In order to enhance the visual design of the Webchat, there is the possibility to apply custom CSS. You will have to add the style to your embeded Webchat or just link a CSS file to it.
There are several classes that you need to take in consideration if you want to make some changes to the Webchat, the classes 'bot' and 'user' are used as helper classes that give us the possibility to customize the messages from the user and the bot separatly. The classes are the following:
- webchat-root
- webchat
- webchat-header-bar
- webchat-header-logo
- webchat-header-title
- webchat-header-close-button
- webchat-header-rating-button
- webchat-chat-history
- webchat-message-row
- regular-message
- webchat-avatar
- webchat-message-row + bot
- regular-message + bot
- webchat-avatar + bot
- webchat-message-row + user
- regular-message + user
- webchat-avatar + user
- webchat-chat-typing-indicator
- webchat-input
- webchat-input-menu-form
- webchat-input-button-menu
- webchat-input-message-input
- webchat-input-button-add-attachments
- webchat-input-drag-and-drop-file-text
- webchat-input-button-send
- webchat-toggle-button
- webchat-unread-message-preview
- webchat-unread-message-badge
- webchat-unread-message-preview-text
- webchat-teaser-message-root
- webchat-teaser-message-header-title
- webchat-teaser-message-header-logo
- webchat-teaser-message-button-container
- webchat-teaser-message-button
- webchat-privacy-notice-root
- webchat-privacy-notice-message
- webchat-privacy-notice-actions
- webchat-privacy-notice-accept-button
- webchat-privacy-policy-link
- webchat-homescreen-root
- webchat-homescreen-content
- webchat-homescreen-header
- webchat-homescreen-close-button
- webchat-homescreen-title
- webchat-homescreen-button-container
- webchat-homescreen-button
- webchat-homescreen-actions
- webchat-homescreen-send-button
- webchat-homescreen-previous-conversation-button
- webchat-prev-conversations-root
- webchat-prev-conversations-content
- webchat-prev-conversations-item
- webchat-prev-conversations-send-button
- webchat-chat-options-root
- webchat-chat-options-container
- webchat-chat-options-action-btns-root
- webchat-chat-options-action-btns-title
- webchat-chat-options-action-button-container
- webchat-chat-options-action-button
- webchat-rating-widget-root
- webchat-rating-widget-title
- webchat-rating-widget-content-container
- webchat-rating-widget-thumbs-up-button
- webchat-rating-widget-thumbs-down-button
- webchat-rating-widget-comment-input-field
- webchat-rating-widget-send-button
- webchat-chat-options-footer-link
- webchat-chat-options-footer-link-text
If you want to be sure that the custom CSS that you apply will be shown, you will have to add some other selectors to those classes, for the Webchat we will use the attribute selectors:
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat] [data-cognigy-webchat-toggle]
This way we asure specificity of the classes in our script.
An example where we change the color of the Webchat header:
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-header-bar {
background: rgb(15, 15, 194);
The following code snippets are just suggestions so it shows the syntax required to acces all classes, the examples shown here are simple design changes so you get the idea how it works. You can change all this properties in any way you want, keep in mind that some components are nested in others and that some properties won't have an effect due to the nature of the Webchat widget
- webchat-root
This is the rootcontainingthe webchat, not much to customize here.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root].webchat-root {
- webchat
This class is the main Webchat component that can be customized, you can add size like height or width in it.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat {
width: 500px;
- webchat-header-bar
The header bar of the Webchat, here you can change color, it also contains other components like the header logo and header title.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-header-bar {
background: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-header-logo
The logo of the Webchat, it can be changed by editing the URL.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-header-logo {
background-image: url(https://...);
margin-left: 10px;
- webchat-header-title
The text that is in the header, you can modify the font as you wish.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-header-title {
font-size: 20px;
- webchat-chat-history
This is the element where all the messages of the chat are are shown, you could change its color for example.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-chat-history {
background-color: rgb(48, 48, 48);
- webchat-message-row
The general class for any message in the chat, containing the message and the avatar logo.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-message-row {
padding-right: 10px;
- regular-message
The text of the message, you can change the font and style the dialog bubble, this one comes from the regular message plugin that comes shipped with the Webchat!
