The Apache Rya
project contains a client shell application to
simplify common interactions with Rya.
When building from source, the binary distribution of the Rya Shell is stored
in the artifact<version>-bin.tar.gz
To install, simply extract the archive to the desired output directory
tar xzvf
You can optionally install the Rya Shell by adding its bin
directory to your
shell's PATH
$ echo "PATH=$PATH:path/to/" >> ~/.bash_profile
# Launch the shell
$ cd
$ bin/rya
# Or, if you added the rya shell to your path, you can just type:
$ rya
_____ _____ _ _ _
| __ \ / ____| | | | |
| |__) | _ __ _ | (___ | |__ ___| | |
| _ / | | |/ _` | \___ \| '_ \ / _ \ | |
| | \ \ |_| | (_| | ____) | | | | __/ | |
|_| \_\__, |\__,_| |_____/|_| |_|\___|_|_|
__/ |
Welcome to the Rya Shell.
Execute one of the connect commands to start interacting with an instance of Rya.
You may press tab at any time to see which of the commands are available.
Once you have launched the shell, to leave simply type exit
or quit
rya> exit
To view a listing of all available commands use the help
rya> help
* ! - Allows execution of operating system (OS) commands
* // - Inline comment markers (start of line only)
* ; - Inline comment markers (start of line only)
* add-user - Adds an authorized user to the Rya instance.
* clear - Clears the console
* cls - Clears the console
* connect-accumulo - Connect the shell to an instance of Accumulo.
* connect-rya - Connect to a specific Rya instance
* create-pcj - Creates and starts the maintenance of a new PCJ using a Fluo application.
* date - Displays the local date and time
* delete-pcj - Deletes and halts maintenance of a PCJ.
* disconnect - Disconnect the shell's Rya storage connection (Accumulo).
* exit - Exits the shell
* help - List all commands usage
* install - Create a new instance of Rya interactively.
* install-with-parameters - Create a new instance of Rya with command line parameters.
* list-instances - List the names of the installed Rya instances.
* load-data - Loads RDF Statement data from a local file to the connected Rya instance.
* print-connection-details - Print information about the Shell's Rya storage connection.
* print-instance-details - Print information about how the Rya instance is configured.
* quit - Exits the shell
* remove-user - Removes an authorized user from the Rya instance.
* script - Parses the specified resource file and executes its commands
* sparql-query - Executes the provided SPARQL Query on the connected Rya instance.
* system properties - Shows the shell's properties
* uninstall - Uninstall an instance of Rya.
* version - Displays shell version
The help modifier can be used to provide additional details on a command's mandatory options:
rya> connect-accumulo help
You should specify option (--username, --instanceName, --zookeepers) for this command
The help command can be used to provide complete documentation on a command's options:
rya> help connect-accumulo
Keyword: connect-accumulo
Description: Connect the shell to an instance of Accumulo.
Keyword: username
Help: The username that will be used to connect to Accummulo.
Mandatory: true
Default if specified: '__NULL__'
Default if unspecified: '__NULL__'
Keyword: instanceName
Help: The name of the Accumulo instance that will be connected to.
Mandatory: true
Default if specified: '__NULL__'
Default if unspecified: '__NULL__'
Keyword: zookeepers
Help: A comma delimited list of zookeeper server hostnames.
Mandatory: true
Default if specified: '__NULL__'
Default if unspecified: '__NULL__'
* connect-accumulo - Connect the shell to an instance of Accumulo.
Some commands may not be available to the user until certain preconditions are met. For example, you cannot create a Rya instance until you are connected to an Accumulo instance.
Pressing the tab character while at the rya>
prompt will display the available
commands for the current shell context (or state).
Pressing the tab key while typing a command will autocomplete the command and subsequent tab key presses then begin suggesting mandatory options for that command.
It is possible to script the Rya Shell by writing multiple commands to a text
file and then load them into the shell with the script
rya> script --file
Logging for the rya shell is written to the
directory. Configuration of the logging is controlled by the
Creating a Rya instance first requires making a connection to Accumulo. See the following Rya shell listing:
rya> connect-accumulo --username myUserName --instanceName myAccumuloInstance --zookeepers zoo1,zoo2,zoo3
Password: *********
Connected. You must select a Rya instance to interact with next.
Once connected to Accumulo, there are two options for creating a Rya instance.
- Interactive with the
command. This is useful for a guided install. - Parameterized with the
command. This is useful for a scripted install.
