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Form validation

The form validation is done by getting the Slurm limits when the app form is rendered. Limits are then passed in a hidden field in the form. The hidden field contents is then parsed as JSON and then used to validate the form using the HTML5 custom validation features. Form validation is intended to be as generic as possible and work on any the systems (Puhti, Mahti, LUMI) without needing to implement separate logic for each of them. The biggest differences between the systems are regarding SMT, MaxMemPerCPU and TRES availability (NVME+GPU).

Expected behaviour

Slurm resource limits

Node limits

Some partitions have different types of nodes with different limits. For example, the small partition on Puhti can use M, L or IO nodes. Slurm automatically selects the correct node type based on resources requested, so we want to always select the largest value allowed for resources. For the small partition, the maximum NVME size for each node type is 0GB, 1490GB and 3600GB, so the maximum possible is 3600GB.

QoS limits

Some partitions have QoS limits defined. In these cases we want to take the lower of the limits. For example, the nodes for interactive partition has 40 cores, but the interactive QoS is set at cpu=8,gres/nvme=720,mem=76G (maxtrespu), so maximum should be 8 for the interactive partition.

maxtres vs maxtrespu vs maxtrespa

For maxtrespu (per user) we count the currently running resources (jobs with state R) for the user for that partition. If the maxtrespu with the user's used resources subtracted is lower than the node limit, we use this limit instead.

maxtres and maxtrespa (per account (project)) are not in practice used/relevant for the form validation, but are still supported by the form validation. We treat maxtrespa in the same way as maxtrespu (I'm unsure if we should include other users' used resources in maxtrespa).


LUMI and Mahti have MaxMemPerCPU set for some partitions. The value is parsed and included in the data passed to the form, with dynamically updating help text letting the user know that the amount of memory depends on the amount of CPUs they choose. The actual submission logic for MaxMemPerCPU needs to be handled in submit.yml.erb.

Limits defined in the form

form.yml.erb allows settings minimum and maximum values for the form in a few different ways. The standard OOD way is to set max or min for the form attribute. In addition to that, we also allow setting min/max values for specific partitions, by setting e.g. min-interactive on the form attribute, and in the csc_slurm_limits form attribute by directly overriding the Slurm limits found (see Smart attributes README. When the form is changed, we always check which limit is in effect (lowest).

Short example:
The user has no jobs running. The interactive partition has node limit of 40 cores, and maxtrespu limit of cpu=8. In form.yml.erb csc_cores has the max attribute set to 6 and the max-test attribute set to 1.
When the user goes to the app form, selects the interactive partition and chooses 8 cores. The user now sees the error message Value exceeds the maximum allowed (6) since the max for this particular app was set to 6.
The user then changes the cores to 5 (which hides the error), launches the app and opens the form again. Since the user now has 5 cores used, they now see the error Value exceeds the maximum for partition (5 used out of maximum 8 per user), since the maxtrespu QoS limit is now the lowest limit. If the user changes to the test partition, they now see the error message Value exceeds the maximum allowed (1) instead, since the limit set in form.yml.erb for the test partition is now used.


The backend is the part that runs on the OOD node when the app form is rendered. The main parts are ood-util/attributes/csc_slurm_limits.rb and ood-util/scripts/slurm_limits.rb. Currently the limits that are fetched from Slurm are the resource limits for the nodes for time, CPU cores, memory, NVME and number of GPUs. Amount of submits is also validated, the maximum number of submissions for each project and partition is fetched together with the amount of running jobs that the user has. Limits are cached for the whole PUN session.


The slurm_limits.rb file is a Ruby module that fetches the limits and other info from Slurm. SlurmLimits uses Open3 for running Slurm commands and then parses the result into Structs.

The following commands are used by SlurmLimits for getting the limits from Slurm:

# Commands for resource limits

# sinfo gives most of the relevant limits, some partitions can use different node types, eg IO or M
# the maximum value for each resource is used if multiple node types are possible
sinfo --noheader --Format "PartitionName:|,Time:|,Memory:|,SocketCoreThread:|,Gres:"

# sacctmgr show qos gives the qos limits, in this case only the interactive partition limits are relevant
sacctmgr --noheader --parsable2 show qos format=Name,MaxTres,MaxTresPA,MaxTresPU

# get the name of the qos used for each partition
scontrol show partition --oneliner
# Maximum number of submits and current job submission amount

