XTF repository is hosted on Bintray
- Write access to XTF upstream repository (ask one of the admins to provide access: https://github.com/orgs/xtf-cz/teams/admins)
- Clone upstream XTF repo, not a personal fork
- Maven Release plugin is pre-configured, release repository is defined in distribution management section, GitHub repository in SCM section to push tags:
mvn release:clean release:prepare
in a nutshell it will create release tag, version and move to next devel version. This is an interactive process and requires a few details to be provided, see the example:
What is the release version for "XTF"? (cz.xtf:utilities) 0.5: 0.5
What is SCM release tag or label for "XTF"? (cz.xtf:utilities) utilities-0.5: : 0.5
What is the new development version for "XTF"? (cz.xtf:utilities) 0.6-SNAPSHOT: 0.6-SNAPSHOT
the finally tagged version is pushed to GitHub repository. GH Actions are configured to perform mvn deploy
for new tags
and push to maven repository after few minutes new version should appear in the Maven repository.
Every push of branch to upstream repo of XTF repository triggers also a snapshot release that is hosted in the OSS JFrog repository:
so you can have any custom XTF artifacts deployed in maven repository for further testing.