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .regular-message {
border:2px solid white;
background: black;
box-shadow: none;
- webchat-avatar
The icon from the avatar that will be show when a message is written or received. You can put the avatar you like by adding a URL to it.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-avatar {
background-image: url(https://***.png);
// use flex-basis instead of "width" here!
flex-basis: 30px;
height: 28px;
The avatars can be repositioned to appear at the top edge of a message rather than the bottom edge.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-avatar {
align-self: flex-start !important;
- webchat-message-row + bot
The classes for the bot message in the chat, containing the message and the avatar logo.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat {
padding-right: 10px;
- regular-message + bot
The text of the message from the bot, you can change the font and style the dialog bubble.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat {
background: rgb(5, 5, 131);
box-shadow: none;
- webchat-avatar + bot
The icon from the bot that will be show when a message is received. You can put the avatar you like by adding a URL to it.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat {
background-image: url(https://***.png);
width: 30px;
height: 28px;
- webchat-message-row + user
The class for the user message in the chat, containing the message and the avatar logo.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-message-row.user {
padding-right: 10px;
- regular-message + user
The text of the message from the user, you can change the font and style the dialog bubble.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .regular-message.user {
background: rgb(5, 5, 131);
box-shadow: none;
- webchat-avatar + user
The icon from the user that will be show when a message is received. You can put the avatar you like by adding a URL to it.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-avatar.user {
background-image: url(https://***.png);
// use flex-basis instead of "width" here!
flex-basis: 30px;
height: 28px;
- webchat-message-row + agent
The class for the agent message when using handover in the chat, containing the message and the avatar logo.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-message-row.agent {
padding-right: 10px;
- regular-message + agent
The text of the message from the agent when using handover, you can change the font and style the dialog bubble.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .regular-message.agent {
background: rgb(5, 5, 131);
box-shadow: none;
- webchat-avatar + agent
The icon from the agent when using handover that will be show when a message is received. You can put the avatar you like by adding a URL to it.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-avatar.agent {
background-image: url(https://***.png);
// use flex-basis instead of "width" here!
flex-basis: 30px;
height: 28px;
- webchat-chat-typing-indicator
The typing indicator bubble of the message from the bot, you can change the background color.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-typing-indicator {
background: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-input
The footer of the Webchat, it contains some other components like the text input, menu and buttons. Careful to modify the height here since it will influence the input menu
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-input {
background: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-input-menu-form
The form that will take care of submit the message, you can modify the borders for example.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-input-menu-form {
border-bottom-color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-input-button-menu
The sandwich menu to open the input menu, you can not change the icon but you can customize the position, size and background.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-input-button-menu {
border-radius: 5px;
background-color: white;
- webchat-input-message-input
The text input where you can write your messages, you can change how the font looks like.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-input-message-input {
color: white;
- webchat-input-button-send
The button to send the message, you can not change the icon but you can customize the position, size and background.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-input-button-send {
border-radius: 20px;
background-color: white;
- webchat-input-button-add-attachments
The button to open the file attachment section, you can not change the icon but you can customize the position, size and background.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-input-button-add-attachments {
border-radius: 20px;
background-color: white;
- webchat-input-drag-and-drop-file-text
The text for drag and drop file upload, you can modify the font.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat].webchat .webchat-input-drag-and-drop-file-text {
color: white;
- webchat-toggle-button
This is the button to open the Webchat, if you want to modify its color you have to set the "background-image" to none.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] [data-cognigy-webchat-toggle].webchat-toggle-button {
background-image: none;
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-unread-message-preview
This is the message bubble which is diplayed next to the webchat-toggle-button, when the user retreived an unread message from Cognigy.
