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Erin Braswell edited this page Feb 26, 2015 · 8 revisions

Here's a quick overview of how the parts of the SHARE notification service work together.

SHARE Technical Overview

The Code Behind the Notification Service

The SHARE Notification Service has two main hubs: scrAPI, and the OSF.


ScrAPI is the "brains" of the SHARE Notification service - it coordinates all of the harvesters, makes sure that each task is run when it is scheduled to run, and stores all of the raw metadata for later use.

All of the code for scrAPI is located in the scrAPI github repository.

Once scrAPI gathers all of the metadata from each source, it then sends it to the OSF for further processing, and ultimate notification distribution.


Check back here soon for more extensive documentation and links to how the SHARE notification service interacts with the OSF.

The output and outside access portions of the SHARE Notification Service works together with the Open Science Framework, and takes advantage of the robust structure, scalability, and security that the OSF offers.

The Open Science Framework will provide the scaffolding for the many sources of output for the notification service, including the ATOM feed and JSON endpoint. While it is under active development, all of the code for the notification service is located off of the main branch.


Technical Overview

Creating a Harvester

Running Harvesters with ScrAPI

Consuming Notifications - Feed Options

Issues & Using the Issue Tracker

Metadata Schema


Provider Names

Statistics Snapshot

Experimental Push API

Use Cases

SHARE is a project of the ARL, AAU, and APLU. Development of the SHARE Notification Service is being carried out in partnership with the Center for Open Science and is supported by generous funding from The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation.

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