Example creating and connecting to a Rya instance using the interactive install
rya/myAccumuloInstance> install
Rya Instance Name [default: rya_]: rya1_
Use Shard Balancing (improves streamed input write speeds) [default: false]:
Use Entity Centric Indexing [default: true]:
Use Free Text Indexing [default: true]:
Use Geospatial Indexing [default: true]:
Use Temporal Indexing [default: true]:
Use Precomputed Join Indexing [default: true]:
Use a Fluo application to update the PCJ Index? (y/n) n
A Rya instance will be installed using the following values:
Instance Name: rya1_
Use Shard Balancing: false
Use Entity Centric Indexing: true
Use Free Text Indexing: true
Use Geospatial Indexing: true
Use Temporal Indexing: true
Use Precomputed Join Indexing: true
Not using a PCJ Updater Fluo Application
Continue with the install? (y/n) y
The Rya instance named 'rya1_' has been installed.
rya/myAccumuloInstance> connect-rya --instance rya1_
Example creating and connecting to a Rya instance using the parameterized install-with-parameter
rya/myAccumuloInstance> install-with-parameters --instanceName rya_ --enablePcjIndex --fluoPcjAppName rya_pcj_updater
A Rya instance will be installed using the following values:
Instance Name: rya_
Use Shard Balancing: false
Use Entity Centric Indexing: false
Use Free Text Indexing: false
Use Geospatial Indexing: false
Use Temporal Indexing: false
Use Precomputed Join Indexing: true
PCJ Updater Fluo Application Name: rya_pcj_updater
Continue with the install? (y/n) y
The Rya instance named 'rya_' has been installed.
rya/myAccumuloInstance> connect-rya --instance rya_
In order to delete a Rya instance, it must be connected. Then use the uninstall
rya/myAccumuloInstance:rya1_> uninstall
Are you sure you want to uninstall this instance of Rya named 'rya1_'? y
The Rya instance named 'rya1_' has been uninstalled.
The load-data
command can be used to load RDF Statement data in a variety of formats. If only the --file
option is specified, the shell will attempt to determine the file format by filename. To specify a specific format, include the --format
option. Use the help load-data
command to see a list of all available formats.
rya/myAccumuloInstance:rya1_> load-data --file examples/triples.nt
Detected RDF Format: N-Triples (mimeTypes=text/plain; ext=nt)
Loaded the file: 'examples/triples.nt' successfully in 1.843 seconds.
Use the sparql-query
command to launch an interactive prompt for composing a
SPARQL query to be executed on the connected Rya instance. To load an existing
SPARQL query from a file, add the --file
option with a filepath to the command.
rya/myAccumuloInstance:rya_> sparql-query --file examples/Query1.sparql
Loaded Query:
PREFIX rdf: <>
SELECT ?thing ?name WHERE {
?thing <http://predicates#name> ?name .
?thing rdf:type <http://types#Monkey> .
Executing Query...
Query Result:
http://Thing1,Thing 1
http://Thing3,Thing 3
Retrieved 2 results in 0.039 seconds.
Use the create-pcj
command to launch an interactive prompt for composing a SPARQL query that will be registered with the Rya PCJ Updater Fluo App for the
connected Rya instance. It is necessary to specify one or more export strategy
with the --exportToKafka
and/or --exportToRya
command options. Note, the
Rya PCJ Updater Fluo App must be configured to support the specified export
Use the delete-pcj --pcjId
command to delete a SPARQL query that is registered
with the Rya PCJ Updater Fluo App. To get a list of registered queries, use the
The print-instance-details
command displays the configuration of the currently connected Rya instance and any associated PCJs that may have been added with the create-pcj
rya/myAccumuloInstance:rya_> print-instance-details
General Metadata:
Instance Name: rya_
RYA Version: 3.2.11-incubating
Users: myUserName
Secondary Indicies:
Entity Centric Index:
Enabled: false
Free Text Index:
Enabled: false
Temporal Index:
Enabled: false
PCJ Index:
Enabled: true
Fluo App Name: rya_pcj_updater
ID: a49cbc7a5c83429fa8f375cc75ed9ee7
Update Strategy: INCREMENTAL
Last Update Time: unavailable
ID: a5741933fb464cbda9abc607d9028926
Update Strategy: INCREMENTAL
Last Update Time: unavailable
ID: d5635bdd1b484d05ba596f9e16b46d9a
Update Strategy: INCREMENTAL
Last Update Time: unavailable
Last Update Time: unavailable
Join Selectivity:
Last Updated Time: unavailable