.webchat-unread-message-preview {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-unread-message-badge
This is the unread message count which is diplayed next to the webchat-toggle-button, when the user retreived an unread message from Cognigy.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-unread-message-badge {
background-color: 'white';
- webchat-unread-message-preview-text
This is the text in the teaser message and unread message preview bubble. You can change the font, text color, or any other text properties.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-unread-message-preview-text {
color: white;
font-size: 14px;
- webchat-teaser-message-root
The root class for the teaser message, used for customizing the overall look of the teaser message box.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-teaser-message-root {
background-color: rgb(240, 240, 240);
padding: 10px;
- webchat-teaser-message-header-title
The title of the teaser message displayed at the top of the teaser message bubble.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-teaser-message-header-title {
font-size: 18px;
font-weight: bold;
color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-teaser-message-header-logo
The logo displayed in the header of the teaser message. You can replace the logo image URL.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-teaser-message-header-logo {
border: 2px solid rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-teaser-message-button-container
This container holds the button(s) displayed in the teaser message. You can adjust the layout and spacing.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-teaser-message-button-container {
justify-content: space-between;
padding-top: 10px;
- webchat-teaser-message-button
This is the button that is displayed below the teaser message bubble and inside webchat-teaser-message-button-container.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-teaser-message-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
color: white;
- webchat-privacy-notice-root
The root container for the privacy screen of the webchat.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-privacy-notice-root {
border-radius: 20px;
border: 2px solid rgb(5, 5, 131);
padding: 20px;
- webchat-privacy-notice-message
The root container for the privacy screen of the webchat.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-privacy-notice-message {
background-color: rgb(227, 227, 251);
To change the font-family of the privacy notice text, you need to target the p tag inside webchat-privacy-notice-message like the following
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-privacy-notice-message p {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- webchat-privacy-notice-actions
The container for the action items of the privacy screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-privacy-notice-actions {
background-color: rgb(227, 227, 251);
padding: 20px;
- webchat-privacy-notice-accept-button
The privacy submit button in the privacy screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-privacy-notice-accept-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-privacy-policy-link The privacy policy link in the privacy screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-privacy-policy-link {
color: rgb(227, 227, 251);
To change the font-family of the privacy policy link text, you need to target the p tag inside webchat-privacy-policy-link like the following
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-privacy-policy-link p {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- webchat-homescreen-root
The root container for the homescreen of the webchat.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-root {
border-radius: 20px;
border: 2px solid rgb(5, 5, 131);
padding: 20px;
- webchat-homescreen-content
This is the main content area of the homescreen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-content {
background-color: black;
- webchat-homescreen-header
The header section of the homescreen, containing the logo and close button.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-header {
margin: 10px;
- webchat-homescreen-close-button
The close button in the homescreen header.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-close-button {
border: 2px solid white !important;
padding: 10px !important;
- webchat-homescreen-title
The title displayed on the homescreen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-title {
font-size: 24px;
color: red !important;
- webchat-homescreen-button-container
The container for the conversation starter buttons on the homescreen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-button-container {
padding: 10px;
- webchat-homescreen-button
Individual buttons on the homescreen (like for starting a new conversation).
