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Thank you for considering a contribution to this site! The main
branch is protected and you cannot push to it.
You can always contact the developers:
- Patrick Cuba, IT Architect. [email protected]
- Bryan Haberberger, Full-Stack Developer. [email protected]
- Research Computing Group at Saint Louis Univsersity -- [email protected]
OK! This is a static website that can run straight off of your filesystem or from within any web server. Make sure Git is installed on your machine. You will use Git to install the website.
Once you know where the website folder will be use Git to clone the website into that folder.
cd /code_folder/
git clone https://github.com/CenterForDigitalHumanities/rerum.git rerum_website
Now you have main on your local machine and can open the HTML pages! As you make changes, they will appear on these pages.
First, make a new branch through the GitHub interface or through your shell. Make sure you 'checkout' that branch.
cd /code_folder/rerum_website
git checkout my_new_branch
Now you can make code changes and see them in real time! When you are finished with the commits to your new branch, open a Pull Request that targets the main
branch at https://github.com/CenterForDigitalHumanities/rerum/tree/main.