diff --git a/DAORayaki Bounty 2022-6-3 b/DAORayaki Bounty 2022-6-3 index 8c38c81..2d8d8de 100644 --- a/DAORayaki Bounty 2022-6-3 +++ b/DAORayaki Bounty 2022-6-3 @@ -42,8 +42,8 @@ - 58u - Task1-English to Chinese:https://blog.tally.xyz/its-time-for-daos-to-get-a-little-more-boring-fa9005c38e8 - Task2-Review task:bounty #258ă(Please contact the administrator yofu after receiving the task, google doc link will be sent to hunter after taking this task) -- 贡献者: (姓名+邮箱) -- 成果提交:(将成果放置共享文档;提交共享文档链接;设置编辑委员会可见及可编辑权限;编辑委员会邮箱:daorayaki@dorafactory.org) +- 贡献者: (wonderxxx+wonderchanxxx@gmail.com) +- 成果提交:(https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lpbs-Grn21oQgrALMyQ2ZM-wWMgbPuxQlIjm9nyeHDM/edit?usp=sharing) - 贡献者: - 成果提交: ## Title: DAOrayaki | Web3 competitive advantage: Winning in open and decentralized ecosystems