The main responsibility of Message Validator chain is to take any raw message as an input and return a standard Daf.Message
object, or null
if message type is unsupported.
In this example we will take a look how this chain of validators works:
import * as Daf from 'daf-core'
import * as DidJwt from 'daf-did-jwt'
import * as W3c from 'daf-w3c'
import * as SD from 'daf-selective-disclosure'
import * as URL from 'daf-url'
import { DafUniversalResolver } from 'daf-resolver-universal'
import Debug from 'debug'
const messageValidator = new URL.MessageValidator()
.setNext(new DidJwt.MessageValidator())
.setNext(new W3c.MessageValidator())
.setNext(new SD.MessageValidator())
const core = new Daf.Core({
identityControllers: [],
serviceControllers: [],
didResolver: new DafUniversalResolver({ url: '' }),
// After scanning QR Code:
const qrcodeData =
const msg = new Daf.Message({ raw: qrcodeData, meta: { type: 'QRCode' } })
core.validateMessage(msg).then(message => {
console.log( // 4a2e23d287ad2eb6d24b0ac1618998426449201dbfc476eee01702e1d11ff8d0cdba29a3d4a9f815ef6658f6264e9db3b868be359acdb945ea70b369f8743dbb
console.log(message.timestamp) // 1575632244
console.log(message.threadId) // sess-123
console.log(message.sender) // did:ethr:0x6b1d0db367650f21bae4850347c7a047f04de436
console.log(message.receiver) // undefined
console.log(message.type) // sdr
console.log( // "{ iss: 'did:ethr:0x6b1d0db367650f21bae4850347c7a047f04de436', tag: 'sess-123, claims: [{claimType: 'name', ...}] ..."
console.log(message.allMeta) // [ { type: 'QRCode' }, { type: 'URL', id: '' }, { type: 'JWT', id: 'ES256K-R' }]
Outputs debug info. And passes through the same message object to the next validator
- Detects that message raw format is a URL
- Finds JWT
- Replaces raw contents with JWT, and adds meta
// jwt = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFUzI1NkstUiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NzU2MzIyNDQsInR5cGUiOiJzZHIiLCJ0YWciOiJzZXNzLTEyMyIsImNsYWltcyI6W3siZXNzZW50aWFsIjp0cnVlLCJjbGFpbVR5cGUiOiJuYW1lIiwicmVhc29uIjoiV2UgbmVlZCB0aGlzIHRvIGNvbXBseSB3aXRoIGxvY2FsIGxhdyJ9XSwiaXNzIjoiZGlkOmV0aHI6MHg2YjFkMGRiMzY3NjUwZjIxYmFlNDg1MDM0N2M3YTA0N2YwNGRlNDM2In0.lhv_sGFQX0258CJF50J9cRdF7mmzo9Jx137oWTu0VF3A1CkEI88dDYA5Usj0HKH_2tHKA5b-S1_Akb-mDz9v9QE'
raw: jwt,
meta: { type: 'URL', id: '' },
- Passes message object to the next validator
- Detects that message raw format is JWT
- Validates signature
- Replaces message raw contents with decoded JWT payload
validated.payload = {
"iat": 1575632244,
"type": "sdr",
"tag": "sess-123",
"claims": [
"essential": true,
"claimType": "name",
"reason": "We need this to comply with local law"
"iss": "did:ethr:0x6b1d0db367650f21bae4850347c7a047f04de436"
raw: jwt,
data: validated.payload,
meta: { type: validated.header.typ, id: validated.header.alg },
- Passes message object to the next validator
- Fails to detect VP or VC
- Passes through unchanged message object to the next validator
- Detects that message is a valid did-jwt with a type of 'sdr'
- Sets required fields and returns validate message
msg.type = 'sdr'
msg.sender =
msg.receiver =
msg.threadId =
msg.timestamp = ||
return msg