo shell shell
and running the compact
command on the generated tables. Remember the generated tables will be prefixed by the rdf.tablePrefix
property you assigned above. The default tablePrefix is rts
Here is a sample accumulo shell command:
compact -p lubm_(.*)
See the Load Data Section for more options on loading rdf data
For the best query performance, it is recommended to run the Statistics Optimizer to create the Evaluation Statistics table. This job will read through your data and gather statistics on the distribution of the dataset. This table is then queried before query execution to reorder queries based on the data distribution.
See the Evaluation Statistics Table Section on how to do this.
I find the easiest way to query is just to use the WAR. Load the WAR into your favorite web application container and go to the sparqlQuery.jsp page. Example:
This page provides a very simple text box for running queries against the store and getting data back. (SPARQL queries)
Remember to update the connection information in the WAR: WEB-INF/spring/spring-accumulo.xml
See the Query data section for more information.