NN-PSR Differentiable Perfect Stirred Reactor Simulation using Arrhenius.jl. Governing Equations for the Model Combustor $$ \begin{align*} \frac{dY}{dt} &= \frac{\pmb Y_{in}-\pmb Y}{\tau_{res}} + \pmb S(\pmb Y) \\ \frac{dT}{dt} &= \frac{\sum_i q_i R_i}{\rho C_p} - \frac{T-T_{in}}{\tau_{res}} - \frac{Q_{loss}(T-T_a)}{\rho C_p} \\ \tau_{res} &= \frac{\rho V}{m_a} \end{align*} $$ Inverse Modeling for Fuel Switching Fuel switching from COG1 to COG2, trained with 100 data points Initial state Trained state Inverse Modeling for Inflow Fluctuations Inflow fluctuations of BFG fuel, with 3% calorific fluctuation and 10% flow rate fluctuation. Initial state Trained state