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oTree tutorial

In this tutorial we will create a simple public goods game. The completed app is here.

Install oTree

Follow the instructions at

Create the app

Create the public goods app with this command:

./otree startapp public_goods_simple

Then go to the folder public_goods_simple that was created.


Let's define our data model in

First, let's modify the Constants class to define our constants and parameters -- things that are the same for all players in all games.

  • There are 3 players per group. So, let's change players_per_group to 3. oTree will then automatically divide players into groups of 3.
  • The endowment to each player is 100 points. So, let's define endowment and set it to c(100). (c() means it is a currency amount; see the docs for more info).
  • Each contribution is multiplied by 1.8. So let's define efficiency_factor and set it to 1.8:

Now we have:

class Constants:
    name_in_url = 'public_goods_simple'
    players_per_group = 3
    num_rounds = 1

    endowment = c(100)
    efficiency_factor = 1.8

Now let's think about the main entities in this game: the Player and the Group.

What data points are we interested in recording about each player? The main thing is how much they contributed. So, we define a field contribution:

class Player(otree.models.BasePlayer):

    # ...

    contribution = models.CurrencyField(min=0, max=Constants.endowment)

What data points are we interested in recording about each group? We might be interested in knowing the total contributions to the group, and the individual share returned to each player. So, we define those 2 fields:

class Group(otree.models.BaseGroup):

    # ...

    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()

We also need to define the logic for how these fields get calculated. Let's define a method on the group called set_payoffs:

class Group(otree.models.BaseGroup):

    # ...

    total_contribution = models.CurrencyField()
    individual_share = models.CurrencyField()

    def set_payoffs(self):
        self.total_contribution = sum([p.contribution for p in self.get_players()])
        self.individual_share = self.total_contribution * Constants.efficiency_factor / Constants.players_per_group
        for p in self.get_players():
            p.payoff = Constants.endowment - p.contribution + self.individual_share

Define the template

This game will have 2 pages.

  • Page 1: players decide how much to contribute
  • Page 2: players are told the results

So, let's make 2 HTML files under templates/public_goods_simple/.

The first is Contribute.html, which contains a brief explanation of the game, and a form field where the player can enter their contribution.

{% extends "global/Base.html" %}
{% load staticfiles otree_tags %}

{% block title %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

        This is a public goods game with
        {{ Constants.players_per_group }} players per group,
        an endowment of {{ Constants.endowment }},
        and an efficiency factor of {{ Constants.efficiency_factor }}.

    {% formfield player.contribution with label="How much will you contribute?" %}

    {% next_button %}

{% endblock %}

The second template will be called Results.html.

{% extends "global/Base.html" %}
{% load staticfiles otree_tags %}

{% block title %}
{% endblock %}

{% block content %}

        Your group contributed {{ group.total_contributions }},
        resulting in an individual share of {{ group.individual_share }}.
        Your profit is therefore:

    {{ Constants.endowment }} - {{ player.contribution }} + {{ group.individual_share }} = {{ player.payoff }}

{% endblock %}


Now we define our views, which decide the logic for how to display the HTML templates.

Since we have 2 templates, we need 2 view classes, with the same names as the templates (Contribute and Results).

First let's define Contribute. We need to define form_model and form_fields to specify that this page contains a form letting you set Player.contribution:

class Contribute(Page):

    form_model = models.Player
    form_fields = ['contribution']

Now we define Results. This page doesn't have a form so our class definition can be empty (with the pass keyword).

class Results(Page):

We are almost done, but one more page is needed. After a player makes a contribution, they cannot see the results page right away; they first need to wait for the other players to contribute. You therefore need to add a WaitPage. There should be some logic in this wait page. When all players have completed the Contribute page, the players' payoffs can be calculated. You can trigger this calculation inside the the after_all_players_arrive method on the WaitPage, which automatically gets called when all players have arrived at the wait page:

class ResultsWaitPage(WaitPage):

    def after_all_players_arrive(self):

Now we define page_sequence to specify the order in which the pages are shown:

page_sequence = [

Define the session type in

Now we go to and add an entry to SESSION_TYPES. In lab experiments, it's typical for users to fill out an exit survey, and then see how much money they made. So let's do this by adding the existing "exit survey" and "payment info" apps to app_sequence.

        'name': 'public_goods_simple',
        'display_name': "Public Goods (Simple Version)",
        'num_demo_participants': 3,
        'app_sequence': ['public_goods_simple', 'survey', 'payment_info'],
    # ...

However, we must also remember to add a {% next_button %} element to the Results.html, so the user can click a button taking them to the next app in the sequence.

Reset the database and run

Before you run the server, you need to reset the database. In the launcher, click the button "clear the database". Or, on the command line, run ./otree resetdb.

Every time you add, change, or remove a field in This is because we have defined new fields in, and the SQL database needs to be re-generated to create these tables and columns.

Then, run the server and open your browser to to play the game.