# sacctmgr show assoc gives the max submits for each partition and project
# only MaxSubmits is used currently to allow the user to queue up jobs even if they won't run immediately
sacctmgr --noheader --parsable2 show assoc format=Partition,Account,MaxJobs,MaxSubmit where user=$USER

# get the amount of submissions the user has for each partition and project
squeue --noheader --Format "JobID:|,Account:|,Partition:|,StateCompact:|,MinCpus:|,tres-alloc:|" --user $USER

Resource limits

The resource limits are retrieved from SlurmLimits as limits = SlurmLimits.limits. Limits are returned in the following format:

  "small": {
    "name": "small",
    "time": "3-00:00:00",
    "mem": 373,
    "cpu": 40,
    "qos": {},
    "gres/nvme": 3600,
    "max_mem_per_cpu": 0,
    "gpu_types": null,
    "threads_per_core": 2
  "interactive": {
    "name": "interactive",
    "time": "7-00:00:00",
    "mem": 373,
    "cpu": 40,
    "qos": {
      "name": "interactive",
      "maxtres": {},
      "maxtrespa": {},
      "maxtrespu": {
        "cpu": 8,
        "gres/nvme": 720,
        "mem": 76.0
    "max_mem_per_cpu": 1.8310546875,
    "gpu_types": null,
    "threads_per_core": 2,
    "gres/nvme": 3600
  "gputest": {
    "name": "gputest",
    "time": "15:00",
    "mem": 478,
    "cpu": 128,
    "qos": {
    "max_mem_per_cpu": 0,
    "gpu_types": [
    "threads_per_core": 2,
    "gres/gpu:a100": 4,
    "gres/nvme": 3500

The limits function uses the sinfo ... and sacctmgr ... show qos ... commands mentioned earlier. Memory limits are converted to GiB from MB. CPU limit is calculated using sockets * cores * threads from sinfo For the qos limits the lower value for each field is always used, overrides the limit from sinfo if lower. Node types are combined, no difference is made between eg. M and IO node for small partition, the higher limit is used for each resource.

Submission limits

The submissions limits and submission amount are retrieved from SlurmLimits as

# Limits
assoc_limits = SlurmLimits.assoc_limits
# Current submissions
submits = SlurmLimits.submits

Example output, assoc_limits:

    "project_2001659_interactive": {
        "maxjobs": 1,
        "maxsubmit": 1
    "project_2001659_small": {
        "maxjobs": 200,
        "maxsubmit": 400
    "project_2001659_test": {
        "maxjobs": 1,
        "maxsubmit": 2

Example output, submits:

    "project_2001659_interactive": 1,
    "project_2001659_test": 1


csc_slurm_limits.rb is a smart attribute for OOD. It is used to generate a hidden input field with JSON data and is used for passing the data from the backend to the frontend. See Smart attributes README for usage instructions. The attributes nofetchlimits, nosubmitscount can be used for disabling fetching of limits from SlurmLimits. On the data attribute limits, assoc_limits and submits can be set to override the limits from SlurmLimits. If fixed partition is used for the form the partition attribute can be set on csc_slurm_limits data attribute.


The frontend parses parses limits, assoc_limits and submits data fields on the csc_slurm_limits form field as JSON and uses that data to update the minimum and maximum values on the form. The validation utilizes the HTML5 validation features to validate the form and show error messages. As the limits might be incorrect, form submission when the form is invalid is not prevented as it usually is in OOD, instead a confirm dialog is shown asking the user to confirm submitting a possibly invalid form.

Partition and project are read from the form fields for csc_slurm_project and csc_slurm_partition. If a partition override was provided by setting the partition attribute in the data attribute on csc_slurm_limits that value is used instead of csc_slurm_partition.


All number and text inputs in the form are validated. The type is detected automatically based on the field type. Validation of time in the format 1-00:00:00 can be done by setting type: time in the data attribute on the field. When the project or partition in the form are changed all form fields are updated with limits for that partition by setting max and min on the form elements. When any of the input elements in the form are changed all form elements will be validated. If an element has an invalid value, which is lower or higher than the limit or invalid format, an error will be shown by setting a custom error message. Which value is used from the Slurm limits object can be set by setting data-max and data-min on the form fields. That can be done by setting min and max in the data attribute on the form field.

Submission limits

The max submission limit is handled by checking the submission limits every time the project or partition changes. If above the max submission limit or the project has max submissions set to 0 an error message is shown on the project and partition fields.