- Status: Proposed
- Type: Generic
- Work Package: WP5, WP6
- Research Coordinators: Anne Helmond
- Coordinators for CLARIAH: Jasmijn van Gorp, Roeland Ordelman
- Participating Institutes: NISV, UvA, KB
- End-users: Journalists, Communication Scientists, Humanities Researchers
- Developers: NISV
- Interest Groups: Workflows, Audiovisual Processing, Text processing
- Task IDs:
This project investigates the feasibility and operationalisation of cross-media analysis with a case study on the European refugee crisis. As such, it builds on existing exploratory research developed within the context of CLARIAH-CORE by Rieder, Poell, de Keulenaar, van Gorp, and Wigham on the European refugee crisis, with the following aims:
To document the methodological steps and tools needed for conducting cross-media analysis with the Media Suite.
To get an overview of data import and data export issues of the Media Suite required for conducting cross-media analysis.
- To assess the feasibility of exporting television data (ASR files) from the Media Suite and combining it with externally sourced social media data, in particular Twitter data from TCAT and TwiXL.
- To assess the feasibility of importing social media (Twitter) data into the Media Suite.
To develop a generic research protocol for conducting cross-media analysis by combining television data (ASR files) and social media data (Twitter data).
To assess the feasibility of creating and publishing a publicly available Jupyter Notebook with the computational steps for conducting cross-media analysis.
To develop a pilot case for the planned integration of the TwiXL infrastructure into the CLARIAH Media Suite.
The project addresses the following research question: How has the European refugee crisis been represented in the Dutch television news program Nieuwsuur and on the related Twitter hashtag #nieuwsuur?
The project will provide a relevant use case for scholars in the domain of media studies, communication sciences, history, and journalism.
- The inability to export data from the Media Suite.
- Social media data is not available yet within the Media Suite.
Facilitate access to ASR files outside of the Media Suite on one’s own computer in order to be able to analyse the data and combine it with other data, e.g. via Jupyter Notebooks.
- ASR files (previously collected and made available by Wigham for this pilot)
- TCAT data
- TwiXL data
- Media Suite
- Lineminer
- RAWGraphs
- CLARIAH Media Suite
- TwiXL infrastructure
- Text mining tools (see above)
(How do we evaluate the solution to the problem?)
References to related resources and publications and especially links to related use-cases:
- A. Nerghes and J. Lee, “Narratives of the refugee crisis: a comparative study of mainstream-media and Twitter,” Media and communication, vol. 7, iss. 2 Refugee Crises Disclosed, p. 275–288, 2019.
- https://wiki.digitalmethods.net/Dmi/WinterSchool2019Refugees
- https://www.academia.edu/44394698/Social_Media_and_the_Refugee_Crisis_Tracing_Divergences_between_Broadcasting_Media_and_Social_Media_Users_s_Discourses_on_the_Refugee_Crisis
- https://pdi-ssh.nl/nl/2020/05/gehonoreerde-projecten-2020-call/