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Getting Started

NOTE: This version is for version 0.2.x

Table of contents


To begin, you'll need a server or computer with at least 512 mb or more RAM and at least 8 GB of free space (Rust builds take a lot of storage space). Preferably, you will also have an existing NGINX (or Apache) configuration and a domain name or subdomain setup (see NGINX setup, way below). You will need Git installed.

NOTE: I have not tested this program on Windows and do not know if it works, but have included a rough how-to for Windows in case it does. As very few servers use Windows, it is not a priority.

Other programmes you will need access to:

  • Inkscape - Optional, to create maps
  • Libreoffice Calc OR Microsoft Office Excel OR Google Docs (OR some programming language) - Optional, to populate map adjacency

Installation of Rust

To install this programme, install Rust nightly for your system. This can be accomplished with rustup or (in Unix-like operating systems)


Unix-like Systems

You can use the file at the root of this directory. Clone this repo, as per Rust Risk Setup and then execute

./ -b

Alternatively, install Rust with Rustup:

curl -sSf | sh -s -- --default-toolchain nightly

Windows, Others

See Rust Installation.

Installation of Postgresql

To install this programme, install Postgresql for your system.


Installation of Rust-Risk

To install Rust-Risk, you will first clone this repository. Go to a comfortable place for new files, such as $HOME/Projects/ on Unix-like Systems or C:\Users\{Your Username}\Projects on Windows. Then clone this repository using Git:

Unix-like Systems

git clone

Windows, Others

Using CMD or git,

git clone

Reddit Setup

You will now need to create an application in Reddit. If you have a domain name already pointing to your server, then use that. If not, we will use localhost (but this should not be for production use).

  1. Go to
  2. Click "Create another app..."
  3. Set the name to "{Name}-Risk" (append -local if you're using localhost)
  4. Add a short description, e.g. "The University of Alabama Rust-Risk Installation"
  5. Add an about url that points exactly to the /info endpoint on your domain ( for example). If using local, use http://localhost:8000/info.
  6. IMPORTANT: Reddit is very picky about the redirect_url. Your port number and domain must match your FQDN (domain name) EXACTLY. http://localhost:8000/auth/reddit is NOT https://localhost:8000/auth/reddit is not http://localhost/info, etc. For production use, it will look similar to: For local use, it will probably be http://localhost:8000/auth/reddit.
  7. Click "Create App." Make note of your application id (hereafter, APP_ID), which is displayed right under the blue application name next to the logo (currently a question mark). Also make note of your secret, (hereafter, SECRET), and your redirect url (hereafter, REDIRECT_URL).
  8. (Optional) If you have already created a logo, upload it now.

Rust-Risk Setup

Postgresql Setup

First, we'll create a new database and user named risk (if you're not familiar with SQL, look up "Create new user postgresql" for graphical approaches):

  1. Login as postgres (see
  2. Execute (substituting %password% with a good password you don't use anywhere else, perhaps a random string):
create database risk;
create user risk with password '%password%';
  1. Now we will run psql risk -f new.sql. You will need to know to where you downloaded Rust-Risk, and navigate to it (on Command Prompt, cd C:\Users\{{your user}}\Projects\Risk\db, on POSIX Shell, cd $HOME/Projects/Risk/db/). Then psql risk -f new.sql (it may require you login, in which case append -U risk -p %password% again substituting your password for %password%).
  2. The step above should complete without errors. If it argues about Citext or something else, feel free to contact me or look into it on your search engine of choice.

Territories and Map Setup

If you want to just use the Texas map and territories, run texas.sql like in step 3 above.

If not, you will need to generate a map. There are many ways to do this, but the best is to download a map from Wikipedia. Look for 'SVG county map of (entity)' and find an SVG where each county is its own path (e.g. To ensure license compliance, try to select a public domain or attribution-licensed image. Wikimedia has a lot of those.

(For those creating a new map only):

  1. Open the SVG in inkscape and select the first county, then go to the lower bar with all the colors and select a color, like red. The county should turn red. Do this for all the counties you want in a territory. Then go to the next county set and choose blue or another color, etc, so that all territories are different colors.

  2. Select a territory that is red, for example. Then go to Edit> Select Same > Fill Color then hit CTRL and + and + (or Path> Union). Repeat for all territories/colors. If some internal lines are left, (Path> Outset) and shift+click are your friends to delete the internal nodes.

  3. For each territory, you will need to edit some things in XML. First, you will need to provide a region, e.g. 1, an id that is the territories name without ANY spaces, and finally the territories name. Click xml editor (right hand panel <>). Then click each territory and make it look like so:

    id CollegeStation
    region 1
    name College Station
    style (don't change)
    d (don't change)
  4. Save the SVG and open in Notepad, Notepad++, Firefox, etc. Then after the last </g> tag, add:

      <div style="font-size:32px;"><b id="map-county-info">{{State}}, USA</b><br/></div>
         color="white" id="map-owner-info"></div>
      <div class="action-container">
      <button id="attack-button" class="disp-button" disabled="">Attack</button>
      <button id="defend-button" class="disp-button" disabled="">Defend</button>
      <button id="visit-button" class="disp-button" disabled="">History</button>
      <button id="hover-button" class="hover-button disp-button" onclick="returnHover();" disabled="">Hover</button></div>
  1. Replace {{State}} with whatever you please, and adjust x and y as necessary.