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131) !important;
color: black;
border-radius: 5px;
To change the font-family of the homescreen starter button labels, you need to target the span tag inside webchat-homescreen-button like the following
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-button span {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
- webchat-homescreen-actions
The container for any actions on the homescreen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-actions {
margin-top: 15px;
- webchat-homescreen-send-button
The button to send a new message from the homescreen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-send-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131) !important;
color: white;
- webchat-homescreen-previous-conversation-button
The button to view previous conversations from the homescreen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-homescreen-previous-conversation-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131) !important;
- webchat-prev-conversations-root
The root container for the previous conversations screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-prev-conversations-root {
padding: 20px;
- webchat-prev-conversations-content
The container for the list of previous conversations.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-prev-conversations-content {
padding: 0px;
- webchat-prev-conversations-item
An individual item in the previous conversations list.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-prev-conversations-item {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-prev-conversations-send-button
The button to start a new conversation from the Previous conversations screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-prev-conversations-send-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131) !important;
- webchat-chat-options-root
The root container for the chat options.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-root {
padding: 20px;
- webchat-chat-options-container
The container that holds all chat options.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-container {
border: 2px solid rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-chat-options-action-btns-root
The container for quick reply buttons and its title inside the chat options screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-action-btns-root {
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 10px;
- webchat-chat-options-action-button-container
The container for the set of quick reply buttons in the chat options screen
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-action-button-container {
justify-content: space-around;
padding: 10px;
- webchat-chat-options-action-btns-title
The title for the quick reply buttons in the chat options screen
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-action-btns-title {
font-size: 18px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-chat-options-action-button
An individual quick reply button in the chat options screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-action-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131) !important;
color: white;
- webchat-rating-widget-root
The root container for the rating widget that includes the rating title, thumbs up/down button, text area and submit button.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-rating-widget-root {
padding: 20px;
- webchat-rating-widget-title
The title of the rating widget.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-rating-widget-title {
font-size: 20px;
color: rgb(5, 5, 131);
- webchat-rating-widget-content-container
The container for the rating widget's thumbs up/down buttons.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-rating-widget-content-container {
justify-content: space-between;
padding: 10px;
- webchat-rating-widget-thumbs-up-button
The thumbs-up button for the rating widget.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-rating-widget-thumbs-up-button {
background-color: #00cc66 !important;
- webchat-rating-widget-thumbs-down-button
The thumbs-down button for the rating widget.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-rating-widget-thumbs-down-button {
background-color: #cc0000 !important;
- webchat-rating-widget-comment-input-field
The input field for comments in the rating widget.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-rating-widget-comment-input-field {
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;
- webchat-rating-widget-send-button
The button to send the rating/comment.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-rating-widget-send-button {
background-color: rgb(5, 5, 131) !important;
- webchat-chat-options-footer-link
The link displayed at the footer of the chat options screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-footer-link {
text-decoration: underline !important;
padding: 10px;
- webchat-chat-options-footer-link-text
The text for the footer link in chat options screen.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-chat-options-footer-link-text {
font-size: 14px;
font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif !important;
Our Webchat ships with message templates out of the box (Quick replies, Buttons, Image Galleries, Media, Lists) these elements can be also customized to meet design guidelines even more!
Here are the classes that you can use to modify it:
- webchat-quick-reply-template-root
This class contains the whole Quick Reply element, you can modify its size for example.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-quick-reply-template-root {
width: 500px;
height: 500px;
- webchat-quick-reply-template-header-message
This is the header message of the Quick Reply.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-quick-reply-template-header-message {
border:2px solid #fffffe;
border-radius: 0;
text-align: center;
background: #e3f6f5;
color: #272343;
animation: "Some animation" ;
- webchat-quick-reply-template-replies-container
This is the element holding all Quick Replies, you can change the way they are shown, e.g. as a column.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-quick-reply-template-replies-container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
- webchat-quick-reply-template-reply
This is the style of the single Quick Reply element, all of them will be modified.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-quick-reply-template-replies-container .webchat-quick-reply-template-reply {
animation: "Some animation" ;
color: #2d334a;
- webchat-template-button-image
This class modifies the style of the images inside the quick reply buttons. The default border-top-left-radius and border-bottom-left-radius of the images inside the button is 19px. You can override that with the help of this class.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-quick-reply-template-replies-container .webchat-template-button-image {
