You must be signed in to change notification settings - Fork 72
Code Examples
The examples provided below are for example purposes only and are offered 'as is' with no support.
An example of how to include OAuth2 API Client information as parameters and perform an authorization token request to the associated CID or "member" CID.
#Requires -Version 5.1 -Modules @{ModuleName="PSFalcon";ModuleVersion='2.0'}
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ClientId,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ClientSecret,
[ValidateSet('us-1', 'us-2', 'us-gov-1', 'eu-1')]
[string] $Cloud,
[string] $MemberCid
begin {
$TokenParam = @{}
@('ClientId', 'ClientSecret', 'Cloud', 'MemberCid').foreach{
if ($PSBoundParameters.$_) {
$TokenParam[$_] = $PSBoundParameters.$_
process {
try {
Request-FalconToken @TokenParam
# Insert code to run and output data here
} catch {
throw $_
} finally {
if ((Test-FalconToken).Token -eq $true) {
In multi-CID configurations, you can create an OAuth2 API Client Id/Secret in the "parent" CID that has access to the "child" or "member" CIDs. Some data is visible at the parent level, but some data is only visible within the child. After creating an API Client, you can use that to retrieve a list of all available member CIDs (or provide specific members using -MemberCids
) and run PSFalcon commands within each child, while pausing between authorization token request attempts to avoid rate limiting.
#Requires -Version 5.1 -Modules @{ModuleName="PSFalcon";ModuleVersion='2.0'}
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ClientId,
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
[string] $ClientSecret,
[ValidateSet('eu-1', 'us-gov-1', 'us-1', 'us-2')]
[string] $Cloud,
[array] $MemberCids
begin {
$TokenParam = @{}
@('ClientId', 'ClientSecret', 'Cloud').foreach{
if ($PSBoundParameters.$_) {
$TokenParam[$_] = $PSBoundParameters.$_
if (!$MemberCids) {
# Gather available Member CIDs
Request-FalconToken @TokenParam
if ((Test-FalconToken).Token -eq $true) {
[array] $MemberCids = (Get-FalconMemberCid -Detailed -All | Where-Object {
$_.status -eq 'active' }).child_cid
process {
foreach ($Cid in $MemberCids) {
try {
Request-FalconToken @TokenParam
if ((Test-FalconToken).Token -eq $true) {
# Insert code to run and output data from each CID here
} catch {
Write-Error $_
} finally {
if ((Test-FalconToken).Token -eq $true) {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 5
Collect a list of items (identifiers, hostnames, group names, etc.) from an absolute file path, normalize the input (which sometimes is a problem when the values are converted to Json for an API request), exclude blank values and save to the variable $Items
. Once complete, you can use the $Items
variable with another PSFalcon command.
#Requires -Version 5.1
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
if (Test-Path $_) {
} else {
throw "Cannot find path '$_' because it does not exist."
[string] $Path
$InputFile = if (![IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($PSBoundParameters.Path)) {
$FullPath = Join-Path -Path (Get-Location).Path -ChildPath $PSBoundParameters.Path
$FullPath = Join-Path -Path $FullPath -ChildPath '.'
} else {
$Items = ((Get-Content -Path $InputFile).Normalize()).foreach{
if ($_ -ne '') {
Most PSFalcon commands return [PSCustomObject]
results. One of the fastest ways to add properties to a [PSCustomObject]
can be converted into a simple function that you can re-use.
#Requires -Version 5.1
function Add-Field ($Object, $Name, $Value) {
# Add property to [PSCustomObject]
$Object.PSObject.Properties.Add((New-Object PSNoteProperty($Name, $Value)))
For example, if you wanted to add property test
with value abc
to a Get-FalconHost
$HostObject = Get-FalconHost -Filter "hostname:'EXAMPLE-PC'" -Detailed
Add-Field -Object $HostObject -Name 'test' -Value 'abc'
The examples provided above are for example purposes only and are offered 'as is' with no support.
- Using PSFalcon
Commands by Permission
- Actors (Falcon Intelligence)
- Alerts
- API integrations
- App Logs
- Channel File Control Settings
- Configuration Assessment
- Content Update Policies
- Correlation Rules
- CSPM registration
- Custom IOA rules
- Detections
- Device Content
- Device control policies
- Event streams
- Falcon Complete Dashboards
- Falcon Container Image
- Falcon Data Replicator
- Falcon Discover
- Falcon FileVantage
- Falcon FileVantage Content
- Firewall management
- Flight Control
- Host groups
- Host Migration
- Hosts
- Identity Protection Entities
- Identity Protection GraphQL
- Identity Protection Policy Rules
- Incidents
- Indicators (Falcon Intelligence)
- Installation tokens
- Installation token settings
- IOA Exclusions
- IOC Manager APIs
- IOCs
- Kubernetes Protection
- Machine Learning exclusions
- MalQuery
- Malware Families (Falcon Intelligence)
- Message Center
- Mobile Enrollment
- Monitoring rules (Falcon Intelligence Recon)
- On demand scans (ODS)
- OverWatch Dashboard
- Prevention Policies
- Quarantined Files
- QuickScan Pro
- Real time response
- Real time response (admin)
- Reports (Falcon Intelligence)
- Response policies
- Rules (Falcon Intelligence)
- Sample uploads
- Sandbox (Falcon Intelligence)
- Scheduled Reports
- Sensor Download
- Sensor update policies
- Sensor Usage
- Sensor Visibility Exclusions
- Snapshot
- Snapshot Scanner Image Download
- Tailored Intelligence
- Threatgraph
- User management
- Vulnerabilities
- Vulnerabilities (Falcon Intelligence)
- Workflow
- Zero Trust Assessment
- Other Commands
- Examples
CrowdStrike SDKs
- FalconPy - Python 3
- goFalcon - Go
- Rusty Falcon - Rust