- GetRatingId();
- return the id corresponding to this rating
- type String
- return the id corresponding to this rating
- GetRaing()
- return the rating (0 : Thumbs down, 1 : Thumbs up)
- GetRatingUser()
- return the string ID corresponding to user that left the rating
- type String
- return the string ID corresponding to user that left the rating
- UpdateRating(Int)
- update the rating from a thumbs down to thumbs up or vice versa and return true if the update was successful, false otherwise
- GetName():
- return the name of this user
- type String
- return the name of this user
- GetEmail():
- return the email of this user
- type String
- return the email of this user
- ChangeEmail(String):
- update the email of this user and return true if successful, false otherwise
- GetUserId():
- return the id of this user
- type String
- return the id of this user
- GetRatings():
- return the list of rating ids this user has made
- type List of Strings
- return the list of rating ids this user has made
- AddRating(String):
- add rating id to this users ratings and return true if successful, false otherwise
- return name of the store
- type String
- return name of the store
- return the location
- type String
- return the location
- Update the location and return true if the update was successful, false otherwise
- return the id of this store
- type String
- return the id of this store
- GetRatings():
- return a list of rating ids
- type List of Strings
- return a list of rating ids
- DeleteRating(String):
- Delete given rating, using its id, and return true if successful, false otherwise
- AddRating(String):
- add given rating, using its id, to ratings and return true if successful, false otherwise