This folder contains all css, javascript, and hbs files to be rendered when requested from the server.
partials - This folder contains partial hbs code used by other hbs files.
- [header.hbs] - Contains partial for the website's header
24chicken.hbs - Displays 24 Chicken restaurant
EverythingButCheese.hbs - Displays Everything But Cheese restaurant
GangGangStore.hbs - Displays Gang Gang restaurant
ObscureCafe.hbs - Displays Obscure Cafe
store.hbs - Displays El Poco Cantina
Tahmee.hbs - Displays Tahmee
User.hbs - Displays User Profile page
AboutPage.hbs - Displays the details about the website
Homepage.hbs - Displays the main/home page of the restaurant
restolist.hbs - Page that displays the list of restaurants
SearchResult.hbs - Page that displays the list of restaurants
edit.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in 24 Chicken establishment.
edit1.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in El Poco Cantina establishment.
edit2.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in Everything But Cheese establishment.
edit3.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in Obscure Cafe establishment.
reviewedit.hbs - Contains the page for editing reviews in 24 Chicken establishment.
reviewedit1.hbs - Contains the page for editing reviews in El Poco Cantina establishment.
reviewedit2.hbs - Contains the page for editing reviews in Everything But Cheese establishment.
reviewedit3.hbs - Contains the page for editing reviews in Obscure Cafe establishment.
view.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in 24 Chicken establishment.
view1.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in El Poco Cantina establishment.
view2.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in Everything But Cheese establishment.
view3.hbs - Contains the page for editing comments in Obscure Cafe establishment.
- loginscript.js - Handles the toggling of the login sidebar
- nav.js - Handles the reply/review form in the restaurant page
- restolist.js - Controls the carousel, and other parts like the menu photos in the restaurant page
- user.js - Handles the profile page