  2. Save the image to Risk/server/static/assets/images/{{mapname}}.svg and edit Risk/server/static/assets/scripts/main.js line 20:

map: '/images/map4.svg',

to match, e.g. if 'bama:

map: '/images/alabama.svg',
  1. Phew, we're now about half done. Next is to insert territories. The easiest way to do this is to make a list of territory names in excel and numbers like: id | name | region where id = 1, 2, 3, and name = Abilene, Alpine, Bryan . . . Then use concat() to develop the sql query: insert into territories (id, name, region) values (id, name, region); e.g.: =concat('insert into territories (id, name, region) values (',A1,',',B1,',',C1'); ') then to copy all of these and paste into postgresql to execute them.

  2. You'll next want to prepare a list of territories and their neighbors (include the territory itslef as its first neighbor). The easiest way I've found is to make a column in Libreoffice Calc/Excel that is the territory names alphabetically, then for each territory write its neighbors across the row in columns B-J. Then go to replace each territory with its territory number, and finally use the same concat trick as in 7:

=IF(ISBLANK(F2),"",CONCAT("insert into territory_adjacency(territory_id, adjacent_id) values (",$B2,",",F2,");"))

which results in

insert into territory_adjacency(territory_id, adjacent_id) values (1,1);


  1. Run the queries generated by 8 in sql.

Team Setup

  1. Now insert teams into sql using the following query (replace team names, the two colors, and the logo with whatever you like):
insert into teams (tname, tshortname, color_1, color_2, logo, seasons) values ('Team Name', 'Team', 'rgba(0,0,0,0.5)', 'rgba(255,255,255,0.5)', '/images/houston.svg', '{1}');
  1. Now set territory ownership. Your ownership query will be like (see step 8 of Territories and Map Setup to see how to do this using concat in excel for all territories):
insert into territory_ownership (territory_id, owner_id, day, season, random_number) values (1, 1, 1, 1, 0);
  1. Now set turninfo:
insert into turninfo (season, day, complete, active, finale, chaosrerolls, chaosweight) values (1, 1, false, true, false, 0, 1);
  1. For each team, upload "day 0" stats (replace {{team}} with team's id number and {{territories}} with the number of territories they own):
insert into stats (sequence, season, day, team, rank, territorycount, playercount, merccount, starpower, efficiency, effectivepower, ones, twos, threes, fours, fives) values (0, 1, 1, {{team}}, 1, {{territories}}, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

Environmental Variables

Enter the server/ directory. Edit Rocket.toml (replacing the {{}} as above, and change ports if necessary):

url = "postgresql://{{username}}:{{password}}@{{hostname}}:{{port}}/{{database}}"

provider = "Reddit"
client_id = "{{APP_ID}}"
client_secret = "{{SECRET}}"
redirect_uri = "{{same redirect_URI as above, leave the apostrophes not the brackets}}"

provider = "Discord"
client_id = "{{APP_ID}}"
client_secret = "{{SECRET}}"
redirect_uri = "{{same redirect_URI as above, leave the apostrophes not the brackets}}"

name = "{{The name of service you want}}"
base_url = "{{The base url, e.g. localhost:8000 or}}"
cookie_key = "{{base64 string, DO NOT USE THE SAME AS secret_key}}"

limits = { forms = 32768 }
secret_key = "{{base64 string, see, DO NOT USE THE SAME AS cookie_key}}"

That should be all the configuration, it only gets easier from here!

Building the Server and Ringmaster

Building the Server

  1. Enter Risk/server
  2. Run cargo build --release. This will take about ten minutes the first time but gets faster later.
  3. Make sure it runs, type cargo run --release and navigate to http://localhost:8000/ (if on local machine, if not we can't test yet, gotta set up NGINX).

Building the Ringmaster

  1. Enter Risk/ringmaster
  2. Run cargo build --release. This will take about ten minutes the first time but gets faster later.

Setting up Cron

On unix-like systems, you can setup cron by running crontab -e. These are the settings I use, where /var/www/Risk/ is the path to my Risk installation:

0 4 * * * cd /var/www/Risk/ringmaster/ && ./target/release/ringmaster
0,15,30,45 * * * * /bin/sh /var/www/Risk/server/ >> ~/cron.log 2>&1

Setting up NGINX

(for non-localhost installations only): Here's the file that I use in /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ Replace with your domain.

server {
    root /var/www/;
    client_max_body_size 10M;
    access_log /var/log/nginx/;
    error_log /var/log/nginx/;
        location /  {
        proxy_set_header X-Real-IP  $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
        proxy_set_header Host $host;
    listen [::]:80;
    listen 80;

Then run nginx -t to ensure it's valid. Then restart nginx: sudo systemctl restart nginx.

Optional: certbot setup, see

Starting the Server

To start the server, cd to Risk/server and type sh (Unix-like OSes). Idk if it even runs on Windows.

Running the Ringmaster

To run the ringmaster/change days, cd to Risk/ringmaster and type cargo run --release (Unix-like OSes). Idk if it even runs on Windows.