background-color: black;
border-radius: 10px;
- webchat-buttons-template-root
This class contains the Buttons element.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-buttons-template-root {
border-radius: 0;
animation: "Some animation" ;
- webchat-buttons-template-header
The container and header of the buttons, you can modify the text position and style.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-buttons-template-header {
text-align: center;
font-weight: bold;
background: #e3f6f5;
- webchat-buttons-template-button
The class of a single button, you can add cool animations when hovering and styling, this will take effect for all buttons in the list.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-buttons-template .webchat-buttons-template-button {
background-color: #fffffe;
color: #2d334a;
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-buttons-template .webchat-buttons-template-button:hover {
animation: "Some animation" 1s ease;
animation-iteration-count: 1;
font-weight: bold;
- webchat-carousel-template-root
The card element from a Gallery, here you can increase its size for example.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-carousel-template-root {
width: 200px;
* *webchat-carousel-template-frame*
The frame that adds the "card styles" such as background-color or box-shadow.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-carousel-template-frame {
box-shadow: none;
- webchat-carousel-template-content
The content of the card, you can modify it's height and make it look smaller so you could show more content.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-carousel-template-content {
background: #e3f6f5;
height: 200px;
- webchat-carousel-template-title
The title of the card.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-carousel-template-title {
- webchat-carousel-template-subtitle
The subtitle of the card.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-carousel-template-subtitle {
- webchat-carousel-template-button
The Button at the bottom of the card, containing a URL.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-carousel-template-button {
color: #272343;
background: #ffd803;
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-carousel-template-button:hover {
background: #cfb000;
- webchat-media-template
The media element can be of three forms: Image, Video or Audio. You can modify its container or put some animations on it
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-media-template-image {
animation: "Some animation" 1s;
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-media-template-video {
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-media-template-audio {
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-media-template-file {
/* Add styles for the container containing group of file attachments */
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-media-template-files-container {
/* Add styles for the container containing group of image attachments */
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-media-template-image-container {
- webchat-list-template-root
The container element of the List, you can remove the border-radius that comes with it.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-root {
border-radius: 0;
- webchat-list-template-header
This is the header element, which is above all other componets of the list.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-header {
heigth: 200px;
- webchat-list-template-header-content
The content of the header, here you can center all elements for example.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-header-content {
text-align: center;
- webchat-list-template-header-title
The title of the header element.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-header-title {
color: green;
- webchat-list-template-header-subtitle
The subtitle of the header element.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-header-subtitle {
color: green;
- webchat-list-template-header-button
This is the button inside the header, it can look better if you add some hovering effects.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-header-button {
background: #ffd803;
color: #272343;
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-header-button:hover {
background: #cfb000;
- webchat-list-template-element
The element that contains a single list element
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-element {
background: #e3f6f5;
- webchat-list-template-element-title
The title of every list element.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-element-title {
color: yellow;
- webchat-list-template-element-subtitle
The subtitle of every list element.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-element-subtitle {
color: yellow;
- webchat-list-template-element-button
This is the button inside every list element, adding some hovering effects or animation can make it look better.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-element-button {
border-color: #ffd803;
background-color: #fffffe;
color: #272343;
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-element-button:hover {
background-color: #cfb00071;
- webchat-list-template-global-button
This is the global button of the list template,you could change, for example, its background color and also add custom hover effects.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-global-button {
background-color: #cfb00071;
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-list-template-global-button:hover {
background-color: #39801071;
- webchat-plugin-date-picker
The container element of the Date picker plugin, you can make it's font appear bigger.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-plugin-date-picker {
font-size: 125%;
- webchat-plugin-date-picker-header
The header of the Date picker plugin, it it possible to change e.g. it's background color.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-plugin-date-picker-header {
background-color: linear-gradient(185deg,#36b96e,#2c6caf);
- webchat-plugin-date-picker-content
The content container element of the Date picker plugin, let it glow with an inset shadow.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-plugin-date-picker-content {
box-shadow: 0 0 70px #ff99d7 inset;
- webchat-plugin-date-picker-footer
The footer element of the Date picker plugin, give it a custom look with padding.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .webchat-plugin-date-picker-footer {
padding: 1em 3em;
- webchat-plugin-date-picker-weekdays
The Weekdays of the calendar can be customized with e.g. uppercase labels.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .flatpickr-weekday {
text-transform: uppercase;
- webchat-plugin-date-picker-footer
The look and feel of the selected date can be changed.
[data-cognigy-webchat-root] .flatpickr-day.selected {
background: #28c8ef;
color: hsla(0, 0%, 100%, 0.95);
font-weight: bold;
font-size: 22px;